山东省枣庄市峄城区 2022-2023八年级上学期期末检测英语试题(无答案)

Once there lived a wise man.His son,however,was very lazy and did nothing all day.The wise
man was ________16about his son's future.One day,he said to his son,"I want you to find some17 ________I have drawn a map to guide you."Then he handed his son a bag.Inside the bag wereclothes,some food,a little money and the map.
The son 18________ the next day.He had to travel across forests,rivers and mountains.Along theway,he was helped by some with food and by some with rooms to live in.He also saw changingscenery (and seasons.19________,after a long year,he got to the place his father said.He________20two days looking and digging for the treasure,but found 21________.
So he had to head back 22________ his home.On the way,he experienced the same scenery.Sometimes,he would stop to enjoy the beauty of nature.He also learned to make meals.He evenhad to fix his clothes 23________.He was now able to tell time by the position of the sun.He met thesame people who had helped (him 24________.This time,he stayed and helped them in order torepay them.
When he got home,he said 25to his father for not finding the treasure."There wasn'tany treasure in the very first place,my son,"the father answered with a smile."But I think you havefound your life's true purpose(目的).”
16.A.surprised B.relaxed C.excited D.worried
17.A.food B.clothes C.treasure D.maps
18.A.sold out B.set out C.gave out D.cut out
19.A.Finally B.Mostly C.Normally D.Especially
20.A.cost B.took C.paid D.spent
21.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
22.A.to B.from C.in D.at
23.A.herself B.himself C.itself D.themselves
24.A.later B.earlier C.sooner D.elder
25.A.sorry B.congratulations C.advice D.pleasure
Our parents are important people in our life.They are our first teachers in our life.They loveus
and help us all the time.But do you want to get on well with them Here are some ways to help you to be happy with your parents.
Have fun together
How much time do you spend just enjoying being with each other Ask your parents to play with you.Go outside together,try some sports,or go to the movies.
Be Kind
Little things may bring a lot to your parents.Make a meal for them by yourself and that can make your parents happy.
Ask for help
When you are in trouble or meet some sad things,you can ask your parents for help and advice.They will be happy to listen to you and help you.
Have a try
You don't have to be the best but you need to have a try.They will be happy to see you have theachieve yourdream.It lets them know they're doing a good job in helping you grow up.
26.Why parnts imorant prso forus
A.They teach us first in cass. B.They love us sometimes
C.Theyalays giveusa hand. D.They are happy all the time.
A.Listen to your teachers. B.Ask your parents for help.
C.Toyou friends around. D.Try to be the best of yourself.
28.The best title of the passage is
A.How to Love and Teach Kids B.How to Talk with Ycur Parents
CHow to Keep Happy with Your Parents D.How to Try to Be the Best of Yourself
What can 3-D printers (打印机)make They can make lots of things,such as toys and car parts.
But what about a house In the Netherlands,3-D printed houses will soon come into life,accordingto The Guardian.The Netherlands is the first country to have this technology(科技).
Scientists plan to build five houses with 3-D printers.The first house will be finished by the endof 2019.It will be a house with three bedrooms.For the first house,only the walls will be 3-Dprinted.A 3-D printer will print it with a special cement.The printer will print it layer upon layer tobuild the walls.After that,workers will make the wall stronger.
By the time they start working on the fifth house,the scientists hope that most parts of thehouse will be made with 3-D printing.Even the windows can be made with a 3-D printer.
The 3-D printed houses have many advantages.For example,they use less (更少的)cementthan traditional houses.It can help save a lot of money.Also,3-D printing can make buildings inalmost any shape (形状)Traditionally-built homes usually come in just a few shapes.
29.From the passage,we know that the Netherlands is the first country to
A.sell toys and car parts B.make 3-D printed houses
C.build traditional houses D.put 3-D printers into use
30.Which of the following about the 3-D printed houses is TRUE
A.Most parts of the first house will be 3-D printed.
B.The fifith house will be a house with three bedrooms.
C.People will live in the five houses by the end of 2019.
D.3-D printers and workers will build the houses together.
31.What's the best title of the passage
A.Ways to Build 3-D Printed Houses
B.3-D Printing Changes Shapes of Houses
C.The Advantages of 3-D Printed Houses
D.3-D Printing Builds Houses of the Future
What makes you happy in life Perhaps it is the love of your family or your friendship of your friends.We all want people to like us,so it is natural for us to do what we can to please others.However,life does not always run smoothly (顺利的)for us.Mistakes happen.
What happens when you make a mistake Do you try to hide the fact,or deny (any
responsibility (责任)We all know that this behavior usually makes the things worse.As we growand we should realize the best thing to do after a mistake is made to accept responsibility. And youshould learn to say"SORRY!"
Saying that you're sorry can help you regain(重新得到)respect(尊重)for yourself.It allows you to put a mistake behind you,and to move on with your life.Accepting responsibility also helpsus to leam from our mistakes,and encourages us not to repeat them in the future.Perhaps it also helps us to leamn how to forgive(原谅) others who make mistakes.Learning to say you're sorry is asure way to learn how to respect yourself and others.
