
2023 年 3 月
绵阳南山中学 2023 年春 3 月月考英语试题
命题人:阳炀 审题人:朱宝珍
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出
最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What did Karen do last night
A. She stayed at home. B. She went to a party. C. She saw a movie.
2. What is the probable relationship between Mary and the woman
A. Strangers. B. Former schoolmates. C. Employer and employee.
3. When will the woman probably go to Chicago
A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. The day after tomorrow.
4. Where are the speakers
A. At a store. B. At the airport. C. At the post office.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A kind of food. B. A history lesson. C. An ancient dynasty.
第二节 (共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、
C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小
题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。
高三下英语入学考试 第1页(共10页)
6. What does the woman want Peter to do
A. Drive her to the airport.
B. Help her with the bag.
C. Call a taxi for her.
7. At what time will the woman’s flight take off
A. 2:00 pm. B. 3:00 pm. C. 4:00 pm.
听下面一段对话,回答第 8 至第 10 三个小题。
8. How did the speakers feel about visiting the park
A. Tired. B. Happy. C. Disappointed.
9. What does Amy plan to do tomorrow
A. Study for an exam. B. Attend a party. C. Go to the movies.
10. What kind of movie will the speakers watch
A. A romantic movie. B. A comedy. C. A horror movie.
11. When will the man go to the restaurant
A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.
12. Who will have dinner with the man
A. A couple. B. Some friends. C. His family.
13. What will the man do next
A. Provide personal information.
B. Tell the waitress his arriving time.
C. Ask for a table at the non-smoking area.
14. Where does Mark usually read news now
A. In a newspaper. B. In a magazine. C. On the Internet.
15. What makes the woman surprised about the machine
A. It has a small glass window.
B. It can make a pizza in a short time.
C. It offers four types of pizzas at a time.
16. What does the woman think of the machine
A. It is quite necessary.
B. It might not be popular.
C. It will certainly succeed.
17. What is an advantage of the machine
A. The 24-hour service.
B. Tasty pizzas made by it.
C. The low production cost.
18. How many books did Eric Carle create for children
A. Less than 55. B. Over 70. C. Almost 90.
高三下英语入学考试 第2页(共10页)
19. Which book is the most famous one
A. The Grouchy Ladybug.
B. The Mixed-up Chameleon.
C. The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
20. Why did Eric Carle write
A. To make school more attractive.
B. To help children get inspiration.
C. To offer materials to teachers.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并
Welcome to Pismo Beach
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Travel Blog
Visit Pismo Beach Travel Blog for the latest news on upcoming events, travel tips, area
高三下英语入学考试 第3页(共10页)
news and a whole lot more. Whatever is going on in the area, you will find the details in our
Travel Blog.
21. What’s the main feature of Pismo Beach
A. It attracts visitors who love swimming.
B. It has different events in different seasons.
C. It offers many kinds of activities to visitors.
D. It is famous for its wonderful view of sunset.
22. What do you know about lodging
A. It’s near San Francisco. B. Visitors needn’t pay anything.
C. Visitors can enjoy sunset there. D. There are many choices for visitors.
23. What world-class event will take place in June
A. The Classic Car Show. B. The Annual Clam Festival.
C. Fishing at Pismo Beach. D. Surfing, hiking and kayaking.
If Natalie Morales had to describe her mom in just one word, she would pick: survivor.
That’s because her mom, Penelope Morales had a tough childhood. “Her mother wasn’t ready
to be a mom and gave her up to her grandmother,” says Natalie. “I think she often felt in life
like she wasn’t wanted and wasn’t loved.”
Penelope Morales put herself through college and it was there that she met Natalie’s dad,
who was serving in the army. They fell in love and married, and her life as a military mom of
three children became a great adventure. “She basically raised us moving from place to place.
I was born in India, but we lived in Panama, Brazil and Spain. And my mom was the constant,”
said Natalie. “She would always make sure that when we got home from school, we felt like
we had our number-one fan, our champion right there, waiting for us.” Along the way, Natalie
learned many things from her mother, which she carries on in her role as a mother of two
As a Mother’s Day gift, Natalie treated her mom to a day of pampering(宠爱). “I want my
mom to feel like a queen,” she says. And as part of the surprise, Natalie brought along an old
photo of her mother, which she wanted to recreate. “I think it was taken in the mid-60s. So
she was in her early to mid-twenties. She’s just absolutely a beautiful woman. But she’s
looking in the mirror. It’s like not knowing really her future, but knowing where she came
from,” describes Natalie. “That picture just speaks so much to me. I want her to see what she
created in that mirror, and that she gave us all something so great.”
