
阅读理解 21-23 DCD 24-27 BCBC 28-31 ACDD 32-35 BCBD 36-40 AFECB
语法填空 56 a 57 Though/Although/While 58 situations 59putting
60 In 61which 62heated 63be settled 64 to allow 65fully
Dear Caroline,
Being in charge of the English program “Talk and Talk” run by our school broadcast station, I feel much privileged to invite to our program for a live talk show.
The program, meant to promote the interest of the students in English learning and broaden their horizons, is widely popular among us students. The interview will be held at 9 this coming Sunday morning, lasting about an hour. Your talk show can cover anything related to English, or what school life is like in your country.
I sincerely hope you can accept my invitation.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
The man touched Tess’s head and smiled. He told Tess that the money was the exact price of a miracle for her little brother. He took her money in one hand and he grasped her hand with the other hand. He asked her to take him to where she lived. He wanted to see her brother and meet her parents. He told Tess he had the kind of miracle she needed.
In fact, the man was a famous doctor. He promised to help the poor girl. The operation was completed without charge and it wasn’t long before Andrew went home again. Tess’s Mom and Dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place. “That surgery was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost,” her Mom whispered. Tess smiled and she knew exactly how much the miracle cost—one dolar and eleven cents plus the faith of a little child.勃利县中2022-2023学年高二下学期开学考试
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
1 What are the speakers talking about
A.Buying a book. B. An accident. C.A book that is gone.
2 What does the man have to do now
A.Complete the research. B.Write the research paper. C. Finish typing the paper.
3 How much is the TV set
A.$160 B.$650 C. $560
4 What is Peggy doing
A.Trying to find a flat. B.Reading the news. C. Looking for something lost.
5 How is the man’s watch
A very good one. B.It often gains time. C.It doesn’t work well.
6 What is the man doing now
Calling to rent a taxi.
Leaving for the hotel.
Confirming the taxi.
7 How much will the man pay for the taxi
About 50 yuan. B. About 100 yuan. C.About 60 yuan.
听第7段材料,回答第8至10 题。
8 What did the man get
A.Two tickets for a concert. B.Two tickets for a contest. C.One ticket for an opera.
9 What does the woman think about opera
A.It is difficult to understand.
B.It has good singing.
C.It isn’t as interesting as a Broadway musical.
10.What will the speakers do next
A. Go to a concert. B. Go to an opera. C. Go on to wait in line.
What kind of food will the speakers eat
American food. B.Indian food. C.Chinese food.
12 Where is the restaurant
On Queen Street. B. On Main Street. C.On Rain Street.
13 How does the woman know that the Chinese restaurant is good
She has been there several times.
B.She has tried it once.
C. She hears about it from others。
14 How many hours did the woman swim everyday at first
About half an hour. B. About five hours. C.About one hour.
15 Why does the woman have more time to train now
She stops going out with her friends a lot.
She doesn’t go to school any longer.
She doesn’t have to do homework.
16 What does the woman mean by saying “Free time What’s that ”
I enjoy it. B. I don’t have any. C.I beg your pardon.
听第10 段材料,回答第17 至20 题。
17 According to the speaker, what were dogs trained for in the past
For protection against other animals.
For protection against other dogs.
Just for fun.
18 Why were dogs used for hunting
A They did not eat other animals.
B They were useful for protection.
C They always obeyed their masters.
19 What is the most important reason for people in the city to keep dogs
For companionship. B. For amusement. C. For protection against robbery.
20 What does the speaker mainly talk about
A The city can be a lonely place.
B Life in the west can be very dangerous.
C The dog is a useful and friendly animal.
Explore the History of Jazz and
Celebrate the Lunar New Year
Here is a sample of some events for this week and how to tune in. Note that events are likely to change after publication.
Explore the history of jazz in Washington with the musician, broadcaster and historian Ken Avis, as he discusses what made the city a capital and how the music has changed through the years. This event, presented by the Smithsonian Associates, costs $25 for members and $30 for nonmembers. Registration closes two hours before the event.
When: 6:45 p. m.
Where: smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/tickets/music city dc
Celebrate the Lunar New Year's unique food traditions in a talk from the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. Jan Stuart, the Melvin R. Seiden organizer of Chinese art, will present works from the museum's collection, and Lydia Chang of the Peter Chang restaurant empire, will share stories about her family's celebratory dishes. This event is free, and attendance is capped at 500.
When: 6 p. m.
Where: asia.si.edu/lunar new year celebration
Join Ensemble NYC for an evening of love songs. Featuring well known artists, the event will include pieces like Gioachino Rossini's Una voce poco fa and Mozart's Là ci darem la mano. A part of the money will be donated to West Side Campaign Against Hunger. Tickets are need based and can be purchased for as little as $10.
