
Where the Wild Things are
Durban, a great all-round destination in South Africa,is home to some of South Africa's most diverse wildlife. There you can see an impressive array of wild animals in the flesh, from lions, leopards and elephants to endangered species.Durban KZN is now just a direct British Airways flight away—take a look at some of its most unforgettable wildlife experiences.
Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park
Start north of Durban at one of South Africa's most celebrated national parks. Hluhluwe-iMfolozi really comes alive during the winter months, when many animals congregate(聚集) at the water sources.Both the Black uMfolozi and White uMfolozi rivers flow through here, and it's your best chance to see the Big Five all in one place lions, leopards, elephants, buffalo and rhinos, both black and white. Guided morning walks can be booked ahead for an astonishingly reasonable E12-f15.
Kosi Bay
It is an appealing complex of coastal lakes and an estuary(河口)with a peaceful, unspoiled atmosphere. The lake system in particular is home to a wide range of creatures, such as hippos, flamingos, crocodiles and Zambezi sharks(common bull sharks).You'll also find more than 250 bird species here,including the rare palm-nut vultures.
Sodwana Bay
The three-mile Mgobozeleni Trail in Sodwana Bay presents excellent opportunities for bird watching, taking you through picturesque coastal forest and grassland.Deep-sea fishing is also popular here, but to really make the most of Sodwana you have to try the snorkelling(带呼吸管潜水). Come outside of the summer holidays to avoid the rush and you'll be rewarded with enchanting, technicolour undersea life.
uMkhuze Game Reserve
At this point, you might be thinking, "Well, this is all well and good, but where are the hyenas " That itch can be (metaphorically) scratched at uMkhuze, where the screeching beasts congregate in the dense scrubland, along with rhinos and elephants. This reserve is also home to more than 400 bird species. Again, guided walks can be booked in advance for 10.
1. Birds are pointed out in the places EXCEPT ______.
A. Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park B. Kosi Bay
C. Sodwana Bay D. uMkhuze Game Reserve
2. If tourists want to visit Sodwana Bay, which season is said to be avoided
A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Fall. D. Winter.
3. Guided walks in uMkhuze Game Reserve is worth ______.
A. 12 B. 13 C. 15 D. 10
Five years ago,Abhay and a group of his Grade10 classmates at Seaquam Secondary School in British Columbia, Canada, made their first video call to the Arctic. On the other end of the line was Abhay's 23-year-old brother, Sukhmeet, a volunteer teaching assistant and his class at East Three Secondary in Inuvik ,North-West Territories.
The conversation started with typical teen small talk. But as the teens grew more comfortable, the chat turned serious. Students in Inuvik detailed the legacy or problem of residential schools for native students on their families, including stories of social problems and alcohol abuse. Seaquam kids shared how they felt helpless to do anything about the the cat posed by the climate crisis.
After both groups said their goodbyes, the brothers had an idea: what if the conversation, meant to expand the students' perspectives about life outside their hometowns, didn't have to end Students, they figured, could continue to benefit from bridging geographical and cultural differences. They called their organization Break The Divide. Today, it facilitates conversations and coordinates community action between youth all over the world. "It all starts with empathy," Abhay says.
The students at Seaquam used social media to spread the word about their mission to create eye-opening conversations,and Break The Divide helped them to start their own chapters, providing resources. Individual chapters are encouraged to connect with each other based on common big-topic interests, such as mental health, truth and reconciliation actions,and climate change.There are now over two dozen Break The Divide chapters located across Canada as well as at schools in China, Cambodia, South Africa and Bolivia.
Hundreds of conversations later, the brothers are still optimistic that the core principle of Break The Divide empathy can play a central role in how youth tackle the issues that matter most to them. "I hope that we can be part of creating a world where we are all listening to each other," says Abhay. "Listening with an intent to learn and to change."
4. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs
A. The two brothers have taught in the same city for five years.
B. The two brothers often make video calls instead of children.
C. Teens from both sides had a friendly and deep conversation.
D. The conversation was only concerned with typical teen small talk.
5. Why did the two brothers call the organization Break the Divide
A. Students asked them to do so.
B. They wanted to express sympathy.
C. Break the Divide invited them to expand the students’ perspectives.
D. Students could continue to benefit from such interaction hopefully.
6. Who is Break the Divide targeted at
A. Teachers in Canada.
B. Families living in American countries.
C. Teens in Inuvik.
D. The youth around the world.
7. Where is the text probably taken from
A. Magazine. B. Scientific paper.
C. Tourist guide. D. Autobiography.
Alberto Conejo has not lived in China long, but his contributions are strongly felt not only in the area in which he works as an expert, but also in the construction of a more environmentally friendly world as a whole.