“It’s just an amazing experience to take this picture and have Natalie do it. I could never
imagine in my entire life,” says Penelope Morales, who adds that she’s very proud of her
daughter. “All I want her is to be happy and to raise her children the same way.” She says.
24. What can be inferred about Natalie’s mother
A. She luckily survived an adventure.
B. Her mother gave her up for poverty.
高三下英语入学考试 第4页(共10页)
C. She and her husband were at the same college.
D. Poor childhood led to her lack of self-confidence.
25. What did Natalie learn from her mother
A. Showing respect for others. B. Being determined and brave.
C. Giving children great love. D. Treasuring the present happy life.
26.What can we say about the gift Natalie gave her mother
A. It was expected. B. It was a success.
C. It moved her mother to tears. D. It made her mother proud of her.
27. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. The Celebration of Mother’s Day
B. The Childhood of Natalie’s Mother
C. Mother—The Greatest Person in the World
D. A Special Mother’s Day Gift for Natalie’s Mother
The artificial-intelligence chatbot ChatGPT has shaken educators since its November
release. New York City public schools have banned it from their networks, and professors are
improving syllabus(教学大纲) to prevent students from using it to complete homework. The
chatbot’s creator, OpenAI, unveiled a tool to detect text generated by artificial intelligence to
prevent abuse.
However, there is one subject area that doesn’t seem threatened. It turns out ChatGPT is
quite bad at math.
While the bot gets many basic arithmetic questions correct, it makes errors when those
questions are written in natural language. For example, ask ChatGPT “if a banana weighs 0.5
lbs and I have 7 lbs of bananas and nine oranges, how many pieces of fruit do I have ” The
bot’s quick reply: “You have 16 pieces of fruit, seven bananas and nine oranges.”
Debarghya Das, a search-engine engineer, tried to explain why this happens in his Twitter.
“Just imagine if you ask a room of people who have no idea what math is but have read many
hieroglyphics(象形文字), ‘what comes after 2+2,’ they might say, ‘Usually, we see a 4.’
That’s exactly what ChatGPT is doing.” But, he adds, “math isn’t just a series of hieroplyphics,
it’s computation.”
Another reason that math teachers are less worried by this revolution is that they have
been here before. The field experienced dramatic changes for the first time decades ago with
general availability of computers and calculators.
“Math has had the biggest revolution based on the system of any mainstream subject,” said
Conrad Wolfram, the strategic director of Wolfram Research, which developed Mathematica,
a technical computing software program.
The broader lesson is that AI, computers and calculators aren’t simply a shortcut. Math
tools require math knowledge. A calculator can’t do calculus unless you know what you’re
trying to solve.
In general, AI will likely ultimately be most useful for those who already know field well:
They know the questions to ask, how to identify the shortcomings and what to do with the
高三下英语入学考试 第5页(共10页)
28. What can we infer from paragraph 1 about ChatGPT
A. New York schools punished students who used it.
B. Professors designed new syllabus with the help of it.
C. It’s possible for teachers to identify papers written by it.
D. The government introduced some laws to prevent its abuse.
29. How did Debarghya Das explain the reason why ChatGPT made errors in math
A. By setting an example
B. By drawing a comparison
C. By presenting some data
D. By telling a related story
30. Why are math teachers less likely to express concern about ChatGPT
A. They can use ChatGPT to solve arithmetic questions.
B. They have already learnt the impact of technology on math.
C. ChatGPT only understand questions written in natural language.
D. ChatGPT usually gives misleading information in conversations.
31. Who can find AI most useful in his field
A. A five-year old boy who is good at calculating.
B. A pupil who wants to cheat in the math exam
C. A professor who has read many hieroglyphics
D. A math instructor struggling with math problems.
Libraries have existed for nearly as long as humans have had written languages. They
have been esteemed places of learning and comprehensive repositories(储藏室) of human
knowledge, history, and ideas. Written materials from all over the civilized world have been
collected and preserved in libraries, and without them much of what was known to ancient
peoples would have been lost in the modern world.
