2022-2023高二下学期英语阅读提升精选试题 热点06 人类探索太空的足迹(含解析)

热点六 必背核心词汇整理
必背核心词汇 A篇 impact n.撞击,冲击力;巨大影响,强大作用 v.冲击,撞击;对…产生影响 enable v.使能够,使可能;激活,启动 forecast v./n.预测,预报 expand v.扩大,增加;扩展,发展;(宇宙)膨胀 efficiently adv.高效地 universe n.宇宙,天地万物 regardless of 不顾,不管 artificial adj.人造的,人工的;矫揉造作的
B篇 mission n.使命,重要任务;飞行任务,军事行动 land n.陆地,地面 v.着陆,降落;登陆,上岸 attain v.获得,实现;到达 manageable adj.易管理的;易控制的 complex adj.复杂的,难懂的 database n.数据库 perseverance n.毅力,不屈不挠的精神 confirm v.确定,确认;证实,证明;批准 delicate adj.脆弱的,易碎的;灵巧的,熟练的 reliable adj.可靠的,可信赖的,值得信赖的
C篇 volcano n.火山 erupt v.喷发;爆发,突然发生 spacesuit n.航天服;太空服 physics n.物理学 astronomy n.天文学 astronaut n.宇航员
D篇 spaceflight n.航天;宇宙飞行 spare no effort to do sth不遗余力地去做某事
E篇 exploratory adj.勘探的;探究的;考察的 launch v.发动,发起;上市,发行;发射;启动 telescope n.望远镜;射电望远镜 instrument n.器械;乐器;仪器热点六 人类探索太空的足迹
1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C
1.细节理解题。根据第二段“The space exploration has a direct impact on the lives of humans, as well as the state of our world. Satellites moving around the earth enable communication across the world, connecting people of different continents and broadcasting information worldwide. The Global Positioning System(GPS) can identify our location anywhere. Furthermore, weather satellites can forecast harmful weather conditions, which allows humans to prepare for deadly natural disasters and save lives.”(太空探索直接影响着人类的生活,也影响着我们这个世界的现状。环绕地球运行的卫星使全世界的通信成为可能,将不同大陆的人们联系起来,向全世界广播信息。全球定位系统(GPS)可以在任何地方确定我们的位置。此外,气象卫星可以预测有害的天气状况,这使人类能够为致命的自然灾害做好准备,挽救生命。)可知,根据第二段,太空探索可以帮助人类交流和传播信息。故选B项。
2.细节理解题。根据第三段“Space programs can also indirectly lead to the solution to poverty and world hunger. For example, large plots of land could be used far better if humans applied technologies. The most effective tool is the artificial earth satellite. It can screen areas of land within a very short time, indicating useful measures, such as the condition of crops, soil, rainfall, and droughts. It can then transmit this information to ground stations on the earth for better use.”(太空计划还可以间接地解决贫困和世界饥饿问题。例如,如果人类应用技术,大片土地可以得到更好的利用。最有效的工具是人造地球卫星。它可以在很短的时间内筛选土地面积,显示有用的措施,如作物状况、土壤、降雨和干旱。然后,它可以将这些信息传输到地球上的地面站,以便更好地使用。)可知,太空计划利用人造地球卫星造福农作物生产来帮助解决贫困和世界饥饿问题。故选A项。
3.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“With the advancement of space technology, it will be wise to use and explore the vast potential of other planets, such as the availability of mining resources on asteroids or other planets.”(随着太空技术的进步,利用和探索其他行星的巨大潜力将是明智的,例如小行星或其他行星上的采矿资源的可用性。)可推知,作者对在其他星球上开采资源这一行为认为是有意义的。故选D项。
4.推理判断题。根据最后一段“For the exploration of the universe, perhaps the most advantageous of all is that it will unite us to work together for a common purpose, regardless of our differences.”(对于宇宙的探索来说,也许最有利的是它将把我们团结起来,为了一个共同的目标而努力,不管我们有什么分歧。)可推知,最后一段的目的是鼓励人们合作探索太空。故选B项。
5.推理判断题。根据文章大意以及第一段“Should humans explore space If you ask me, I’ll definitely give a positive answer.”(人类应该探索太空吗?如果你问我,我一定会给你肯定的答复。)可知,文章主要讲的是人类是否应该探索太空为此话题而展开的讨论。故可推知,这篇文章应该属于议论文。故选C项。
