
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. When will the library be closed
A. At 6:10. B. At 6:30. C. At 6:40.
2. What will the man do this winter holiday
A. Travel abroad. B. Go over lessons.
C. Stay with friends.
3. How does the boy probably feel
A. Worried. B. Cheated. C. Excited.
4. What does Mom think of the paper
A. It's wonderful. B. It's terrible. C. It's just so so.
5. What does the woman think of the father
A. It s nice. B. It s warm. C. It s cold.
6. Why does the man s family raise dogs
A. To guard the house. B. To help blind people.
C. To keep his mom company.
7. What pet does the man s friend keep
A. A spider. B. A fish. C. A snake.
8. How does the man sound
A. Excited. B. Regretful. C. Unsatisfied.
9. What does the man plan to do
A. Go sightseeing soon. B. Work in a factory.
C. Study in a university.
10. What will the speakers do on Saturday night
A. Have a picnic B. Go for a ride. C. Attend a dinner.
11. Why does the woman want to go back home early
A. To have a good sleep. B. To watch the football game.
C. To draw some paintings.
12. What s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Friends. B. Boss and employee.
C. Teacher and student.
13. What worries the woman
A. When to leave the job.
B. How to find the restaurant.
C. Where to treat her co-worker.
14. Where is Juan s Place
A. Near the woman s house.
B. Next to the woman s office.
C. Close to an Italian restaurant.
15. When did the woman begin to live in this area
A. 16 years ago. B. 11 years ago. C. 5 years ago.
16. What is the woman dissatisfied with
A. Her neighbours children.
B. Traffic conditions.
C. Too much noise from next door.
17. What does the woman think of her living conditions
A. The living space is small.
B. The environment is too bad.
C. The neighbourhood is heavily populated.
18. What does the band need
A. A keyboard player. B. A guitarist.
C. A drummer.
19. When is the band going to practise this week
A. On Monday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.
20. What will the band do in October
A. Give a concert. B. Enjoy a holiday. C. Write new songs.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Best royal(王室的) palaces in Europe you can visit There are some royal palaces in Europe that often open their doors to the public.
Drottningholm Palace, Sweden
This breathtaking palace in Drottningholm is not only a residence of the Swedish royal family, but it s also a UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to its impressively preserved castle and theatre. The palace and park are open to the public year-round.
Royal Palace, Oslo, Norway
The official royal residence for the Norwegian ovals has neoclassical architecture and landscaped gardens with ponds and eye-catching statues. During the summer months the palace opens to the public on guided tours, which include beautiful staterooms including the Bird Room, Mirror Hall, Small Ceremonial Hall and Banqueting Hall.
Royal Palace of Madrid, Spain
While the Royal Palace of Madrid is officially the royal residence, nowadays the Spanish royals choose to live in the Zarzuela Palace instead, with the Madrid Palace used mainly for slate ceremonies. There are over 3,000 rooms in this breathtaking palace making it one of the largest in the world. Highlights include the royal kitchens and the painting gallery, while the Changing of the guard never fails to be a hit with tourists.
Palace of Versailles, France
If you want to visit a palace that s luxurious(豪华的), then the Palace of Versailles needs to be on your list. France hasn t had a royal family since the French Revolution in 1789, but this palace offers a glimpse(短暂的感受) into how the former royals lived, as well as serving as a museum which preserves some of the finest works by the most gifted painters, sculptors and craftsmen of the time.
21. When is Royal Palace, Oslo likely to open to the public
A. In mach. B. In July. C. In October. D. In December.
22. Where should visitors go if they want to see state ceremonies
A. Drottningholm Palace. B. Royal Palace, Oslo.
C. Royal Palace of Madrid. D. Palace of Versailles.
23. What can visions do at Palace of Versailles
A. Come across royal members.
B. Enjoy some excellent artworks.
C. Communicate with gifted painters.
D. Learn the history of French Revolution.

Say you are a 17th century construction (建筑) worker who's worked long and hard to build a splendid tower for the dead wife of your emperor (皇帝).
Now say that the emperor orders you to cut off your fingertips so you can never build another one. Yes, that is the Taj Mahal, one of the most famous buildings in the world. And the tale (传说) behind the construction is just as impressive (印象深刻的) as the building itself.
First, there's the emperor of northern India, Shah Jehan, also called the King of the World. In 1612, Shah Jehan married Mumtaz Mahal. Madly in love, they had 14 children over the next 19 years. But then sadness came. As Mumtaz was about to give birth to child Number 14, she said she had heard her unborn baby cry out. It was a sign of death. And as Mumtaz lay dying, she asked Jehan to build a lasting memorial (纪念物) to celebrate their love.