One of the biggest problems facing humanity has to do with carbon dioxide emissions. In this sense, Conejo has made important contributions through his research to reduce energy consumption in steel production by using foamy slag (熔渣) as an insulator (绝缘体) in electric arc furnaces(电弧炉). As the steel industry is the one that emits the largest amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the world—around 7 percent "The work I did focused on optimizing the use of electrical energy and minimize energy losses," he said.
Conejo is not just any man. His dedication and work have earned him important recognition, but these achievements have not been without sacrifices. "During that time we traveled to many parts of China; we went to remote villages, climbed mountains,crossed rivers and lakes, and visited old towns and museums," he recalled.
Although Mexico "had almost everything," there was something missing. For this reason, when the School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering at the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) offered him a position as a researcher and professor under a six-year contract, the Mexican did not hesitate to take the flight.
These efforts led him to be awarded the Chinese Government Friendship Award on September 30 last year, the highest distinction for foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to the cause of the country's modernization, reform and opening up. Although he is aware of his achievements, Conejo does not hesitate to say that this is also the result of shared teamwork. "The only thing I can say is that there are no individual achievements, but the results of a collective effort because in everything we do we use previously developed knowledge."
8. What is the purpose of Conejo's research
A. To minimize energy losses in electricity industry.
B. To maximize the profit of steel industry in Mexico.
C. To promote industrial collaboration between China and Mexico.
D. To cut down energy consumption in steel production.
9. What do the underlined word "optimize" mean in paragraph 2.
A. Pay close attention to. B. look out for.
C. Make the best of. D. Give rise to.
10. What can be inferred from Conejo's words in the last paragraph
A. Individual dedication has nothing to do with his achievements.
B. The team's joint effort contributes to their accomplishments.
C. If only they use previously developed knowledge they must make achievements.
D. Individual achievements play a significant role in his career.
11. What's the best title of this article
A. Chinese Government Friendship Award-the highest distinction for foreigners.
B. Award-Winning Mexican-low-carbon steel making professor.
C. Carbon Dioxide Emissions-one of the biggest problems.
D. Collective Effort-key to outstanding contributions.
Teaching artificial intelligence to understand simple physics concepts, such as that one solid object can't occupy the same space as another, could lead to more capable software that takes less computational resources to train, say researchers at Deep Mind.
Now, Luis Piloto at Deep Mind and his colleagues have created an AI called Physics Learning through Auto-encoding and Tracking Objects (PLATO) that is designed to understand that the physical world is composed of objects that follow basic physical laws.
The researchers trained PLATO to identify objects and their interactions by using simulated(模拟的) videos of objects moving as we would expect, such as balls falling to the ground, rolling behind each other and bouncing off each other. They also gave PLATO data showing which pixels(像素) in every frame or photo belonged to each object. To test PLATO's ability to understand five physical concepts, such as solidity, persistence (that an object doesn't tend to vanish) and unchangingness (that an object tends to retain features like shape and colour), the researchers used another series of simulated videos. Some showed objects obeying the laws of physics, while others depicted ridiculous actions. They tasked PLATO to predict what would happen next in each video, and found that its predictions were reliably wrong for nonsensical videos, but usually correct for logical ones, suggesting the Al has an intuitive(直觉的) knowledge of physics.
Piloto says the results show that an eccentric view of the world could give an Al a more generalized and adaptable set of abilities. "If you consider, for instance, all the different scenes that an apple might be in," he says. "You don't have to learn about an apple on a tree, versus an apple in your kitchen, versus an apple in the garbage. When you kind of separate the apple as its own thing, you're in a better position to generalize how it behaves in new systems, in new contexts. It provides learning efficiency."
"This is somewhat like teaching a kid what a car is by first teaching them what wheels and seats are," Chen Feng at New York University says. "The benefit of using object centric representation, instead of raw visual inputs, makes Al learn intuitive physical concepts with better data efficiency."
12. Why was PLATO created
A. To help AI process more data.
B. To teach AI researchers how to use simple physics knowledge.
C. To enable AI to comprehend simple physics concepts.
D. To have objects follow basic physical laws.
13. What does the third paragraph mainly talk about
A. The purpose of the research.
B. The participants of the research.
C. The objects of the research.
D. The process of the research.
14. What's the function of the example in paragraph four
A. Clarify a concept. B. Provide theoretical basis.
C. Attract readers' attention. D. Introduce a scene.
15. Which word can best describe the attitude of the author towards PLATO
A. Unconcerned. B. Critical. C. Objective. D. Indifferent.
April is the cruel-lest month... Or so said gloomy poet T S Eliot in his long poem, The Wasteland. It seems he wasn't wrong. SAD(Seasonal Affective Disorder)—otherwise known as the "winter blues"—is a well known condition. But, surprisingly, some people feel more depressed in spring and summer than at other times of the year. The days getting warmer and longer, and the fact that spring flowers and blossom represent new beginnings for some people, just make the spring blues worse for others. (1)
What Causes Reverse Sad
Because it's not well understood or often spotted, it's hard to pin down the reasons for feeling down when everyone else seems to be full of the joys of springtime. With winter SAD, less sunlight is thought to disrupt the body's internal clock and bring on depression. (2) You might also be tempted to stay up later, throwing out your body clock.
