
1、What does the woman want to change about the shoes
A.The color. B. The size. C. The style.
2、Which city is the woman's hometown
A.Los Angeles. B. New York. C. Washington.
3、Why is the man late
A.He got stuck in traffic.
B. He had a car accident.
C. He slept through his alarm.
4、What is the main reason for Emily to read
A. To become a nurse in the future.
B. To know the latest news.
C. To prepare for an exam.
5、What is the main topic of the conversation
A. Preparations for a festival.
B. A house cleaning plan.
C. A recent family visit.
6、What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Quality of online products.
B. Personal shopping preferences.
C. Directions to a local mall.
7、What does the man like to buy from physical shops
A. Food. B. Kitchen supplies. C. Clothes.
8、What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Restaurant owner and customer.
B. Husband and wife.
C. Co-workers.
9、What will the man eat today
A. Beef noodles.
B. Chicken and rice.
C. Egg sandwiches.
10、What does the man suggest growing
A. Tomatoes. B. Corn. C. Onions.
11、Why does the woman want to plant vegetables
A. To have fresh food.
B. To exercise to keep fit.
C. To save money.
12、What does the woman think of the gardening work
A. Relaxing. B. Challenging. C. Worthless.
13、Who is the woman
A. A club leader.
B. A volunteer.
C. An athlete.
14、What does the man think of his work now
A. It is meaningless.
B. It makes him feel old.
C. It still brings satisfaction for him.
15、What is the woman’s favorite activity
A. Visiting the cinema.
B. Building houses.
C. Planting trees.
16、What will the speakers do next
A. Play table tennis.
B. Meet some friends.
C. Discuss new ideas.
17、Where is the speaker
A. In a museum. B. In a forest. C. In a park.
18、What animals will the listeners see the most
A. Birds. B. Bears. C. Fish.
19、What color bird is the speaker’s favorite
A. Red. B. Blue. C. Black.
20、Why is the north path closed
A. It is too wet. B. It is too high. C. It is too old.
One easy way you can get to know students is to organize some get-to-know-you games. Here are a few youth activities ideas.
M&M Roulette (Prep time: 15 Minutes)
Write descriptions next to every color M&M (Yellow : Your favorite kind of food ; Red : Something you’re good at; Blue: Your favorite vacation)
Have students sit in a circle.
Open a pack of M&Ms.
Pass around the pack.
Ask students to pick out an M&M.
Whatever color they get, they have to answer the description.
Go until the pack is empty.
Dice(方块) and Dare (Prep time: 15 Minutes)
Write 12 get-to-know-you questions on a board.
Have students sit in a circle.
Have each student roll the dice once and answer the number question shown on the dice.
This or That (Prep time: 15 Minutes)
Write a list of 10 this-or-that questions (for example: “Would you rather be a bee or a horse ” “Would you rather have five brothers or five sisters ” You can draw from this list of 200 examples.)
Have students sit in a circle.
Ask the first student a “This or That” question.
Take turns going around the circle.
The Worm Olympics (Prep time : 5 minutes)
Prepare two sleeping bags.
Pair up students in pairs of two.
Each person in a pair gets in a sleeping bag on the ground (one pair at a time).
Have each member of the team race each other from a starting line to the finishing line.
21、Where is this text probably taken from on the Internet
A. Education. B. Volunteering. C. Travel. D. Articles.
22、What do M&M Roulette and This or That have in common
A. Students have to choose their favourite color.
B. Students should prepare two sleeping bags.
C. AH the students should sit around in a circle.
D. All the members of the team race each other.
23、Which needs to pair up students in pairs of two
A. M&M Roulette B. Dice and Dare
C. This or That D. The Worm Olympics
A Missouri woman is following in her father’s footsteps — training to be a heart surgeon — and recently, she and her father got the chance to perform surgery together.
Dr. Sophia Roberts, 30, is a general surgery resident physician at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. Her dad, Dr. Harold Roberts Jr., 66, has been practicing medicine for the last 32 years. In May, Roberts and his daughter teamed up for an aortic valve (主动脉瓣)replacement.
“I told Sophia that I had this case coming and she went out and read about it. And she’d never seen it, much less assisted on it,’’ Harold Roberts recalled.
