
)1.考试时间 90分钟。
题 号 I II III IV V VI Ⅶ 总分 核分人
得 分
第一部分 听力部分(共计20分)
得 分 评卷人 I. 听力(本题共20分,每小题1分 )
第一节 听下面5 段对话, 把与所听内容对应的图片选项,填写在括号内。
( ) 1. A. B. C.
( ) 2. A. B. C.
( ) 3. A. B. C.
( ) 4. A. B. C.
( ) 5. A. B. C.
第二节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。
( ) 6. Where are the two speakers probably
A. In a library. B. In a clothes store. C. In a bookstore.
( ) 7. When does the train leave
A. 2:30. B. 1:30. C. 3:30.
( ) 8. What can we know about Peter
A. He is not as tall as Paul. B. He is Paul’s uncle. C. He is funnier than Paul.
( ) 9. What does the man think of the talent show
A. John is more creative than any other actor.
B. Steve is good at playing the piano.
C. Greg is funnier than Steve.
( ) 10. Why did Helen think Sam was the worst
A. He was late for the show. B. He dropped his balls. C. He was terrible.
第三节 听较长的对话,回答问题。
Dialogue 1
( ) 11. Where did Nancy go on her school trip
A. Japan. B. America. C. China.
( ) 12. What did they do there
A. Went shopping. B. Visited museums. C. Met different people.
Dialogue 2
( ) 13. How was Jenny’s vacation
A. Terrible. B. Boring. C. Great.
( ) 14. What was the weather like
A. Rainy. B. Warm. C. Fine.
( ) 15. What did they do on the vacation
A. Played volleyball. B. Swam. C. Stayed at the hotel.
第四节 听短文,完成信息记录表
Ted Bill
Job 16 A teacher
Character(性格) Outgoing and athletic 17
How to go to work 18 By subway
What to do tomorrow Have 19 Go to 20
( ) 16. A. A driver B. A doctor C. An engineer
( ) 17. A. quiet and strict B. wild and serious C. quiet and serious
( ) 18. A.By bike B.By bus C. By train
( ) 19. A. baseball training B. volleyball training C. tennis training
( ) 20. A. the concert B. the cinema C. the countryside
第二部分 语言知识运用(共计50分)
得 分 评卷人 II. 单项选择(本题共10分,每小题1分) 根据句意从A、B、C中选择最佳选项。
( )21. —Would you like to do_____ for your hometown
—Sure! I want it to be more beautiful.
A. something B.anything C. nothing
( )22. —_________ do you go to the cinema
— Hardly ever. I always see movies on TV.
A. How long B. How often C.How many times
( )23. —Peter is ________ than you, right
—-Yes, but he is ________ runner in our class.
A. heavier; best B. heavyer; the best C. heavier; the best
( )24. Nanjing is one of ________ capital ________ in China.
A. older ; city B. oldest ; cities C. the oldest ; cities
( )25. I__________ soap operas. They are boring.
A. love B. like C. can’t stand
( )26. He’s going to _____ an engineer when he _____ up.
A. do; grow B. be; grows C. be; grow
( )27. There are____people shopping in the new supermarket, because many products(产品)are on sale.
A. four hundreds B. hundreds of C. four hundreds of
( )28. I can’t go to your party, because I have ____homework to do today.
A. too much B. much too C. too many
( )29. yogurt do we need
A. How much B. How many C. How often
( )30. —-I’ m flying to Hainan Island for my vacation this weekend.
—-Wonderful! _________
A. Have a good time! B. I hope so. C. Why not
得 分 评卷人 III. 完形填空 (本题共10分,每小题1分)选择最佳选项完成短文。
Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, and looking 31 animals. 32 can make you grow, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.
David Smith is a student. His hobby is 33 . In senior high school, he wrote a book and it came out in 2010. Many teenagers(青少年) 34 his book. As a result, David is a successful young 35 now.
David is very lucky 36 his hobby has brought him happiness and success. But he thinks of writing as only one of his many hobbies or interests. He is interested 37 many other things.“I also like playing basketball, it’s 38 .”says David. And he is a member of the school basketball team.
Remember that we 39 spend all our time on our favorite hobby. We have many other interesting things 40 in life, and we should try to do something new or different.
( )31.A. after B.for C.like
( )32.A.Friends B.Hobbies C.Habits
( )33.A.reading B.painting C.writing
( )34.A.like B.show C.hate
( )35.A.writer B.engineer C.scientist
( )36.A.but B.because C.however
( )37.A.in B.with C.for
( )38.A.interesting B.boring C.outstanding
( )39.A.should B.shouldn’t C.must
( )40.A.making B.to make C..to do
得 分 评卷人 IV. 短文改错(每小题1分,找出错误和改正错误各0.5分,共10分)
Hello, boys and girls. Here's some informations 41._________________
about our trip to the town call Field. We'll take 42._________________
a bus there. It will takes us about four hours to go 43._________________
there. So we had to start early. The bus will 44._________________
wait for us in the school gate at 7: 00 tomorrow 45._________________
morning. The school will prepare nice sandwich 46._________________
as our lunch and we'll eat together in an park. After 47.________________
lunch, we will walk around the old market. Your 48.________________
will be able to buy some presents here. We will 49._________________
meet at the park gate. If you're lose, please call me 50._________________
at 575-8764. OK. See you tomorrow.