6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C
6.细节理解题。根据第二段“The Red Planet’s gravitational(引力的) pull causes approaching spacecraft to go faster to high speeds, while its thin atmosphere—just one percent that of Earth’s—does little to help slow it down as it approaches the surface.(这颗红色星球的引力使接近的航天器更快地达到高速,而它稀薄的大气层(只有地球的百分之一)在接近表面时几乎没有帮助它减速。)”可知,火星引力会使得接近火星的航天器更快速行进,并且火星稀薄的大气层对减缓航天器的速度几乎没有帮助,故减速是“毅力号”探测器登陆火星的特别挑战。故选A。
7.主旨大意题。根据第三段“The scientists had to reduce Percy’s 12,000 mph speed to a safe landing speed of less than five mph—in just six and a half minutes. The target entry angle also had to be a precise 12 degrees(科学家们必须在六分半钟内将Percy的1.2万英里/每小时的速度降低到不到每小时5英里的安全着陆速度。目标进入角度也必须精确到12度)”以及“It is no wonder that the final approach is often referred to as the “seven minutes of terror”.(难怪最后一段时间通常被称为“恐怖的七分钟”)”可知,该段主要介绍了“恐怖七分钟”的生存因素:降低速度和精确的切入角度。故选C。
8.词句猜测题。根据划线词前句内容“Its complex map-reading system rapidly scanned the area (其复杂的地图读取系统快速扫描该区域)”可知,将Percy数据库中的地图与扫描的区域进行匹配,由此找到最佳的着陆位置。故推断it指代该句中的“the area”。故选B。
9.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“While we’ll learn a lot with the great instruments we have aboard the rover, it may very well require the far more well-equipped laboratories and delicate instruments back here on Earth to tell us whether our samples(样本)carry evidence that Mars once harbored life.(虽然我们将通过探测器上的强大仪器了解到很多东西,但很可能需要地球上设备更完善的实验室和精密的仪器来告诉我们,我们的样本是否携带了火星曾经存在生命的证据。)”可知,确认火星曾经存在过微生物需要大量的证据,而携带这些证据的样本又需要装备更加齐全的实验室以及精密的仪器才能进行分析。据此可推知,人类要证明火星上曾有生命还有很长的路要走。故选C。
10.D 11.B 12.C 13.B
10.推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容“Three men and three women will spend eight months living in a special habitat on the side of a volcano in Hawaii. They are part of an experiment being done by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) that is designed to mimic life on Mars.(三男三女将在夏威夷一座火山边上的一个特殊栖息地生活8个月。他们是美国国家航空航天局正在进行的模拟火星生命实验的一部分)”可知,这项实验中邀请了6位志愿者参与模拟在火星的生活,由此可推知,该实验的目的应是让志愿者为火星生活做准备。故选D项。
11.细节理解题。根据文章第三段和第四段内容“Certain personality types may not get along, and living together for a long time could cause them to argue. By studying people living in similar conditions here on Earth, NASA hopes to learn how to choose the best people for a space mission, and how to help them get along.(某些性格类型的人可能无法相处,长时间住在一起可能会导致他们争吵。通过研究地球上生活在类似条件下的人们,NASA希望了解如何为太空任务选择最优秀的人,以及如何帮助他们相处)”可知,在这个实验里,志愿者们需要学习与他人彼此相处。故选B项。
12.细节理解题。根据文章第八段和第九段内容“Lenio studied engineering and is interested in space exploration and environmental problems.(莱尼奥学的是工程学,对太空探索和环境问题很感兴趣)”以及“The other crewmembers have backgrounds in physics and astronomy.(其他队员都有物理学和天文学背景)”可知,6个志愿者都具有专业背景。故选C项。
