牛津译林版九年级下册Unit 3 Robots Reading 学习任务与评价单(含答案)

Unit 3 Robots Reading 学习任务与评价单
日期:________ 姓名:___________ 自我评价:__________
订购 v. ___________________
套装 n. ___________________
平整地;顺利地 adv. ___________________
熨烫 v. ___________________
总的来说;大体上 ___________________
满足,使...满意 v. ___________________
需要的事物;欲望 n. ___________________
病毒 n. ___________________
不再 ___________________
正确地,适当地 adv. ___________________
完全的,彻底的 adj. ___________________
乱七八糟 n. ___________________
放,搁 v. ___________________
储藏,存储 v. ___________________
硬币 n. ___________________
账单 n. ___________________
私人的 adj. ___________________
文件,证明,论文;纸 n. ___________________
(使)散开,扩散 v. ___________________
轮子,车轮 n. ___________________
1. Daniel is very ______________ ____(对...感兴趣) robots. He found an ___________ (有趣的) story in this month’s Robot magazine. It is about the _______ _______(家用机器人).
2. 蒋先生是阳光镇一家大公司的经理。他总是太忙,没有时间去放松。
Mr Jiang is a _____________(经理) of a big _____________(公司) in Sunshine Town. He is always _____ busy _____ have any time to _______.
3. “我必须买一个机器人,这样我就可以有更多的自由时间,”蒋先生想。于是他从一家机器人商店订购了一个。
“I have to buy a robot ____ ______ I can have more free time,” Mr Jiang thought. So he _________ one from a robot shop.
4. 机器人使蒋先生的生活变得更加轻松。当他早上起床时,早餐已经做好,他的商务套装被平整地熨烫,他的午餐盒已经准备好了。这让他非常高兴。
The robot ______(make) Mr Jiang’s life much ________(easy). When he _____ _____(起床) in the morning, breakfast _____ _____(make), his business suit _____(be) ___________(smooth) _____(iron), and his lunch box _____(be) already __________(prepare). That ______(make) him very happy.
5. 当蒋先生在工作时,机器人会做所有的家务。它也会去超市购物。
While Mr Jiang was ______ _______, the robot would _____ _____ _____ ___________. It would go shopping at the supermarket ___ ______.
6. 当蒋先生下班回家时,他的公寓看起来就像新的一样,美味的晚餐也为他准备好了。晚饭后,机器人会收拾干净。这使得蒋先生可以做他喜欢的事情。他可以看看电视或读读书。
When Mr Jiang _______ _______ ______ ________, his flat would look ____ _____ ____ ____, and a delicious dinner would ___ ______ _____ him. After dinner, the robot would _____ ____. That allowed Mr Jiang to do ___________ he liked. He would watch TV or ___ ______ ________.
7. 总的来说,这个机器人好像满足了蒋先生的需求。
It seemed that ____ ___________ the robot ___________ Mr Jiang’s ________.
8. 然而,在几个舒适的星期后,事情开始出错。
After a few ______________ weeks, however, things started to ____ ________.
9. 机器人感染了病毒,不再正常工作。它开始犯愚蠢的错误。
The robot _______ ____ _______ and ___ _______ worked _________. It began to _____ ______ ________.
10. 有时它会在凌晨四点把蒋先生叫醒。
Sometimes it ________ Mr Jiang ______ at four o’clock in the morning.
11. 当蒋先生回到家时,他会发现他的公寓一片狼藉/乱七八糟/一团糟:食物放在床上;牛奶存放在垃圾桶里;硬币、钞票和他的私人文件散落一地。
When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat ____ ___ ________ ______: food ____ _____ ____ the bed; milk ____ ______ ____ the rubbish bin; ______, ______ and his ________ _______ _____ _______ all over the floor.
12. 此外,机器人在轮子上移动得太快,经常把东西撞翻。
___________, the robot moved too fast _____ its ________ and often ________ things ______.
13. 蒋先生不知道该如何处理。
Mr Jiang did not know ______ ____ _____ _______ it.
14. 最后,蒋先生决定将机器人送回机器人商店。
____ _____ _______, Mr Jiang decided to _______ the robot _______ the robot shop.
15. 机器人可以帮助人们很多,但他们也会带来太多麻烦!
Robots can help people a lot, but they can also be _____ _____ _________!
My husband and I were watering flowers in the yard when an old man passing by _________ (stop) to talk with us. He asked us to guess his age and I thought he was 75 years old. However, that was __________ (complete) wrong. He was actually 94! He said he couldn't find people to talk to. I invited him __________ (sit) on our bench. I asked him _________ was the secret to his longevity(长寿). He told me that he had been a rich lawyer before retirement but he wanted a _________ (peace) mind. Then someone advised him that he should try to help others to have peace of mind.
Then, the new friend made a ___________ (contribute) to charity. He gave away all his pension(退休金). He said he lived with his son and didn't need the money. He enjoyed talking and accepted my offer of some desserts(甜点). After a few minutes, the desserts for his son __________ (pack) too and he gave me __________ silk scarf as a gift. I am grateful for this chance, which makes me know that _________ you want peace of mind, do be helpful to others. This chance also reminded me________ a valuable idea: To practice peace!