How Do You Recognize It
(3) Do you love the cold and feel much more energized at that time of year, while spring makes you feel much less positive Again, this could be reverse SAD.And it sometimes runs in families, so look around at your nearest and dearest and note how they feel about the advent of warmer, brighter days.
Exercise can work wonders. A study found that ten weeks of standard exercise was 20 per cent more effective than medication. And get plenty of sleep. Try to get up at the same time every day, even if you haven't slept well. (5)
A.Can Exercise Help Overcome Reverse Sad
B.Can You Shake off the Spring Blues
C.This phenomenon is sometimes called "reverse sad".
D.The spring blues may have a negative effect on people.
E.Like traditional SAD, spring depression comes back at the same time every year.
F.But if your depression shows no sign of lifting, see your doctor.
G.Reverse SAD, on the other hand, might be caused by too much sunlight.
16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skop-ick, 10, couldn't agree. Were the birds out on the ice ducks or geese So on a (21) January evening last year, the two friends ventured onto the (22) pond near their homes, to get a better look. First they tossed a rock onto the ice to (23) it. Then they stepped on it. (24) the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, then...FOOMP. He crashed through the (25) frozen surface. "There was no sound, no crack," he recalled. "I just fell through instantly." Cruz (26) to help his panicked friend. FOOMP—he (27) into the pond too.
The boys were up to their necks in icy water and quickly losing feeling in their limbs. Any chance of their (28) themselves was slipping away. Cruz was sure he was going to die. Anthony's older sister had seen the boys fall through the ice and started screaming for help.
John Lavin, a (29) driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly (30) . Seeing the boys, he grabbed a nearby buoy(救生圈), (31) off his shoes, and ran into the slushy(融雪的) water, chopping his way through the ice with his free (32) .
Lavin made his way to Cruz and Anthony and hauled(拉) them back to land. They were taken to the hospital, where doctors discovered that their five-minute (33) in the water had lowered their body (34) nearly ten degrees.
Fortunately, the boys have fully recovered, though they are still a little awestruck by their (35) neighbour. "Just to think," says Cruz, "if he wasn't there, I could have died."
21. A. beautiful B. cold C. quiet D. dark
22. A. big B. shallow C. muddy D. frozen
23. A. break B. test C. drop D. abandon
24. A. Convinced B. Informed C. Warned D. Engaged
25. A. quickly B. seemingly C. simply D. normally
26. A. rushed B. managed C. decided D. moved
27. A. dominated B. occupied C. floated D. sank
28. A. exporting B. freeing C. recovering D. spotting
29. A. seaman B. police C. neighbour D. relative
30. A. pulled over B. went through C. took on D. made up
31. A. put B. got C. hurried D. kicked
32. A. foot B. mouth C. fist D. leg
33. A. stay B. attempt C. battle D. performance
34. A. position B. weight C. temperature D. mass
35. A. graceful B. demanding C. fearless D. honest
36. With lights fading out at the Neilson Studio of Sydney Dance Company, 18-year-old Australian contemporary dancer Xanthe, together with dozens of her peers, (1) (quiet) walked on the center stage, ready to showcase the fruits of their Chinese martial arts training. After spending five weeks absorbing Hung Kuen and White Crane elements from their Hong Kong teachers, the young performers wowed the audience with fresh choreography(编舞) (2) melded(融合) Chinese martial arts and Western contemporary dance on Tuesday night.
For most of them, participating in the cultural exchange event (3) (associate) with Hong Kong Dance Company's online dance production "Convergence—a journey of Chinese dance and martial arts" was their first step to learning about China and (4) (it) unique culture from afar. Having been practicing contemporary dance for about 12 years, Xanthe described the Chinese martial arts (5) "a new language to our bodies."
(6) (see) the Hong Kong-Sydney dance collaboration from idea to fruition, Linda Gamblin, head of training at Sydney Dance Company, said that she is keen to help Australian dancers find (7) internal position of understanding their movements through this cultural exchange project. "I find with some of our training in the West, we may be striving for perfection, and missing out on the understanding about the self," said Gamblin, also a ballet dancer who once wanted (8) (perform) in many Chinese cities.
