外研版(2019)高中英语必修第三册 Unit5What an adventure!Developing ideas Presenting ideas and Reflection提升测评(有答案)

Unit5 Developing ideas, Presenting ideas and Reflection提升测评
在成长的过程中,我们总是对未来从事的职业充满憧憬,你们班将以“My dream career”为主题举办一场演讲比赛。请你根据以下要求,写一篇英语演讲稿。要点如下:
Good morning, everyone!
Thank you for your listening.
The fisherman Salvador was just trying to make a living on the sea with the fellow fisherman Cordoba. After two days’ journey, a disaster struck, and the two men would begin to face the greatest challenge of their lives.
The boat was loaded with tons of provisions, including 70 gallons of gasoline, 16 gallons of water and 50 tins of sardines for bait(鱼饵). They also had a mobile phone, kept safe in a plastic bag, a GPS, and a two-way radio. The two had never spoken before they worked together, but they liked fishing and both of them seemed to know what they were doing.
Two days later, the weather was getting worse and worse. Salvador was trying to remain calm, but Cordoba was not prepared. He held on to the rail(围栏)for dear life as the waves crashed around them, vomiting (呕吐)and crying. When the storm finally passed, Salvador noticed that they had drifted far away from land. To make matters worse, the motor had stopped working. Salvador called his boss on the radio, but there was no response. Even worse, the GPS they brought with them had stopped working.
The two men had been at sea for two months. While Salvador had become accustomed to catching and eating the animals available to them, Cordoba’s mental health and physical health had begun to decrease. Once he got sick from eating raw seabirds, he refused to eat at all His own depression, fear and malnutrition(营养不良)finally killed him, leaving Salvador alone on the boat.
One day, after a terrible storm, Salvador found the sky was suddenly filled with shorebirds. He knew that he was heading for land at last. He must have been close to it. There, in the distance was a green Pacific atoll(环礁). It looked small and wild, but it was dry land and would likely have food and shelter.
Paragraph 1:
Salvador struggled until he reached what appeared to be a beach house.
Paragraph 2:
Salvador was rescued(援救).
1.根据提示可知,本次写作任务为一篇演讲稿;要求考生以“My dream career”为主题,写一篇参加比赛用的演讲稿。时态应以一般现在时为主。
Please allow me to deliver a brief speech on…
Since my early age,I have been admiring…
My dream cannot be fulfilled without industrious work to pave the way.
Good morning, everyone!
Today, please allow me to deliver a brief speech on my career in the future. My dream career is to be a tour guide.
Since my early age, I have been admiring tour guides enjoying the scenery, appreciating different cultures and enriching the life experience. Besides, this career is financially rewarding so that I can live a well-off life. Additionally, I will have more opportunities to meet people from all walks of life.
To be a good guide is not easy. Therefore, my dream cannot be fulfilled without hard work.
Thank you for your listening.
本文叙述了渔民 Salvador同另一位渔民 Cordoba出海谋生。航行两天后灾难发生了,两人迎来了他们人生中最严酷的挑战……。第一段以“Salvador struggled until he reached what appeared to be a beach house”开头,此段要叙述他在这儿受到的待遇及他在这儿的所见。第二段以“Salvador was rescued(援救).”开头,Salvador获救了,即本段续写的是故事的结局。
Paragraph 1:
Salvador struggled until he reached what appeared to be each house. This was a fisherman’s home. Seeing a weak man heading for their home unsteadily from the sea and his wife rushed out to him and welcomed him into their home. They had never seen anyone so weak and hungry. They were surprised that Salvador remained awake and managed to ask for a doctor before losing consciousness. Meanwhile they prepared abundant food and water for him.
Paragraph 2:
Salvador was rescued(援救). Despite suffering unimaginable hardships, Salvador had survived his journey. He had spent 438 days lost at sea, but finally he was safe. Soon enough, he was on his way back home, where he was reunited with his family. Of course, he made time to visit Cordoba’s mother to tell her the news of her son’s death. No matter what situations we are in, prepare for anything possible and stick to the last minute bravely.
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