
英 语 试 题
卷 I
说明∶本卷共三大题, 43 小题, 满分 61 分。
一、听力(本题有 15 小题, 其中 1—10 小题每题1分, 11-15 小题每题 2 分, 共 20 分)
注意∶听力共分三节。答题时, 请先将答案标在试卷上, 听力部分结束后, 请将答案转涂到客观题答题卷上。听每段对话或独白前, 你都有五秒钟的时间阅读这一小题, 听完后你将有五秒钟的时间回答这一小题。
第一节∶听下面五段对话, 每段对话后有1个小题, 请从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话仅读一遍。
( )1.How will the girl get to Ji’an tomorrow
A.By train. B.By car. C.By air.
M:It only takes one and half an hour to get to Ji’an if you take the high-speed train.
W:Really cool. But I have ordered the flight ticket for tomorrow. Maybe next time, I will have a try.
( )2.What happened to Linda
A.Her friend was upset. B.Her pet died. C.She lost her way.
M:Hi, Linda. How are things
W:Not so good, my pet fish died this morning. It made me down.
( )3.Who will go to the zoo with the girl
A.Her mother. B.Her father. C.Her grandmother.
W:Dad, can you go to the zoo with me tomorrow
M:Sorry, I must pick up your grandmother. Your mother will be free tomorrow.
( )4.When is the basketball game in the sports club
A.On Wednesday. B.On Thursday. C.On Friday.
M:Is there a basketball game in the sports club on Wednesday
W:No, there isn’t. But there is a basketball game on Friday.
( )5.What did the boy’s mother buy for him yesterday
A.A T-shirt. B.A pair of shoes. C.A bike.
W:You went shopping with your mother yesterday, didn’t you
M:Yes. My mother bought me a pair of shoes.
第二节∶听下面两段较长对话, 每段对话后有2至3个小题, 请从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话读两遍。
听下面一段较长对话, 回答第 6-7 小题。
( )6.Who is going to prepare the lunch
A.Betty’s mother. B.Jenny’s mother. C.Tony’s mother.
( )7.What kind of food does the girl like
A.Rice. B.Pizza. C.Noodles.
【答案】6.C 7.B
W:Tony, is Betty coming for lunch tomorrow
M:Yes, mum. I told you that yesterday!
W:Oh, did you Sorry, I forgot.
M:What have you prepared for us, mum
W:Well, I am just writing out the shopping list for lunch. What kind of food does she like
M:Anything is OK, but she hates noodles and she never has rice at school.
W:What about pizza, then
M:Yeah, she enjoys pizza very much.
听下面一段较长对话, 回答第 8-10 小题。
( )8.What did Tony do in Sydney
A.He had a trip. B.He visited his friends. C.He studied English.
( )9.How long did Tony stay there
A.About two weeks. B.About two months. C.About two years.
( )10.Where did Tony stay
A.In a school. B.In a family. C.At a hotel.
【答案】8.C 9.C 10.B
W:Hi, Tony. Long time no see. Where have you been
M:Sydney. I just came back yesterday.
W:Did you go there on a trip or on business
M:Neither. I went there to study English.
W:So you must have improved your English a lot. How long did you stay there
M:About two years.
W:Did you stay in the local school
M:No, I lived with a family. They were very friendly. And I got on well with them.
W:What an interesting experience! I hope I can study abroad like you one day.
第三节∶听下面一段独白, 独白后有5个小题, 请从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。独白读两遍。
( )11.How long did Steven stay on the farm
A.For three weeks. B.For two weeks. C.For one week.
( )12.Why can’t Steven visit his grandparents often
A.Because he lives too far.
B.Because he has no money.
C.Because he is busy with study.
( )13.Who booked (预订) the journey to Thailand
A.Steven’s parents. B.Steven’s grandparents. C.Steven’s aunt and uncle.
( )14.How did Steven’s grandparents feel at first
A.Excited but tired. B.Excited but worried. C.Worried and tired.
( )15.What did Steven introduce to his grandparents
A.The beaches in Thailand. B.The Thai food. C.The Thai culture.