Even though the case was new to her, Sophia Roberts jumped at the chance. She had wanted to spend a month learning and operating with her surgeon father back in 2020, but their plans fell through for all kinds of reasons. So this was the shot she’d been waiting for.
When the day came, Harold Roberts was pleased to have his eldest child by his side and said it was a really nice thing" to work together with her. The elder Roberts said his daughter helped open the patient’s chest and “she did a great job. ’’“It was really very smooth. I wouldn’t have done the case any better if I had another heart surgeon assisting me,” he said.
Sophia Roberts,who served as her dad’s first assistant,said it was a memorable experience but also said once the surgery got underway, she was in the zone.
‘‘It’s very special that I was operating with him,but quite frankly, I could have been operating with anyone — like all of a sudden, you’re just focused on that patient and making the operation go smoothly,” she said.
Harold and Sophia Roberts reported their patient has done great since the surgery and was even excited the father-daughter team would be taking care of her.
24、What can we know from paragraph 2
A.Sophia is a freshman at a medical school.
B.Harold Roberts is an experienced physician.
C.Sophia is the physician for her father,s operation.
D.Harold Roberts is teaching Sophia to be a doctor.
25、What is Sophia’s attitude towards the coming team work with her father
A. Full of expectation. B. Slightly concerned.
C. A bit disappointed. D. Much too anxious.
26、What did Sophia concentrate on during the operation
A.Why his father performed differently from other physicians.
B.How she could put her theory into practice in the operation.
C.How they could perform the operation most successfully.
D.What caused the patient to suffer from such a heart illness.
27、Which can best describe Harold Roberts about Sophia’s performance
A. Proud. B. Annoyed. C. Ashamed. D. Envious.
The city of Marquette in Michigan is closing a section of a road to vehicular traffic every night to protect migrating salamanders(蝾螈). From 8 p. m. to 8 a. m. daily until April 15 or until the migration is completed, a section of Peter White Drive in Presque Isle Park will be closed,the city announced.
“ Protecting the blue-spotted salamanders,migration is vital, as they are an indicator species, informing us about the health of our environment, said Kathleen Henry, Superior Watershed Partnership (SWP) special projects coordinator (协调员) and education specialist. The salamanders spend the cold winter under- ground. Then every spring, they make their way to the water where they lay eggs.
It was in 2018 that Eli Bieri, a former Northern Michigan University student, noticed vehicles were killing hundreds of these migrating salamanders. “We would see thousands and thousands of salamanders crossing the street in just one night,” Bieri told the Detroit Free Press. “It was really amazing — until we see cars pass by and squish salamanders. That really troubled me — it kept me awake at night. ’’ He enlisted the help of the SWP, who reached out to Marquette city officials. Last spring they got the relevant stretch of road within the park temporary closed to evening and overnight vehicular traffic.
In 2019,before the closure, they found 429 salamander carcasses(尸体) in the road. Last year, they counted only 3 carcasses. With that success demonstrated, city officials are doing the same this year. “The goal is to apply our science to wildlife management,” Bieri said. “To be able to see in-person the science applied to successful management practices was very satisfying.”
28、What's the significance of protecting the salamanders
A. Salamanders can offer great financial benefits to the governments.
B. Protecting salamanders can greatly reduce traffic accidents at night.
C. Salamanders are a great sign for our environment,s conditions.
D. Salamanders are main food for other living creatures near the sea.
29、What does the underlined word "squish" paragraph 3 mean
A. Avoid. B. Kill. C. Feed. D. Ignore.
30、Which word can be used to describe the effect of protecting measure
A. Successful. B. Concerning. C. Insufficient. D. Ridiculous.
31、What is a suitable title for the text
A. What Salamanders Mean to Us B. A Proper Way to Protect Our Earth
C. Ways to Protect Salamanders D. A 12-Hour Closure for Wildlife
A scientist in England believes that mushrooms communicate with each other using up to 50 “words”. Previous research has suggested that fungi(真菌)conduct electrical impulses(脉冲)through long,underground structures called hyphae. “It has even shown that the firing rate of these impulses increases when the hyphae of wood-digesting fungi come into contact with wooden blocks, raising the possibility that fungi use this electrical ‘ language ’ to share information about food or injury with distant parts of themselves, or with hyphae- connected partners such as trees the Guardian reports.
