外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards单元过关检测(含解析)

Unit2 单元过关检测
第一部分 阅读
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
(2020.安徽马鞍山高一下检)It’s easy to get defeated completely by something negative in your daily life. Give these apps a try if you want to be more positive instead of being negative in your daily life.
Shine is a text messaging service based on the idea that sometimes you need some external phrases to guide your internal positive thinking.
Visit the website, and you'll have the ability to sign up to receive a daily text message—all you need to provide is a first name and a phone number. Then you’ll receive one message per day with inspirational quotes from successful people from Monday through Friday.
In many cases, statements that come from other people can be more powerful than the ones you make to yourself. That’s where Kwippy comes in.
The app Kwippy has a positive, lively community focusing on fun while keeping negativity out. It is a new kind of social media platform that will send you random challenges throughout the day, prompting you to take a photo of something in your nearby environment.
1. Which app makes people feel encouraged regularly
A. Shine.
B. Kwippy.
C. Think Up.
D. Smiling Mind.
2. Who is Kwippy suitable for
A. Those who need to face a big life challenge.
B. Those who look for a friendly neighborhood.
C. Those who long for a great sense of belonging.
D. Those who want to live an enjoyable social life.
3. What is the purpose of the article
A. To show the power of some advanced apps.
B. To introduce some apps for avoiding people feeling down.
C. To compare the advantages of some apps.
D. To list the wide usage of apps in our daily life.
(2020.山东师范大学附属中学高一下测试) Nobody likes to fail. It makes people feel embarrassed and discouraged. What’s worse, it may cause major professional or personal trouble and lead to negativity. Basically, failure is no fun
for most people. However, a vast body of research tells us that failure provides us with a chance to grow and develop, increases adaptability, and helps protect against anxiety.
It’s hard to change the mindset (心态) of a lifetime. But even if we still can’t get over the broken marriage or the failed College Entrance Examination or the work presentation that went fearfully wrong, it might not be too late for our kids.
Christy Pennison, a professional consultant, says she works with an increasing number of kids and teens who show significant anxiety around a fear of failure. She said, “We want to protect our children, and we want them to live happy and meaningful lives, so we frequently tell them the harm of failure and ask them to avoid failure. The children experiencing internal and sometimes external pressure think they shouldn’t fail. Meanwhile , we always have high expectations of them. So when they don’t live up to a certain standard, or things don’t, go according to the plans, they will feel upset and anxious.”
Pennison argues that failures are often the hidden learning chances that can help people develop positive qualities, like persistence, focus, flexibility, patience, and positive self-image.
So what can parents do to help their children embrace (拥抱) failure instead of avoiding it at all costs Pennison suggests directing praise towards the effort, not the result. “This allows children to build confidence in themselves,” she explains. “Acknowledging the effort can give children permission to try new things without a fear of failure. And the bigger picture is that the development of the mindset— ‘I’d rather try and fail than not try at all.’—helps them keep a belief in themselves , and
expands their world of possibilities.” As Pennison points out, we all fail, but how we get up after we fail is what matters.
4. What aspect do most people focus on when thinking of failure
A. The great courage to face it.
B. The efforts made to handle it.
C. Unexpected benefits it brings.
D. Unpleasant side effects it brings.
5. What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2
A. Bring up the main topic.
B. List the challenges in our life.
C. Add some background information.
D. Stress the importance of the mindset.
6. What is mainly talked about in the third paragraph
A. The causes of children’s anxiety.
B. Christy Pennison’s comments on adolescents.
C. The consequences of overprotecting children.
D. Christy Pennison’s experience in educating children.
7. Which of the following advice can help parents encourage kids to face failure
①Praise kids’ every achievement.
②Make kids embrace a bright mindset.
③Focus on the process of kids' effort.
④Expand kids’ knowledge about the world.
⑤Encourage kids to make new attempts.