【答案】11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C
Hi, I’m Steven. During this summer vacation, I first spent two weeks with my grandparents on their farm. I can’t visit them often because of my study. I told them stories and helped them with the farm work. I was tired but happy every day. My parents have booked a long journey for me and my grandparents. So in the third week of the holiday, we went to Thailand and enjoyed the beautiful beaches there. My grandparents felt excited but worried at first, because that was the first time for them to go abroad. I introduced the Thai culture to them along the way and let them know that I had the ability to look after them. We had fun together.
二、完形填空(本题有 15小题, 每小题1分, 共 15 分)
How old were you when you first started talking Most babies start talking as ____16____ as a few months old. Have you ____17____ wondered how babies learn language in the very beginning
Babies’ brains measure(测量) how often they ____18____ certain sounds. They gradually become skilled in the language that is always ____19____ by people around them. And this language naturally becomes their mother language.
This process happens when they are between 8 and 10 ____20____ old. It is called the “critical period(关键)” of language learning. After this period, babies’ ____21____ begin to form preferences for the sounds around them.
It is interesting to study ____22____ kinds of languages. The Japanese language, for example, does not distinguish(区分) between the sounds “/ra/” and “/la/”. Some scientists studied a group of Japanese and American babies. They tested their ____23____ to distinguish between these two sounds. The Japanese babies were able to distinguish the sounds by the time they were between 6 and 8 months old. They ____24____ as well as the American babies. However, ____25____ reaching 10 months old, the Japanese babies started to perform worse on the test. The American babies, on the other hand, started to show improvements in their test scores.
What happens when a baby is taught a(n) ____26____ language In another study, scientists tested a group of American babies during their critical period. Before the experiment, they performed poorly at recognizing Chinese sounds. The scientists then asked some ____27____ speakers to visit these babies regularly. They read stories to the babies in Chinese. After several visits, the babies ____28____ greatly in their ability to recognize Chinese language sounds.
According to these two studies, babies are much more focused on(专注于) catching the language that is spoken ____29____ them. At the same time, they lose the ability to ____30____ foreign sounds. In fact, babies are born as “citizens of the world”. They have the ability to learn any language that is taught to them!
( )16.A.slowly B.quickly C.lately D.early
( )17.A.ever B.still C.never D.just
( )18.A.enjoy B.find C.hear D.listen
( )19.A.played B.spoken C.learned D.refused
( )20.A.hours B.weeks C.months D.years
( )21.A.eyes B.hands C.noses D.brains
( )22.A.different B.awful C.same D.difficult
( )23.A.performance B.language C.ability D.sound
( )24.A.performed B.discovered C.practiced D.smiled
( )25.A.unless B.for C.before D.after
( )26.A.interesting B.local C.common D.foreign
( )27.A.English B.Japanese C.Chinese D.American
( )28.A.taught B.caught C.hold D.improved
( )29.A.about B.around C.from D.against
( )30.A.give out B.worry about C.pick out D.dress up
16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.C 21.D 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.D 26.D 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.C
slowly慢慢地;quickly迅速地;lately最近;early早的。分析“Most babies start talking as…as a few months old.”可知是一个简单句,主谓结构完整,设空处构成谓语补足语,此处as early as意为“早在”,填early符合情景,故选D。
ever曾经;still仍然;never从不;just仅仅。分析“Have you…wondered how babies learn language in the very beginning ”可知是一个复合疑问句,前句为have引导的一般疑问句,后句为how引导的宾语从句,设空处位于主谓之间,应为副词,根据句意应填ever,故选A。
enjoy享受;find找到;hear听到(强调结果);listen倾听(强调过程)。根据后文“certain sounds”可知此处意为听到声音,强调听到的结果,故选C。