13.推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容“Three men and three women will spend eight months living in a special habitat on the side of a volcano in Hawaii. They are part of an experiment being done by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) that is designed to mimic life on Mars.(三男三女将在夏威夷一座火山边上的一个特殊栖息地生活8个月。他们是美国国家航空航天局正在进行的模拟火星生命实验的一部分)”可知,文章主要讲述了一个NASA在进行的关于模拟火星生活的实验,由此可推知,文章应该来自于科学杂志。故选B项。
14.to 15.who 16.As 17.with 18.following 19.training 20.an 21.how 22.Pursuing 23.was praised
19.考查非谓语动词。句意:在接下来的几年里,邓把几乎所有的时间都用于训练,并不遗余力地争取进入太空的机会。因为devote to中to是介词,所以后接动名词形式,为固定用法。故填training。
21.考查让步状语从句。句意:无论飞天之路有多艰难,邓清明从未想过放弃。分析句子结构可知,此处应用no matter how引导让步状语从句,表“无论怎么样”为no matter how。故填how。
23.考查被动语态。句意:邓清明的故事感动了很多人,他被誉为“隐形英雄”。分析句子结构可知,此处需要填入谓语动词,动词与主语之间为被动关系,表示“被誉为”,发生在过去,因此使用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was praised。
24.landing 25.was launched 26.which 27.Its 28.elements 29.important 30.has 31.but 32.used 33.to
25.考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:羲和号得名于中国古代神话中的太阳女神,10月14日,508公斤重的中国H-Alpha太阳探测器卫星在山西省太原卫星发射中心发射升空。分析句子结构,空处作谓语,结合时间状语on Oct 14,可知动词用一般过去时态,此处动词与前面单数名词主语构成被动关系,谓语动词用被动语态的单数形式。故填was launched。
26.考查非限制性定语从句。句意:该卫星的项目经理王伟告诉《中国日报》,该航天器是中国第一台天基太阳望远镜,其设计寿命至少为三年。分析句子结构,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词The spacecraft在从句作主语,只能用关系代词which引导。故填which。
28.考查名词。句意:该仪器能够观察和记录太阳物理元素的变化,如温度和速度。分析句子结构,此处用名词形式作宾语,结合后文like its temperature and speed,可知此处应该用名词复数形式。故填elements。
29.考查形容词。句意:中国国家航天局高级官员赵健告诉《中国日报》,研究太阳对人类来说很重要,因为太阳活动对地球上的生命有很多影响。分析句子结构,此句为固定句式:it +be+adj+for +sb+to do,其中It作形式主语,不定式短语作真正主语,此处应该用形容词形式作表语。故填important。
32.考查非谓语动词。句意:“就发表的太阳观测研究论文而言,我国排名世界第二,但我国科学家使用的所有卫星数据都来自外国航天器,”赵晓明告诉《中国日报》。分析句子结构,此处修饰前面名词the satellite-produced data,构成被动关系,作后置定语,用过去分词形式。故填used。
33.考查动词固定搭配。句意:“羲和号将结束对外国卫星的依赖,我们将与世界各地的研究人员分享其产品。”根据句意可知,此处表达“结束”,用动词短语put an end to sth,to为介词。故填to。热点六 人类探索太空的足迹
题型 语篇类型 主题语境
阅读理解A 议论文 人与社会-人类是否应该探索太空
阅读理解B 说明文 人与社会-“毅力号”火星探测器的任务
阅读理解C 说明文 人与社会-NASA模拟火星生活实验
语法填空D 说明文 人与社会-航天员邓清明的励志故事
语法填空E 新闻报道 人与社会-中国太阳探测器发射升空
Should humans explore space If you ask me, I’ll definitely give a positive answer.
The space exploration has a direct impact on the lives of humans, as well as the state of our world. Satellites moving around the earth enable communication across the world, connecting people of different continents and broadcasting information worldwide. The Global Positioning System(GPS) can identify our location anywhere. Furthermore, weather satellites can forecast harmful weather conditions, which allows humans to prepare for deadly natural disasters and save lives.
Space programs can also indirectly lead to the solution to poverty and world hunger. For example, large plots of land could be used far better if humans applied technologies. The most effective tool is the artificial earth satellite. It can screen areas of land within a very short time, indicating useful measures, such as the condition of crops, soil, rainfall, and droughts. It can then transmit this information to ground stations on the earth for better use.