A.①②④ B.②③④ C.②③⑤ D.①③⑤
(2020.山东枣庄高一下检测)On the morning of September 7th, 19-year -old Ryan Harris and 40-year-old Stonie Huffman, two Sitka, Alaska residents, took off on their 28-foot boat in search of fish. Two miles into the ocean, their boat began to have some problems. They managed to fix the problems, but decided to head back to the shore anyway. However, before they could call for help or grab a life jacket, an eight-foot wave slammed hard against their boat and overturned it, throwing both men into the cold Alaskan waters.
Stranded, they began to look around to see what they could grab on to and saw a couple of the empty fishing boxes from the boat, floating around. Ryan managed to climb inside one. Stonie, however, was not as lucky and managed to only grab on to the lid of the box. Soon, they both started drifting apart.
While Ryan continued to bob up and down in the box, the waves started carrying Stonie away. But as luck would have it, he caught sight of one of the life suits from their boat floating in the ocean and managed to grab it. Though putting it on and hanging on to the lid at the same time was not an easy task, Stonie managed it and then began his long swim back to the shore. He ended upon a deserted patch of land about 25 miles northwest of Sitka , where he had to wait until Saturday morning almost 24 hours after the fishing trip began, for rescuers to find him.
Meanwhile, 19-year-old Ryan continued to drift around the ocean trying to stay alive and hoping someone would find him. The brave teenager repeated himself over and over again, “I’m Ryan Hunter Harris and I'm not going to die here.” He was sure he would be rescued.
Two hours after his friend was rescued and able to guide the Coast Guard and, 26 hours after the adventure began, Ryan was finally found and brought back to the shore. What was amazing was that besides a few scratches , the youngster was in perfect health. Will he ever venture out on a fishing trip again Only time will tell!
8. We learn that on Ryan and Stonie’s way back to the shore, ________.
A. they had expected they would encounter danger
B. they were struck by a big wave all of a sudden
C. they tried to fix the problems of their boat
D. they were frightened by many big waves
9. What does the underlined word “Stranded” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. Trapped.
B. Injured.
C. Encouraged.
D. Puzzled.
10. Paragraph 4 shows when Ryan was drifting around the ocean, he________.
A. was frightened
B. amused himself
C. became hopeless
D. stayed positive
11. The writer finds it surprising that________.
A. Ryan was finally found
B. it took so long t finally find Ryan
C. Ryan was only slightly injured
D. Ryan decided to go on a fishing trip again
(2020.河南开封高一下检测)Young trees don’t just grow; they develop a personality and learn more about their environment and how they should best behave in it. They also help each other out whenever there’s trouble.
Personality, just as among people, varies among trees. Some are anxious, some bold. On the author’s land, there are three oak trees growing close together. One of the oak trees always starts to shed its leaves two weeks earlier than the others. Since they all experience the same temperature, the same soil and the same length of day, such variables can’t be the explanation. So what s happening Well, this tree is simply more careful than the others. Whoever holds on to their leaves longer can do more photosynthesis (光合作用) and store more nutrients. However, the longer a tree keeps its leaves, the higher risk of injury it may face.
Not only do trees make their own decisions, they also learn from their mistakes. A tree, for example, keeping its leaves too long during one year will never make this mistake again. This leads to several other conclusions; trees must notice the temperature and the length of the day and be able to save their experiences somewhere. Obviously, trees don’t have brains, but it is thought that in the sensitive tips of their roots they keep track of information and experiences.
But trees aren’t only clever when it comes to caring for themselves. They also support each other whenever there’s trouble by giving warnings and even taking care of sick and
weak conspecifics (同种个体) with nutrients. For example, one time the author found a very old tree stump. Its inside had rotted a long time ago to topsoil. But the wood on the outside of the stump was still living. How was this possible Well , the stump was nourished by its neighbors with nutrients from the root system, and had been for at least 400 years!
Why do trees do such a thing It’s simple: it’s better together. Trees need the forest; it protects them from storms, provides the right microclimate and warns them of attacks.