To investigate this further, Andrew Adamatzky, a professor at the University of the West of England, decided to analyze the patterns of electrical spikes (猛增) generated by four species of fungi — enoki,split gill, ghost and caterpillar fungi. The results, published in the peer-reviewed journal Royal Society Open Science, were surprising, to say the least. He found that the electrical spikes often gathered into trains of activity, similar to vocabularies of up to 50 words. And the distribution of these “fungal word lengths” closely matched those of human languages. Assuming that spikes of electrical activity are used by fungi to communicate, we demonstrate that distributions of fungal word lengths match that of human languages,” he said. “We found that the size of fungal vocabulary can be up to 50 words, however, the core vocabulary of most frequently used words does not exceed 15 to 20 words."
However, Adamatzky also acknowledges that the species could be saying nothing at all. “There is also another option — they are saying nothing,” he said. “Propagating mycelium(繁殖菌丝体)tips are electrically charged, and, therefore, when the charged tips pass in a pair of differential electrodes, a spike in the potential difference is recorded. ’’But whatever these “spiking events” represent,they do not appear to be random,he added. “That said,we should not expect quick results: we are yet to interpret language of cats and dogs despite living with them for centuries, and research into electrical communication of fungi is in its pure fresh stage,’’ Adamatzky said.
32、What’s the discovery indicating mushrooms communicate with each other
A. Fungi sends electrical impulses. B. Hyphae exists in the mushrooms.
C. Mushrooms tell food from injury. D. Wooden blocks affect mushrooms.
33、What can be inferred about Andrew Adamatzky’s experiment from paragraph 2
A. It quite differs from the previous discovery.
B. Electrical spikes can hardly come together.
C. It further confirms the previous discovery.
D. Only four species of fungi send out signals.
34、What did the scientist find about fungi’s communication
A. The most frequently-used “words” are more than 50.
B. Most of fungi’s ‘‘words” are less frequently used.
C. Distributions of fungal words differ in different species.
D. The core vocabulary in it is almost meaningless.
35、Which is Adamatzky’s idea about mushrooms’ communication in the last paragraph
A. The discovery can benefit us. B. The discovery is of little use.
C. We can’t rely on our experiment. D. We need much more support for it.
36、There’s that old saying:How you do one thing is how you do everything. ①________, it shows in everything that you do, even when playing music.
I recently went to a concert with some other musicians in town (many of whom I was meeting for the first time). ②________, I spent more time in my head thinking about my drumming instead of actually paying attention to what was going on. This time though, I found that I was more attentive and was able to support the other musicians more through my playing.
③________. And I could feel the audience was enjoying the music more too, because the music was no longer about me, it was about all of us connecting through the universal language of music.
Afterwards, the musicians I played with told me they felt like our hearts were connected while playing, and that we were able to achieve a new level of playing together thanks to our collected approach. When playing, we didn’t consider how to show ourselves off. ④________
I believe that the best musicians in the world have this in common; which is to see past their own values, and to listen to/connect with their audience and fellow musicians. I’ve realized all of this thanks to my practice of being a more compassionate and caring person.
So, I would like to thank everyone on this website for opening your hearts and showing me how to be a more caring person. ⑤________, but also through my music, and to those who listen.
A. When I used to connect with other musicians
B. Therefore, as you become more kind and sympathetic
C. Because of this, our music was better than ever before
D. There was just us sharing ourselves with our open hearts
E. I often find music moves me to be open and connect with others
F. There are languages that are universal,music and kindness are two of those languages
G. As I grow into a more kind and caring person, I can bring joy to not only those in my daily life
Earlier this year the phone companies stopped supporting the software for my old 3G flip phone. So like the rest of the modem world I was 1 to buy a new smart phone. I didn’t use it much at first, only to get a 2 from my daughter or to play a game or two. Soon, however, I found it far 3 to surf the web on the smart phone than my computer. Even with my limited time I 4 found myself spending more and more of it on this phone. It happened almost without me 5 it.