In recent years, space-based technologies have become an important factor to reach and expand global health objectives. Information provided by remote technologies can be applied to study the epidemiology(流行病学).This data provided by space technologies can monitor disease patterns, understand the environmental causes that spread it, make predictions about where it can spread in the future, and make plans to fight it efficiently.
Furthermore, space exploration is something we can do for future generations. Mankind is using the resources provided on the planet, but these will run out one day. Overpopulation can be an existential threat for all mankind. With the advancement of space technology, it will be wise to use and explore the vast potential of other planets, such as the availability of mining resources on asteroids or other planets.
For the exploration of the universe, perhaps the most advantageous of all is that it will unite us to work together for a common purpose, regardless of our differences.
1.What can space exploration do according to Paragraph 2
A.Improve the traffic on the earth.
B.Help humans communicate and spread information.
C.Help prevent deadly natural disasters.
D.Promote travel between countries.
2.How can space programs help solve poverty and world hunger
A.By benefiting crop production with artificial earth satellites.
B.By transporting food worldwide more easily.
C.By creating job opportunities for the poor.
D.By protecting available land resources.
3.What does the writer think of mining resources on other planets
A.Time-wasting. B.Arguable. C.Unnecessary. D.Rewarding.
4.What is the purpose of the last paragraph
A.To ask people to explore space independently.
B.To encourage people to explore space cooperatively.
C.To tell the readers the importance of exploring space.
D.To show the readers the advantages of exploring space.
5.What is the text
A.An advertisement. B.A short story.
C.An argumentative essay. D.A news report.
A 293-million-mile journey of the NASA Perseverance rover (探测器)to Mars ended successfully on February 18th, 2021, with a picture-perfect landing inside the Jezero Crater. The car-sized, six-wheeled rover, nicknamed Percy, is the US space agency’s biggest and most advanced explorer to date. Its primary mission is to search for signs of ancient microbial(微生物的)life on Mars.
Landing on Mars is extremely tricky. The Red Planet’s gravitational(引力的) pull causes approaching spacecraft to go faster to high speeds, while its thin atmosphere—just one percent that of Earth’s—does little to help slow it down as it approaches the surface.
The scientists had to reduce Percy’s 12,000 mph speed to a safe landing speed of less than five mph—in just six and a half minutes. The target entry angle also had to be a precise 12 degrees—any steeper, and the spacecraft would burn up; any flatter, and it would get lost in space. It is no wonder that the final approach is often referred to as the “seven minutes of terror”.
Upon attaining a manageable speed, Percy briefly flew over the Martian surface to seek out the perfect landing spot. Its complex map-reading system rapidly scanned the area and matched it with maps in its database to find the best location.
The NASA scientists will spend the next two months testing Percy’s scientific instruments. Once ready, the rover will begin to carry out its mission.
“Perseverance is the smartest robot ever made, but confirming that microbial life once existed carries an unusually large burden of proof,” said Lori Glaze, director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division.“ While we’ll learn a lot with the great instruments we have aboard the rover, it may very well require the far more well-equipped laboratories and delicate instruments back here on Earth to tell us whether our samples(样本)carry evidence that Mars once harbored life.”
6.What is the extraordinary challenge for the rover to land on Mars
A.The speed reduction.
B.The atmosphere analysis.
C.The location search.
D.The time management.
7.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.Ways to find the precise entry angle.
B.Consequences of wrong entry degree.
C.Factors to survive “the seven minutes”.
D.Reasons for the necessity of speed reducing.
8.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 refer to
A.The space. B.The area.
C.The system. D.The surface.
9.What can be inferred from Lori Glaze’s words
A.Instruments aboard the rover are not quite reliable.
B.Perseverance is able to collect enough evidence needed.
C.Man still has a long way to go to prove there was life on Mars.
D.Samples of Mars will be returned soon to the labs on the Earth.
Six people are about to find out what it would be like to live on Mars—without ever leaving the Earth.
Three men and three women will spend eight months living in a special habitat on the side of a volcano in Hawaii. They are part of an experiment being done by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) that is designed to mimic (模仿) life on Mars.
