真题演练 补全对话与短文 -2022-2023小升初英语考点突破 人教PEP版(含答案)

真题演练 补全对话与短文 -2022-2023学年小升初英语考点突破 人教PEP版
A: Hi, Amy. Are you free this afternoon
B: Yes, I am.
A: I have two cinema tickets. ______1______
B: Wow, that’s great. ______2______
A: It’s about dinosaurs.
B: ______3______
A: It will start at four fifteen.
B: ______4______
A: Yes, we can go by bike.
B: Let’s meet at four o'clock.
A: OK.
A.When will it start
B.What’s the film about
C.How can we go there
D.Shall we go together
E.Can we go by bike
(John is on the phone with Mike)
John: Hello! This is John. You didn’t go to school today. _____5_____
Mike: Hi! John. I hurt my leg.
John: Oh, dear. _____6_____
Mike: I went hiking with my family yesterday.
John: _____7_____
Mike: I climbed mountains, and I fell down from a rock.
John: Did you go to see a doctor
Mike: _____8_____
John: _____9_____
Mike: I feel better now. Thank you.
A.What did you do
B.How did it happen
C.How do you feel now
D.What happened
E.Yes, I did.
Mum: Sam, come here, please.
Sam: ____10____
Mum: Your father is ill. ___11___
So, we can’t go to the zoo today.
Sam: Oh, no!
Mum: _____12_____ We can go next time.
Sam: ______13______
Mum: Not well. Let’s go to the hospital. Oh, there’s one more thing. ____14____ It’s cold outside.
Sam: OK.
A.Don’t be sad.
B.What’s wrong
C.He must see a doctor this morning.
D.What is dad doing
E.You should wear warm clothes.
F.How does dad feel now
A: Hello, Ben. _____15_____
B: He’s a postman.
A: Cool! _____16_____
B: He works in a post office.
A: _____17_____
B: He usually goes to work by bike. Sometimes he walks to work.
A: He must be very strong. Does he like playing basketball
B: _____18_____He likes playing football.
A: _____19_____
A: Yes, I do. It’s very interesting.
A.Do you often play football with him
B.How does he go to work
C.No, he doesn’t.
D.What does your father do
E.Where does he work
Anna: How was your weekend, Jack
Jack: _____20_____
Anna: _____21_____
Jack: I played football with my friends. What about you
Anna: _____22_____
Jack: Oh. You really work hard. _____23_____
Anna: Yes, of course. I saw a film with my sister on Sunday night.
Jack: Really _____24_____
Anna: Yes. It was about dinosaurs. It was so interesting.
A.I did my homework.
B.Did you do anything else
C.What did you do
D.Did you enjoy the film
E.It was great.
A: Good morning, children.
B: Good morning, Mrs Smith.
A: ____25____
B: Hooray!
A: ____26____
B: By bus
A: No. It’s not far. ____27____That’s good exercise. Now, let’s go.
B: Look! ____28____ We don’t go at the red light!
A: Yes. ____29____
A.It’s red now.
B.How do we get to the park
C.Let’s go to the nature park.
D.We must pay attention to the traffic lights!
E.We can go on foot.
Wu Binbin and his family had an unhappy weekend. They ___30___ in a hotel but it ___31___ a good stay. Their room ___32___ big but everything was old. The chair was broken and Robin ___33___ it. Wu Binbin's mother ___34___ to read a book, but the lamp was too small. Wu Binbin wanted to watch TV but the TV ___35___ work. The housekeeper didn't clean the room for them. Robin ___36___ to clean the room. Wu Binbin's father got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen but they ___37___ cold and ___38___ bad. The people in the next room ___39___ to loud music. It was too noisy. The family didn't sleep well all night.
A.didn't B.fixed C.tasted D.lived E.listened
F.was G.were H.wasn't I.had J.wanted
Amy: _____40_____ Where is the post office
Mike: I’m sorry. _____41_____ You can ask the policeman.
Amy: Thank you all the same.
Amy: Excuse me. Is there a post office near here
Policeman: Yes, there is. It is not far from here.
Amy: _____42_____
Policeman: Go straight, and then turn left. You can see the park.
Amy: And then
Policeman: _____43_____
Amy: Oh, I see. Thank you.
Policeman: _____44_____
A.How can I get there
B.You are welcome.
C.Excuse me.
D.I’m new here.
E.The post office is next to the park.
Tom: Hi, Jane. ____45____
Jane: It was great. I went to Hainan.
Tom: Sounds great. ____46____
Jane: I went swimming.
Tom: ____47____
Jane: Yes. My father is stronger than me. ____48____
Tom: Did you do anything else
Jane: ____49____ It was really a happy weekend.
A.What did you do there
B.Yes. I went boating.
C.But I swim faster than him.
