Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Section B 同步练习(无答案)2022-2023人教版英语七年级下册

Unit 2 Section B同步练习
1.My father ________ (usual) has lunch in his school.
2.How many ________ (tooth) does a cow have Do you know
3.Scott always ________ (go) to work early in the morning every day.
4.—What do you think of the new movie —I think it's very ________ (interest).
5.When does your brother get ________ (dress) in the morning
6.He often ________ (do) his homework after dinner.
7.Too much sugar is bad for your ________ (tooth).
8.Jim has a________ (health) life.
9.It’s dark. You should go home _________ (quick).
10.They enjoy their school __________ (life).
1. She ________ (有时) gets up at 6:30 am.
2. Mr Wang often goes to the __________ (车站).
3. Now it is a ________ (一刻钟) to nine.
4. The room is very c________ and big.
5. There are ________ (40) students in my class.
6. I do sports every day. I have a very healthy l________.
7. She e________ watches TV or plays computer games in the evening.
8. Children like junk food because it t_________ good.
( )1.—Can I come this morning or this afternoon?
—________ is OK. I’m free today.
A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All
( )2. Food is good ________ our health, and my friend Lily is good ________ cooking(烹饪) nice food.
A. at;for B. with; for C. for, at D. at; with
( )3. I sometimes play volleyball for ________ after school.
an hour half B. an half hour
C. half an hour D. an hour and half
( )4. This apple ________ good. I like eating it.
A. walks B. runs C. sounds D. tastes
( )5. Seven thirty means(意思是) ________.
A. half to seven B. half past seven
C. a quarter to eight D. a quarter past eight
( )6. Do they do ________ after school?
A. our homework B. their homework
C. her homework D. their homeworks
( )7. We always________ after school.
A. go to school B. go home C. to go home D. to go to school
( )8. — ________ time do you eat dinner every day?
—At Seven.
A. How many B. What C. How long D. Where
( )9. It’s time________.
A. for English class B. to dinner
C. have dinner D. for the dinner
( )10. The students always have________ homework to do.
A. too much B. too many C. much too D. a lot
( )11. -When do you usually take a walk
In 1980 B. In the evening
C. At the morning D. On six o'clock
( )12._ you ____ your sister goes to the supermarket.
A. Either; or B. Either; nor C. Both; and D. Neither;or( )13. -What time is it -It's _____ now.
A. half to nine B. half past nine
C. half of nine D. half at nine
( )14. Either you or he ___ right.
A. are B. be C. is D.am
( )15.I want to know something your evening.
A.about B. on C. around D. for

go to bed take walks clean the room do one's homework go home
1.My parents want me early,so we can have a big dinner together(一起).
2.Jenny,look at the time.It's 11:00 p.m.You must now.
3.Mrs.Green always in the morning.
4.My grandparents like to in the park after dinner.
5.Some students often in the library.
1.They often go home at 5:15.(对画线部分提问)
_______ ______ do they often go home
2.Jim’s father often has lunch in his office.(改为一般疑问句)
______ Jim’s father often ______ lunch in his office
3.It’s time for school.(改为同义句)
It’s time ____ ____ ____ school.
4.She eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.(对画线部分提问)
_______ ______ she _____ for lunch
5.I usually go to bed at 9:00.(用Lucy 代替I改写句子)
Lucy usually ______ ____ _____ at 9:00.
1. 放学后我们必须先做作业。
We must _______ _______ _______ first after school.
2. 今晚和我一起散步怎么样?
How about _______ _______ _______ with me this evening
3. John每天看半个小时电视。
John watches TV _______ _______ _______ _______ every day.
4. 我有许多白色的连衣裙。
I have _______ _______ _______ _______.
5. 你可以加入排球俱乐部或者网球俱乐部。
You can join _______ the volleyball club _______ the tennis club.
6. 我们三点四十五分在图书馆见吧。
Let’s meet _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ in the library.
what, every, time, they, do, get, home, afternoon (连词成句)
you, what, do, eat, dinner, for(连词成句)
home, leave, you, do, what, time, school, for(连词成句)
does, usually, where, your, shopping, aunt, go(连词成句)
We often see the UK's Queen(女王) Elizabeth on TV. What is her __1__ like every day Do you know
The Queen begins her day at 7:30 a.m. with a cup of milk tea(茶).__2__ is at 8: 30 a.m. At the table, the Queen usually reads newspapers. The first to catch(抓住) her eyes in the newspaper is about horse racing(赛马). She __3__ it.
Most __4__ at her age have a lot of free time. But there're a lot of things to make the Queen __5__ in her living room. There are about 300 letters(信) for her every day. She __6__ some of them. She also has work about the country(国家).
The Queen __7__ takes a walk after lunch. It's her thinking time and no one can __8__ her. At 5:00 p.m., it's afternoon tea time. It's time for her to meet __9__ and enjoy nice food with them.
In the evening, the Queen likes to watch TV or play games. Then she __10__ at 11 p.m.
What a busy day she has!
(  )1.A.life B.time C.home D.dress
(  )2.A.Breakfast B.Lunch C.Dinner D.Supper
(  )3.A.takes B.lives C.dreams D.loves
(  )4.A.children B.women C.teachers D.members
(  )5.A.worried B.tired C.busy D.happy
(  )6.A.says B.reads C.tells D.looks
(  )7.A.always B.seldom C.never D.once
(  )8.A.call at B.thank for C.talk to D.ask for
(  )9.A.clubs B.exercises C.dogs D.people
(  )10.A.gets up B.goes to work
C.goes to bed D.has lessons



上一篇:山东省济宁市汶上县2022-2023八年级下学期期中测试数学试题(图片版 含答案)