12. Why does the author mention the three oak trees
A. To illustrate trees can learn from experiences.
B. To show trees can make independent decisions.
C. To explain trees are quite supportive to each other.
D. To prove trees have the same personalities as humans.
13. According to the text, which of the following best describes general features of trees
A. Anxious and bold.
B. Smart and adventurous.
C. Helpful and well-behaved.
D. Adaptable and supportive.
14. What does the underlined phrase “do such a thing” mean
A. Give warnings.
B. Offer assistance.
C. Depend on others.
D. Provide nutrients.
15. Where does this text most probably come from
A. A public lecture.
B. A science book.
C. An experiment report.
D. A travel journal.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
To be successful people
Here are some opinions about successful and unsuccessful people.
Make life plans and set goals
You can’t be successful without knowing where you are going. A life vision board, 10 years’ plan and daily goals are useful tools of the successful people. 16
Keep a “To-be” list for the future
A “To-be” list is a great way to plan for the future. I want to be an elected offcia1 in the future. I want to be the CEO of a public company. 17 Unsuccessful people have no idea what they want to be. How can you achieve success if you don’t know what you want to be
Study every day
18 Whether you are reading a magazine or a good book, you can learn and become knowledgeable as you read. While watching television may be good entertainment, you will hardly get anything out of TV to help you become more
Want others to succeed
When you are in an organization with a group of people, in order to be successful,you all have to be successful. 19 If you wish for their failures, why even work with them at all
Accept responsibly for your failures
Where there are ups, there are most always downs. Being successful persons means always having to accept responsibly for your failures. 20 It just puts other people down and no good comes from it.
A. Blaming others solves nothing.
B. Your failures help your successes.
C. I want to be a great father and husband.
D. We want to make our life plans and goal.
E. Get your vision and goals down on paper.
17. _______ 18. _______ 19. _______ 20. _______ 21. _______
第二部分 语言运用
(2020.安徽滁州高一下检测)Sitting at a table in my school cafeteria, I looked around, slowly taking in everything. Student after student passed my 21 carrying that day’s lunch, but if you looked deeper, there was more to 22. There was more than just the uniform they were wearing, or the way they had styled their hair. There was a lot more hidden under the 23 .
Catching the eye of a girl in my grade sitting at a nearby table, I waved politely. She smiled 24 and then continued to pick at the spaghetti in front of her. If I hadn’t 25
recently that her mother was dying of leukemia, I would have never 26 anything was wrong and I may not have been as 27 and sympathetic, either. It suddenly 28
me that we judge others too quickly without knowing the whole story.
I have an incurable lung disease. No one at our school knows—I don’t show any noticeable 29 except for a few coughs here and there. I go about my day like any other kid, 30 with the realization that I have a 31 and terrifying future.
Before that day when I decided to 32 the world with a new perspective, I 33 myself almost every day. I thought only about myself and my heavy 34. But I’ve now
realized no one is 35 —we just need to accept the way we are.
21. A. order B. room C. table D. cafeteria
22. A. observe B. imagine C. compare . D. exchange
23. A. surface B. uniform C. rules D. circumstances
24. A. casually B. weakly C. happily D. impatiently
25. A. found B. noticed C. heard D. decided
26. A. suspected B. remembered C. predicted D. regretted
27. A. outstanding B. willing C. demanding D. understanding
28. A. escaped B. satisfied C. hit D. attracted
29. A. symptoms B. diseases C. complaints D. weaknesses
30. A. and B. but C.or. D. so
31. A. bright B. dark C. real D. serious
32. A. change B. create C. view D. tolerate
33. A. pitied B. forgave C. challenged D. encouraged
34. A. debt B. reward C. burden D. workload
35. A. changeable B. perfect C. unique D. different
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
(2020.山东烟台高一下检测)Savanna, 11, is possibly one of our next great experts of the heart disease. After visiting her Sunday schoolteacher, who was about to perform a heart 36.________(operate ) at the hospital, Savanna’s curiosity led
towards a deep appreciation of the heart and its importance to the human body.
Encouraged by her parents to research further matters of the heart, Savanna learned that one in three of her peers (同龄人) 37.________(be) suffering from childhood fatness, 38.________ can lead to heart diseases. She began making YouTube videos sharing with the world ways to have better health and create a happy, healthy heart.