D.How was your weekend
E.Did you go with your father
Mike: Look, Jack! Those blue shoes in the window are nice.
Jack: Yes. Let's have a look.
Salesperson: ____50____
Mike: Yes. I like those blue shoes. Can I have a look
Salesperson: Sure. ____51____
Mike: I wear size 37.
Jack: Your feet are smaller than mine.
Mike: Really ____52____
Jack: No, I wear size 40.
Mike: Your feet are bigger than mine. But you are shorter than me. ____53____
Jack: I'm 1.60 metres. I'm shorter. But I think you are thinner. ____54____
Mike: I'm 52 kilograms. ____55____
Jack: I'm 54 kilograms.
A.How tall are you
B.How heavy are you
C.Do you wear size 38
D.What size do you wear
E.What about you
F.Welcome. Can I help you
G.How old are you
Linda: Hello, Li Ming. ______56______
Li Ming: I am going to visit my grandfather.
Linda: ______57______
Li Ming: He is a fisherman
Linda: _______58_______
Li Ming: He works on a ship. He sees lots of fish every day.
Linda: ______59______
Li Ming: He goes to work on foot.
Linda: Does he have a healthy life
Li Ming: Yes, he has a strong body.
Linda: _______60_______
Li Ming: He often plays sports. Sometimes he rides a bike.
Linda: Is his home far from here
Li Ming: No, I will go by bus. Look! The bus is coming. Goodbye
Linda: Bye
A.Where does he work
B.What does he often do
C.What are you going to do
D.What’s wrong
E.What’s his job
F.How does he go to work
G.Where is his home
Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office
Mike: I’m sorry. ___61___ You can ask the policeman over there.
Amy: Thank you all the same.
Amy: ___62___ Can you tell me the way to the post office
Policeman: OK. ___63___ And you’ll see the cinema.
Amy: And then
Policeman: ___64___
Amy: Oh, I see. Thank you.
Policeman: ___65___
A.The post office is next to the cinema.
B.I don’t know.
C.You are welcome.
D.Excuse me.
E.First, go straight.
Grandma: There was no park in my old town.
Meimei: Oh, ___66___
Grandma: Yes, I could. I always saw the moon then.
Meimei: Tell me about your school, please. ___67___
Grandma: There was no gym in my school fifty years ago. ___68___
Meimei: ___69___
Grandma: Ah ___70___
Meimei: It’s easy. Haha... It’s a secret.
A.There was no Internet in your time.
B.could you see the moon at night
C.How do you know that
D.There is a big gym in my school.
E.There was only one small building in this town.
John: Hi, Tom. ______71______
Tom: It was bad, but also good.
John: ______72______
Tom: I went cycling in the nature park on May 1". Unluckily, I fell off my bike and hurt my leg.
John: ______73______ Are you all right
Tom: I'm OK now.
John: And how about the good things
Tom: Well, my friends took me home and we had a picnic on the grass behind my house.
John: Sounds interesting!
Tom: What about you ______74______
John: Yes, my family and I went to the science museum. We watched a space show. There were some pictures of Chinese spaceships. They were so great!
Tom: I like them, too. Can I see it
John: Of course. The show lasts (持续)for one week.
Tom: Great!______75______
John: Ha-ha, let's go together!
Tom: OK.
A.That's too bad!
B.What happened
C.I'm going to the museum this weekend.
D.How was your Labour Day holiday
E.Did you have a good time
Jim: ____76____
Linda: I went to Xiamen with my family.
Jim: Xiamen is far from here. ____77____
Linda: We went there by high-speed train.
Jim: ____78____
Linda: The weather was very nice. It was sunny everyday.
Jim: ____79____
Linda: Yes, we did. We took lots of pictures there.
Jim: Sounds great! ____80____
Linda: Sure.
A.How did you go there
B.What did you do there
C.Where did you go over your summer holiday
D.Did you have a good time
E.What was the weather like in Xiamen
F.Can I see your pictures sometime
G.Did you go to the beach

1.D 2.B 3.A 4.E
5.D 6.A 7.B 8.E 9.C
10.B 11.C 12.A 13.F 14.E
15.D 16.E 17.B 18.C 19.A
20.E 21.C 22.A 23.B 24.D
25.C 26.B 27.E 28.A 29.D
30.D 31.H 32.F 33.B 34.J 35.A 36.I 37.G 38.C 39.E
40.C 41.D 42.A 43.E 44.B
45.D 46.A 47.E 48.C 49.B
50.F 51.D 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.E
56.C 57.E 58.A 59.F 60.B
61.B 62.D 63.E 64.A 65.C
66.B 67.D 68.E 69.A 70.C
71.D 72.B 73.A 74.E 75.C
76.C 77.A 78.E 79.G 80.F



