人教版七年级下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Section B 能力提升(含答案)

人教版七下英语 Unit 9 What does he look like Section B 能力提升
1. Vivian will take her daughter to the amusement park _____ she gets the tickets.
A.if B.until C.although D.unless
2. Betty used _____ to school, but now she _____ to school by bus.
A.walking…goes B.walking…is going
C.to walk…goes D.to walk…is going
3. You _____ park your car in front of the school gate.
A.needn't B.mustn't
C.couldn't D.aren't able to
4. Don't forget _____ out the fire after the barbecue.
A.put B.to put C.puts D.putting
5. People can _____ flats from an estate agency.
A.look up B.look into C.look at D.look for
6. Bob thinks soccer is _____ and he doesn't like it.
A.easy B.relaxing C.difficult D.interesting
7. The boy _____ sports every day.
A.sounds B.has C.plays D.likes
8. They are my good friends. I love _____ and they love _____.
A.they; I B.them; me C.them; I D.they; me
9. My hat is on the chair, and let me _____ it.
A.gets B.getting C.to get D.get
10. Amber: Excuse me, are you Jack's brother
Lucas: Yes, I am. I'm Lucas.
Amber: Hi! I'm Amber, Jack's friend. He says he has a big family.
Lucas: Yes. There are six of us, and my mom and dad. What about you
Amber: I have a very small family. It's me, my mom and dad.
Lucas: Wow! I can't imagine (想象) that.
Amber: Tell me about your brothers and sisters.
Lucas: Two of my sisters, Lola and Karen, are teachers (老师). Ava is a student like me.
Amber: That's three sisters. You and Jack…
Lucas: And my little brother, Andrew. He's a middle school student.
Who is Amber
A.Jack's brother. B.Jack's friend.
C.Jack's teacher D.Jack's cousin.
11. 你要对同学的观点表示赞同,你可以这么说:
12. 他的父母有很多年没有回家乡了。
His parents _____ _____ _____ to their hometown for many years.
13. 你不应该再浪费你的时间。
You should _____ _____ waste your time.
14. ——南希能跟我们一起去看电影吗?
—_____ Nancy _____ to the movies with us
—Sure, I think she'd _____ _____.
15. ——下周一你能来参加我的聚会吗?
—_____ you _____ _____ my party next Monday
—Sure, _____ love _____.
16. 今年夏天特德要去他父亲的农场帮忙。
Ted will _____ _____ on his father's farm this summer.
1 . A
2 . C
3 . B
4 . B
5 . C
6 . C
7 . C
8 . B
9 . D
10 . B
11 . I think so/ I agree (with you)
12 . haven't, been, back
13 . no, longer / more
14 . Can, go, love, like, to
15 . Can, come, to, I'd, to
16 . help, out
第1页(共1 页)



