
听力(共三节:满分10分)第一节:听小对话,回答问题, (共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)
1.(2分)What is on Tom's desk?
A.A book.
B.A notebook.
C.A dictionary.
2.(2分)What sport does Alan often play?
3.(2分)When is Cindy's birthday party?
A.December 5.
B.December 15.
C.December 25.
4.(2分)What doe Mike want to have for dinner?
5.(2分)How much is the jacket?
A. $ 27.
B. 28.
C. 29.
6.(4分)(1)What day is today?
(2)What class does John have today?
7.(6分)(1)Who is Mary?
A.Jack's sister.
B.Jack's daughter.
C.Jack's cousin.
(2)What color does Mary like best?
(3)Who is in the picture?
8.(10分)(1)What is Grace's family name?
(2)How old is she?
(3)Where is she now?
A.In America.
B.in China.
C.In England.
(4)Which class is she in?
A.Class 1.
B.Class 2.
C.Class 3.
(5)What does she think of English?
A.It's useful.
B.It's relaxing.
C.It's difficult.
9.(1分)选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(  )
A.uncle B.under C.useful D.us
10.(1分)选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(  )
A.yellow B.these C.vegetable D.very
11.(1分)选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(  )
A.plane B.take C.math D.same
12.(1分)选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(  )
A.tennis B.nice C.ninth D.tidy
13.(1分)选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(  )
A.number B.only C.then D.thank
14.(10分)Kimani Maruge is a star student in Kapkendulywa Primary School in Kenya.He is not the same as his (1)   .He is 85 years old!But every morning he goes to (2)    like other students and sits in the classroom before the teacher comes.
"I can't read or write,and now this is(3)    chance (机会) to learn," Kimani says. "This is important to me.I don't think I'm too (4)    to learn.I'm sure I can learn as well as my classmates."
Kimani (5)    the same as all the other students in the class.He sits at the same desk and wears (穿) the same clothes——a white shirt and blue (6)   .He listens carefully in class and finishes his homework in time.He is really a (7)   student!
Joseph and Charles are Kimani's classmates.They are both eight years old.Joseph says, "Now he is our (8)   .He teaches us songs." Charles says, "And he (9)    newspapers in class.He can read very well now.We all call him Guga.It means 'grandad'."
Kimani's teacher,Ezric Muniu,says, "Kimani is a good student.I'm (10)    that he can read newspapers now."
Education in Kenya is now free and for everyone. "We are happy that so many persons have a chance to learn," says Mrs Obinchu,the head teacher of the primary school.
(1) A.friends B.parents C.classmates D.cousins
(2) A.school B.work C.bed D.hospital
(3) A.her B.my C.his D.your
(4) A.old B.small C.tired D.busy
(5) A.asks B.plays C.does D.gets
(6) A.cards B.quilts C.pictures D.shorts
(7) A.free B.good C.boring D.young
(8) A.teacher B.grandma C.student D.player
(9) A.sells B.helps C.watches D.reads
(10) A.sad B.sorry C.happy D.angry
15.(8分)Dear Jackie,
How is it going?I am happy to get your letter.Do you want to know something about my school life this week?
This week I have three Chinese classes.I learn some new words.And we also watch an interesting movie in class.Its name is Let the Bullet Fly.I like it very much.But Chinese is really difficult for me.It is not the same as English at all.English is easy and relaxing.
I like Friday very much,because I have P.E.and art.Mr.White is my P.E.teacher.He is my favorite teacher.He is a very strict man,but we all like to have his class.We have a lot of fun with him.In his class,he teaches us to play sports and games.This week he teaches us to play ping﹣pong.It is interesting to play a game like tennis on a table.He doesn't want to teach us tennis.He thinks it's too difficult for us.
I like playing volleyball and basketball.I can play basketball very well but I'm not good at volleyball.I want to be a basketball star.
What about you?Can you tell me something interesting in your school?
Looking forward to bearing from you.
(1)What does Emma think of Chinese?    
A.It's difficult.
B.It's interesting.
C.It's easy.
D.It's relaxing.
(2)Who does she like best?    
A.Her art teacher.
B.Her English teacher.
C Her P.E.teacher.
D.Her Chinese teacher.
(3)What sport does she learn to play this week?    
D.Table tennis.