When the heartbroken Jehan appeared eight days after his wife's death, his people were shocked to see that his coal-black hair had turned snow-white.
Putting away his sadness, Jehan ordered his wife's dying wish be carried out (执行). More than 20,000 workers labored nearly 22 years to complete the construction. In 1653, Jehan placed Mumtaz's remains in the center under the building.
And then, son Number five, Aurangzeb, murdered his brothers and took over the power from his aging father. Jehan lived the rest of his days—eight years, to be exact—imprisoned not far from the Taj Mahal. Jehan was only allowed to climb onto the top of his prison to see the timeless treasure from a distance (从远处). But never again would he be allowed to visit it—until he was buried next to his wife.
Today 25,000 people visit the Taj Mahal each day. Though the reason for building the tower was a strange, sad story, those who see its breathtaking beauty are reminded (使想起) of the happiness that inspired (激发……的灵感) its construction.
24. The first two paragraphs were written to show that ______.
A. the Taj Mahal is an unusual historic building
B. ancient Indian emperors were cruel
C. construction workers led a hard life in ancient India
D. India has some of the most famous buildings in the world
25. The Taj Mahal was first built as ______.
A. a prison B. a gift to Mumtaz
C. a memorial building D. a tourist attraction(景点)
26. We learn from the text that Mumtaz probably died in ______.
A. 1626 B. 1631 C. 1634 D. 1653
27. The underlined word "happiness" in the last paragraph refers to ______.
A. the married happiness of the emperor and his wife
B. the great pleasure Jehan once found in exercising his power
C. the happiness Jehan felt on completing the Taj Mahal
D. the pleasure tourists experience when visiting the Taj Mahal
Sometimes it takes a crisis (危机) to bring friends together. When Hurricane (飓风) Maria went through the island of Cayo Santiago in 2017, the monkeys living there became kinder toward each other, according to a study published in the journal Current Biology.

The findings show the monkeys made more friends and became more patient to one another. Although the hurricane destroyed two-thirds of the plants on the "Monkey Island", the increased competition for resources caused the monkeys to become more amicable, which helped them widen their friendship circles.
"We expected the monkeys would use their closest partners to deal with the destruction of the hurricane and so would strengthen their existing relationships," said lead author Testard.
But that was not what happened. Instead, the monkeys built new relationships, rather than strengthening their old ones, which surprised the researchers. Monkeys that were the most lonely before the storm increased social connections the most afterward. The study showed that monkeys often befriended the friends of their friends. This "easy" way to making friends is often mirrored in human society.
The findings could also indicate how people might deal with the increasing threat of climate change. The monkeys are close evolutionary relatives to humans and share many features of their biology and behavior with human beings. The climate crisis has increased the likelihood of extreme weather events and natural disasters. Humans can learn a thing or two from studying how the monkeys cope with the unpleasant effects of climate change.
The main takeaway the study offers humans: go beyond your close-knit circle of friends and form a broader social network to survive tough times. "Our best friends can give us many things. But sometimes, what we need is a social network where everyone is just friendly enough," Testard says.
28. What does the underlined word "amicable" probably mean
A. Attacking. B. Frightening. C. Friendly. D. Energetic.
29. What shocked researchers about the monkeys in crisis
A. They shared the limited resources.
B. They took advantage of old bonds.
C. They established new relationships.
D. Isolated monkeys were most popular.
30. What does the last paragraph focus on about the study
A. Its process. B. Its result.
C. Its purpose. D. Its significance.
31. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. Ups and Downs of the Monkey Island
B. Connection between Humans and Monkeys
C. A Crisis Leads to New Monkey Friendships
D. Learn from Monkeys for Broader Social Network
Mother's Day is a holiday that celebrates and honors mothers in the United States. It is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It became an official holiday in the country at the start of the 20th century as a way to honor mothers whose sons had died in war.
The holiday is celebrated in a number of ways. People give mothers gifts like flowers, cards, and jewelry to thank them for all their hard work. A popular symbol of the holiday is the flower called carnation. This is because when the holiday first began in the U.S. people were encouraged to wear a red carnation if their mother was alive or a white carnation if their mother was dead. Many people take their mothers out for a special meal. In fact, Mother's Day is the most popular date in the U.S. for people to go out and eat and it is estimated that people spend billions on meals and gifts. Mother's Day is also the most popular day to make long distance calls in the U.S. It is the second most popular gift-giving day after Christmas.