得 分 评卷人 Ⅴ. 情景交际(本题共20分,每小题2分)
( A ) 根据所给对话从A至F中选择最佳回应。将选项填到相应的题号横线上,每个选项只能用一次。
(Meimei wants to buy a cake for her brother's birthday.Now she is talking with the Salesman in the shop.)
S:Can I help you
M:I want to buy a cake for my brother.His birthday is coming.
S:Oh,good! Here are some cakes.Which one do you like
M: (51)
M:It is the best of the three,but it's too dear. (52)
S:Well,this one is the cheapest. (53)
M:Yes,it's quite cheap,but it's too small.
S: (54) It's $15.
M:Let me have a look! Oh,good! This one is bigger than that one and it is also cheaper than the first one.I'll take it.
S:Happy birthday to your brother!
M: (55) Here is the money.Bye-bye!
A.I have not enough money. B.It's only $10. C.Hello! D.How much is the biggest one E..What about this one F.Thank you!
( B ) 用适当的词或句子补全对话。
A: Hello, Bob! Do you like watching TV
B: 56. . My parents and I all like watching TV.
A: 57.
B: I like talent shows best. They are interesting.
A: 58.
B: I watch them twice a week. What about you
A: I like watching movies. The weekend is coming. Let’s go to a movie.
B: Good idea. There are a few cinemas in our city. 59.
A: I think Redstar Cinema is the best one. It has the most comfortable seats and the cheapest tickets.
B: 60.
A: A student ticket is 20 yuan.
B: OK. Let’s buy tickets this afternoon.
第三部分 阅读理解(共计35分)
得 分 评卷人 Ⅵ. 阅读理解(本题共35分,A、C每小题1分,B、D每小题2分)
( A )
I’m Linda. I have three good friends. Let’s look at what they do in their free time. Lily usually goes shopping. She likes all kinds of beautiful clothes. Nancy often plays computer games and watches movies. Tom likes exercise so he usually walks to school. He often plays basketball, too. I like reading in my free time. I think it’s relaxing.
( )61. Linda has four good friends.
( )62. Lucy likes all kinds of beautiful clothes.
( )63. Nancy often plays computer games.
( )64. Tom goes to school on foot every day.
( )65. Linda likes reading in her free time.
( B )
Last Vacation
Who Jim Bill Peter
Where Sanya Shanghai Beijing
When to go Friday, September 30th Saturday, October 1st Saturday, October 1st
With whom His parents His friends His cousin
What to do went to the beach, went swimming went shopping, ate nice food visited the Great Wall, climbed a mountain
How long Five days Until October 3st A week
How By plane By train By train
( )66. Who went to the beach
A. Jim. B. Bill. C. Nobody.
( )67. What did Peter do on vacation
A. Went swimming . B. Went shopping. C. Visited the Great Wall.
( )68. Who did Bill go with
A. His parents. B. His friends. C. His cousin.
( )69. How long did Peter stay in Beijing
A. Three days. B. Five days. C. Seven days.
( )70. Who took the train
A. Bill and Peter. B. Jim and Bill. C. Jim and Peter.
( C )
During the unusual winter holiday in 2020, we stayed at home for two months because of COVID-19. (71)_____ my father, a member of the Communist Party of China, didn’t stay with us at home for too long. When my father (72)_____(hear) about some useful work, he became a volunteer in a rural area to help check (73)_____ (people) information and spread knowledge about COVID-19. As the situation became much (74) _____ (bad), 24-hour traffic checkpoints were set up on the main roads to the village. There was only (75) _____ simple tent, a few chairs and two heaters for volunteers (76) _____ (spend) the night. The winter night was very cold and the volunteers could hardly sleep. But my father (77) _____ (final) chose to stay there because he wanted to guard the gate for other people.
My father joined the Party a few years ago. At first, I didn’t know much about it. After the pandemic, learned that the Party members are people who will step forward when China is (78)_____ trouble. When I grow up, I want to become one of them. Even if I am not a Party member, I (79)_____ (make) contributions (贡献) to our society, making (80)_____a much better place.
Every year there is the Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It's the most important festival in China. So before it comes, everyone has to prepare things. They buy beef, pork, chicken, fruit and many other things. And they often make a special kind of food called "dumpling". It means "come together" in Chinese. On the day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents for their parents. On the festival eve, all the family members(成员)come back to their home. This is a happy moment. They sing, dance and play cards. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. They all have a good time.