played玩;spoken说;learned学;refused拒绝。根据“They gradually become skilled in the language”可知此处意为被周围人说的语言,故选B。
hours小时;weeks周;months月;years年。根据下文出现的“between 6 and 8 months old”可知此处指的是月份,故选C。
eyes眼睛;hands手;noses鼻子;brains脑。根据前文提到的“Babies’ brains”可知此处指的是大脑,故选D。
different不同的;awful糟糕的;same相同的;difficult困难的。根据后文“Some scientists studied a group of Japanese and American babies. They tested their…to distinguish between these two sounds.”科学家用日语测试日本和美国的婴儿,可知此处应填different,指的是不同种类的语言,故选A。
performance表演;language语言;ability能力;sound声音。根据后文“The Japanese babies were able to distinguish the sounds by the time they were between 6 and 8 months old”可知此处测试的是区分这两种声音的能力,故选C。
performed表演;discovered发现;practiced练习;smiled微笑。根据“the Japanese babies started to perform worse on the test”可推测出,此处指他们表现得和美国婴儿一样好,故选A。
unless除非;for对于;before在……之前;after在……之后。根据“…reaching 10 months old”可知指的是,在10个月大后的婴儿,故选D。
interesting有趣的;local当地的;common普通的;foreign外国的。根据后文“They read stories to the babies in Chinese.”可知科学家让说中文的人给美国的婴儿讲故事,此处指的应是外语。故选D。
English英语的;Japanese日语的;Chinese中文的;American美国的。根据后文“They read stories to the babies in Chinese”可知此处指的是Chinese“中文的”,故选C。
taught教;caught赶上;hold保留;improved提高。根据“After several visits,”可知经过了多次探访,这些婴儿识别汉语声音的能力应是得到提高,故选D。
about关于;around在……周围;from从……;against反对。根据上文“After several visits, the babies…greatly in their ability to recognize Chinese language sounds.”及选项备选词,可知婴儿应是更专注于捕捉围绕在他们身边的语言,填around符合语境,故选B。
give out分发;worry about担心;pick out挑选;dress up打扮。根据前文“…are much more focused on(专注于) catching the language that is spoken around them”及“At the same time”可知婴儿更专注于捕捉围绕在他们身边的语言,同时则会失去了辨别外来声音的能力。故选C。
三、阅读理解(本题有 13 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共 26分)
阅读下面短文, 从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Simple tips on ROAD TRIP PREPARATION Preparing a road trip can be tiring. There are a few things you can do to make it successful. ① SERVICE YOUR CAR Keep your car running well by getting it checked before you head out on the road. Cheek the turn signals, headlights and brake lights. Make sure they all work properly. You’ll save yourself a headache later on. ② PACK YOUR LUGGAGE Cheek the weather forecasts for the places you’ll visit so you’ll know what clothes to pack. Also, remember to take all the necessities like the Nintendo Switch, tablets, laptops, phones and so on. ③MAKE YOUR TRIP FUN Make sure you entertain yourself and others. When young kids travel with you, pack some snacks for them. Also, it is a good idea to download some movies in advance to kill the time during the trip. ④ STOP FREQUENTLY How long do you intend to travel The longer the distance, the more rest stops and overnight hotels. When making a long trip, you should stop for a rest every two hours, or you may be too tired to focus on driving. The power of preparation! _________
( )31.This text mainly tells the readers how we can ________.
A.keep a road trip comfortable B.get ready for a road trip
C.make a road trip meaningful D.share a road trip experience
( )32.Tips ________ mentioned above can promise us a safe road trip.
A.①③ B.②④ C.②③ D.①④
( )33.Which of the following is the best to be put in ________
A.Take your time! B.We’ll be there for you!
C.Take care and have fun! D.To be an independent traveller!
【答案】31.B 32.D 33.C
31.主旨大意题。根据“Preparing a road trip can be tiring. There are a few things you can do to make it successful”可知,本文主要介绍如何为公路旅行做好准备,故选B。
32.细节理解题。根据“SERVICE YOUR CAR …Make sure they all work properly. You’ll save yourself a headache later on.”及“STOP FREQUENTLY …or you may be too tired to focus on driving.”可知,①④这两点建议是让我们旅行变得安全,故选D。
Repair or Replace
A much-used home appliance (家用电器)suddenly stops working. You look at it helplessly. Should I repair it or replace it
It’s a hard question that almost every family has faced. There are so many things to consider, from the cost to the effects on the environment. But you may not have much time to make a decision just imagine living without a fridge in the summer.