Yesterday I was on it 6 the sea of stories, posts, news, and videos. Then suddenly a long, white, 7 nose pushed its way between me and my 8 I started to push it away but that only got me a lick(舔) from my chin to my glasses. 9 ,I put the phone down, took my glasses off and 10 my dog. Soon we were hugging, running around, and playing down the hallways of my home. And I 11 something too. There was a feeling in my heart: a 12 mixture of love, laughter, and joy. It was a feeling that I hadn’t gotten 13 during all that time I had spent on my phone.
Technology is here to stay. But we shouldn’t let it 14 us. We should use it only when it 15 us to do the important things like loving each other, making this world a better place
37、A. annoyed B. upset C. forced D. surprised
38、A. call B. punishment C. score D. praise
39、A. tougher B. easier C. dearer D. clearer
40、A. hardly B. occasionally C. lately D. quickly
41、A. admitting B. removing C. realizing D. valuing
42、A. going through B. giving away C. sorting out D. making up
43、A. bloody B. smart C. running D. furry
44、A. computer B. phone C. seat D. room
45、A. Shouting B. Sweeping C. Waving D. Laughing
46、A. petted B. drove C. walked D. cleaned
47、A. forgot B. regretted C. noticed D. appreciated
48、A. meaningless B. wonderful C. complete D. brief
49、A. steadily B. nervously C. finally D. once
50、A. control B. benefit C. reach D. leave
51、A. forbids B. hates C. helps D. trains
52、The Summer Palace is China’s largest garden ever built. Covering①_______ area of 2,9 square kilometer, three quarters of which are covered of water, the palace ②_______ (make) up of over 3000 ancient structures. All the Summer Palace spreads across the low hills and lakes among which the Kunming Lake is among the most important ③_______ (part). Travelers visiting the site today have the opportunity ④_______ (wander) in the wonderful buildings and courtyards beside the lake ⑤_______ along the waterways.
When visiting the Summer Palace, visitors should plan between one hour and a half to half a day. Indeed, there are so many things to see in the palace ⑥_______ you will feel time spending quickly, realizing how life was spent ⑦_______ (smooth) for emperors during their summer retreat (静修). The Summer Palace is the place where travelers experience different activities.
Riding a little boat for seeing the lake areas,watching a ⑧_______ (tradition) Chinese dance performance at the Palace’s Theatre or doing some ⑨_______ (shop) in the many traditional shops by the river…The Summer Palace is among the ⑩_______ (lovely) scenic spots in Beijing city.
53、假如你是李华,你学校的交换生Peter周末要去你的老师家做客,他给你发电子邮件询问做客应该 注意的问题,请你回复,内容包括:
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
Laila lived with her mom and her grandparents in a small house. She is a humble girl who loves to smile and always helps people. Her dad died years ago in a car accident. It was a really hard time for her and the family. But life must go on. She always remembers what her dad told her, she must be a good girl, smart and humble. She missed her daddy every single day. Every morning, her mother made all kinds of traditional snacks and sold them in front of their house and cleaned up their neighbours’ houses to fulfill their needs. Laila wanted to be a ballerina(芭蕾舞演员).She loves dancing. But her mother told her that it’s impossible, because they have no money. Laila said, “I will become a ballerina, someday. ’’
One morning, Laila was playing in the garden next to her house, alone. She danced beautifully and tried to catch a butterfly until she saw an old man who walked too fast and suddenly fell into a drain (下水道).Laila ran to help him but it was too deep and she could not raise the old man. Laila ran to her house, told her mother about the old man and they ran again so fast, to help him. Her mother tried to ask him his name. Meanwhile, Laila called the others. His name is Grandpa Rudi. He was in recovery time from his heart attack, weeks ago. Laila cried. She just felt so sad about Grandpa injured. His face was bleeding. Laila gave her mom a bottle of water to wash the sand and blood from his face. He said “thank you” to Laila and her mom.
Laila became famous in her school and in her neighborhood. Local newspaper made news about her kind- ness. The title is “Laila,A Lovely Girl with An Awesome Heart”. All people talked about her. The government heard this great news. They came to her school to give her an invitation to the meeting.