Some people may become unhappy or bored living under those conditions. Certain personality types may not get along, and living together for a long time could cause them to argue.
By studying people living in similar conditions here on Earth, NASA hopes to learn how to choose the best people for a space mission, and how to help them get along.
The crew (全体工作人员) will live in a two-story dome-shaped (圆顶形) building. The dome is located in an area about 2,400 metres up the side of Mauna Loa, the second biggest volcano in the world. Mauna Loa is an active volcano, but it has not erupted since 1984. It is monitored all the time for signs of volcanic activity. NASA chose the location because the environment there looks very similar to Mars.
During the experiment, the crew will only be able to communicate by email. To make it more like being on Mars, there will be a 20-minute waiting time between the time a message is sent and when it is received. That means it will take 40 minutes to get a reply to an email.
The crew will be performing scientific work while they are there, including some trips outside the dome. When they go outside, they will have to wear spacesuits, just as if they were on Mars.
The commander of the crew is Martha Lenio, a 34-year-old Canadian. Lenio studied engineering and is interested in space exploration and environmental problems. During the mission, she will run experiments on growing food and making compost (堆肥) inside the dome.
The other crewmembers have backgrounds in physics and astronomy. They were chosen from about 150 people who applied to take part in the experiment. None of them are astronauts.
10.What is the main purpose of the experiment
A.To study people’s behavior.
B.To complete a challenging task.
C.To get familiar with our natural world.
D.To prepare volunteers for life on Mars.
11.When living in a group, volunteers should _________.
A.try to show their own personality
B.learn to get along with each other
C.have no chance to go outside
D.communicate by phone
12.What can we learn from the text
A.Martha Lenio used to be an astronaut.
B.The experiment will take about two years.
C.All six members have professional backgrounds.
D.All members will run experiments on growing food.
13.From which is the text probably taken
A.A travel magazine.
B.A science magazine
C.A biology textbook.
D.A geography textbook.
The crew members of the Shenzhou XV mission, China’s 10th manned spaceflight, set out on their journey ____14____ the country’s Tiangong space station on Nov.29th.
Deng Qingming, ____15____ was born in a farming family in East China’s Jiangxi province, has four younger brothers and sisters. ____16____ a hardworking student, Deng joined the PLA Air Force in June 1984 and started training as a pilot at a flight college in Hebei province. He became the first member of the PLA Astronaut Division in January 1998 ____17____ 13 other pilots. Deng is also the last one of the country’s first group of 14 astronauts to be sent into space.
In the ____18____ (follow) years, Deng devoted almost all of his time to ____19____ (train) and has spared no effort to get ____20____ opportunity to fly into space. He was a backup crew member for the Shenzhou IX, X and XI, XIII missions. No matter ____21____ difficult the road to space flight is, Deng never once thought of giving up. ____22____ (pursue) his space dream continuously, Deng Qingming finally realized his dream. The story of Deng Qingming moved many people, and he ____23____ (praise) as a “hidden hero”.
After ____24____ (land) probes on the lunar and Martian surfaces, China has begun to set its exploratory sights on the core of our solar system - the sun.
Named Xihe (羲和号)after the sun goddess in ancient Chinese mythology (神话), the 508-kilogram Chinese H-Alpha Solar Explorer satellite ____25____ (launch) on Oct 14 from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in Shanxi province.
The spacecraft, ____26____ is China’s first space-based solar telescope, is designed to work for at least three years, Wang Wei, project manager of the satellite, told China Daily. ____27____ (it) scientific payload (载荷) is an H-alpha imaging spectrograph (成像光谱仪). The instrument is able to observe and record changes in the sun’s physical ____28____ (element) like its temperature and speed.
It is ____29____ (importance) for mankind to study the sun because solar activity ____30____ (have) many effects on life on Earth, Zhao Jian, a senior official at the China National Space Administration, told China Daily.
“Our country is ranked No. 2 in the world in terms of published research papers on solar observations, ____31____ all of the satellite-produced data ____32____ (use) by our scientists are from foreign spacecraft,” Zhao told China Daily. “Xihe will put an end _____33_____ the dependence on foreign satellites, and we will share its products with researchers around the world.”