In a recent survey, more than 95 percent of the 11350 participants(参与者)chose to repair a broken appliance. Only three percent chose to replace the appliance. Did each of them make a smart decision
In my opinion, one great way of looking at the problem is to work out the current (当前的) value of your appliance. When you buy a new home appliance, write down its cost and the number of years you expect it to last. Divide the cost by the number of years. This will tell you how much value the appliance loses each year. When the appliance breaks down, you can quickly work out its current value. If a repair costs more than the appliance’s current value, you should replace the appliance. Otherwise (否则), you may consider having it repaired.
( )34.When a home appliance doesn’t work suddenly, most of us may ________.
A.buy a new product B.make a decision slowly
C.choose to repair it D.go on living without it
( )35.Who would most probably like to read this text
A.The boss of the company. B.Tho owner of the appliance.
C.The clerk of the company. D.The engineer of the appliance.
( )36.The text is probably from the part of ___________ in the magazine.
A.Travel B.Life C.Science D.Sports
【答案】34.C 35.B 36.B
34.细节理解题。根据“In a recent survey, more than 95 percent of the 11350 participants(参与者)chose to repair a broken appliance.”可知大部分人都选择修理破损的电器。故选C。
35.推理判断题。根据“A much-used home appliance (家用电器)suddenly stops working. You look at it helplessly. Should I repair it or replace it ”可知这是关于家用电器修理和替换的话题。可推测出设备的所有者肯定爱看这类文章。故选B。
36.推理判断题。根据“A much-used home appliance (家用电器)suddenly stops working. You look at it helplessly. Should I repair it or replace it ”可知该文章提到了家用电器,与生活有关。可推测出该文本来自杂志中生活的部分。故选B。
It’s a popular belief that fish can’t remember anything for longer than seven seconds. It may seem sad to think that they don’t remember what they’ve eaten or where they’ve been, and they don’t know you or any of their friends—every moment in their life would be like seeing the world for the first time.
But don’t be so quick to feel sorry for them. A recent study has found that fish have much better memories than we used to think. In fact, certain kinds of fish can even remember events from as long as 12 days ago, BBC reported.
In the study, researchers from MacEwan University in Canada trained a kind of fish called African cichlids(丽鱼科鱼)to go to a certain area of their tank(鱼缸)to get food. They then waited for 12 days before putting them back in the tank again.
This suggested that they could remember their past experiences. Researchers used computer software to watch the fish’s movements. They found that after such a long break the fish still went to the same place where they first got food.
In fact, scientists had been thinking for a long time that African cichlids might have a good memory. An earlier study showed that they behaved offendedly in front of certain fish, perhaps because they remembered their past fights. But until the latest findings, there was no clear evidence(证据).
“If fish are able to remember that a certain area has safe food, they will be able to go back to that area without putting their lives in danger,” lead researcher Trevor Hamilton told Live Science.
( )37.From the first three paragraph, the writer develops the article by________.
A.giving different opinions B.making a survey
C.showing the same feeling D.sharing some stories
( )38.The underlined word “offendedly” has the closest meaning to ________.
A.sadly B.madly C.silently D.properly
( )39.What Trevor Hamilton said in the last paragraph tells us ________.
A.it’s easy for fish to find a place with safe food
B.it’s dangerous for fish to fight for their friends
C.it’s necessary for fish to remember their home
D.it’s important for fish to have a good memory
【答案】37.A 38.B 39.D
37.推理判断题。根据“they don’t remember what they’ve eaten or where they’ve been, and they don’t know you or any of their friends”可知,第一段通过陈述不同的观点来引出本文主题,故选A。
38.词义猜测题。根据“An earlier study showed that they behaved offendedly in front of certain fish, perhaps because they remembered their past fights”可知,它们在某些鱼类面前表现得很无礼,可能是因为它们记得过去的争斗,所以划线词语与madly同义,故选B。
39.推理判断题。根据“If fish are able to remember that a certain area has safe food, they will be able to go back to that area without putting their lives in danger”可知,如果鱼能够记住某个区域有安全的食物,它们就能回到那个区域,而不会有生命危险,由此可推知鱼的记忆力好是很重要的,故选D。
Have you ever imagined going inside a video game That dream may soon become real. It’s called the “metaverse”.