Paragraph 1 :
The next morning, Laila, her mother and her teachers came to the government office to attend the meeting.
Paragraph 2 :
Laila couldn’t believe her ears. Holding her hands, the governor said,
解析:M: What do you think of those shoes, madam
W: Oh, they're great! I've been looking for something in this style for ages, and the color will match my dress perfectly. However, this pair is a little tight. Do you have the next size up
M: I'll go and see.
解析:M: It says here that you worked at a law office in New York during the summer holiday, and you went to university in Los Angeles. Why do you come to Washington now
W: Well, because I was born here. I want to live somewhere close to my family.
解析:M: Sorry I'm late. I set my alarm and got up early! But the traffic was bad today.
W: Don't worry. You're not the only one who got stuck. There's been a really bad car accident in town. I believe.
解析:M: What are you reading, Emily
W: I'm studying for a two-hour medical exam. Nurses have to be tested every three years, to make sure we're up to date with the latest health practices.
M: You've been a nurse for over five years. I'm sure you'll pass again—with flying colors.
解析:M: Well, we've cleaned and decorated the house and bought all the food. Is there anting else left to do
W: I need to visit my parents and help them organize the red envelopes for all the grandchildren. Then I think we're ready to welcome the New Year!
解析:M: My sister loves online shopping. She orders products almost every day. I don't understand why she doesn't go to the mall instead.
W: Maybe she can't find goods that she likes there. For me, I buy everything online—food, kitchen supplies, clothes and so on.
M: But I think getting clothes from physical shops is better. You don't have to wait, and you can try things before buying!
W: Well, I understand how you feel. But online shopping is really convenient when you don't have time to go in person!
解析:W: What have you got for your lunch
M: Oh, nothing special. Just the same old egg sandwiches.
W: Why do you always have them
M: I suppose it's just my habit. I've always got eggs in the fridge. Sandwiches are easy to make. But to be honest, I am quite bored of eating them every day!
W: Interesting. Shall we forget the sandwiches today and have lunch in a local restaurant
M: I suppose we could.
W: Come on, I'm hungry. We could try out that new place on the main street near our office. I fancy beef noodles.
M: Sure, whatever you say. You're in charge of the office, and I like the idea of no sandwiches anyway! I'll try chicken and rice today!
解析:M: I'm thinking about planting some vegetables in the backyard. We could grow potatoes, tomatoes, and carrots. It would be so nice to have fresh food to eat, and we would spend more time outside. What do you think
W: I think that’s an excellent idea. Could we plant some com and onions, too We could save a lot of money by doing that.
M: Sure. You're right that we can save money, but it is a lot of work. That's why I'll need your help. I can't do it alone.
W: What will we have to do
M: Well, after we plant the vegetables, we'll have to water them regularly, protect them from animals, and we should also keep the backyard clean and neat. Do you think we can do all that
W: I think so. I like a challenge. Plus, it will be worth it.
解析:M: What made you finally volunteer here at our youth club
W: I used to come here as a child. I have so many wonderful memories of this place. I built houses for the poor, played table tennis, and planted trees.
M: Oh, I remember you! You have really grown up since then.
W: Yes, it's been six years! I'm really glad you still lead the youth club. You made it so much fun for me and my friends.
M: I'm happy to hear that! I still get a lot of satisfaction from it too. That's the beauty of volunteering. You have fun while helping others.
W: Yes, and we've learned so much.
M: The only thing is, after staying here for so long, the activities I can think of are probably getting a bit old and boring.
W: I think your ideas are brilliant! I loved it when you organized a trip to the cinema, for example. It's still my favorite activity. But I have some new ideas too. Let's sit down with a coffee and we can go through them.
M: That's what I really need to know. Let's go.
解析:Welcome to the Trailside Museum. Here you can learn about the local animals and their natural environments. There are many animal samples we have on show. One of our most famous is a large black bear. They live in this area but are uncommon. Many fishermen see them during certain seasons, but they stay away from humans. Most are seen near the lake. I think you will see some of these birds the most. You have probably seen many of our local birds already. Most people mainly notice little brown birds and the birds with red chests, but there are many different types of both. My favorite bird is actually the one with the color of the sky. It is a bluebird. Right now it is spring when many animals are awake. There is a lot happening in the forest because of this. However, it is also the wettest season. This is why the north path is closed. Instead, hikers will need to use the higher and older paths through the park.