32.We should do everything we can to please others if we want them to like us
33.After a mistake we can run away from responsibility.
34.Saying sorry is a useful way to repair mistakes.
35.Learn from a mistake and we can have a bright future.
Everyone needs friends.Friends bring us happiness and hope in our life.But the ability to make friends differs from person to person.For some people,making friends is easy,but for others it's very difficult.
Making friends is a skill,and the first thing is to know how to get along with others.If you have trouble making friends,36________
▲Realize your own good points.37________
▲Believe that you are a good person and have something nice to share with others.
▲Be humorous.Learn to laugh at yourself and your weaknesses.38________
▲Respect others.Everyone has his own idea.Learn how to listen to others'ideas without
trying to make them accept yours.
▲Be kind.If you are kind to others,they will usually be kind to you.There are hundreds of
little things you can do to show kindness.Open the door for someone,wave to a friend and so on.
▲Don't complain.Learn to accept what you can't change,and work hard to change what you can change.39________
▲40________Even if you are faced with some difficult people,never give up.And try to find someone who will understand you.
A.Don't do it.
B.Never give up.
C.You have skills and talents that others will like.
D.Remember to smile at others.
E.No one is willing to hear your complaints all the time.
F.maybe I can tell you how to do it.
G.People want to listen to your complaints.
There are different...Some are about physical 41________For example,some people
42________themselves they are going to.....fast food.Many resolutions have to....These are
about making yourself a 43________person.Some people......take up a 44________like paintingor taking photos,or learn to play the guitar.Some.....a student may have to find more time45________.
In most 46______(country),people usually eat 47______(tradition)food on special holidays.
A special day in the United States 48______ Thanksgiving.It is always on the 49______(four)
Thursday in November,and is a time to give thanks for food 50the autumn.At this time.
people also remember the first travelers from England who 51______(come)to live in Americaabout 400 years ago.These travelers 52______(have)a long,hard winter,and many of them died.Inthe next autumn,they gave thanks for life 53______food in their new home.These days,mostAmericans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by 54______
(have)a big meal at home with their family.The main dish 55______this meal is almost always turkey,a large bird.
Do you like watching TV What's your favorite TV program Did you hear of the program
called The Reader The program has been popular since it came out on CCTV-1 on February 18th,2017.It is produced by Dong Qing.
In this program,you can listen to the sound in your heart.Maybe you can also meet an article whichhas the same idea as yours.Dong Qing invites many guests to read something that influences them most.Inthis program,not only famous people but also common people can be the guests.Xu Yuanchong.a
96-year-old translator,shared some of his personal experiences of translating Chinese poems into Englishand French.His words were simple but moving.He read a poem with tears in his eyes.
This program has turned reading into a new fashion.It shows the beauty of the Chinese
language and the power of reading.Now Reading Booths (朗读亭)are set up in many cities.Manypeople wait in long lines to read in the booths.Many schools have all kinds of reading activities,too.Lots of students take active part in them.Reading can make us wise and happy.Also it can be done anytime and anywhere.Why not start it now Let's enjoy our reading.
56.The Reader is produced by___________________________________________________
57.Whendid The Reader come out:_______________________________________________
58.Who can be the guests in this program__________________________________________
59.What are set up in many cities:________________________________________________
60.The program is a new fashion and shows________________________________________
61.Sometimes the resolutions may be________difficult________keep.
62.Families________Thanksgiving________a time to get together.
63.Sam________leaving________next Wednesday.萨姆要一直待到下周三才走。
64.I look forward to________ ________you all..我期盼着你们的答复。
65.So you're________ ________solving a problem just by talking to someone about it.
We'll finally grow up and leave our parents some day.We may face different kinds of problemsin our life and our parents will not be able to work out every problem for us.Instead,we should haveenough life skills to work out the problems by ourselves.
This is what our country tries to do-helping students get hardworking spirit(劳动精神)
education.Recently,our country has given out some advice to make students of different ages realizethe importance of hardworking spirit education.The advice asks students to understand the realmeaning of hard work.Its purpose is to make students leamn basic life skills and form good workinghabits after they receive such education.
The govemment believes it is necessary for students to develop hardworking spirit.But somestudents haven't noticed this in recent years.Many teenagers do not care about the importance of hard work and don't show an interest in it.In a survey,it is shown that only 22 percent of primary and middle school students help with daily housework.
How can we develop student'hardworking spirit Schools and families are important parts inteaching students how to work hard.Primary and middle schools should provide their students with weekly classes on hardworking spirit.Schools can also hold events to give students real-world work experience.In March,schools can teach children how to plant trees on Tree-Planting Day.As children's first teachers,parents should also teach their children how to do housework at home. Students should learn one or two life skills every year,such as cooking,washing their own clothes and tidying their rooms.
1.What's the reasons for developing hardworking spirit
2.What's the advice on hardworking spirit education
3.How about the teenager's idea of hardworking spirit education
4.How can we develop hardworking spirit
The winter vacation is coming.In order to have a happy vacation life,I make some resoutios
They are as follows.