The word is a combination of “meta”, which means beyond, and “verse”, which refers to “universe”. Metaverse is a shared virtual 3D world, or worlds. The word first appeared in a 1992 science fiction book called Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. In this story, people wear virtual reality (VR) headsets to see and join the metaverse.
Now, what happens in the book is becoming a reality. When you are wearing a VR headset, the meteaverse will feel real because the technology can simulate our senses:vision, hearing, touch, and even smell. “We’re talking about creating another reality, another world, which is as rich as the real world,” said Rev Lebaredian, vice president of simulation technology at NVIDIA, a US tech company.
So, what can you do inside the metaverse “Your location will no longer matter,” says VOA News. In the metaverse, “people would be connected at all times.” You can meet friends from other countries and go on a virtual beach vacation together. But forget Thailand—you can go to the beach on the moon, or anywhere else you can imagine. Can’t find a friend to play basketball Jump into the metaverse and find some friends to play with or go to a concert!
A true metaverse will not just be a separate world, but a complementary world closely interconnected with the real world. It will allow people from one side of the planet to meet in a virtual environment with people on the other side, carrying out normal conversations as if they were both in the same room.
The key to realizing a metaverse will be more advanced input and display technologies. Perhaps haptic gloves, which will allow hand gestures as input, and retinal displays, which will project images of virtual worlds directly onto our retinas, would be enough to attract millions to take part in a new and intimate virtual reality.
( )40.The underlined “simulate our senses” in Paragraph Three probably mean ________.
A.create similar senses B.take senses away
C.change senses greatly D.make senses better
( )41.According to the passage, in the metaverse, you ________.
A.can create a real 3D world B.can go wherever you want
C.can be anyone you want to be D.can design your own video games
( )42.The future research of metaverse will probably focus on ________.
A.how to improve the design of the headset
B.how to separate the real world from the virtual world
C.how to put as much information as possible into human brain
D.how to present pictures of virtual worlds directly on human eyes
( )43.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A.What Direction Will the Metaverse Take B.It’s Time to Think About the Metaverse.
C.Why Does Human Need the Metaverse D.There Is No Future Without the Metaverse.
【答案】40.A 41.B 42.D 43.B
40.词句猜测题。根据“When you are wearing a VR headset, the meteaverse will feel real because the technology can simulate our senses:vision, hearing. touch, and even smell.”以及“We’re talking about creating another reality, another world, which is as rich as the real world”可推测“simulate our senses”意为“创造相似的感觉”。故选A。
41.推理判断题。根据“In the metaverse, “people would be connected at all times. ”…or anywhere else you can imagine.”可知在元宇宙中,你可以去任何你想去的地方。故选B。
42.细节理解题。根据最后一段“The key to realizing a metaverse will be more advanced input and display technologies…would be enough to attract millions to take part in a new and intimate virtual reality.”可知未来对于虚拟世界研究的关键是如何把虚拟世界的图片直接呈现在人类眼睛上。故选D。
43.最佳标题题。阅读文章可知本文主要讲了元宇宙即将从想象变为现实了,因此是时候认真考虑一下了,因此“It’s Time to Think About the Metaverse”符合文章内容。故选B。
说明∶本卷共四大题, 25 小题, 满分 39 分。
四、任务型阅读(本题有 4 小题, 每小题 1分, 共 4 分)
How to use a public computer—safety tips
There are times when you may want to use a public computer, for example in an internet cafe, a library or at an airport. That’s when it’s especially important to be smart and safe.
Don’t save! When you want to log into a social networking website or your web-mail, the system will ask you, “Do you want to save this password ” Don’t click “Yes” when you are working on a public computer.
Log out! Make sure you do not simply close the browser (浏览器) when you want to leave a website. You should always “log out” of the website when you finish your session.
Close windows! If you need to walk away from the computer for any reason, you should close all the windows on the computer first. Don’t leave any information on the screen that other people shouldn’t see.