Democracies and open societies, especially like the free exchange of ideas and
information---all ideas, not just those that are socially acceptable at a particular point in time
and all opinions, no just mainstream ones.
Our public libraries need to be places that broaden our perspectives and stretch our minds
and imaginations. There’s no reason to ban any books from the general public. That’s not to
say all books are appropriate for all age groups. But it’s easy enough to limit access of the
very young to “adult” literature without preventing mature readers from a full range of
Private libraries may sometimes regard certain topics as too offensive or objectionable to
include in their collection. And elementary school libraries should probably not include books
that would be inappropriate for young children on their bookshelves. All libraries have to be
selective, due to limited budgets, and space and age are always considered in acquisition
decisions. But this is very different from actually banning specific titles.
And who is to decide what is acceptable and what is not Should we get rid of all materials
高三下英语入学考试 第6页(共10页)
that are unconventional, that challenge the present situation, or that make anyone
uncomfortable Should we restrict all materials in public libraries to what is inoffensive to
the most sensitive members of society or to what overprotective parents believe will not
disturb young children
Democracies, as they say, are messy. The Harry Potter novels may be the greatest
children’s books ever written. Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States may be
a publication of nation’s rich history, but sometimes brutal history to some else, especially
those ever hurt by the country. Anyway, libraries exist to preserve all human thoughts and
recorded experience.
32. Which of the following does the author most probably agree with
A. All books are suitable for all age groups.
B. It’s a right decision to ban some bad books.
C. Many young readers have become mature ones.
D. Ideas which are not the mainstream should be accepted.
33. What can we learn from the text
A. The libraries should be child-friendly.
B. Some libraries have their unique needs.
C. Public libraries are better than private ones.
D. Libraries should get rid of conventional materials.
34. What does the underlined word “brutal” in the last paragraph probably mean
A. cruel B. strange C. unfamiliar D. important
35. What does the text mainly talk about
A. The history of libraries around the world.
B. The importance of libraries in human history.
C. Whether some books should be banned in libraries.
D. The differences between public and private libraries.
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
How to Keep a Dog off the Furniture
Despite your best efforts to train your dog, it might be common for you to return home
from work to discover damaged furniture. So it’s essential to train your pets to stay off the
furniture. ______36______
Training and Reward
You will need to invite your dog onto the furniture to teach it to stay off the furniture.
Encourage your dog to climb onto the furniture. Reward it with a positive command such as
“good boy/girl”. ____37____ Use a command such as “off”. Don’t raise your voice or force
it. When it does as you’ve asked, reward it with a treat. This will reinforce(强化)the good
behavior of staying off the furniture. It’ll associate getting down with a positive result, such
as a tasty treat. _____38____ Keep reinforcing the “off” command with a pocket full of treats
on standby.
高三下英语入学考试 第7页(共10页)
Its Own Space
Many homeowners are turning to ceramic tiles (瓷砖) or hardwood. You wouldn’t want
to lie on cold wood or tiles in the winter months and neither would your dog. Plush(长绒毛)
pillows or comfortable pet beds give your dog a warm alternative to snuggling (蜷伏) beside
you on the sofa. _____39____ If it still seeks the security of your presence nearby, place its
bed close to where you’re sitting.
In Your Absence
Despite your best efforts, your dog may decide sleeping on the sofa is OK as long as
you’re not around to punish it. Consider turning over the dining room chairs and placing them
on the sofa or your armchairs. ____40____ For those disappointed by your efforts to protect
your furniture, consider a doggy gate to keep the living room off limits in your absence.
A. Ask it to get down.
B. But how to train it
C. Ask it to stand up on the furniture.
D. Let it be if your dog fails to learn to stand by.
E. This will make the furniture far less appealing.
F. Don’t give up if your dog is a slow learner, as a lot of dogs are.
G. Place a treat on your pet’s bed to reinforce how great it is for it to be there.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)
第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
Priscilla Sitienei has become something of a celebrity as the oldest primary school
student in Kenya. At 98, she sits in class alongside some of the pupils she helped bring into
the ___41___.