According to the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Sydney, the event is part of the (9) (celebrate) of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, aiming at bonding various cultures and dance forms (10) boosting international cultural exchange.
37. 假设你是中学生李华,在英国学习,担任学校中国语言与文化社社长。近期,校学生会发布了举办“国际文化节”的通知,参加活动会有一个摊位进行宣传,请写一封邮件申请一个摊位。内容包括:
参考词汇:摊位 booth
Dear Student Union,

Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
38. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Catherine was the coolest kid in her class. Whenever she went, she was in the spotlight, with a bunch of kids following her and doing everything she did.
Her desk mate, Landy ,however, was not in the cool kids' group. Being the tallest kid in her class, she was teased by her classmates, who were always chanting "Landy, Landy, long as spaghetti (意大利面)". Every time Landy heard those silly chants, she could feel her face burst into flames. God knew how she wished the ground to crack and swallow her!
Catherine didn't really like it when the kids chanted "Landy, Landy, long as spaghetti". But she never told them to stop either, and nor did she ever talk to her. She liked being popular.
One weekend, Catherine went over to her grandfather for Thanksgiving. Her grandfather lives on a farm at the opposite end of town, where he keeps chickens. While helping to feed the chickens, Catherine noticed a peculiar one. Curling in the corner, it looked smaller than the others and was almost half-bare!
"What's the matter with it " She asked her grandfather, with a puzzled frown on her face. Her grandfather told her how chickens could act. "They have a pecking(啄) order," he explained, wrinkles of concern spreading around his forehead. "If one chicken is different, the others will push it away and keep pecking it. Sometimes they peck it so much that it dies."
"Oh, what a poor little thing!" Catherine let out a sigh as she scooped(捧起) the frightened chicken up in her arms, whose heart was beating fast in the bony little body.
Suddenly, she thought of Landy, the girl being "pecked"by her classmates.

But Catherine walked directly toward Landy, regardless of what they said.

1. 根据Kosi Bay部分中的You'll also find more than 250 bird species here,including the rare palm-nut vultures.(你还可以在这里找到250多种鸟类,包括罕见的棕榈秃鹫。);以及Sodwana Bay部分中的The three-mile Mgobozeleni Trail in Sodwana Bay presents excellent opportunities for bird watching, taking you through picturesque coastal forest and grassland.(索瓦纳湾三英里长的Mgobozeleni步道为观鸟提供了绝佳的机会,带您穿过风景如画的沿海森林和草原。);以及uMkhuze Game Reserve部分中的This reserve is also home to more than 400 bird species.(这个保护区也是400多种鸟类的家园。)可知,只有在Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park部分中and it's your best chance to see the Big Five all in one place lions, leopards, elephants, buffalo and rhinos, both black and white.(这是你在一个地方看到五大动物的最佳机会:狮子、豹子、大象、水牛和犀牛,无论是黑色的还是白色的。)中,没有提及鸟类。故选A。
2. 根据Sodwana Bay部分中的Come outside of the summer holidays to avoid the rush and you’ll be rewarded with enchanting, technicolour undersea life.(暑假结束后,你可以避开拥挤的人群,享受迷人的、多彩的海底生活。),可知,如果要来Sodwana Bay度假,应该避开夏天,则可以享受迷人的多彩的海底生活。故选B。
3. 根据uMkhuze Game Reserve部分中的Again, guided walks can be booked in advance for 10.(同样,有导游的徒步旅行可以提前预订,费用为10英镑。)可知,在uMkhuze Game Reserve有导游的徒步旅行价值10英镑。故选D。