(4)What does she want to be?    
A.A great artist.
B.A basketball star.
C.A TV reporter.
D.An English teacher.
BACK﹣TO﹣SCHOOL SALE Need new clothes for your son or daughter?Come to Mr.Cool's Clothes Store now !We have a six﹣day great sale from August 26th to 31st.We sell all our clothes at very good prices. Clothes Color Price T﹣shirt black,yellow,blue ¥39 Shirt blue,white,black ¥129 Sweater green,purple,white ¥179 Skirt yellow,white,pink ¥99 Trousers blue,black ¥149 Socks white,black ¥9 ★Opening time (营业时间):9:00 a.m.——9:00 p.m.
(1)The store doesn't sell     at the great sale.
A.yellow T﹣shirts
B.blue shirts
C.black sweaters
D.white skirts
(2)You go to the store with 200 yuan,so you can buy    .
A.A T﹣shirt and two skirts
B.a skirt and a pair of trousers
C.a shirt and two T﹣shirts
D.a sweater and two pairs of socks
(3)How long is the opening time of the store?    
A.Six hours.
B.Eight hours.
C.Ten hours.
D.Twelve hours.
17.(8分)Wang Xiaojun is an eight﹣year﹣old boy.He is not good at music.Mum knows some of his friends take after﹣school classes.She asks Xiaojun to take music classes after school,too.
"I don't want to take music classes," says Xiaojun. "They are difficult and boring."
"Just listen to me,dear!They are difficult but interesting.And they are useful.I'm sure they can help you." Mum insists.
On Saturday morning,Xiaojun gets up early and goes to Super Building.He has two music classes there.The first one is from 8:30 to 9:45 and the second one is from 10:00 to 11:15.Xiaojun walks around the building after the first class.Then be walks into the art room.
Mr.Sun,the art teacher,asks, "This is the art room.Do you want to draw something?" Xiaojun says yes.
When the music teacher,Miss Liu,can't find Xiaojun,she is worried.She calls Xiaojun's mum.At last they find Xiaojun in the art room.
"Sorry,Mum.Please let me stay here," Xiaojun says
Mum looks at Xiaojun's picture.He draws very well. "Well you can do what you really like," Mum says.Xiaojun is happy to hear that. "I love you,Mum!" be says.
(1)Mum asks Xiaojun to take after﹣school classes to    .
A.learn music
B.make friends
C.draw pictures
D.to find fun
(2)The underlined word "insists" (in Para 3)means     in Chinese.
(3)Miss Liu calls Xiaojun' mum because Xiaojun    .
A.doesn't do his homework
B.doesn't come to her class
C.draws pictures in her class
D.always walks around in class
(4)The passage is mainly about a student's    .
A.time with friends
B.good habits at school
C.after﹣school classes
D.favorite school subjects
18.(8分)I'm Mary.I am American.I study at Shanghai International School now.I always get up at 6:30 in the morning.I go to school at 7:30.We have the first class at 8:10 in the morning.At 12:00,I eat lunch at school.Hamburgers are my favorite food.We finish school at 3:30 in the afternoon.After school,I like to go to the library or play tennis with my friends.I don't like to watch TV on school days.I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.
Mike is my father.He gets up early every morning,at about 5:30.And then he runs for an hour.After a quick breakfast,he begins to work.He works on the computer at home.He usually works until about 11:00 a.m.He always has a big lunch.After lunch,he works on the computer until about 6:00 p.m.He doesn't work in the evening.After dinner,he always takes a walk with me in the neighborhood.I like it very much.
(1)When does Mary get up?    
A.At 5:30 am.
B.At 6:00 a.m.
C.At 6:30 a.m.
D.At 7:30 am.
(2)What does she eat for lunch?    
(3)What doesn't she like to do on school days?    
A.To watch TV.
B.To play sports.
C.To take a walk.
D.To go to the library.
(4)Which of the following is right about her father?    
A.He always has a big breakfast.
B.He gets up late every day.
C.He runs for an hour in the evening.
D.He does his work at home.
19.(5分)(1)   I am Tina.My dinner is very healthy.Vegetable salad is always my favorite.I also eat some fruit like bananas and oranges.No other food!
(2)   I'm Stephen.I have a big dinner every evening.You can always find a big burger on my table at dinner time.I don't like fruit,but an apple is OK.