解析:细节理解题。根据最后一款游戏的介绍Pair up students in pairs of two.可知,学生们要分成每两人一组。
解析:细节理解题。从第二段 Her dad,Dr. Harold Roberts Jr.,66, has been practicing medicine for the last 32 years.可知,Dr. Harold Roberts是一位资深医生。
解析:细节理解题。从第四段So this was the shot she’d been waiting for.可知,Sophia对这次父女合作充满期待。
解析:细节理解题。从倒数第二段 “It’s very special that I was operating with him,but quite frankly,I could have been operating with anyone—like all of a sudden, you’re just focused on that patient and making the operation go smoothly”可知,在手术中,Sophia的注意力全在病人和如何让手术成功上。
解析:推理判断题。从第五段 “she did a great job.” “It was really very smooth. I wouldn’t have done the case any better if I had another heart surgeon assisting me,” he said 可知,Dr. Harold Roberts 对 Sophia 在手术中的表现充满了骄傲。
解析:细节理解题。从第二段 “Protecting the blue-spotted salamanders’ migration is vital,as they are an indicator species,informing us about the health of our environment” 可知,它们是我们环境健康状况的体现者。
解析:词义理解题。从前文 It was in 2018 that Eli Bieri,a former Northern Michigan University student,noticed vehicles were killing hundreds of these migrating salamanders.可知,此处讲述汽车经过时,把蝾螈压死。
解析:推理判断题。从最后一段 In 2019, before the closure, they found 429 salamander carcasses(尸体)in the road. Last year, they counted only 3 carcasses.可知,施行道路阶段封闭后,蝾螈的死亡数量大大降低,因此采取的措施是非常成功的。
解析:细节理解题。从第一段 Previous research has suggested that fungi(真菌)conduct electrical impulses(脉冲) through long, underground structures called hyphae. “It has even shown that the firing rate of these impulses increases when the hyphae of wood-digesting fungi come into contact with wooden blocks …”可知,是因为发现真菌能产生电脉冲而推断出蘑菇可以交流。
解析:推理判断题。从第二段 He found that the electrical spikes often gathered into trains of activity,similar to vocabularies of up to 50 words.可知,他的实验进一步证实了以前的发现。
解析:细节理解题。从第二段 the core vocabulary of most frequently used words does not exceed 15 to 20 words可知,在这50个词中,大部分是不经常使用的。
解析:推理判断题。从最后一段 we are yet to interpret language of cats and dogs despite living with them for centuries, and research into electrical communication of fungi is in its pure fresh stage 可知,Adamatzky认为人类对于蘑菇交流的研究只是初始阶段,需要更多的支持。
①B 细节句。结合空前的 How you do one thing is how you do everything.以及空后的 it shows in everything that you do, even when playing music可知,当你富有善心和同情心,它会体现在你所做的事情上。
②A细节句。从空后的This time though可知,此空讲述以前与其他音乐家合作的事情。
③C 细节句。从空后的 And I could feel the audience was enjoying the music more too 可知,此空讲述这次音乐会的效果。
④D总结句。从空前的we didn’t consider how to show ourselves off可知,大家不是在炫耀自己,而是用敞开的心分享自己。
⑤G过渡句。从空后的but also可知,此句使用not only…but also结构。
解析:联系文章首句 the phone companies stopped supporting the software for my old 3G flip phone 可知,因为电话公司停止支持3G旧手机,作者不得不买了智能手机。
解析:从空前的I didn’t use it much at first可知,最初作者只是接打女儿的电话,或者玩一两个游戏。
解析:根据后文found myself spending more and more of it on this phone可知,作者发现在智能手机上比在电脑上上网更容易了。
解析:结合空前的Even with my limited time可知,作者在有限的时间里,就很快熟悉上网了。
解析:由前文Soon, however,I found it far 3(easier) to surf the web可知,作者都没有意识到,就己经花费越来越多的时间上网了。
解析:联系空后的the sea of stories,posts,news,and videos可知,作者在网上浏览一些内容。
解析:依据后文I put the phone down可知,狗在作者和手机之间磨蹭。
解析:从后文Soon we were hugging,running around可知,作者非常喜欢自己的狗,因此看到狗过来,他笑了。
解析:结合空前的I put the phone down, took my glasses off以及空后作者与自己的狗拥抱可知,作者爱抚自己的狗。
解析:从后文的There was a feeling in my heart可知,作者感觉到了什么。
解析:结合空后的of love,laughter,and joy可知,这是美妙的结合。
