人教版八年级下英语第一单元Unit1 What's the matter重点知识归纳+同步练习(含答案)

Unit1 What’s the matter
1.What’s the matter (with sb) 2. What’s the trouble / problem(with sb)
3.What’s wrong (with sb) 你怎么了? 4. What’s one’s trouble / problem ?
5.What’s up 6. What happened to sb
7.Are you OK 8. Is there anything wrong with sb
1.Sb + have /has + a / an + 疾病名称: have a cold / fever / cough / temperature
had a cold意为患感冒get a cold/catch a cold.
2.Sb + have/ has a sore +身体部位: have a sore throat / back
3.Sb + have/has+ a+ 身体部位-ache
have a toothache /headache/ stomachache/earache /backache
4.Sb + hurt(s) +身体部位/ oneself ; He hurt his leg .
或 身体部位+ hurts ; My head hurts badly .
5.There is something wrong with one’s +身体部位。
6.Sb +have /has a pain in one’s + 身体部位
知识点三:She talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water.她昨天说话太多,又没喝足够的水。
much too+ 形容词或副词, 太...... , too many+可数名词复数,太多……
too much+不可数名词,太多 …也可做副词 talk/speak/eat/ too much
enough形容、副词,足够的/地,(1) enough +名词; enough water
(2) 形副+ enough ; good enough
enough后常接“(for+名词/代词+)”to do sth.结构:足够......,能够做某事......
例:The box is light enough for the boy to carry.这个箱子足够轻,这个男孩能搬动。
知识点四lie down and rest躺下休息。
1.lie (lay, lain, lying)躺;平躺(不及物动词)。 lie down 躺下
例:Don’t lie in bed all morning.不要一上午都躺在床上。
2.lie (lay, lain, lying) 位于;处于
例:Qingdao lies in the east of Shangdong.青岛位于山东东部。
3.lie (lied, lied, lying) 撒谎;说谎。 lie to sb.对某人撒谎。
You are lying to me.你在对我撒谎。
4.lie名词 谎言;假话 tell a lie /tell lies说谎
例:I know he told a lie just now.我知道他刚才说了谎。
5.lay(laid, laid, laying)动词:产卵;下蛋;放置;安放
例:The hen stopped laying eggs.这只母鸡不下蛋了。
知识点五:take one’s temperature量体温
take a message捎口信
When you go back, would you take a message for me ( https: / / www. / javascript:; )你回去的时候,趁便给我带个口信。
take a shower洗淋浴
Take a shower instead of a bath. ( https: / / www. / javascript:; )洗淋浴吧,别用浴缸了。
take a walk散步
I always take a walk with my pet dog in the park.我总是和我的宠物狗在公园里散步
take one’s order点菜
May I take your order 我可以为你点餐吗
take one’s place代替
My senior wants me to take his place when he graduates.我的学长要我在他毕业后代替他的位置.
take breaks休息
I think you'd better take breaks, because you have a cold.我觉得你最好休息,因为你感冒了。
take risks 冒险
I have to take risks in my job做我的工作要冒风险
the risk of sth /doing……的风险
risk (sb.) to do sth. 冒险去做某事 at risk 在危险中
Bus No. 26 hit an old man on zhonghua Road.26路公车在中华路上撞了一位老人。
hit 打;击打 The boy hit the dog with a stone.
hit sb. on the head/ nose/ back打某人的头、鼻子、后背,on用在所打较硬的部位;
hit sb. in the face/ eye/ stomach 打某人的脸、眼睛、肚子,in用在所打较软的部位。

知识点七:The old man had a heart problem and needed to go to the hospital right away.那位老人有心脏病,需要马上去医院。
right away=right now=at once=in a moment,意为 马上 。
例You should go to see a doctor right away/right now/at once.你应该马上去看医生。
知识点八:Did you fall down 你摔倒了吗?