Sitienei, who comes from the remote village of Ndalat in Nandi County, had always
wanted to become a(n)__42____. Though that____43___ never came her way, she instead
used her traditionally learned skills to help mothers deliver their babies safely at home. Still,
she never __44____ her dream to get an education. Giving her a dose of inspiration was
a(n)___45___by the Kenyan government in 2003 to make primary education free. However,
it wasn’t until almost a decade later that she could__46___enter a classroom.
Her journey on the road to___47___ has served as an inspiration for many in Kenya,
where it was ___48____among members of the older generations to ___49___ on schooling
to make ends meet.
David Kinyanjui, the head teacher at Leaders Vision Preparatory School, said that while
it was challenging to ___50___ Sitienei into the class in 2011, her determination to get an
education ____51___ the school authorities to enroll her. Sitienei, __52__known as Gogo--
or grandmother in her native language---hasn’t looked back.
“Gogo could only ___53__ in her mother tongue of Kalenjin and Kiswahili, but she was
willing to start learning at the ___54__ level so that she could learn some English. ___55__
高三下英语入学考试 第8页(共10页)
at Grade Six, she has learned the language and even though she is not ___56___ in it, she can
understand what the teachers are saying in class,” Kinyanjui___57____.
Sitienei said: “I wanted to inspire children, especially __58___ that education is
important in shaping their future and getting out of poverty. Being a grandmother, I
have____59__ some girls drop out of school due to early pregnancies or __60___ of interest
and the best way to show them the importance of education was by going back to school
41.A. classroom B. world C. hospital D. house
42.A. teacher B. scientist C. doctor D. artist
43.A. opportunity B. life C. university D. thought
44.A. made use of B. kept up with C. made up for D. let go of
45.A. reward B. move C. choice D. honor
46.A. eventually B. temporarily C. gradually D. randomly
47.A. self-discipline B. self-control C. self-esteem D. self-improvement
48.A. rare B. common C. strange D. unacceptable
49.A. look back B. cut down C. miss out D. look down
50.A. force B. accept C. bring D. push
51.A. convinced B. advised C. required D. begged
52.A. formally B. purposely C. fondly D. cautiously
53.A. write B. teach C. phone D. communicate
54.A. standard B. advanced C. toughest D. lowest
55.A. Currently B. Fortunately C. Amazingly D. Properly
56.A. talented B. absorbed C. fluent D. interested
57.A. insisted B. commented C. announced D. proposed
58.A. boys B. parents C. teenagers D. girls
59.A. made B. heard C. witnessed D. helped
60.A. lack B. presence C. efficiency D. appearance
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
A 2-year-old girl has been rescued from a collapsed building nearly 91 hours after a
devastating earthquake hit the 61._______(coast) Turkish city of Izmir on Friday. Rescuers
found Ayda Gezgin next to a dishwasher, 62.______apparently shielded her from the impact
of the damage. Because of 63._______(lie) in the space called “life triangle”, she survived
the terrible earthquake and was lucky to be found by rescuers. Ayda called out for her mother
when 64._______(carry) to an ambulance. "Mom. I want my mom," she said. 65.______
(unfortunate), rescuers discovered Ayda's mother's dead body just hours after the girl's rescue.
"We heard her voice. We asked her what her name is. She said, 'I'm fine.' We asked her
to wave her hand and she did," rescue worker Nusret Aksoy said. The video of the search
efforts showed rescue workers crying, praying and clapping as the 2-year-old was pulled from
高三下英语入学考试 第9页(共10页)
the rubble and 66._______(wrap) in a blanket.
Ayda, who will turn 3 years old next month, appeared 67._______(wake) and responsive.
Rescue workers said the girl asked for water and Ayran, 68.______Turkish yogurt drink
popular with children. Ayda's father was not in the building during the quake. He
69.________(guide) rescue workers through his family's destroyed home when the rescue
happened. Rescue efforts are still going 70.____at five of the 17 collapsed building sites in
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)
第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
文中共 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或
2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。
Dear fellow students,
With the College Entrance Examination approached, many students of senior three feel
quite stressful and are not willing to spare time for sports. I can well understand them and
appreciate their devotion to their studies a lot. However, they just lose sight of the important
role sports play in.
In fact, doing sports regularly benefit us in different ways. First, sports give us valuable
practice in helping every parts of our bodies work together. Therefore, sports can help build
up our strength but prevent us from falling ill easily. Besides, participating in outdoor sports,
we can get closely to nature, which beauty is able to keep us clear-headed and gets us
refreshed, thus in turn improving our study efficiency. Therefore, I sincerely advocate that all
of us should take active part in sports and get well prepared for their future in a healthy way
both physically and mentally.