81. When is the Spring Festival in China
82. What does "dumpling" mean
83. What do parents usually buy for their children before the festival
84. What do the family members usually do on the festival eve
85. Is the Spring Festival very important in China
书面表达 (共计15分)
得 分 评卷人 Ⅶ.书面表达 (本题共15分) (注意:文中不准出现考生真实姓名、校名和老师名,否则不赋分)
请以"My life in ten years”为题,根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文。
1. What do you want to be in ten years And why
2. Where will you live in ten years And why
3. Say something about your family or your free time activities in ten years.
4. What are your resolutions to make your dreams come true
My Life in Ten Years
第一部分 听力部分(共计20分)
I. 听力(本题共20分,每小题1分)
第一节 1— 5 BCCAB
第二节 6—10 CBAAB
第三节 11—15 ABBAC
第四节 16—20BCACA
II. 单项选择(本题共10分, 每小题1分)
21—25 ABCCC 26—30 BBAAA
III. 完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)
31—35 ABCAA 36—40BAABC
IV. 短文改错(本题共10分,每小题1分)
41.informations→information 42.call→called 43.takes→take 44.had→have 45.in→at 46.sandwich→sandwiches 47.an→a 48.Your→You 49.here→there 50.lose→lost
V. 情景交际(本题共20分, 每小题2分)
(A) 51—55 .DABEF
(B) 56. Yes, I do
57. What (kind of) TV shows do you like best
58. How often do you watch them
59. Which one do you think is the best cinema
60. How much is a student ticket
第三部分 阅读理解 (共计35分)
Ⅵ.阅读理解(本题共35分,A、 C每小题1分,B、D每小题2分)
(A)61—65 FFTFT
( B ) 66—70 ACBCA
( C ) 71. But 72. heard 73. people’s 74. worse 75. a
76.to spend 77.finally 78.in 79.will make 80.it
( D)
81.It is in January or February.
82. It means "come together" in Chinese.
83. Parents usually buy new clothes for their children.
84.They sing, dance and play cards.
85. Yes, it is.
第四部分 书面表达 (共计15分)
VII. 书面表达(本题共15分)
八年级 英 语 听 力 原 文
听下面5 段对话, 根据所听到的内容, 选择相应的图画。
A: Did the children take umbrellas on the school trip?
B: Yes, the teachers told them to do so.
2. A: Don’t eat too much ice-cream, Jim. It’s bad for your teeth.
B: I know, but I just can’t stop it.
3. A: Do you know that girl in blue dress
B: Yes, she is a famous tennis player.
4. A: What’s the most beautiful school in your town, Amy
B: Sunshine Middle School.
5. A: Does your father often watch TV after dinner, Lisa
B: No, he usually reads the newspaper.
第二节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。
6. W: Is there the latest English magazine now I didn’t find it last time.
M: Yes, here you are. Thirty dollars, please.
7. W: Be quick, Tom. We have to check in soon!
M: Take it easy, Mom. It’s only one. Our train leaves in half an hour.
8. W: Hi, Peter! Is this your brother Paul
M: Yes. As you can see, he is a little taller than me.
9. W: What do you think of the talent show
M: I think John is the most creative actor, Greg is an excellent piano player and Steve is the funniest.
10. M: Who did you think was the worst performer in the talent show last night, Helen
W: Sam was terrible. He kept dropping his balls.
Dialogue 1
M: Hi, Nancy. How was your school trip
W: It was great.
M: Where did you go
W: We went to Tokyo with our teachers.
M: Really Wow! What did you do there
W: Well, we went to a lot of museums.
M: Oh, how were they
W: They were really interesting. But they were also very crowded.
M: Did you buy some souvenirs
W: No, you know, everything there is very expensive.
Dialogue 2
M: How was your vacation, Jenny
W: It was boring.
M: Sounds bad! Why
W: The weather was terrible. It always rained heavily.
M: Where did you go on vacation
W: We went to the beach.
M: Did you play volleyball
W: No.
M: Did you swim
W: No. I’d very like to swim. The water was really warm. But we couldn’t.
M: So what did you do there
W: We just stayed at the hotel all day.
Ted and Bill are twin brothers. But they are different. Ted has long straight hair, and he is outgoing and athletic. He is a doctor. He rides his bike to work. But Bill has short curly hair. He is quiet and serious. He is a teacher. He teaches math in a high school. He takes the subway to work. Tomorrow is their grandmother’s birthday. Their family is going to have a party at her house. But Ted and Bill can’t go there. Ted has to have tennis training. Bill has to go to the concert with his students.



上一篇:第七章 有机化合物 过关检测(含解析) 2022-2023高一下学期化学人教版(2019)必修第二册