fall down摔倒;跌倒,其后跟宾语时要加from,
fall down from =fall off 从......掉/摔下来
He fell down from his bike yesterday.=He fell off his bike yesterday.他昨天从自行车上摔下来。
fall behind 落后,跟不上
例:Study hard, or you'll fall behind. ( https: / / www. / javascript:; )努力学习,不然你要落后了。
fall asleep入睡
例:After changing the bed, I fell asleep quickly ( https: / / www. / javascript:; ).换了床后,我很快就入睡了。
fall in love with爱上
例:Slowly but surely she started to fall in love with him ( https: / / www. / javascript:; ).虽然过程缓慢,但她无疑开始爱上他了。
fall into落入
知识点九:Someone felt sick.有人生病了。
sick生病的,有病的 be sick=be ill
I didn’t go to school yesterday because I was sick/ill.我昨天没上学,因为我病了。
sick 恶心的
例:I want to get off the bus.I feel a little sick.我想下车。我感到有点恶心。
sick 厌倦的 常用于短语: be sick of
例:I am sick of going shopping.我厌倦了购物。
知识点十:have problems breathing.呼吸困难。
have problems (in) doing sth. 做某事有问题/有困难。
= have trouble/difficulty(in) doing sth
例:He had problems(in) learning English.他在学习英语上有困难。
be in trouble 处于困境 get into trouble陷入困境 make trouble 制造麻烦
breathe 动词:呼吸 breath名词;呼吸
out of breath 上气不接下气
例: I was out of breath after getting to the top of the hill. ( https: / / www. / javascript:; )爬到山顶的后,我已经是上气不接下气了。
take a deep breath深呼吸
Take a deep breath before going on to the next task.在进行下一个任务之前深呼吸
知识点十一:As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险
be/get used to... /doing sth习惯于某事/习惯于做某事
例:He is/gets used to going to bed early.他习惯于早睡。
used to do sth.过去常常做某事。
例:He used to go to bed early.他过去常常睡觉很早。
be used to do sth 被用来做某事=be used for doing sth
例:Wood is used to make houses.木材被用来造房子。
知识点十二Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him.因为无法使自己的胳膊挣脱开来,他在那儿待了5天,希望有人发现他。
free【动词】使……解脱,得到自由:He could not free his arm.
free [形容词]空闲的free time;免费的the drink is for free;自由的I want to become a free bird.
知识点十三:But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his life.但当她的水喝完时,他知道他必须做些事情来拯救自己。
物 sth. run out. 某物用尽了。 Her money soon ran out.她的钱很快就用完了。
人sb. run out of sth. 人用尽了某物。
He run out of all his money last night.他昨晚用完了他的钱。
save /lost one’s life 挽救/丢失某人的生命
He saved the girl’s life from the fire yesterday.昨天他从火中救了那个女孩的命。
知识点十四:in the same way 以同样的方式 on the way to 在去……的路上
in the way 挡路 out of the way 不再碍事
by the way 顺便说一下 in this way 用这种方法
in a way 在某种程度上
知识点十五:mean---meant v. meaning 可数n. 含义 意思
mean 形容词:小气的,吝啬的
① 意味着做某事 mean doing sth
②打算做 mean to do sth I mean to go tomorrow.
What do you mean by the word
= What does the word mean = What is the meaning of the word
知识点十六:decision n.决定;抉择; make a decision 做决定
make a decision to do sth.=decide to do sth
= make up one’s mind to do sth =determine to do sth 下决心做某事
mind doing sth 介意做某事
so that 以便;为了 = in order that
例:Bring it closer so that( in order that) I can see it better.把它拿近点,以便我能看清楚些。
so...that...如此......以至于...... 结构:主语+谓语+so+adj/adv+that从句
例:She is so young that she can’t look after herself.她如此小以至于不能照顾自己。
例:This is so interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it. 这本书非常有趣,我们都喜欢看。
Such...that such+ a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+that…
例:This is such an interesting book that we all enjoy reading it. 这本书非常有趣,我们都喜欢看。
知识点十八;In this book, Aron tells of the imporance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one’s life.在这本书中,伦讲述了正确抉择和掌控自己的命运的重要性。
tell of 叙述,描述
例:He told of his childhood.他讲述了他的童年。
the importance of(doing) sth.(做)某事的重要性
He realized the importance of studying hard.他意识到学习的重要性。
be in control of掌管,管理
例:You should be in control of your own life and business.你应该掌管自己的生活和事业。
be in the control of 受......控制; 受.......管理
The company is in the control of the young man.这家公司在这个年轻人的管理之下。
be out of control失去......的控制
例:The car was out of ____and hit a tree by the road.
