Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B 基础训练(含解析)

人教版七下英语 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section B 基础训练
1. When leaving any kind of a party, a guest (客人) always expresses his appreciation (感激) to the host. Some words like these are proper, "_____"
A.I'm afraid I must be leaving now. Good night.
B.Thank you so much. I've had a happy evening.
C.Thank you for coming. Please send my best wishes to your family.
2. This sign tells us _____ right.
A.turn B.to turn C.turns D.turning
3. People may lose their _____ in a fire.
A.life B.live C.lives D.living
4. Please tell us _____ your new neighbourhood, Linda.
A.about B.of C.with D.from
5. This is a picture of a classroom. The classroom is big and nice. You can see (看见) a teacher's desk, five desks and six chairs. You can see a girl and a boy, too.
Three books are on the teacher's desk. A pencil box is on the desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil box. A schoolbag is under a chair. A ball is on the floor.
The girl is Linda; she is 9. The boy is Mike; he is 10. They are in Class 2, Grade 1. They are friends. The teacher is Miss Green. She is not in the picture.
Who is not in the picture
A.Mike. B.Miss Green.
C.Linda. D.We don't know.
A: Hello, Tommy! Did you see the film Amazing China
B: No. What do you think of it
A: _____6_____
B: I heard it is a documentary (记录片), and many people like watching it. _____7_____
A: It is about China's success in the past years.
B: _____8_____
A: Yes. But most of the audience (观众) are 20-29 years old.
B: Really I can't believe it. Anything else
A: _____9_____
B: Oh, I want to see it. _____10_____
A: Sorry, I saw it last night. I think you can ask Jim to go with you.
B: OK. I'll call him later.
6. A.And the film makes more people love our country.
B.Who is the director (导演)
C.I think it is wonderful.
D.I think the old people like it very much, right
E.How can I get there
F.What is it about
G.Would you like to go with me
7. A.And the film makes more people love our country.
B.Who is the director (导演)
C.I think it is wonderful.
D.I think the old people like it very much, right
E.How can I get there
F.What is it about
G.Would you like to go with me
8. A.And the film makes more people love our country.
B.Who is the director (导演)
C.I think it is wonderful.
D.I think the old people like it very much, right
E.How can I get there
F.What is it about
G.Would you like to go with me
9. A.And the film makes more people love our country.
B.Who is the director (导演)
C.I think it is wonderful.
D.I think the old people like it very much, right
E.How can I get there
F.What is it about
G.Would you like to go with me
10. A.And the film makes more people love our country.
B.Who is the director (导演)
C.I think it is wonderful.
D.I think the old people like it very much, right
E.How can I get there
F.What is it about
G.Would you like to go with me
11. We eat _____ (health) food every day.
12. good → _____ (副词)
13. strawberry → _____ (复数形式)
14. Hurry up (快点儿), Linda! We _____ (be) late.
15. He often (经常) _____ (play) soccer after school.
16. Emily and I are in the same class, so we are _____ (classmate).
17. —Can you help _____ (my)
—Yes, sure.
18. When Jack heard the news, he j_____ happily.
19. —Can she go to the baseball game this morning
—No, she can't. She _____ (have) a computer lesson.
20. Last weekend, our parents _____ (take) us to China to visit the Great Wall.
21. We _____ (种植) vegetables in our garden.
22. My sister is a successful musician. She can p_____ the guitar, the violin a_____ the piano. She can also sing and dance. Do you want t_____ know about her Let me tell you about her weekdays.
On Monday she goes to play the guitar w_____ her friends. They play it for the kids. They think it is v_____ interesting. On Tuesday, she finds a j_____ in a school. She is a good music teacher. O_____ Wednesday and T_____ she goes to Beijing to learn art. She thinks a_____ is really relaxing. She likes to paint and she wants to d_____ nice pictures. Then she goes to play the violin with her partners (搭档) in a TV show.
23. 对每个人来说,学会交朋友很重要。
_____ important for everybody to learn to _____ _____.
24. She has to _____ (visit) her aunt this afternoon.
25. 放学后你计划做什么?
What are you _____ _____ _____ after school
26. 他们可能得去见他们的朋友。
They _____ _____ _____ meet their friends.
27. 她能去参加棒球比赛吗?
_____ she _____ _____ the baseball game
28. 看!光头强正在砍这些树。
Look! Logger Vick is _____ _____ these trees.
1 . B
此题考查的是综合能力。句意:当离开任何类型的聚会时,客人总是向主人表达他的感激之情。像这样的话是恰当的,“非常感谢你。我度过了一个愉快的夜晚。“ I'm afraid I must be leaving now. Good night. 恐怕我现在得走了。晚安。Thank you so much. I've had a happy evening. 非常感谢。我度过了一个愉快的夜晚。Thank you for coming. Please send my best wishes to your family. 谢谢你的光临。请代我向你的家人致以最美的祝愿。
2 . B
3 . C
4 . A
5 . B
6 . C
A:Tommy!你看过电影《Amazing China》?
A:是的。但大多数观众都是 20-29 岁的。
根据前句“What do you think of it 你觉得它怎么样?”可知此空是讲:我觉得怎样怎样……CD 二选一,再根据后句“I heard it is a documentary (记录片)… 我听说它是纪录片……”可知这句并没有在对此空做什么回应,而 D 是问句,得下一句对 D 做回应,所以排除 D,C 选项“I think it is wonderful. 我觉得它很好。”所以 C 符合此空。
7 . F
根据后句“It is about… 它是关于……”可知此空是问:它是关于什么的?F 选项“What is it about 它是关于什么的?”所以 F 适合此空。
8 . D
根据前句“It is about China's success in the past years. 这是关于中国在过去几年的成功。”和后句“Yes. But most of the audience (观众) are 20-29 years old. 是的。但大多数观众都是 20-29 岁的。”可知此空在讲:哪些人爱看它,而且还是问句,因为此句有肯定回答 Yes,D 选项“I think the old people like it very much, right 我觉得老人们很喜欢它,对吧?”所以 D 适合此空。
9 . A
根据前句“Anything else 还有呢?”和后句“Oh, I want to see it 噢,我想去看。”可知此空不是问句,只有 A 选项符合,A 选项“And the film makes more people love our country. 这部电影使更多的人热爱我们的国家。”符合逻辑。
10 . G
根据后句“Sorry, I saw it last night. I think you can ask Jim to go with you. 对不起,我昨晚看到了。我想你可以叫吉姆和你一起去。”可知此空是讲:邀请对方一起去看之类的话,G 选项“Would you like to go with me 你想和我一起去吗?”符合此空。
11 . healthy
12 . well
13 . strawberries
14 . are
15 . plays
16 . classmates
17 . me
18 . jumped, umped
19 . has
20 . took
21 . grow
22 . play/ lay, and/ nd, to/ o, with/ ith, very/ ery, job/ ob, On/ n, Thursday/ hursday, art/ rt, draw/ raw
23 . It's, make, friends
24 . visit
25 . planning, to, do
26 . might, have, to
27 . Can, go, to
28 . cutting, down
第1页(共1 页)