解析:联系空后的during all that time I had spent on my phone可知,这样的感受是作者花在手机上的时候一次也没有体验的。
解析:根据空前的we shouldn’t let it以及下一句可知,作者认为我们不能被手机控制。
解析:从空后的us to do the important things可知,只有它能帮助我们做重要的事情时我们才可以使用它。
52、答案:①an②is made③parts④to wander⑤and/or⑥that⑦smoothly⑧traditional⑨shopping⑩loveliest
①an考查冠词。an area of为固定搭配,意思是“……的面积”。
②is made考查时态与语态。The palace与make之间为被动关系,因此用被动语态;全文用一般现在时讲述,因此使用一般现在时的被动语态。
③parts考查名词复数。从空前的among the most important可知此处用复数。
④to wander考查不定式。此处为不定式短语作定语,修饰前面的名词。
⑤and/or考查连词。beside the lake和along the waterways为并列关系,也可以使用选择关系,因此可以使 用and或or。
⑨shopping考查搭配。do shopping为固定搭配。
⑩1oveliest考查形容词最高级。从空前的the以及空后的in Beijing city看,这里表达最高级概念。
Dear Peter,
More than glad to know that you will come to our teacher’s house as a guest,I am writing to give you some advice.
First, you’d better arrive at our teacher’s house a little bit earlier,so that you can talk with the host and help out with some housework. What’s more, it’s a good time for you to learn cooking some Chinese dishes. Besides, it’s better to carry some gifts, such as flowers, or fruits. What’s more, when at dinner, you should not make noises. When you’re full,you should say “I’m OK. ” And then you should praise the host for his good cooking skills.
I hope these suggestions may be of some use to you.
Li Hua
高兴的: glad→delighted
给: give→offer/provide
建议: advice→suggestion/recommendation
聊天: talk with→chat with
原句: Besides, it's better to carry some gifts, such as flowers, or fruits.
拓展句: Besides, it is suggested that you should carry some gifts, such as flowers, or fruits when visiting someone.
[高分句型1] First, you'd better arrive at our teacher's house a lite bit earlier, so that you can talk with the host and help out with some housework. (运用了so that引导的目的状语从句)
[高分句型2] When you're full, you should say "I'm OK." (运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
Paragraph 1:
The next morning, Laila, her mother and her teachers came to the government office to attend the meeting. She felt nervous and happy. They asked Laila about Grandpa Rudi. She told the story, humbly. “What is your dream,Laila ”,asked the governor. Laila answered,“I want to be a famous ballerina. ” Her mother said,“Laila… we just talked about this,sweetheart.” “I’m sorry Mama”,Laila said. The governor smiled and said,“Reach your dream, Laila. Starting from today, you will have scholarship from us to make your dream comes true.”
Paragraph 2:
Laila couldn’t believe her ears. Holding her hands、the governor said,“To praise your good deeds and encourage your dream, we've decided to donate the money for your dream. Study hard, stay humble and always be the lovely Laila. ” Laila laughed joyfully,cried and hugged her mama. She said “thank you” many times to the governor and also her teachers. Her dream will come true. She just remembered her daddy, who will be proud of her. Laila went home, happily.
①实现梦想: reach your dream/realize your dream
②决定做某事: decide to do sth./be determined to do sth.
③拥抱某人: hug sb./take sb. into arms
①保持谦虚: stay humble/keep modest
②以......为骄傲: be proud of/take pride in
[高分句型1] Starting from today, you will have scholarship from us to make your dream comes true. (运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] She just remembered her daddy, who will be proud of her. (由who引导了非限定性定语从句)