A.danger B.breath C.control
under control 在控制之下
知识点十九:Aron did not give up after the accident ...阿伦在这次意外之后没有放弃
give up (doing) sth. 放弃(做)某事,give up (playing) computer games;
give up后可接名词、代词和动词ing形式,也可不接,如: Never give up easily.
death 名词(不)---die 动词----dead 形容词---dying 形容词 :垂死的,临终的
He is afraid of death . She died two years ago . The dog is dead . It is a dying bird.
be interested in = take an interest in 对…感兴趣
keep on doing sth 继续做某事,重复做…(有间隔)
keep doing sth (无间断) keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事
keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事
cut off 切断 cut down 砍到 cut up 切碎
cut in 插入插话 cut out 删掉 cut…into… 把…切成…
数 人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称
单数 myself yourself himself herself itself
复数 ourselves yourselves themselves
1. 可用作宾语,指的是宾语和主语表示同一个或同一些的人或事物。
如:Maria bought herself a scarf. We must look after ourselves very well.
2. 可用作表语,指的是表语和主语表示同一个或同一些人或事物。 如: She isn’t quite herself today.
3. 可用作主语或宾语的同位语,常用来加强语气。
如:She herself will fly to London tomorrow. I met the writer himself last week.
如: look after oneself / take care of oneself 照顾自己
teach oneself sth./ learn sth. by oneself自学
enjoy oneself 玩得高兴,过得愉快
help oneself to sth 请自用……(随便吃/喝些……). hurt oneself摔伤自己
say to oneself自言自语 leave sb. by oneself把某人单独留下
buy oneself sth.给自己买……东西 introduce oneself 介绍……自己
1. 反身代词不能单独做主语,但可以做主语的同位语,起强调作用。 如:我自己能完成作业。
(误)Myself can finish my homework. (正) I myself can finish my homework. / I can finish my homework myself.
2. 反身代词表示“某人自己”不能表示“某人的东西”,因为它没有所有格的形式。表达“某人自己的(东西)”时,须要用one’s own.
如:我用我自己的蜡笔画画。(误)I’m drawing with myself crayons. (正) I’m drawing with my own crayons.
put some medicine on ......在....上敷药 without thinking twice 没多想
get off 下车 take sb to the hospital 送某人去医院
wait for等待 to one’s surprise 使.......惊讶的
in time及时 have a heart problem患有心脏病
do the right thing做正确的事情事情 put ...... on sth把...放在某物上 get hit/sunburned 摔伤/烧伤 get out of 从...出来
get an X-ray 拍X 光片 hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶
get off 下车---get on 上 all weekend 整个周末 away from 远离
for too long 太长时间 on the side of the road 在马路边
have a heart problem有心脏病 feel very hot 感到很热
have a nosebleed 流鼻血 cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖
put her head back 把她的头向后仰 save a life 挽救生命
on time 准时 thanks to 多亏,由于(=because of =with the help of)
1. There’s rain on the road, so she should drive carefully.
A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many too
2.My father likes tea nothing in it.
A.of B.without C.with D.have
3.You should look after ,classmates.
A.yourselves B.yourself C.herself D.himself
4.You shouldn’t make mistakes .
A.in same way B.at same way
C.in the same way D.at the same way
5.I saw him when I passed by.
A.ran B.run C.runs D.running
6.We should be careful when we the bus.
A.get down B.get out C.get up D.get off
7.—Did you catch your plane
—Yes. We got there just .
A.on time B.at times C.in time D.in the time
8.He often thinks things before he makes a decision.
A.about B.of C.out D.over
9. It is unhealthy for you ______ so late every night.
A. sleep B. sleeping C. slept D. to sleep
10 —What did you buy —I bought ____ medicine for my mother.
A. few B. little C. some D. many
11. Smoking is bad for your health. You should .
A.give up it B.give up them C.give it up D.give them up
12.I don’t know if he tomorrow. If he , please let me know.
A.will come;comes B.will come;will come C.comes;comes D.comes;will come
13. I think I should keep on the guitar at home.
A.play B.to play C.played D.playing
14.The cat is .You should take it to an animal hospital.
A.dead B.death C.dying D.died
15.The book is for us to read.
A.good enough B.enough good C.too good D.good too
Stuart and Steve were twin brothers. Stuart loved to play basketball. But Steve loved to read books. One day Stuart was playing basketball 1 he fell and broke his leg. When they took him to the hospital, the doctor said he wouldn’t be able to play for six months. Steve went 2 him and brought him books on basketball. At first Stuart wasn’t going to read them. Then he began to read them and 3 that there were ways he could play basketball better. He began to think that books weren’t 4 .
When Stuart’s leg started getting better, Steve would help him by going for walks with him. 5 Stuart’s doctor said he could start playing basketball again. Then Stuart showed Steve how to toss(投) for baskets. Steve found that he enjoyed it.
Then Stuart was ready to 6 the basketball games. Steve went to watch the games and enjoyed himself. They then 7 practiced basketball and read books together.