(3)   My name is John.For dinner,I like ice﹣cream best.Sometimes I drink cola after dinner.My mother says they are unhealthy,but I think they are nice and yummy!
(4)   My name is Dave.I always have a healthy dinner.Chicken is my favorite.I also eat eggs,vegetables and some rice for dinner.
(5)   I'm Steve.I always eat a lot at lunchtime,Then I don't eat any food in the evening.I only drink some milk for dinner.
a in must real be she but twelve month do
My name is Tony.I'm a student from No.2 Middle School.I'll be very busy in the next four(1)   .We have many things to(2)    at school.The basketball game and the volleyball game (3)    in October.We have a music festival (4)    November.School Day is on December the(5)   .And Jane's birthday is in January.She is an English girl,(6)    she can speak Chinese very well.(7)    favorite color is red.She is my good friend.So I(8)    want to buy her a nice thing for her birthday.I also have(9)    English test in January.I (10)    study hard for it.What a busy term it is!
21.(2分)That's her dictionary.
    dictionary is    .
22.(2分)Thanks for your help.
       for your help.
23.(2分)For girls,we have purple skirts.
We have skirts     purple     girls.
24.(2分)Coco is the name of my dog.
My     name     Coco.
25.(2分)His favorite color is yellow.
He     yellow    .
Hi,Wang Tao, How's it going?Can you tell me something about your school life?What festivals do you have this term?What's your favorite festival?When is it?Why do you like it?What do you do on that day? Write to me soon. Yours, Robert
Dear Robert, I am really happy to get your email.________________________________ Your friend. Wang Tao
听力(共三节:满分10分)第一节:听小对话,回答问题, (共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)
1.(2分)What is on Tom's desk?
A.A book.
B.A notebook.
C.A dictionary.
2.(2分)What sport does Alan often play?
3.(2分)When is Cindy's birthday party?
A.December 5.
B.December 15.
C.December 25.
4.(2分)What doe Mike want to have for dinner?
5.(2分)How much is the jacket?
A. $ 27.
B. 28.
C. 29.
6.(4分)(1)What day is today?
(2)What class does John have today?
7.(6分)(1)Who is Mary?
A.Jack's sister.
B.Jack's daughter.
C.Jack's cousin.
(2)What color does Mary like best?
(3)Who is in the picture?
8.(10分)(1)What is Grace's family name?
(2)How old is she?
(3)Where is she now?
A.In America.
B.in China.
C.In England.
(4)Which class is she in?
A.Class 1.
B.Class 2.
C.Class 3.
(5)What does she think of English?
A.It's useful.
B.It's relaxing.
C.It's difficult.
9.(1分)选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(  )
A.uncle B.under C.useful D.us
【解答】uncle[ kl];under[ nd (r)];useful[ ju sfl];us[ s]。根据单词的读音,可知C选项中划线部分的发音与其它选项不同。
10.(1分)选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(  )
A.yellow B.these C.vegetable D.very
【解答】yellow[ jel ];these[ i z];vegetable[ ved t bl];very[ veri]。根据单词的读音,可知B选项中划线部分的发音与其它选项不同。
11.(1分)选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(  )
A.plane B.take C.math D.same
【解答】plane[ple n];take[te k];math[m θ];same[se m]。根据单词的读音,可知C选项中划线部分的发音与其它选项不同。
12.(1分)选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(  )
A.tennis B.nice C.ninth D.tidy
【解答】tennis ten s];nice[na s];ninth[na nθ];tidy[ ta di]。根据单词的读音,可知A选项中划线部分的发音与其它选项不同。
13.(1分)选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(  )
A.number B.only C.then D.thank
【解答】number[ n mb (r)];only[ nli];then[ en];thank[θ k]。根据单词的读音,可知D选项中划线部分的发音与其它选项不同。
14.(10分)Kimani Maruge is a star student in Kapkendulywa Primary School in Kenya.He is not the same as his (1) C .He is 85 years old!But every morning he goes to (2) A  like other students and sits in the classroom before the teacher comes.
"I can't read or write,and now this is(3) B  chance (机会) to learn," Kimani says. "This is important to me.I don't think I'm too (4) A  to learn.I'm sure I can learn as well as my classmates."