Since its establishment, Mother's Day has been criticized for becoming highly financial. In fact, the founder of the U.S. holiday, Anna Jarvis, began protesting the holiday and was even arrested for disturbing the peace for a public march. Jarvis's own mother started the campaign to establish a mother's holiday during the American Civil War.
Mothers are not the only people celebrated on this day. All mother figures including grandmothers, great-grandmothers, stepmothers, and foster mothers are honored on the holiday. In schools many students make special gifts, including handmade cards. While widely recognized, Mother's Day is not a federal holiday. Many other countries around the world have their own version of Mother's Day.
32. Who was the holiday intended for at the beginning
A. All mothers. B. The sons giving lives in war.
C. All sons. D. The mothers losing sons in war.
33. What can you infer from Paragraphs 2 and 3 about Mother's Day
A. People give their mothers carnation flowers as gifts.
B. People prepare a special meal for their own mothers.
C. People spend too much on celebration of the holiday.
D. People telephone to their mothers anywhere anytime.
34. Why was its founder Anna Jarvis arrested
A. She criticized Mother's Day for high expenses.
B. She organized a public march and broke the peace.
C. She was strongly against her mother for the campaign.
D. She spent too much in celebrating the first Mother's Day.
35. What is the text mainly about
A. The ways of observing Mother's Day.
B. The origin of Mother's Day.
C. Different opinions on Mother's Day.
D. The holiday of Mother's Day.
D. Make decisions in the best interests' of their own
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
The world is an interesting place.Different people like different things.Some people like loud music.Other people don't.36
Many people like sports,but they do not all like the same sports.In some countries,cricket(板球运动) is a very popular sport,in others it is not popular at all.No one plays it or watches it on TV.However,most people like soccer.The world cup is very popular.
Different people like different foods.Some people do not like meat. 38 some people do not like potatoes or bread.They prefer rice.
39 most people have their favorite colors.Some people like bright colors.Others prefer pale colors.
Many people like traveling.Different people like different places.Some people like to go to the country.They like the fresh air.Some people like to go to the cities,because they like shopping. 40
What do you like?Have you got an idea?
A.They like soft music.
B.Not everyone likes the same color.
C.Millions of people watch the games on TV.
D.Different people like different kinds of pets.
E.They eat fruit and vegetables most of the time.
F.So they don't raise pigs in their countries
G.Some other people enjoy beautiful places like the mountains or beaches.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
My history with music was not good. When I took my short-lived piano lessons, my grandfather said 41 , "Why didn't you make any progress with much practice " I 42 to make my performance attractive. However, my efforts were 43.
So I 44 playing any musical instrument until my friend Leroy 45 me to play the violin with him when I was 57. It made me enjoy the joy of playing music again. However, thinking of my past, I 46) his invitation. I expected to hear his words that I would become 47 with practice on stage. But he said, "OK, only play if you want to." I was totally 48 by the unexpected answer and made no reply except to tell him goodbye.
No one was 49 me to participate(参加), but I faced a special 50 . Should I play on stage or not I had always be an audience member, but this time I was 51 to grasp(抓住) the opportunity. After a long and careful 52 , I played my violin with Leroy. Though I didn't lose all my 53 , it was enough for me to overcome(克服) my fear. Finally, I 54 a full performance in front of the audience.
Leroy passed away later, but his 55 stayed. It helped me not only in music, but in all aspects of life. When I focus on what I want to do, fear will be replaced with joy.
41. A. anxiously B. carefully C. quietly D. excitedly
42. A. pretended B. regretted C. demanded D. attempted
43. A. on time B. under pressure C. in vain D. for sure
44. A. gave up B. put off C. believed in D. dreamed of
45. A. challenged B. invited C. required D. reminded
46. A. refused B. forgave C. protested D. forgot
47. A. important B. ordinary C. effective D. skilled
48. A. shocked B. confused C. satisfied D. impressed
49. A. teaching B. begging C. forcing D. expecting
50. A. chance B. goal C. task D. choice
51. A. suitable B. curious C. willing D. generous
52. A. preparation B. explanation C. treatment D. search
53. A. courage B. faith C. nervousness D. interest
54. A. conquered B. recommended C. organised D. offered
55. A. fame B. aim C. influence D. composition
Nowadays, there is the growing 56 (popular) of Internet surfing on campus. 57 increasing number of students, majoring in science, engineering or liberal arts, spend many hours surfing the Internet with keen interest every day.