Watch out! Be careful about people looking at the screen over your shoulder. Ask them politely to go somewhere else. So you can use the computer in private.
Safety Tips to Use A Public Computer Don’t save the ____44____ when working on a public computer.
Make sure you “log out” of the ____45____ when you want to leave it.
Close all the windows on the computer and don't leave any ____46____ on the screen that other people shouldn’t see.
Ask people who look at your screen over your shoulder to go somewhere in a ____47____ way.
【答案】44.password 45.website 46.information 47.polite
44.根据“When you want to log into a social networking website or your web-mail, the system will ask you, ‘Do you want to save this password ’ Don’t click ‘Yes’ when you are working on a public computer.”可知在公共计算机上工作时不要保存密码,故填password。
45.根据“You should always ‘log out’ of the website when you finish your session.”可知当您想离开网站时,请务必“退出”网站。故填website。
46.根据“Don’t leave any information on the screen that other people shouldn’t see,”可知不要在屏幕上留下任何人不应该看到的信息。故填information。
47.根据“Be careful about people looking at the screen over your shoulder. Ask them politely to go somewhere else. So you can use the computer in private.”可知小心别人从你的肩膀上看屏幕。礼貌地让他们去别的地方。所以你应该用礼貌的方式请别人去别的地方。故填polite。
五、单词拼写(本题有 10 小题, 每小题1分, 共 10分)
Part-time jobs are great for young people. They ____48____ (允许) teenagers to gain a little job experience and make a bit of money, too. Of course, for students, doing a part-time job should never be more important than studying for good ____49____ (成绩).
There are so many different part-time jobs for you to ____50____ (选择) from. A few of the most ____51____ (常见的) ones are restaurant waiters and store salesmen. There are all jobs that only need you to work between ten and ____52____ (十五) hours per week. Besides, they don’t require much work experience. So you can learn how to do the job easily ____53____ (当……的时候) working.
From part-time jobs, you can learn great lessons which are all ____54____ (必需的) for you in your life. What’s more, it is great to earn money for the first ____55____ (次) from a part-time job. Maybe you will find it’s ____56____ (更困难的) to use money you made than that your parents give you! Yet it can right teach you the _____57_____ (价值) of money. Lastly, the feeling you get from a part-time job will be your important treasure later on.
48.allow 49.grades 50.choose 51.common 52.fifteen 53.while##when 54.necessary 55.time 56.harder 57.value
49.句意:当然,对于学生来说,做兼职工作永远不应该比学习取得好成绩更重要。空格在形容词后,填名词;grade“成绩”,good grades“好成绩”。故填grades。
51.句意:最常见的兼职工作是餐厅服务员和商店推销员。空格在“the most”后,填形容词,构成最高级;common“常见的”。故填common。
57.句意:然而,它可以直接地教会你金钱的价值。空格在定冠词后,填名词;value“价值”,the value of…“……的价值”。故填value。
六、语法填空(本题有 10 小题, 每小题 1分, 共 10 分)
On April 16, Shenzhou XIII astronauts ZhaiZhigong, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu ___58___ (safe) come back to Earth from the Tiangong space station. There are many interesting ___59___ (fact) about their landing. Let’s take a look!
Speedy return
The mission set ___60___ new speed record. When the Shenzhou XII came back from the space station in 2021, it took about 28 hours. This time, Shenzhou XIII cut ___61___ the number of orbits (环绕地球圈数)from eleven to five. ___62___ took just 9 hours to return.
Landing upright
The re-entry capsule (返回舱)landed upright. This landing position is rare in China’s space flight history. Only Shenzhou VI and Shenzhou XIII ___63___ (do) successfully so far. ___64___ (achieve) this, astronauts must let go of the parachute (降落伞)with exact timing. Landing upright makes sure that astronauts have the softest landing.
Keeping seated
___65___ the astronauts felt good after landing, they still needed to sit on chairs. The long space journey changed their bodies. Their muscles and bones became much ___66___ (weak). In the next few months, they will ___67___ (train) to get used to Earth’s gravity (重力).