Kimani (5) C  the same as all the other students in the class.He sits at the same desk and wears (穿) the same clothes——a white shirt and blue (6) D .He listens carefully in class and finishes his homework in time.He is really a (7) B student!
Joseph and Charles are Kimani's classmates.They are both eight years old.Joseph says, "Now he is our (8) A .He teaches us songs." Charles says, "And he (9) D  newspapers in class.He can read very well now.We all call him Guga.It means 'grandad'."
Kimani's teacher,Ezric Muniu,says, "Kimani is a good student.I'm (10) C  that he can read newspapers now."
Education in Kenya is now free and for everyone. "We are happy that so many persons have a chance to learn," says Mrs Obinchu,the head teacher of the primary school.
(1) A.friends B.parents C.classmates D.cousins
(2) A.school B.work C.bed D.hospital
(3) A.her B.my C.his D.your
(4) A.old B.small C.tired D.busy
(5) A.asks B.plays C.does D.gets
(6) A.cards B.quilts C.pictures D.shorts
(7) A.free B.good C.boring D.young
(8) A.teacher B.grandma C.student D.player
(9) A.sells B.helps C.watches D.reads
(10) A.sad B.sorry C.happy D.angry
【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:他和他的同学不一样。A.朋友;B.父母;C.同学;D.表亲。根据下文He is 85 years old!(他已经85岁了!)可知,他应该和他的同学不一样。故选C。
(2)考查名词。句意:但每天早上,他和其他学生一样去学校。A.学校;B.工作;C.床位;D.医院。根据下文like other students and sits in the classroom before the teacher comes(其他学生一样在老师来之前坐在教室里)可知,他应该每天去学校。故选A。
(3)考查代词。句意:"我既不会读也不会写,现在这是我学习的好机会。"Kimani说。A.她的;B.我的;C.他的;D.你的。根据上文I can't read or write(我既不会读也不会写)可知,Kimani应该说这是我的学习的机会。故选B。
(4)考查形容词。句意:这对我来说很重要。我不认为我太老而不能学习。A.年老的;B.小的;C.累的;D.忙碌的。根据上文He is 85 years old!(他已经85岁了!)可知,Kimani应该不认为他太老而不能学习。故选A。
(5)考查动词。句意:Kimani和班上所有其他学生做得一样。A.问;B.玩;C.做;D.到达。根据下文He sits at the same desk and wears (穿) the same clothes——a white shirt and blue﹣﹣.(他坐同样的桌子,穿同样的衣服——白色衬衫和蓝色短裤。)可知,他和班上所有其他学生做得一样。故选C。
(6)考查名词。句意:他坐同样的桌子,穿同样的衣服——白色衬衫和蓝色短裤。A.卡片;B.被子;C.图画;D.短裤。根据上文wears (穿) the same clothes(穿同样的衣服)结合选项可知,应该是穿蓝色短裤。故选D。
(7)考查形容词。句意:他真是个好学生!A.自由的;B.好的;C.无聊的;D.年轻的。根据上文He listens carefully in class and finishes his homework in time.(他上课认真听讲,按时完成作业。)可知,他应该是个好学生。故选B。
(8)考查名词。句意:现在他是我们的老师。A.老师;B.奶奶;C.学生;D.选手。根据下文He teaches us songs.(他教我们唱歌。)可知,他应该是他们的老师。故选A。
(9)考查动词。句意:他在课堂上读报纸。A.卖;B.帮忙;C.观看;D.读。根据下文He can read very well now.(他现在读得很好。)可知,他应该在课堂上读报纸。故选D。
(10)考查形容词。句意:我很高兴他现在能读报纸了。A.伤心的;B.抱歉的;C.高兴的;D.生气的。根据下文that he can read newspapers now.(他现在能读报纸了。)可知,他的老师应该很高兴。故选C。
15.(8分)Dear Jackie,
How is it going?I am happy to get your letter.Do you want to know something about my school life this week?
This week I have three Chinese classes.I learn some new words.And we also watch an interesting movie in class.Its name is Let the Bullet Fly.I like it very much.But Chinese is really difficult for me.It is not the same as English at all.English is easy and relaxing.