So far Internet surfing 58 (attract) college students like magnets(磁铁) for the reason that it is the world of the Internet and the world of globalization. First, through the Internet, we can chat 59 our friends and family by WeChat or QQ at any time, 60 is much cheaper, more convenient and more effective than 61 (tradition) means. Next, access to the home pages makes 62 easy to get all kinds of information. Finally, by 63 (click) the mouse, we can do such important things as shopping, finding jobs, making friends, and downloading files. What's more, the Internet offers many chances 64 (improve) ourselves.
In the Information Age, it is difficult to imagine modern life without the Internet. With the information technology industry developing 65 (rapid), successful dot-coms(网络公司) appeared everywhere. The Internet is revolutionizing(彻底改变) our economy, our society and our life.
第四节 写作(满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
1. 网络安全的重要性;
2. 安全上网的具体建议;
3. 号召大家重视网络安全。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 题目已给出,不计入总词数。
Staying Safe on the Internet
___________________________________________ ___________________
______________________________________________ ________________
第二节 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。(满分25分)
Karl walked to the back of the classroom to put his book away. There, lying on the carpet in front of the bookcase, was a golden ticket! He picked it up. His heart beat faster when he saw that the name line was blank.
The boys and girls in Karl's class could earn golden tickets by doing well in their work or by being extra helpful or kind. Once a week his teacher, Miss Evans, took a ticket out of a jar(广口瓶), and let the winner choose a prize. Karl couldn't believe his luck.
The golden ticket was going to be drawn, and here was another ticket, just for him. He looked around, but no one else was near the ticket. All his classmates were at their desks, laughing and talking with each other.
Karl decided to write his name on the blank line. Then he could put it into the prize jar with the tickets he'd already earned. With so many chances, at least one of his tickets would be picked! Then he could choose the pink pig as his sister's birthday present, just like what he had been hoping for.
He smiled and reached for the pencil in his pocket. Suddenly his fingers stopped. There was a strange feeling in his chest, and it wasn't his heartbeat. He looked out of the window and tried to figure it out. He did find the ticket, but he hadn't earned it. Maybe whoever lost it was looking for it. But he needed this extra ticket for his great plan!
He remembered what Dad had told him and his sister. "When you make a right choice, you can feel peaceful inside. You never have to feel bad about your choice later," he said.
Paragraph 1:
He put the pencil back in his pocket.
__________________________________ ____________________________
______________________________ _________________________________
Paragraph 2:
"Karl, I'd like you to have another ticket," Miss Evans said.
_________________________________ ______________________________
__________________________________ _____________________________
答 案
1-5.BBAAC 6~10.BCAC C 11~15.AACA A 16~20.CAACA 21~25.BCB AC
26~30. BA CCD 31~35. C DCBD 36~40.ACEBG 41~45.ADCAB 46-50.ADACD 51-55.CACDC
56.popularity 57.An 58.has attracted 59.with/to 60.which 61.traditional 62.it
63.clicking 64.to improve 65.rapidly
Staying Safe on the Internet With the internet around us, we can get in touch with each other much easier. However, it has brought to us dangers as well. ①So it is very important to stay safe on the internet. Here are some tips I'd like to share.
②First, make sure you have privacy setting fully enabled, which will guard against your personal information from being stolen. Then, avoid questionable websites. In this way you can keep away from information that makes you uncomfortable.
Online safety has become a matter of great concern. Let's think before click.
He put the pencil back in his pocket. And then he walked over to his teacher's desk. "Miss Evans, I found this golden ticket on the floor near the bookcase. I think somebody has lost it. I did find the ticket, but I haven't earned it. And these are mine," he said, dropping several tickets into the jar on his teacher's desk. When he turned around to leave, Miss Evans called him back.
"Karl, I'd like you to have another ticket," Miss Evans said. "You were honest and returned this one. By the way, what prize would you choose if your ticket was drawn The big candy bar or the fire truck " Karl said happily right away. "The pink pig! It will be my sister's birthday next week, and I really want to give it to her. That's her favorite animal." Karl sat down at his desk and smiled. He still wanted his ticket to be picked, but he would be happy even if it wasn't. Dad was right. Making the right choice did make him feel great, and maybe, he still might win the pink pig.



上一篇:第一章 物质及其变化 单元测试卷(含解析) 2022-2023高一上学期化学人教版(2019)必修第一册
