Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 第二课时 Section A (3a-3c)随堂练习2022-2023人教版英语八年级下册(无答案)

八年级下册Unit 3 第二课时 Section A (3a-3c) 随堂练习
1. Why did your father throw the cup on the floor _________ (angry)
2. The boy agreed to share the housework _________ (final).
3. The Blacks came home from work _________ (find) the door open.
4. When I told him the news, he felt very _________ (surprise) and didn't believe it.
5. Although he was always busy, he _________ (reply) to my letter in time.
1. On November 11, all the _________ in this store were on sale.
2. Don't _________ rubbish in the river. We should keep it clean.
3. It's such a hard problem for the two boys that _________ of them can work it out.
4. Yesterday was my birthday. I _________ a big cake with my friends.
5. We should help do the housework to have a clean and _________ home.
1. My family _______ go on a trip to Yunnan as soon as the summer holiday begins.
2. Our English teacher was angry _______ us because most of us didn't finish the homework on time.
3. My math teacher lives an active life.She looks as young _______ she was ten years ago.
4. The one-year-old kid is looking at the cat in the picture _______ surprise.
5. My brother didn't want to go to the museum and neither _______ I.
1. 我们应该感谢我们的父母。他们一直在努力工作给我们提供更好的生活。
We should thank our parents.They work hard ______ ______ ______ in order to give us a better life.
2. 不要担心。我一到北京就给你打电话。
Don't worry. I will make a phone call to you ______ ______ ______I get to Beijing.
3. 他扔下书包,走进了卧室。
He ______ ______ the schoolbag and walked into the bedroom.
4. 我一在电视机前坐下来,我妈妈就过来了。
The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mother ______ ______.
5. 你能带我的宠物狗散步吗
Could you please take my pet dog ______ ______ ______
“Take out the rubbish, clean the living room, do the dishes, and sweep the floor,” said Jewel's mother. “Jewel, you have to help me 1 we can finish the chores faster!”
The minute she finished the work, her mother asked her to do something _ 2 _: pick up her books, make her bed, and wash her dirty clothes. Jewel got 3_ . She said to herself, “ 4 do I have to do all this work ”
When Jewel finished her work, she felt 5 and upset.She went back to her bedroom, took a piece of 6 and wrote on it:
Dear Mom ,
For all the 7 I did:
Taking out the rubbish ---$ 0.75
Cleaning the living room ---$ 3.00
Doing the dishes ---$ 2.00
Sweeping the floor ---$ 8
Picking up my books ---$ 1.00
Making my bed ---$ 1.25
Washing my dirty clothes ---$ 2.00
Total(总计): $ 15.00
Jewel then gave 9 to her mother. After Mom read it,she picked up a(n) 10 , turned over the paper and wrote:
For the nine months that I 11 you : No Charge(收费).
For all the nights that I sat with you : No Charge.
For all the food that I 12 for you : No Charge.
For all the money that I spent on you : No Charge.
For all my love for you : No Charge.
When Jewel finished 13 it, there were big tears(眼泪) in her eyes. She said to her mother, “Mom, I 14 you.” Then she took the pen and in big letters she 15 on the paper, “PAID IN FULL(全部付清)”.
1. A.so B.but C.if D.or
2. A.popular B.else C.interesting D.special
3. A.happy B.cold C.worried D.angry
4. A.When B.Where C.What D.Why
5. A.tired B.comfortable C.lucky D.surprised
6. A.bread B.glass C.paper D.chocolate
7. A.hobbies B.sports C.housework D.homework
8. A.6.15 B.5.00 C.4.00 D.3.75
9. A.her B.him C.it D.them
10. A.eraser B.pen C.ruler D.book
11. A.saved B.remembered C.followed D.carried
12. A.accepted B.enjoyed C.added D.cooked
13. A.reading B.working C.teaching D.making
14. A.refuse B.choose C.help D.love
15. A.drew B.solved C.wrote D.meant
Doing housework can make us keep life in order and get some exercise. As for me, I've learned a lot more than that.
I used to 1_______ be lazy at home,so my mother came up with an idea. She made me do housework at home.Then she gave me some pocket money. On the one hand, 2_______ was important to plan my time to balance(平衡) my schoolwork and housework. 3_______ example, when I couldn't work out a math problem, I would stop thinking about the problem to clean 4_______ my room. It could help clear my mind. On the other hand, I tried to use my pocket money to buy useful things. Later, I had a habit of saving money. Thanks 5_______ my mom, I've learned lots of life skills.



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