I like Friday very much,because I have P.E.and art.Mr.White is my P.E.teacher.He is my favorite teacher.He is a very strict man,but we all like to have his class.We have a lot of fun with him.In his class,he teaches us to play sports and games.This week he teaches us to play ping﹣pong.It is interesting to play a game like tennis on a table.He doesn't want to teach us tennis.He thinks it's too difficult for us.
I like playing volleyball and basketball.I can play basketball very well but I'm not good at volleyball.I want to be a basketball star.
What about you?Can you tell me something interesting in your school?
Looking forward to bearing from you.
(1)What does Emma think of Chinese?  A 
A.It's difficult.
B.It's interesting.
C.It's easy.
D.It's relaxing.
(2)Who does she like best?  C 
A.Her art teacher.
B.Her English teacher.
C Her P.E.teacher.
D.Her Chinese teacher.
(3)What sport does she learn to play this week?  D 
D.Table tennis.
(4)What does she want to be?  B 
A.A great artist.
B.A basketball star.
C.A TV reporter.
D.An English teacher.
(1)根据But Chinese is really difficult for me.(但中文对我来说真的很难。)可知,艾玛觉得中文很难。故选A。
(2)根据Mr.White is my P.E.teacher.He is my favorite teacher.(怀特先生是我的体育老师。他是我最喜欢的老师。)可知,她最喜欢她的体育老师。故选C。
(3)根据This week he teaches us to play ping﹣pong.(这周他教我们打乒乓球。)可知,这周她学乒乓球。故选D。
(4)根据I want to be a basketball star.(我想成为一名篮球明星。)可知,她想做一位篮球明星。故选B。
BACK﹣TO﹣SCHOOL SALE Need new clothes for your son or daughter?Come to Mr.Cool's Clothes Store now !We have a six﹣day great sale from August 26th to 31st.We sell all our clothes at very good prices. Clothes Color Price T﹣shirt black,yellow,blue ¥39 Shirt blue,white,black ¥129 Sweater green,purple,white ¥179 Skirt yellow,white,pink ¥99 Trousers blue,black ¥149 Socks white,black ¥9 ★Opening time (营业时间):9:00 a.m.——9:00 p.m.
(1)The store doesn't sell  C  at the great sale.
A.yellow T﹣shirts
B.blue shirts
C.black sweaters
D.white skirts
(2)You go to the store with 200 yuan,so you can buy  D .
A.A T﹣shirt and two skirts
B.a skirt and a pair of trousers
C.a shirt and two T﹣shirts
D.a sweater and two pairs of socks
(3)How long is the opening time of the store?  D 
A.Six hours.
B.Eight hours.
C.Ten hours.
D.Twelve hours.
(1)根据T﹣shirt:black,yellow,blue(T恤:黑色、黄色、蓝色);Shirt:blue,white,black(衬衫﹣﹣﹣蓝色、白色、黑色);Sweater :green,purple,white(毛衣:绿色、紫色、白色)和Skirt:yellow,white,pink(短裙:黄色、白色、粉色)可知,这家商店大减价时不卖黑色毛衣。故选C。
(3)根据Opening time (营业时间):9:00 a.m.——9:00 p.m.(营业时间:上午9:00—晚上9:00。)可知,这家商店的营业时间是十二小时。故选D。
17.(8分)Wang Xiaojun is an eight﹣year﹣old boy.He is not good at music.Mum knows some of his friends take after﹣school classes.She asks Xiaojun to take music classes after school,too.
"I don't want to take music classes," says Xiaojun. "They are difficult and boring."
"Just listen to me,dear!They are difficult but interesting.And they are useful.I'm sure they can help you." Mum insists.
On Saturday morning,Xiaojun gets up early and goes to Super Building.He has two music classes there.The first one is from 8:30 to 9:45 and the second one is from 10:00 to 11:15.Xiaojun walks around the building after the first class.Then be walks into the art room.
Mr.Sun,the art teacher,asks, "This is the art room.Do you want to draw something?" Xiaojun says yes.
When the music teacher,Miss Liu,can't find Xiaojun,she is worried.She calls Xiaojun's mum.At last they find Xiaojun in the art room.
"Sorry,Mum.Please let me stay here," Xiaojun says
Mum looks at Xiaojun's picture.He draws very well. "Well you can do what you really like," Mum says.Xiaojun is happy to hear that. "I love you,Mum!" be says.
(1)Mum asks Xiaojun to take after﹣school classes to  A .