In 2016, Happy Heart Advice launched its Happy Heart Challenges, 39.________(provide) over 300 hundred children and families 40.________ education and free resources for healthy living. In June, she 41.________(invite) as an important speaker at the 9th Biennial Obesity Conference where she shared valuable information on how to form healthy eating 42.________(habit) and everyday lifestyles, and was honored by the American Heart Association for her work and effects in the health community at such 43.________ early age.
She’s currently working on an app that will make it 44.________ (easy) for moms and families to shop for “Happy Heart-approved Food”. She makes it her life’s goal 45.________ (make) sure kids have healthy hearts.
第三部分 写作
(2020.海南海口高一下检测)假设你是李华, 你的好友杨洋前不久和父母一起去了美国, 她写信告诉你她很不适应美国的校园生活,感到很难过。请你根据以下要点用英语给她写一封建议信。
Dear Yang Yang,
Thank you for writing to me._________________________________________
I hope my advice will be useful to you. I’m looking forward to your good news.
Li Hua
(2020.山东烟台高一下检测)I had much practice. climbing drainpipes (排水管) as a teenager, when I forgot my keys. It wasn’t a skill I expected to need again on a sunny bank holiday.
I’d arranged to meet my wife in the beer garden of a local hotel. As I approached, I could hear raised voices. I thought maybe some people had drunk, but as I walked into the garden, I saw everyone looking up,including my wife. Following their sight, I saw a child on top of a roof sticking out from the hotel.
I realized the people in the garden had arranged themselves underneath, in the hope that one of them would be able to catch him if he fell. From the other side of the roof, I heard a woman’s voice begging him to sit down and keep still. It was the boy’s mother, who had tried to climb up to him and become trapped halfway. The child ignored his mother’s voice and his every movement brought a fresh gasp (倒抽气) of anxiety from onlookers. The firemen had been called, but no one knew how long they’d take. I imagined the firemen working their way across the city, slowed by holiday traffic. The thought of looking on helplessly as the boy lost his footing made me feel sick. Scanning the side of the building, I quickly worked out the quickest way up and made for the drainpipe.
It was old and looked as if it might break away from the wall, but I managed to quickly climb onto the roof. Above me, the child paid me little attention and didn’t appear to be frightened at all. He was no older than two. I realized I’d be unable to predict his responses. My only choice now was to keep climbing. The roof narrowed as it rose and I planted myself as firmly as I could on the edge, caught the boy and held him on to my lap.
1.续写词数应为150 左右;
Below me, the hotel’s customers remained on the spot, occasionally shouting words of encouragement. ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
It took only about 15 minutes. for the firemen to arrive, but I was more than ready.________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1.A 细节理解题。根据Shine部分中的 “...you'll receive one message per day with inspirational quotes from successful people from Monday through Friday.” 可知,注册Shine后,从周一到周五每天都可以收到成功人土的励志名言,故选A。
2. D细节理解题。根据Kwippy部分中的 “The app Kwippy has a positive, lively community focusing on fun while keeping negativity out.”可知, Kwippy能帮助人们享受愉快的社交生活。故选D。
3. B推理判断题。根据第一段 “Give these apps a try if you want to be more positive instead of being negative in your daily life.” 和后面的介绍可知,本篇文章介绍了两个让人在日常生活中保持积极的应用软件。故选B。