【解析】【文章大意】这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了Abhay兄弟创建的一个名为“Break the Divide”的组织。该组织为全世界的青年积极互动交流提供了一个优秀的平台。
1. 根据第二段中的The conversation started with typical teen small talk. But as the teens grew more comfortable, the chat turned serious.(谈话开始于典型的青少年寒暄。但随着孩子们彼此逐渐变得熟悉,谈话变得严肃起来。)可知,通过视频电话交流的孩子们,一开始只是相互寒暄,而后谈论的话题逐渐变得严肃,涉及到很多重大的社会及环境问题,故选C。
2. 根据第三段中的what if the conversation, meant to expand the students’ perspectives about life outside their hometowns, didn't have to end Students, they figured, could continue to benefit from bridging geographical and cultural differences(如果这场旨在扩大学生们对家乡外广阔世界的看法的对话不必结束呢?他们认为,学生可以继续从弥合地理和文化差异中受益)可知,Abhay兄弟把这个组织叫做Break the Divide,因为孩子们可以从这样的互动中开阔视野,增长对外界的了解,因而从中受益良多,故选D。
3. 根据第三段中的Today, it facilitates conversations and coordinates community action between youth all over the world.(今天,它促进了全世界青年之间的对话和协调社区行动。)可知,Break the Divide组织目标群体是全世界的青年,故选D。
4. 根据最后一段中的Hundreds of conversations later, the brothers are still optimistic that the core principle of Break The Divide empathy can play a central role in how youth tackle the issues that matter most to them.(在数百次谈话之后,兄弟俩仍然乐观地认为,“Break the Divide”的核心原则同理心可以在年轻人解决对他们来说最重要的问题上发挥核心作用。)可知,这篇文章描述“Break the Divide”组织帮助年轻人解答人生困惑,应该摘自内容丰富多彩的杂志,而非旅游指南、自传或者科学论文,故选A。
【解析】【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍Alberto Conejo的研究发现使得钢铁生产中的能源消耗减少,进而减少了碳排放。因为他的贡献,去年9月被授予中国政府友谊奖。
1. 根据第二段中的In this sense, Conejo has made important contributions through his research to reduce energy consumption in steel production by using foamy slag (熔渣) as an insulator (绝缘体) in electric arc furnaces(电弧炉).(从这个意义上讲,Conejo通过在电弧炉中使用泡沫渣作为绝缘体来降低钢铁生产中的能源消耗的研究做出了重要贡献。)可知,Conejo研究的目的是降低钢铁生产中能源的消耗。故选D。
2. 根据上题分析可知,Conejo研究的目的是降低钢铁生产中能源的消耗。由此可知,他所做的工作集中在充分利用电能以及最大限度减少能源损失。因此optimize译为“充分利用”。故选C。
3. 根据最后一段中的The only thing I can say is that there are no individual achievements, but the results of a collective effort because in everything we do we use previously developed knowledge.(我唯一能说的是,没有个人的成就,而是集体努力的结果,因为我们做的每一件事都使用了以前开发的知识。)推知,Conejo的话表明团队的共同努力有助于他们取得成就。故选B。
4. 根据第一段内容(Alberto Conejo在中国生活的时间并不长,但他的贡献不仅体现在他作为专家的工作领域,还体现在他为建设一个更环保的世界所做的贡献上。)及第二段中的 In this sense, Conejo has made important contributions through his research to reduce energy consumption in steel production by using foamy slag (熔渣) as an insulator (绝缘体) in electric arc furnaces(电弧炉).(从这个意义上讲,Conejo通过在电弧炉中使用泡沫渣作为绝缘体来降低钢铁生产中的能源消耗的研究做出了重要贡献。)以及最后一段中的These efforts led him to be awarded the Chinese Government Friendship Award on September 30 last year, the highest distinction for foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to the cause of the country's modernization, reform and opening up.(这些努力使他于去年9月30日被授予中国政府友谊奖,这是授予为中国现代化建设和改革开放事业做出杰出贡献的外国人的最高荣誉。)可知,文章主要介绍Alberto Conejo的研究发现使得钢铁生产中的能源消耗减少,进而减少了碳排放。因为他的贡献,去年9月被授予中国政府友谊奖。因此B项(屡获殊荣的墨西哥低碳炼钢教授)可以作为本文的最佳标题。故选B。
1. 根据第二段内容(现在,Deep Mind 的Luis Piloto 和他的同事们已经研制出了一个称之为“通过自动解码并追踪物体进行物理学习的人工智能设备(简称PLATO )”,这个设备设计的目的在于使人工智能理解物理世界是由遵循基本物理规则的物体组成。)可知,制造PLATO 的目的是为了教会人工智能理解基本的物理概念。故选C 。