A.learn music
B.make friends
C.draw pictures
D.to find fun
(2)The underlined word "insists" (in Para 3)means  B  in Chinese.
(3)Miss Liu calls Xiaojun' mum because Xiaojun  B .
A.doesn't do his homework
B.doesn't come to her class
C.draws pictures in her class
D.always walks around in class
(4)The passage is mainly about a student's  C .
A.time with friends
B.good habits at school
C.after﹣school classes
D.favorite school subjects
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据She asks Xiaojun to take music classes after school,too.(她让小军放学后也去上音乐课。)可知,妈妈让小军去上课外班学习音乐。故选A。
(2)词义猜测题。根据 "Just listen to me,dear!They are difficult but interesting.And they are useful.I'm sure they can help you." Mum insists.(听我说,亲爱的!它们很难,但很有趣。它们很有用。我相信它们能帮助你。"妈妈……说。)可猜测出,下划线单词的意思应是"坚持",故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据When the music teacher,Miss Liu,can't find Xiaojun,she is worried.She calls Xiaojun's mum.(当音乐老师刘老师找不到小军时,她很担心。她打电话给小军的妈妈。)可知,刘老师打电话给小君妈妈,因为小君没有来上课。故选B。
18.(8分)I'm Mary.I am American.I study at Shanghai International School now.I always get up at 6:30 in the morning.I go to school at 7:30.We have the first class at 8:10 in the morning.At 12:00,I eat lunch at school.Hamburgers are my favorite food.We finish school at 3:30 in the afternoon.After school,I like to go to the library or play tennis with my friends.I don't like to watch TV on school days.I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.
Mike is my father.He gets up early every morning,at about 5:30.And then he runs for an hour.After a quick breakfast,he begins to work.He works on the computer at home.He usually works until about 11:00 a.m.He always has a big lunch.After lunch,he works on the computer until about 6:00 p.m.He doesn't work in the evening.After dinner,he always takes a walk with me in the neighborhood.I like it very much.
(1)When does Mary get up?  C 
A.At 5:30 am.
B.At 6:00 a.m.
C.At 6:30 a.m.
D.At 7:30 am.
(2)What does she eat for lunch?  A 
(3)What doesn't she like to do on school days?  A 
A.To watch TV.
B.To play sports.
C.To take a walk.
D.To go to the library.
(4)Which of the following is right about her father?  D 
A.He always has a big breakfast.
B.He gets up late every day.
C.He runs for an hour in the evening.
D.He does his work at home.
(1)根据I always get up at 6:30 in the morning.(我总是在早上6:30起床。)可知,是在早上6:30起床。故选C。
(2)根据I eat lunch at school.Hamburgers are my favorite food.(我在学校吃午饭。汉堡包是我最喜欢的食物。)可知,她午餐吃汉堡。故选A。
(3)根据I don't like to watch TV on school days.(我不喜欢在上学的时候看电视。)可知,上学的时候她不喜欢看电视。故选A。
(4)根据He works on the computer at home.(他在家用电脑工作。)可知,他父亲在家工作。故选D。
19.(5分)(1) E I am Tina.My dinner is very healthy.Vegetable salad is always my favorite.I also eat some fruit like bananas and oranges.No other food!
(2) C I'm Stephen.I have a big dinner every evening.You can always find a big burger on my table at dinner time.I don't like fruit,but an apple is OK.
(3) D My name is John.For dinner,I like ice﹣cream best.Sometimes I drink cola after dinner.My mother says they are unhealthy,but I think they are nice and yummy!
(4) A My name is Dave.I always have a healthy dinner.Chicken is my favorite.I also eat eggs,vegetables and some rice for dinner.
(5) B I'm Steve.I always eat a lot at lunchtime,Then I don't eat any food in the evening.I only drink some milk for dinner.