订购 v. order
套装 n. suit
平整地;顺利地 adv. smoothly
熨烫 v. iron
总的来说;大体上 in general
满足,使...满意 v. satisfy
需要的事物;欲望 n. need
病毒 n. virus
不再 no longer
正确地,适当地 adv. properly
完全的,彻底的 adj. complete
乱七八糟 n. mess
放,搁 v. lay
储藏,存储 v. store
硬币 n. coin
账单 n. bill
私人的 adj. private
文件,证明,论文;纸 n. paper
(使)散开,扩散 v. spread
轮子,车轮 n. wheel
1. Daniel is very _interested in__(对...感兴趣) robots. He found an _interesting_ (有趣的) story in this month’s Robot magazine. It is about the _home robot__(家用机器人).
2. 蒋先生是阳光镇一家大公司的经理。他总是太忙,没有时间去放松。
Mr Jiang is a _manager__(经理) of a big _company_(公司) in Sunshine Town. He is always _too_ busy _to_ have any time to _relax_.
3. “我必须买一个机器人,这样我就可以有更多的自由时间,”蒋先生想。于是他从一家机器人商店订购了一个。
“I have to buy a robot _so that_ I can have more free time,” Mr Jiang thought. So he _ordered_ one from a robot shop.
4. 机器人使蒋先生的生活变得更加轻松。当他早上起床时,早餐已经做好,他的商务套装被平整地熨烫,他的午餐盒已经准备好了。这让他非常高兴。
The robot _made_(make) Mr Jiang’s life much _easier__(easy). When he _got_ _up_(起床) in the morning, breakfast _was made_(make), his business suit _was_(be) _smoothly__(smooth) _ironed_(iron), and his lunch box _was_(be) already _prepared_(prepare). That _made_(make) him very happy.
5. 当蒋先生在工作时,机器人会做所有的家务。它也会去超市购物。
While Mr Jiang was _at work_, the robot would _do all the housework__. It would go shopping at the supermarket _as well_.
6. 当蒋先生下班回家时,他的公寓看起来就像新的一样,美味的晚餐也为他准备好了。晚饭后,机器人会收拾干净。这使得蒋先生可以做他喜欢的事情。他可以看看电视或读读书。
When Mr Jiang __returned home from work__, his flat would look _as good as new_, and a delicious dinner would _be ready for_ him. After dinner, the robot would _tidy up_. That allowed Mr Jiang to do _whatever_ he liked. He would watch TV or _do some reading_.
7. 总的来说,这个机器人好像满足了蒋先生的需求。
It seemed that _in general__ the robot _satisfy_ Mr Jiang’s _needs_.
8. 然而,在几个舒适的星期后,事情开始出错。
After a few _comfortable__ weeks, however, things started to _go wrong__.
9. 机器人感染了病毒,不再正常工作。它开始犯愚蠢的错误。
The robot __caught a virus__ and _no longer_ worked _properly_. It began to _make stupid mistakes_.
10. 有时它会在凌晨四点把蒋先生叫醒。
Sometimes it _woke_ Mr Jiang _up_ at four o’clock in the morning.
11. 当蒋先生回到家时,他会发现他的公寓一片狼藉/乱七八糟/一团糟:食物放在床上;牛奶存放在垃圾桶里;硬币、钞票和他的私人文件散落一地。
When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat _in a complete mess__: food _was laid on_ the bed; milk _was stored in_ the rubbish bin; _coins_, _bills_ and his _private papers_ _were spread_ all over the floor.
12. 此外,机器人在轮子上移动得太快,经常把东西撞翻。
_Moreover_, the robot moved too fast _on_ its _wheels_ and often _knocked__ things _over_.
13. 蒋先生不知道该如何处理。
Mr Jiang did not know _what to do with__ it.
14. 最后,蒋先生决定将机器人送回机器人商店。
_In the end_, Mr Jiang decided to _return__ the robot __to__ the robot shop.
15. 机器人可以帮助人们很多,但他们也会带来太多麻烦!
Robots can help people a lot, but they can also be _too much trouble__!
My husband and I were watering flowers in the yard when an old man passing by _stopped_ (stop) to talk with us. He asked us to guess his age and I thought he was 75 years old. However, that was _completely_ (complete) wrong. He was actually 94! He said he couldn't find people to talk to. I invited him _to sit_ (sit) on our bench. I asked him __what__ was the secret to his longevity(长寿). He told me that he had been a rich lawyer before retirement but he wanted a _peaceful_ (peace) mind. Then someone advised him that he should try to help others to have peace of mind.
Then, the new friend made a _contribution_ (contribute) to charity. He gave away all his pension(退休金). He said he lived with his son and didn't need the money. He enjoyed talking and accepted my offer of some desserts(甜点). After a few minutes, the desserts for his son _were packed__ (pack) too and he gave me _a_ silk scarf as a gift. I am grateful for this chance, which makes me know that _if_ you want peace of mind, do be helpful to others. This chance also reminded me__of__ a valuable idea: To practice peace!