When: 7:30 p. m.
Where: musae.me/ensemblenyc/experience/889/canzone damore
Dance with your little ones while listening to a special concert from the Laurie Berkner Band. In a live performance, Ms. Berkner, a children's recording artist, will play family friendly songs, dance to animations and even introduce special guests. Tickets are $20, and give viewers access to both the 12 p. m. and 5 p. m. shows.
When: 12 p. m. or 5 p. m.
Where: live.
21.How much will you pay for the jazz event if you are not a member
A.$10. B.$20. C.$25. D.$30.
22.Where can you learn about Chinese artworks
B.smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/tickets/music city dc
C.asia.si.edu/lunar new year celebration
D.musae.me/ensemblenyc/experience/889/canzone damore
23.When is probably the best time for a family attendance
A.On Monday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Saturday. D.On Sunday.
It is not rare in China that many seniors take advantage of their retirement years to please their grandchildren.
Some are good at sugar figure blowing art-the maker uses sugar as its basic material to boil and blow into various figures. Some can weave, using even the most unexpected materials such as leaves, and some excel in carpentry, using wood to carve lifelike dolls and toys.
Recently, in a small village in Fujian province, one — and — a — half — year — old Dandan became the most enviable child. His grandfather made a wooden " mantis cart (螳螂车)"for him. The wooden components on both sides of the cart would rise and fall with the metal wheels, resembling a mantis. This one-of-a-kind toy was filmed by the child's parents and posted online, immediately arousing curiosity.
The grandfather, Li Shishui, 70, who has been a carpenter for more than 50 years, retired in 2018. In his spare time, he picks up his old craftsmanship and uses the scrap (小块)wood from his old house to make the "mantis cart" with long legs. He also makes pure wooden toys such as robots , birds and even an "Iron Man".
When Dandan goes out in the “ mantis cart", it never fails to turn heads and children of the neighbors next door shout and cry to their parents for one too.
Full of childlike fun, fatherly love and delicate design, the wooden toy, not merely catches the heart of children in his neighbourhood, some netizens also express their envy after watching online videos. "I want a grandpa like him too. " "Does grandpa want a granddaughter " Some also recollect that although their grandfather is not a carpenter, these videos have brought back their fond memories when they were young — their grandfather also made some gadgets (小物件)for them.
Therefore, many believe, parents should stress the importance of the education of their children's interpersonal communication skills at an early age. Children who grow up in the love of their elders can expect to be more brave, positive, optimistic and confident than other children.
24.What does the author mean by the underlined part "This one-of-a-kind toy”
A.The toy is hard-won. B.The toy is specially made.
C.The toy is of high quality. D.The toy is the only one made by Grandpa Li.
25.Which of the following is right about "mantis cart”
A.All the components of it are made of wood.
B.Its online videos were not immediately accepted.
C.Its insect-like features attract both children and adults.
D.It was hand-made by Grandpa Li, a craftsman of sugar figures.
26.What can we learn from the passage
A.Much importance should be attached to children's behavior.
B.Children under the care of their elders may have better personalities.
C.Some netizens envy Dandan as their grandparents are not carpenters.
D.Some children of the neighbors cry as Dandan doesn't share the toy with them.
27.Which section of a web page can this passage be taken from
A.Fashion. B.Entertainment C.Lifestyle. D.Transportation.
A car weighing only a few hundred pounds, can travel 500 miles per hour, repair itself and cost less than other cars. It might be hard to imagine such a cat, let alone a spaceship. But NASA is trying to make a spaceship that is much better than other ships.
The spacecraft has to be as light as it can be. Weight costs money! A new discovery might allow spacecraft to be lighter. A new material called a "carbon nanotube(碳纳米管)" might be the answer to the weight problem of building a super spaceship. This material is 600 times stronger than steel.
One of the big problems with space travel is space radiation (辐射).In space, astronauts need protection against harmful rays. You might think that the metal on a spaceship is the answer. But, metals are the worst for protecting against very dangerous space rays. These rays are made of little pieces called ions (离子).When the ions hit metals at very high speed, they can break an atom and cause another type of ray to form. These new rays can be worse than the radiation the metal skins were supposed to stop. Thus, it is very important to block these rays.
But we could use carbon nanotubes to make the skins of spacecraft. Things that are light in weight seem to work the best against these ions. The rays are stopped outside the spacecraft and new rays aren't made.
In addition, our super spaceship needs to be able to repair itself. Humans can feel the smallest pinpricks (针刺)because of tiny sensors that send signals to our brains. Tiny sensors like ours could be built in the new ships. Each sensor could send messages to the computer “brain" of the spacecraft. If something needed to be fixed, the computer could tell the ship to do it.