2. 根据第三段第一句The researchers trained PLATO to identify objects and their interactions by using simulated(模拟的)videos of objects moving as we would expect, such as balls falling to the ground, rolling behind each other and bouncing off each other.(研究人员通过使用模拟物体运动的视频训练PLATO 识别物体以及物体之间的互相影响。物体的这些运动形式符合我们的想象,比如球会掉到地上,滚到其他球的后面并互相碰撞。)以及本段最后一句They tasked PLATO to predict what would happen next in each video, and found that its predictions were reliably wrong for nonsensical videos,but usually correct for logical ones, suggesting the Al has an intuitive(直觉的)knowledge of physics.(他们给PLATO 设置任务预测每一个视频接下来会发生什么。他们发现人工智能对于无意义的视频的预测是错误的,而对有逻辑性的视频的预测是正确的,这表明人工智能对物理知识有直觉认识。)可知,本段主要讲述的是研究过程,故选D。
3. 根据第四段第一句Piloto says the results show that an eccentric view of the world could give an Al a more generalized and adaptable set of abilities.(Piloto 说这个结果显示对世界有古怪的想法会给人工智能一种概括性更强、适应性更强的能力。)以及后面的for instance(例如)可知,作者举例是要对前面提出的概念进行解释,故选 A。
4. 根据最后一段第一句This is somewhat like teaching a kid what a car is by first teaching them what wheels and seats are(这就有点像先教孩子什么是轮子、什么是座位然后再教什么是汽车一样)可知,作者对PLATO的态度是一种基于常识的客观的态度,故选C。
1. 根据前文The days getting warmer and longer, and the fact that spring flowers and blossom represent new beginnings for some people, just make the spring blues worse for others.(白天变得越来越暖、越来越长,春天的鲜花盛开对一些人来说代表着新的开始,这只会让另一些人的春天忧郁更加严重。)以及后文What Causes Reverse Sad (是什么导致了反向悲伤?)可知,空处应引出“反向悲伤”这个概念,所以C项(这种现象有时被称为“反向悲伤”。)符合文意。故选C。
2. 根据本段小标题What Causes Reverse Sad (是什么导致了反向悲伤?)可知,本段是在讲述反向悲伤是由哪些原因引起的,所以G项(一方面,反向悲伤可能是由过多的阳光引起的。)符合本段主题,其中caused为同词复现。故选G。
3. 根据后文Do you love the cold and feel much more energized at that time of year,while spring makes you feel much less positive (你是否喜欢寒冷,在一年中的这个时候感觉更有活力,而春天让你感觉不那么积极?)可知,本句位于空处后一句,而空处位于段首,所以此句应是对空处句子的进一步解释说明,所以E项(和传统的悲伤一样,春季抑郁症每年都会在同一时间卷土重来。)符合题意。故选E。
4. 分析设空可知,空处是本段小标题,所以根据后文内容Exercise can work wonders. A study found that ten weeks of standard exercise was 20 per cent more effective than medication. And get plenty of sleep. Try to get up at the same time every day, even if you haven't slept well(锻炼可以创造奇迹。一项研究发现,10周的标准运动比药物治疗有效20%。保证充足的睡眠。试着每天在同一时间起床,即使你没有睡好。)可知,本段是在说如何摆脱悲伤,所以B项(你能摆脱春天忧郁吗?)符合题意。故选B。
5. 根据前文Exercise can work wonders. A study found that ten weeks of standard exercise was 20 per cent more effective than medication. And get plenty of sleep. Try to get up at the same time every day, even if you haven't slept well.(锻炼可以创造奇迹。一项研究发现,10周的标准运动比药物治疗有效20%。保证充足的睡眠。试着每天在同一时间起床,即使你没有睡好。)可知,本段是在说如何摆脱悲伤,所以F项(如果你的抑郁症没有好转的迹象,那就去看医生吧。)是在讲去看医生治疗抑郁,符合本段主题。故选F。
1. 句意:因此,在去年1月一个寒冷的晚上,这两个朋友冒险来到他们家附近结冰的池塘,想看得更清楚些。A.beautiful美丽的;B.cold冷的;C.quiet安静的;D.dark黑暗的。根据前文的“Were the birds out on the ice ducks or geese ”可知,此处表示寒冷的一月份。故选B。
2. 句意同上。A.big大的;B.shallow浅的;C.muddy泥泞的;D.frozen冰冻的。根据后文“First they tossed a rock onto the ice”可知,他们往冰上扔了一块石头,湖水是冻冰的。故选D。
3. 句意:首先,他们把一块石头扔到冰上测试(冰是否结实)。A.break打破;B.test测试;C.drop掉落;D.abandon抛弃。根据后文“Then they stepped on it.”可知,孩子首先冰上扔石头测试冰是否结实,然后踩了上去。故选B。
4. 句意:安东尼确信冰块能承受住他们的重量,他走了几步,然后一步接着一步。A.Convinced信服,相信;B.Informed通知;C.Warned警告;D.Engaged从事。根据后文“Anthony took a few steps, then...”可知,安东尼确信冰块能承受住他们的重量,所以一步接着一步走着。故选A。
5. 句意:他撞穿了似乎结冰的表面。A. quickly快速地;B. seemingly似乎地;C. simply简单地,仅仅地;D. normally正常地。根据后文“I just fell through instantly.”可知,安东尼后来掉进了冰窟窿里,所以冰面并没有真正的冻结实。故选B。
6. 句意:克鲁兹冲过去帮助惊慌失措的朋友。噗——他也掉进了池塘里。 A.rushed冲向;B.managed设法做成;C.decided决定;D.moved移动。根据前文“I just fell through instantly.”可知,安东尼掉进了冰窟窿里,他的同伴克鲁兹急忙地冲向他来救助他。故选A。
7. 句意同上。A.dominated统治;B.occupied占据;C.floated漂浮;D.sank下沉。根据后文的“into the pond too”可知,克鲁兹在救助同伴的同时也沉进到水里。故选D。