58.safely 59.facts 60.a 61.down 62.It
63.have done 64.To achieve 65.Although##Though 66.weaker 67.be trained
58.句意:4月16日,神舟十三号航天员翟之功、王亚平、叶光复从天宫空间站安全地回到地球。根据“come back”是动词短语,可知用副词来修饰动词。故填safely。
61.句意:这一次,神舟十三号减少了环绕地球圈数,从11减到5。根据“from eleven to five”及“cut”可知环绕地球圈数减少了。故填down。
62.句意:回来只花了9个小时。根据“took just 9 hours to return.”可知它符合结构“It took +时间+to do sth.”,故填It。
63.句意:只有神舟六号和神舟十三号到目前为止成功地做到了。根据“so far”及主语“Only Shenzhou VI and Shenzhou XIII”是复数可知,此句是现在完成时。故填have done。
64.句意:为了实现这一点,宇航员必须以精确的时间放开降落伞。根据句意“为了实现这一点,宇航员必须以精确的时间放开降落伞。”可知此处不定式表目的,故填To achieve。
65.句意:虽然宇航员着陆后感觉良好,但是他们仍然需要坐在椅子上。根据“The long space journey changed their bodies. Their muscles and bones became much …”可知,漫长的太空之旅改变了他们的身体。他们的肌肉和骨骼变得弱了很多。所以虽然宇航员着陆后感觉不错,但是他们仍然需要坐在椅子上,although/though引导让步状语从句。故填Although/Though。
66.句意:他们的肌肉和骨骼变得弱了很多。根据“became much”和句意,可知要用形容词比较级。故填weaker。
67.句意:在接下来的几个月里,为了习惯地球的重力,他们将接受训练。根据“they will…(train) to get used to Earth’s gravity (重力).”可知主语和谓语动词之间是被动关系,又因为“will”后加动词原形,故填be trained。
七、书面表达(本题 15 分)
68.有些同学不能妥善安排好时间以至于影响了学习。“Don’t put off today until tomorrow.”是美国科学家本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)关于“时间”的一句名言。请以他的这句名言为题用英语写一篇约110词的短文。
Don’t put off today until tomorrow
Don’t put off today until tomorrow
This well-known saying from American famous scientist Benjamin Franklin tells us how to use and manage time well. Some students can’t make good use of their time and this has a bad influence on their study.
One weekend, I forgot to finish my homework because I only thought of relaxing myself. On Saturday I played computer games and on Sunday I played football with my friends. But soon I found I had no time at all to do my homework. The next Monday, the teacher asked me to do more homework to punish me.
To manage our time well, we should make a good plan and follow it strictly.
英 语 试 题
卷 I
说明∶本卷共三大题, 43 小题, 满分 61 分。
一、听力(本题有 15 小题, 其中 1—10 小题每题1分, 11-15 小题每题 2 分, 共 20 分)
注意∶听力共分三节。答题时, 请先将答案标在试卷上, 听力部分结束后, 请将答案转涂到客观题答题卷上。听每段对话或独白前, 你都有五秒钟的时间阅读这一小题, 听完后你将有五秒钟的时间回答这一小题。
第一节∶听下面五段对话, 每段对话后有1个小题, 请从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话仅读一遍。
( )1.How will the girl get to Ji’an tomorrow
A.By train. B.By car. C.By air.
( )2.What happened to Linda
A.Her friend was upset. B.Her pet died. C.She lost her way.
( )3.Who will go to the zoo with the girl
A.Her mother. B.Her father. C.Her grandmother.
( )4.When is the basketball game in the sports club
A.On Wednesday. B.On Thursday. C.On Friday.
( )5.What did the boy’s mother buy for him yesterday
A.A T-shirt. B.A pair of shoes. C.A bike.
第二节∶听下面两段较长对话, 每段对话后有2至3个小题, 请从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话读两遍。
听下面一段较长对话, 回答第 6-7 小题。
( )6.Who is going to prepare the lunch
A.Betty’s mother. B.Jenny’s mother. C.Tony’s mother.
( )7.What kind of food does the girl like
A.Rice. B.Pizza. C.Noodles.