So you can see, when 8 happens, something good may also happen. Steve showed Stuart about books and Stuart showed Steve about basketball. So you can also 9 showing others something that you like to do and they can show you something that they like to do. 10 you can find new things to do.
( )1A.until B.when C.after D.where
( )2.A.on seeing B.to call C.to visit D.to look
( )3.A.saw B.looked C.read D.found
( )4.A.good B.bad C.better D.worse
( )5.A.But B.However C.Finally D.So
( )61.A.take part B.win C.lose D.join in
( )7.A.always B.never C.seldom D.much
( )8A.anything good B.something nice C.something bad D.anything wrong
( )9.A.try B.practice C.enjoy D.like
( )10.A.On the way B.By the way C.In a way D.In this way
Mr.Jenkins liked all kinds of delicious food. As an important officer, he was often asked to dinner. The shopkeepers tried their best to fawn on(巴结)him. They knew it was good for their business. Now the officer got fatter and fatter. He could hardly go upstairs at home and had to sleep downstairs. He often felt tired if he walked or did some housework. He was worried about it and had to go to a doctor.“Stop eating much fat(脂肪) and sugar, Mr. Jenkins,” said the doctor.“Or it will be worse for your health!”It was difficult for the officer to do it. He wouldn’t do as the doctor said. He found something was wrong with his heart a few months later. Now he thought the doctor was right. And he had to be in hospital.
“You must lose weight(减肥),sir,”said the doctor,“unless you want to die soon!” “Could you tell me a way to lose weight, please ” “You must do some exercise first.” “Which exercise ” “To move your head from side to side when you are invited to dinner!”
( )1Mr.Jenkins was often asked to dinner because .
A.he liked the delicious food B.he was ready to help others
C.he was friendly to the shopkeepers D.he was helpful to their business
( )2.What did Mr.Jenkins do
A.A doctor. B.A cook. C.A businessman. D.An officer.
( )3.What happened to Mr.Jenkins after being invited
A.He got fatter and fatter. B.He hardly went upstairs.
C.He felt tired. D.All above are right.
( )4.It was difficult for Mr.Jenkins to do everything, so .
A.he didn’t go to dinner B.he began to do some exercise
C.he went to ask the doctor for help D.he had to take some medicine
( )5.Which of the following is true
A.The doctor told Mr.Jenkins not to do exercise.
B.The doctor told Mr.Jenkins to move his head.
C.The doctor told Mr.Jenkins not to go to dinner.
D.The doctor thought Mr.Jenkins would die.
1.What’s the m with you
2.There’s something wrong with my t .I want to see a dentist.
3.People use k to cut things.
4.The p on the bus helped the old man together.
5.He a lost his life on the mountain.
6.We know the i of English study.
7.Don’t take r . It’s dangerous.
8.They made a d to visit Hainan.
9.They will go to Hainan t .
10.You have a fever and you should take your t .
1.He can stay there for ten hours without (move).
2.She was ill and had to (go) to a doctor.
3.You shouldn’t always think about (you).
4.We expect (visit) the Great Wall one day.
5.He told me (not wait) for him.
6.They agreed (help) each other.
7.We should give up bad (habit).
8.It is (importance) to study hard.
9.He can keep on (swim) for two hours.
10.They don’t mind (climb) the mountain.
1.I saw him yesterday. He was writing a letter.(合并为一句)
I him a letter yesterday.
2.Many people don’t want to help others because they don’t want any trouble. (就画线部分提问) many people want to help others
3.He should see a dentist.(就画线部分提问) he
4. I think he is a smart man. (改为否定句) I _____ ______ he _____ a smart man.
5. Having a healthy lifestyle is very important. (改为同义句)
It is important _____ ______ a healthy lifestyle.
6. Put your hands in the cold water.(改为否定句)
_____ ______ your hands in the cold water.
7. I spend lots of time on my homework. (改为同义句)
I spend _____ ______ _____ time ______ my homework.
1、 单选题
2、 完形填空
3、 阅读理解
4、 首字母填空
1.matter 2.teeth 3.knives 4.passengers 5.almost
6.importance 7.risks 8.decision 9.themselves 10.temperature
5、 用所给单词适当形式填空
1.moving 2.go 3.yourself 4.to visit 5.not to wait
6.to help 7.habits 8.important 9.swimming 10.climbing
6、 句型转换
1.saw, writing 2.Why don’t 3.What should, do 4 don’t think is
5 to have 6 Don’t put 7 a lot of doing
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