That’s all. Thank you!
第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)
你班英语课上以“I have a dream”为题进行一个小型演讲活动,请写一份演讲稿,内
1. 你的梦想;
2. 为何有此梦想;
3. 如何实现梦想
1. 词数 100 左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
高三下英语入学考试 第10页(共10页)高 2020 级 2023年 3月月考英语双向细目表
题 易 中 难 分
型 题量/题号 值
听力 听力 1-20 √ 1.5 30
A 应用文 细节理解 21,22,23 √ 6
B 记叙文 细节理解 24 √ 2
推理判断 25.26 √ 4
主旨大意 27 √ 2
推理判断 √
28.29.31 6
C 说明文 细节理解 √
30 2
(原创题) 40
推理判断 32,33 √ 4
D 议论文 词义猜测 34 √ 2
主旨大意 35 √ 2
E 信息匹配 逻辑判断 36-40 √ 10.
名词词义辨析 6 个 √ 9
完形填 12 动词词义辨析 8 个 √ √

(有改 形容词词义辨 √ 4.5
编) 3 48.54.56 √ 析及其他
副词词义辨析 3 46.52.55 √ 4.5
从句 1 62 √ 1.5
词性转换 1 61. √ 3
介词 1 70 √ 1.5
空 副词 1 65 √ 1.5 15
题) 非谓语动词 1 63 √ 1.5
名词及其他 2 67.68. √ √ 3
动词时态语态 3 64.66.69 √ √ 4.5
形容词副 2 √ 2

冠 词 , 2 √ 2
代词, 2
√ 2
短文改 连词
错 动词 2 √ 2
从句 1 √ 1
名词 1 √
书面表 演讲稿 √

2高三英语 3月月考参考答案
1-5 ABCCA 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 CCACB 16-20 BABCA
21-23 CDA 24-27 DCBD 28-31 CBBD 32-35 DBAC
36-40 BAFGE
41-45 BCADB 46-59 ADBCB 51-55 ACDDA 56-60 CBDCA
61. coastal 62. which 63. lying 64. carried 65. Unfortunately
66. wrapped/ was wrapped 67. awake 68. a 69. was guiding 70.on
approached—approaching; stressful-stressed; play in----删去 in
benefit---benefits; parts---part; but---and; closely---close ; which---whose
take an active part—添加 an; their ----our
Hello, everybody! I’m very glad to share my dream with you. I have a dream that
one day I could be a pianist. I dream of playing a sweet tune for those who need music,
bringing happiness to sorrowful souls and enthusiasm to weary spirits.
I love music, and I love the feeling of playing music in front of the audience. Of
all the instruments, the delicate yet powerful sound a piano makes impresses me most.
It’s clear that I have a long way to go before I realize my dream. As is known, the
secret of many great pianists’ success lies in their life-long love for music and long
hours of practice every day. Therefore, I will practice every day as long as time permits
and learn as many songs as I can. I will put my heart into my pursuit of music and never
give up.
With my perseverance and diligence, I am confident that nothing will be the barrier
to make my dream come true. Thank you.
Text 1
M: Karen, did you go to Jennifer’s party last night
W:I planned to go, but I was locked in the house by my brother when I was sleeping
in my room. It was already very late when he returned from the movie.
Text 2
W: You seem to have something to say, don’t you
M: Did you hear that Mary has become CEO of an advertising company
W: Mary A CЕO Did you know that she always failed the examinations in high
Text 3
M: Are you going to the train station now
W: No. I’ve changed my plan. I’m not going to Chicago today.
M: So are you going there tomorrow
W:No. I’ll be in New York for two more days.
Text 4
W: Good morning. I’d like to have this bag sent to a friend in Japan. So when do you
think he will receive it
M: It depends on which way you want it to be delivered. You can have a look here.
Text 5
W: What are you eating , Henry
M:I’m eating some Soup Buns. They’re a kind of traditional Chinese food.
W:Do they have a long history in China .
M: Yes. They became very popular as early as the Northern Song Dynasty.