(1)根据I am Tina.My dinner is very healthy.Vegetable salad is always my favorite.I also eat some fruit like bananas and oranges.No other food!(我是蒂娜。我的晚餐很健康。蔬菜沙拉总是我的最爱。我也吃一些水果,如香蕉和橙子。没有其他食物!)可知说的是沙拉,结合图片,图片E"沙拉"符合语境。故选E。
(2)根据I'm Stephen.I have a big dinner every evening.You can always find a big burger on my table at dinner time.I don't like fruit,but an apple is OK.(我是斯蒂芬。我每天晚上都会吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。晚饭时你总能在我的桌子上找到一个大汉堡。我不喜欢水果,但一个苹果就可以了。)可知说的是大汉堡,结合图片,图片C"大汉堡"符合语境。故选C。
(3)根据My name is John.For dinner,I like ice﹣cream best.Sometimes I drink cola after dinner.My mother says they are unhealthy,but I think they are nice and yummy!(我的名字叫约翰。晚餐时,我最喜欢吃冰淇淋。有时晚饭后我喝可乐。我妈妈说可乐不健康,但我觉得它很好喝!)可知说的是冰淇淋,结合图片,图片D"冰淇淋"符合语境。故选D。
(4)根据My name is Dave.I always have a healthy dinner.Chicken is my favorite.I also eat eggs,vegetables and some rice for dinner.(我叫戴夫。我总是吃健康的晚餐。鸡肉是我的最爱。晚餐我也吃鸡蛋、蔬菜和一些米饭。)可知说的是鸡肉,结合图片,图片A"鸡肉"符合语境。故选A。
(5)根据I'm Steve.I always eat a lot at lunchtime,Then I don't eat any food in the evening.I only drink some milk for dinner.(我是史蒂夫。我总是在午餐时间吃很多东西,然后我晚上不吃任何食物。我晚餐只喝一些牛奶。)可知说的是牛奶,结合图片,图片B"牛奶"符合语境。故选B。
a in must real be she but twelve month do
My name is Tony.I'm a student from No.2 Middle School.I'll be very busy in the next four(1) months .We have many things to(2) do  at school.The basketball game and the volleyball game (3) are  in October.We have a music festival (4) in  November.School Day is on December the(5) twelfth .And Jane's birthday is in January.She is an English girl,(6) but  she can speak Chinese very well.(7) Her  favorite color is red.She is my good friend.So I(8) really  want to buy her a nice thing for her birthday.I also have(9) an  English test in January.I (10) must  study hard for it.What a busy term it is!
(2)考查动词。句意:我们在学校有很多事情要做。根据题意结合所给单词可知,此处是指"有很多事情要做",do"做",have something to do"有事要做",所以填动词原形。故填do。
(3)考查动词。句意:篮球比赛和排球比赛在十月。分析句子可知,此处缺be动词,主语是The basketball game and the volleyball game,是复数,所以be动词用are。故填are。
(7)考查代词。句意:她最喜欢的颜色是红色。she"她",根据空后的favorite color可知,此处用形容词性物主代词her,句首首字母大写。故填Her。
(10)考查情态动词。句意:我必须为此努力学习。根据上文I also have(9)English test in January.(我在一月份也有一次英语考试。)可知,此处应是"必须努力",must"必须"符合题意。故填must。
21.(2分)That's her dictionary.
 That  dictionary is  hers .
【解答】那是她的字典。就是说,那本字典是她的。hers就相当于her dictionary。
22.(2分)Thanks for your help.
 Thank   you for your help.
【解答】Thanks for....相当于Thank you for...句子首字母要大写。
23.(2分)For girls,we have purple skirts.
We have skirts  in  purple  for  girls.
24.(2分)Coco is the name of my dog.
My  dog's  name  is  Coco.
25.(2分)His favorite color is yellow.
He  likes  yellow  best .
Hi,Wang Tao, How's it going?Can you tell me something about your school life?What festivals do you have this term?What's your favorite festival?When is it?Why do you like it?What do you do on that day? Write to me soon. Yours, Robert
Dear Robert, I am really happy to get your email.________________________________ Your friend. Wang Tao
【解答】Dear Robert,
I am really happy to get your email.(引出话题)I'm very busy this term.We have a lot of interesting and fun things to do at school.【高分句型一】For example,we have some school festivals like art festival,music festival and sports festival.My favourite festival is music festival.It is on October 22nd.I like it because it is fun and relaxing.【高分句型二】I can have a good time.Students from every class will take part in it.They can sing and dance.It is really exciting for me to play with them.(校园生活)
Your friend,
Wang Tao



上一篇:湖南省邵东市2022-2023高二上学期期中考试英语试题 (含解析有听力音频无文字材料)