8. 句意:任何使自己获救的机会都在溜走。A.exporting出口;B.freeing自由,获救;C.recovering恢复;D.spotting发现。根据前文I just fell through instantly."Cruz (6) to help his panicked friend. FOOMP—he (7) into the pond too.可知,二人都掉进了冰水中,同时根据后文的“Cruz was sure he was going to die.”可知,对于被困的他们来说任何获救的机会都在眼前消失,以至于克鲁兹觉得自己会死掉。故选B。
9. 句意:开车去杂货店的邻居约翰·拉文听到了她的声音。A.seaman海员;B.police警察;C.neighbour邻居;D.relative亲戚。根据后文though they are still a little awestruck by their (15) neighbour.可知,约翰·拉文是孩子们的邻居。故选C。
10. 句意:他迅速靠边停车。A.pulled over靠边停车;B.went through经历;C.took on呈现;D.made up组成。根据前文“John Lavin, a (1) driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her.”可知,开车去杂货店的邻居约翰·拉文听到了她的声音。故此处表示他赶紧靠边停车去救助孩子们。故选A。
11. 句意:看到孩子们,他抓住附近的一个浮标,踢掉鞋子,跑进了泥泞的水中,用另一只拳头在冰面上劈开了一条路。A.put放;B.got得到;C.hurried急忙;D.kicked踢。此处kick off为固定短语,意为“脱掉”,此处表示脱掉鞋子跑进水中去救助掉入冰水中的孩子们。故选D。
12. 句意同上。A.foot脚;B.mouth嘴巴;C.fist拳头;D.leg腿。根据前文的“chopping his way through the ice”可知,此处表示约翰·拉文用拳头劈开一条路去营救孩子们。故选C。
13. 句意:他们被送往医院,医生发现他们在水里待了5分钟,体温降低了近10度。A.stay停留,待在;B.attempt尝试;C.battle对决;D.performance表演。根据前文“The boys were up to their necks in icy water and quickly losing feeling in their limbs.”和“Lavin made his way to Cruz and Anthony and hauled(拉) them back to land.”可知,从孩子们落水到被约翰·拉文救起,孩子们在冰水中待了了五分钟之久。表示“待在”用stay。故选A。
14. 句意同上。A.position位置;B.weight体重;C.temperature温度;D.mass大量。根据后文的“nearly ten degrees”可知,由于在冰水中待的时间过长,导致他们的身体温度下降了将近10度。故选C。
15. 句意:幸运的是,男孩们已经完全康复了,尽管他们仍然对他们无畏的邻居感到敬畏。A.graceful优雅的;B.demanding苛刻的;C.fearless无畏的;D.honest诚实的。根据前文“Seeing the boys, he grabbed a nearby buoy(救生圈), (11) off his shoes, and ran into the slushy(融雪的) water, chopping his way through the ice with his free (12) .”可知,邻居约翰·拉文在看到孩子掉进水中之后,立即的进行营救,同时使用拳头自己劈出了一条路,由此该邻居是“英勇的,无畏的”,用fearless。故选C。
to perform
【解析】1. 句意:悉尼舞蹈团尼尔森工作室的灯光渐渐暗下来,18岁的澳大利亚当代舞蹈家Xanthe和她的几十个同龄人静静地走在舞台中央,准备展示他们训练中国武术的成果。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰空后的动词walked,所以应该用副词修饰,quiet的副词形式是quietly,意为“静静地”,符合题意。故填quietly。
2. 句意:在花了五周时间从香港老师那里学习了洪拳和白鹤拳的元素后,周二晚上,这些年轻的表演者们用融合了中国武术和西方现代舞的新鲜舞蹈惊艳了观众。分析句子结构可知,空处引导限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,先行词是choreography,指物,应用that或which引导。故填that/which。
3. 句意:对于他们中的大多数人来说,参加香港舞蹈团的网络舞蹈作品《汇流——中国舞蹈和武术之旅》的文化交流活动,是他们从远方了解中国及其独特文化的第一步。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词was,所以associate应该用非谓语形式,它的逻辑主语是cultural exchange event,两者间是被动关系,应该用动词的-ed形式表被动,作后置定语。故填associated。
4. 句意同上。分析句子结构可知,空后是名词culture,所以空处应填形容词性物主代词作定语。故填its。
5. 句意:在练习现代舞12年之后,赞思将中国武术描述为“我们身体的一种新语言”。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定短语:describe as意为“把……描述成”。故填as。
6. 句意:目睹香港与悉尼的舞蹈合作从创意到成果,悉尼舞蹈团的培训主管Linda Gamblin表示,她非常希望通过这个文化交流项目,帮助澳大利亚舞者找到理解自己动作的内在定位。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词said,所以see应该用非谓语形式,它的逻辑主语是Linda Gamblin,两者间是主动关系,应该用动词的-ing形式作状语。位于句首,单词的首字母应大写。故填Seeing。
7. 句意同上。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定搭配:a position of意为“……位置”,所以空处应填冠词,空后单词是internal首字母发音以元音音素开头,所以应该用an。故填an。
8. 句意:甘布林说:“我发现,我们在西方接受的一些训练,可能是在追求完美,而错过了对自我的理解。”甘布林也是一名芭蕾舞演员,曾想在许多中国城市演出。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配:want to do sth.意为“想要做某事”。故填to perform。
9. 句意:据香港驻悉尼经济贸易办事处表示,该活动是庆祝香港回归25周年的一部分,旨在结合各种文化和舞蹈形式,促进国际文化交流。分析句子结构及空前的定冠词the可知,所以空处应填名词作宾语,构成“the+名词+of”的结构;提示词celebrate的名词形式是celebration,the celebration of意为“……的庆祝”,符合题意。故填celebration。
10. 句意同上。分析句子结构可知,“aiming at bonding various cultures and dance forms”和“boosting international cultural exchange”两者是并列关系,应该用and连接。故填and。