4.D 细节理解题。根据第一段中 “Nobody likes to fail. It makes people feel embarrassed ..for most people.”可知,大部分人关注的是失败的负面影响。
5. A推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,本段主要是为了引出文章讨论的话题:家长需要帮助孩子树立面对失败的正确态度。
6.A主旨大意题。 根据第三段中 “...we frequently tell them the harm of failure..以及Meanwhile , we always have high expectations of them.”可知,本段主要分析了导致孩子焦虑的原因:家长一方面教育孩子不能失败,一方面又对孩子寄予厚望。
7. C细节理解题。根据最后一段中 “Pennison suggests directing praise towards the effort ..build confidence in themselves... try new thing..”可知,关注努力的过程、使孩子拥有一个积极的心态以及鼓励孩子尝试新事物,可帮助他们勇敢面对失败。
[语篇解读]主题:人与自我(做人与做事)。话题:落水获救。本文是一篇记叙文,文章记叙了Ryan和Stonie出海捕鱼,遇险落水,被困20多个小时,最终获救的故事。8. B细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句 “However , before they could call for help or grab a life jacket, an eight-foot waves lammed hard against their boat and overturned it, throwing both men into the cold Alaskan waters.”可知, Ryan和Stonie在返回海岸的时候,船被浪打翻了,两个人都落水了,故选B项。
9.A词义猜测题。 根据文章第一段最后一句中 “throwing both men into the cold Alaskan waters 以及下文..where he had to wait until Saturday morning almost 24 hours after the fishing trip began, for rescuers to find him.”和 “...26 hours after the adventure began,Ryan was finally found and brought back to the shore.” 可知,Ryan和Stonie落水遇险,被困20多个小时,由此可知,Stranded就是“被困”的意思,故选A项。
10. D推理判断题。 根据文章第四段中“..19-year-old Ryan continued to drift around the ocean trying to stay alive and hoping someone would find him.... He was sure he would be rescued.”可知, Ryan一直保持着积极的心态。故选D项。
11. C细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中 “What was amazing.was that besides a few scratches, the youngster was in perfect health.”可知,作者认为令人惊奇的是Ryan除了几处划伤之外,身体非常健康。故选C项。
12.B推理判断题。根据第二段第四句“One of the oak trees always starts to shed its leaves two weeks earlier than the others.” 可知,三棵橡树中,有一棵总比其他两棵先落叶;结合第三段第一句“Not only do trees make their own decisions , they also learn from their mistakes.”可知,树木能自已做决定。据此可推知,作者提及三棵橡树旨在说明树木可以自己做决定。故B项正确。
13. D推理判断题。 根据第三段第一句“Not only do trees make their own decisions, they also learn from their mistakes.”,并结合第三段的内容可知,树木不仅能自己做决定,还能从自己的错误中吸取教训。据此可推知,树木适应能力强;根据第四段前两句“But trees aren’t only clever when it comes to caring for themselves. They also support each other whenever there’s trouble by giving warnings and even taking care of sick and weak conspecifics with nutrients.” 可知,树木不仅善于照顾自己,当遇到困难时,它们会发出警告,相互支持,甚至照顾生病、虚弱的同类。据此可推知,树木之间还会互帮互助。故D项正确。
14. B词义猜测题。根据第四段尾句“Well, the stump was nourished by its neighbors with nutrients from the root system, and had been for at least 400 years!”可知,树桩是由它的邻居从根处给予营养而被滋养的;结合第五段第一句“Why do trees do such a thing ”和第五段的内容可知,该处表示“为什么树木要互相帮助 ”,故画线短语是指“提供帮助”,故B项正确。
15. B文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了树的智慧:每棵树都有不同的个性。研究发现,树不但能自己做决定,还能从自已的错误中吸取教训;遇到困难时它们也会互相帮助。据此可推知,本文最可能选自科学书籍,故B项正确。
16. E关联逻辑法解题。根据前文提到的“A life vision board,10 years' plan and daily goals are useful tools of the successful people.”可知,此处应是建议我们将憧憬和目标写在纸上。故选E。
17.C关联逻辑法解题。根据前面两句“I want to be an elected official in the future. I want to be the CEO of a public company.”可知,此处依然是列举想成为的目标。故选C。
18. F词汇锁定法 解题。通过小标题Study every day可以确定该处“Studying every day educates you on new subjects.”符合句意。
19.G词汇锁定法解题。根据本段的小标题Want others to succeed可知,你得让你的同事们也有所提高并且成功。故选G。
20.A关联逻辑法解题。根据前一句“Being successful persons means always having to accept responsibly for your failures.”以及后一句 “It just puts other people down and no good comes from it.”可知,此处应表示责怪他人没有任何用处。故选A。
21. C上文语境题。由上文Sitting at a table in my school cafeteria可知,此处指的是学生们一个接一个地路过作者所坐的餐桌(table) , 故选C。
22. A.上下文语境题。由上文中的but if you looked deeper及后面两句可推知,此处表示作者认为有更多有待观察(observe)的东西。