Just as amazing as a car would be to someone 200 years ago, our nanotube spaceship might seem to us. We might actually make the spacecraft of tomorrow, using the technology of today.
28.What are the features of carbon nanotubes
A.Light and strong. B.Thin and radioactive.
C.Self-repairing and weightless. D.Sensitive and protective.
29.Which of the following statements is true
A.Space radiation can't be blocked at all.
B.Space rays can break ions to form new rays.
C.Carbon nanotubes can prevent radiation effectively.
D.Metal skins aren't a good choice for their strength.
30.Why will tiny sensors be built into the new spaceship
A.Humans can feel the smallest pinpricks.
B.The computer "brain" can repair itself.
C.Signals can be sent to humans' brains.
D.The computer can be informed of what to repair.
31.What's the best title of the passage
A.A New Discovery in Space
B.NASA Made a Breakthrough
C.Nanotubes Help to Repair Spacecraft
D.NASA's Attempt to Make a Super Spaceship
Waste sorting is a complex phenomenon that can be an important step toward a global circular economy. Maybe it even will be something we will look back on as one of the first steps toward an ecological society.
But sorting of waste could also mean participating in an activity that gradually weakens sustainable development by allowing unsustainable companies to use recycling as a way to pretend they are sustainable.
When Royal Dutch Shell, British-Dutch oil and gas company, wanted to dump an oil rig in the ocean in 1995 many people in Europe had just started to separate glass bottles and newspapers. The company’s plan was viewed as a sign of arrogance. The incident led to an important meeting, after which many companies started including environmental factors in their risk assessment.
The situation is different today. It is no longer clear if the kind of waste sorting done in Western nations is part of the problem or the solution. There are areas where the sorting of waste is working reasonably well, for example the glass and metal industries. But at a time when we are looking at a transformative system change and global sustainability, there is a need to fundamentally rethink waste sorting.
In the coming decades, the world needs to eliminate (消除) the use of fossil fuels, become more resource efficient, lift billions out of poverty and ensure greater equity. In order to ensure this, we need a resource-efficient circular economy, and waste sorting can play a key role. But that should be a very different kind of waste sorting.
China could initiate the next generation of waste sorting systems. Such a waste sorting system would be a driver for innovation and extreme resource efficiency and a true step toward ecological civilization.
32.Waste sorting is a complex phenomenon because ________.
A.it is an important step toward a global circular economy
B.it means economy and may be an activity that gradually weakens sustainable development
C.it is a first step toward an ecological society
D.it is slowly moving into the center of conversation
33.What did the behavior of Royal Dutch Shell company result in
A.The dumping of oil rig.
B.Separating glass bottles and newspapers.
C.Including environment when assessing risks.
D.Starting waste sorting in European countries.
34.There is a need to fundamentally rethink waste sorting because ________.
A.the sorting of waste is working well in some areas
B.a transformative system change and global sustainability should be considered
C.the western recycling system does not fit for the whole world
D.people are concerned about greater equity
35.What is the main purpose of the passage
A.To introduce Western recycling systems.
B.To compare two recycling systems.
C.To predict the change of ecological system.
D.To advocate a more sustainable waste sorting system.
Open a book by any philosopher and you'll probably read that a meaningful life has to involve achieving something difficult. That's because many philosophers are perfectionists when it comes to the meaning of life. It's not just philosophers, either. Perfectionism is one of the main reasons people tend to believe their lives are meaningless.____36____If they aren't doing something absolutely amazing, then life has no meaning.
____37____ So the conclusion is obvious: most lives are meaningless. Right Not really. Dig a little deeper, and perfectionism falls apart. Actually you don't need to be a perfectionist about the meaning of life. Life would be fantastic if everything was perfect. But something doesn't need to be perfect to be fantastic.____38____
For one, it's pretty inconsistently applied most of the time. People who are perfectionists about the meaning of life often don't apply it to other areas of their lives.____39____For example, perfectionists don't think they're a failure if they don't get a hundred percent on every test. So isn't it also absurd to apply that kind of standard to the meaning of life
It doesn't end there. The demands that perfectionists place on themselves and others are actually really unrealistic. And that means they can only lead to disappointment.____40____It would be similarly odd to call one of your friends a huge failure because he can't achieve as much in a day as Superman. And that's exactly the logic perfectionism applies when it claims that our lives have to be extraordinary in some way to have meaning.
A.They see life as all -or-nothing.
B.We don't expect a dog to drive a car.
C.This leads to lots of double standards.
D.You're unlikely to be satisfied with any result.
E.And there are actually a few problems with perfectionism.
F.However, most of us aren't an Einstein or a Mother Teresa.
G.They'd probably dismiss the ideas like that as absurd, in fact.