37.【答案】Dear Student Union,
I am Li Hua, president of China language and Culture Society. ①I am glad to know that the annual International Cultural Festival is to be held soon. I am writing to apply for a booth.
②The name of the booth is Chinese Tea Art Show, where we will introduce different kinds of Chinese Tea and its benefits. Chinese tea is considered as the most beneficial drink with a long history of planting. It has become a green, healthy and popular drink in our daily life, through which we can enjoy a healthy and pleasant life. Besides students visiting our booth will enjoy drinking various Chinese tea.
I would appreciate it if you can take my application into account. Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
①be glad to乐于……;乐意于……
②apply for申请
③considered as被认为是……
①I am glad to know that the annual International Cultural Festival is to be held soon. (that引导的宾语从句)
②The name of the booth is Chinese Tea Art Show, where we will introduce different kinds of Chinese Tea and its benefits.(where引导的非限定性定语从句)
①live up to one's expectations不辜负某人的期望
②have a good command of精通
①Learning from...that you are looking for a (an)..., I would like to apply for the position/job.从……(那儿得知您需要一名……,我想申请这个职位/工作。)
②It seems to me that this experience, together with my education, has given me ideal preparation assume the role of...in a firm such as yours.(对我来说,这些经验加上我的学历,是我具备了担任贵公司……职位的条件。)
38.【答案】 Suddenly, she thought of Landy, the girl being "pecked" by her classmates.“I'm going to take it home and take good care of it," she said with a determined look. Back in school, Catherine spotted Landy sitting by herself in a corner. She kept her head down with her eyes fixed on the floor as usual. Catherine thought Landy was just like the poor little chicken, being teased and ignored by her classmates, merely due to her special height. She told other kids, "It's time for me to make an apology to Landy." Astonished at what she said, all the kids burst out screaming, "Talking to the long spaghetti Are you crazy "
But Catherine walked directly toward Landy, regardless of what they said. "Hi, Landy. I'm sorry about the spaghetti thing." Catherine murmured an apology, her face reddening. "I know it hurts you. Can you forgive me " She figured Landy might just walk away. But she lifted her misty eyes and nodded yes. Catherine wiped away her tears, giving her a warm hug. Moved by the scene, the other kids also came to offer their sincere apologies to Landy. From that day on, no one made up silly chants about Landy, and Catherine also gained an important life lesson that everyone should be treated equally no matter how special he or she was.
②道歉:make an apology to/apologize/murmured an apology/offer their sincere apologies to
③嘲笑:tease/laugh at/made up silly chants about Landy
①疑惑:with a puzzled frown on her face/confused/puzzled
②担心:wrinkles of concern spreading around his forehead/concerned
①Astonished at what she said, all the kids burst out screaming, "Talking to the long spaghetti Are you crazy "(what引导的宾语从句)
②Moved by the scene, the other kids also came to offer their sincere apologies to Landy. (动词-ed形式作原因状语)




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