23. A上下文语境题。根据常识可知,学生的制服和发型都是表面( surface )的东西,且空格处与下文中的we judge others too quickly without knowing the whole story呼应,故选A。
24. B下文语境题。由下文her mother was dying of leukemia可推知,女孩因为母亲病重而勉强地(weakly)对作者笑了笑。
25. C.上下文语境题。根据语境可推知,作者听说(hear)了这个女孩家里的不幸。
26. A上下文语境题。根据语境可推知,作者本不会怀疑( suspect)有什么不正常的。
27.D下文语境题。由下文中的sympathetic可推知,作者对对方表示理解(understanding )和同情,故选D。
29. A下文语境题。根据下文中的except for a few coughs可推知,此处指的是一. 些不为人注意的症状( symptom)。
30. B上下文语境题。根据语境可推知,前后两句是逻辑.上的转折关系,故选B。31. B下文语境题。根据terrifying可推知,此处表示因为难以治愈的疾病,作者的未来变得黑暗(dark) , 故选B。
32.C上文语境题。 根据上文中的looked around和looked deeper可推知,作者一直在观察生活,而在那天之后作者以一种新角度看待(view)世界,故选C。
33. A下文语境题。根据下文中的“I thought only about myself and my heavy”可推知,作者曾经因为自己的病而怜悯(pity)自己,故选A。
34. C上文语境题。根据语境及空前的heavy可推知,不可治愈的病是作者沉重的负担(burden) , 故选C。
35.B上下 文语境题。根据语境可推知,每个人都不完美( perfect),我们只是需要接受自己原本的样子。故选B。
36. operation考查词性转换。空格处缺少名词.应用operate的名词形式作perform的宾语。故填operation。3
7. were/are考 查时态和主谓一致。 one in three of her peers作主语时,谓语使用复数形式。因为表达的是事实,也可以不受主句谓语是过去时态的限制,故填were/are。
38.which考查关系代词。此处which是关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,修饰childhood fatness。故填which。
39.providing考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,( provide ) over 300 hundred children and families...是伴随状语。主句主语Happy Heart Advice与动词provide之间是主动关系,故要用现在分词作状语。故填providing。
40. with考查介词。此处with与前面的providing构成provide...with...短语,意思是“.........故填with。
41.was invited考查被动语态。此处句子主语she与动词invite之间是被动关系,而且是过去发生的动作。需要使用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was invited。
42. habits考查名词复数。此处habits是名诃复数形式.表示泛指。故用habits.
43. an考查冠词。 此处应用不定冠词an表示泛指。与such连用。At such an early age意为“在如此小的年龄”。故填an。
45.to make考查非谓语动词。此处应用动词不定式短语to make sure kids have healthy hearts作makes的真正宾语, it是形式宾语,故填to make。
第一节One possible version:
Dear Yang Yang,
Thank you for writing to me. I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to your new school 1life in America. I’m glad to give you some advice on how to face this situation.
It is very important for you to work hard at English, which can give you more opportunities to communicate with others. Also, it is good to make some friends, who can help you forget your loneliness, solve your problems and also help you join in various interesting activities. By doing so, you will live a busier life and be happier with the new life soon.
I hope my advice will be useful to you. I’m looking forward to your good news.
Li Hua
第二节One possible version:
Below me, the hotel’s customers remained on the spot, occasionally shouting words of encouragement. My wife, unable to watch, was playing with our four-year-old daughter, attempting to take her attention away. It occurred to me suddenly that the life of this stranger’s child was indeed in my hands. I had no doubt that he was safer now that 1 was holding on to him, but if we fell, would I be blamed for the consequences
It took only about 15 minutes for the firemen to arrive, but I was more than ready. A long ladder was leaning against the wall of the hotel towards us, and the firemen climbed up, warning me not to move until they were directly below me. My anxiety turned into a flow of relief as I passed the boy over, and then waited to take my own turn climbing down. I was glad the situation was now in someone else’s hands. The boy’s mother thanked me over and over again and called me an “angel”.
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下一篇:外研版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Onwards and upwards Developing ideas and Presenting ideas 能力提升练(含解析)