Text 6
W: Peter, can you do me a favor I’m going to the aiport now. Can you help me carry
my bag out to the taxi
M: Certainly. So have you already called a taxi
W: Yes. It’s already waiting in the driveway now.
M: Good. When will your flight take off
W: It’s 2:00 pm now. The plane won’t take off until two hours later.
M: Well, there’s still quite a lot of time. You don’t need to hurry.
W: You know, it’s usually better to be early rather than late when you’re catching a
flight. It will take me about one hour to get to the airport.
Text 7
W: Thanks for taking me to the theme park, Mike. I had the time of my life.
M:I’m glad to hear that, Amy. I enjoyed myself there, too. There’s a party at Jason’s
house tomorrow night. Do you want to go to it
W: Sorry, Mike, but I have an exam the day after tomorrow. I didn’t study today, you
M: Oh, in this case, you’d better review your lessons. Then what about going to see a
horror movie after the exam
W: Well, actually I like comedies and love stories. I really want a movie to help me
M: Then let’s go to a movie that can make us laugh.
W: OK.
W: Good evening, Benny’s Chop House. How may I help you, please
M: Good evening. I’d like to book a table for Tuesday or Wednesday night, please
W:Sorry, but we’re fully booked every day until Thursday. Can you come that night
M: Let me sce. OK, I’ll book a table for the night.
W:Good. So how many people are there in your party, please
M: I need to book a table for a family of four. Two adults and two kids.
W: You’re lucky, sir. A couple has just canceled their reservation, and we have such a
table left for that night. But it’s not in the smoking section. I hope you don’t mind that.
M: That’s fine with me. None of us smoke. As a matter of fact, we hate second-hand
smoking. By the way, can we come around 7:00 pm
W: Yes. And we close around 10:30 pm. Now may I know your name and your number,
M: Certainly.
Text 9
W: Do you still like reading newspapers or magazines, Mark
M: No. Now I often read news on some famous news sites. It’s more convenient.
W: Is there any impressive news today
M: Yes. The news about a vending machine that bakes a pizza in three minutes.
W: Baking a pizza in three minutes That’s really unbelievable. So is it in the US
M: No. It’s in Rome. The machine is called “Mr. Go Pizza”. It offers four different
kinds of pizzas which cost between $5 and $7. There’s a small glass window that
allows customers to watch as their pizza bakes.
W: So what about the pizza Does it taste good
M: Some people called the pizza " terrible" ; others were kinder. They said the pizza
is OK, but they also said it’s not pizza.
W: Well, Italy is well known for its pizzas. There are so many restaurants that sell pizzas.
I don’t think such a machine will be successful there.
M:I doubt it, too. But the machine has an advantage.
W: What is it
M: It offers 24-hour service It is very useful if you’re hungry late at night.
Text 10
M: Eric Carle is a famous author and artist. He passed away at the age of 91. Mr. Carle’s
lively, creative and colorful works are loved by children from all over the world. He
was the author of over 70 books for children. His famous books include The Grouchy
Ladybug, The Mixed-up Chameleon and Papa, Please Get me Moon for Me. The Very
Hungry Caterpillar is Mr. Carle’s best-known book. It has published in 1969. Since
then, over 55 million copies of the book have been sold, and it has been translated into
more than 70 different languages. Most of Mr. Carle’s books are meant for younger
readers. Mr. Carle worked hard to reach out to students and teachers. He said that he
wanted to help make school a fun, welcoming place through his books. He often talked
freely about how he created his art, and he encouraged kids to create their own. Mr.
Carle will be missed, and his creative art and sweet, funny stories will continue to bring
joy to very eager readers all around the world.扫码关注错题
Dear fellow students,
With the College Entrance Examination approached,many students of senior three feel quite stressful
and are not willing to spare time for sports.I can well understand them and appreciate their devotion to
their studics a lot.Ilowever,they just lose sight of the important role sports play in
In fact,doing sports regularly benefit us in different ways.First,sports give us valuable practice in

helping every parts of our bodies work together.Therefore,sports can help build up our strength but
prevent us from falling ill easily.Besides,participating in outdoor sports,we can get closely to nature,
which beauty is able to keep us clear-headed and gets us refreshed,thus in turn improving our study
efficicncy.Thereforc,I sincerely advocate that all of us should take active part in sports and get well
prepared for their future in a healthy way both physically and mentally.
That's all.Thank you!




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