第三部分 完形填空
My presentation was horrible and both the client and boss seemed not satisfied. Disappointed and exhausted, I _____41_____ myself out of the air-conditioned office. It was hot as hell and I was ____42____ in the three-piece suit I’d bought specifically for this big day. I boarded a full bus and was unable to _____43_____ it, so I squeezed my way off at the next stop. Continuing my journey, I refused to take off my jacket, purposely maximizing my setbacks — “When it rains, let it _____44_____” was my principle.
As I turned the corner, I saw a group of kids frolicking (嬉闹) in the water. “If I get wet...” I said to myself, thinking about taking an alternative _____45____. Then I noticed a little kid holding a water gun and _____46_____ me a little harder than the others. I eyed him back. Suddenly, he shot his gun at me. In that second, I knew I was going to get wet though I felt they didn't dare. He got me, behind my ear, _____47____ he made his escape. I, frozen and then angry, headed toward the alley to ______48______ his escape. More surprisingly, his playmate threw his water gun to me. I pulled the trigger (扳机). He fought back but his shooter was no ______49______ for my power, so instead he turned his water gun on a few other little kids who were taken by surprise and ended up in ______50______ at what just happened. Then, I too turned my gun on these kids and before long we were in all-out water warfare. Soon, the whole block seemed to be ______51______. Needless to say, I was wet and laughing like I'd never laugh before.
I couldn't remember my last water ______52_____ and if did, it couldn't have been as fun as this one. It took a five-year-old to ______53______ the kid in me, and help me realize that you may not be able to ______54_____ disappointment but you can still let in the ______55______. And you can ruin a suit, too, and not really care!
41.A.drew B.accompanied C.dragged D.fled
42.A.trembling B.tired C.depressed D.boiling
43.A.stand B.adjust C.resist D.challenge
44.A.drop B.pour C.float D.flood
45.A.way B.risk C.measure D.bus
46.A.eyeing B.waving C.shouting at D.shooting at
47.A.in case B.in that C.before D.until
48.A.ban B.block C.defeat D.help
49.A.excuse B.distinction C.match D.qualification
50.A.pains B.peace C.stillness D.tears
51.A.upset B.frightened C.separated D.involved
52.A.shower B.performance C.fight D.competition
53.A.make out B.pick up C.put up D.bring out
54.A.control B.abolish C.lose D.cancel
55.A.success B.joy C.expectation D.accomplishment
第四部分 语法填空
In China, food deliverymen are always in ____56____ rush between traffic regardless of wind or rain. ____57____ they make our life more convenient, this can come at a cost to them. On food delivery service platforms, the time limit is calculated by an algorithm (算法). But it doesn’t consider real life ____58____ (situation), such as red lights and speed limits. For deliverymen, delay means a decrease in pay. So they speed up and often break traffic rules, ____59____ (put) not only their own lives at risk, but also the lives of others. Many people scolded the platforms and asked them to improve the regulations on delivery. ____60____ response, Eleme announced that it would add a button to the app, ____61____ allows customers to extend the time limit. But this created more ____62____ (heat) debate, as some felt the company was distracting attention. The Shanghai Consumer Council commented that the move was not reasonable, adding that the problems should ____63____ (settle) between the companies and their employees. Also, even with the ability ____64____ (allow) more time for delivery, some users felt this would not ____65____ (full) address the problems.
1.假定你是校广播站英语节目“Talk and Talk”的负责人李华,请给外教Caroline 写邮件邀请她做一次访谈。内容包括:
节目介绍;2 访谈的时间和话题。
注意:1 写作词数应为80左右;2请按如下格式作答。
Dear Caroline,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Tess was eight years old when she heard her mother and father talking about her little brother, Andrew. All she knew was that he was very sick and they were completely out of money.
Only a very costly surgery could save him and it was looking like there was no one to loan them the money. She heard her father say to her tearful mother with whispered desperation, “Only a miracle(奇迹) can save him now.”
Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jar from its hiding place. She poured all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way to Rexall’s Drug Store.
She waited patiently for the pharmacist(药剂师) to give her some attention but he was too busy at that moment. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. It worked. “And what do you want ” the pharmacist said, “I’m talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven’t seen in ages.” Tess replied, “My little brother, Andrew, has something bad growing inside his head and my father says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost ” “We don’t sell miracles here, little girl. I’m sorry but I can’t help you,” the pharmacist said.
The pharmacist’s brother was a well-dressed man. He came up and asked her, “What kind of miracle does your brother need ” “I don’t know,” Tess replied with her eyes welling up. “I just know he is really sick and my mother says he needs an operation. But she can’t pay for it, so I want to use my money.” The man from Chicago asked, “How much do you have ” “One dollar and eleven cents,” Tess answered.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The man touched Tess’s head and smiled.
In fact, the man was a famous doctor.