听下面一段较长对话, 回答第 8-10 小题。
( )8.What did Tony do in Sydney
A.He had a trip. B.He visited his friends. C.He studied English.
( )9.How long did Tony stay there
A.About two weeks. B.About two months. C.About two years.
( )10.Where did Tony stay
A.In a school. B.In a family. C.At a hotel.
第三节∶听下面一段独白, 独白后有5个小题, 请从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。独白读两遍。
( )11.How long did Steven stay on the farm
A.For three weeks. B.For two weeks. C.For one week.
( )12.Why can’t Steven visit his grandparents often
A.Because he lives too far.
B.Because he has no money.
C.Because he is busy with study.
( )13.Who booked (预订) the journey to Thailand
A.Steven’s parents. B.Steven’s grandparents. C.Steven’s aunt and uncle.
( )14.How did Steven’s grandparents feel at first
A.Excited but tired. B.Excited but worried. C.Worried and tired.
( )15.What did Steven introduce to his grandparents
A.The beaches in Thailand. B.The Thai food. C.The Thai culture.
二、完形填空(本题有 15小题, 每小题1分, 共 15 分)
How old were you when you first started talking Most babies start talking as ____16____ as a few months old. Have you ____17____ wondered how babies learn language in the very beginning
Babies’ brains measure(测量) how often they ____18____ certain sounds. They gradually become skilled in the language that is always ____19____ by people around them. And this language naturally becomes their mother language.
This process happens when they are between 8 and 10 ____20____ old. It is called the “critical period(关键)” of language learning. After this period, babies’ ____21____ begin to form preferences for the sounds around them.
It is interesting to study ____22____ kinds of languages. The Japanese language, for example, does not distinguish(区分) between the sounds “/ra/” and “/la/”. Some scientists studied a group of Japanese and American babies. They tested their ____23____ to distinguish between these two sounds. The Japanese babies were able to distinguish the sounds by the time they were between 6 and 8 months old. They ____24____ as well as the American babies. However, ____25____ reaching 10 months old, the Japanese babies started to perform worse on the test. The American babies, on the other hand, started to show improvements in their test scores.
What happens when a baby is taught a(n) ____26____ language In another study, scientists tested a group of American babies during their critical period. Before the experiment, they performed poorly at recognizing Chinese sounds. The scientists then asked some ____27____ speakers to visit these babies regularly. They read stories to the babies in Chinese. After several visits, the babies ____28____ greatly in their ability to recognize Chinese language sounds.
According to these two studies, babies are much more focused on(专注于) catching the language that is spoken ____29____ them. At the same time, they lose the ability to ____30____ foreign sounds. In fact, babies are born as “citizens of the world”. They have the ability to learn any language that is taught to them!
( )16.A.slowly B.quickly C.lately D.early
( )17.A.ever B.still C.never D.just
( )18.A.enjoy B.find C.hear D.listen
( )19.A.played B.spoken C.learned D.refused
( )20.A.hours B.weeks C.months D.years
( )21.A.eyes B.hands C.noses D.brains
( )22.A.different B.awful C.same D.difficult
( )23.A.performance B.language C.ability D.sound
( )24.A.performed B.discovered C.practiced D.smiled
( )25.A.unless B.for C.before D.after
( )26.A.interesting B.local C.common D.foreign
( )27.A.English B.Japanese C.Chinese D.American
( )28.A.taught B.caught C.hold D.improved
( )29.A.about B.around C.from D.against
( )30.A.give out B.worry about C.pick out D.dress up
三、阅读理解(本题有 13 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共 26分)
阅读下面短文, 从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Simple tips on ROAD TRIP PREPARATION Preparing a road trip can be tiring. There are a few things you can do to make it successful. ① SERVICE YOUR CAR Keep your car running well by getting it checked before you head out on the road. Cheek the turn signals, headlights and brake lights. Make sure they all work properly. You’ll save yourself a headache later on. ② PACK YOUR LUGGAGE Cheek the weather forecasts for the places you’ll visit so you’ll know what clothes to pack. Also, remember to take all the necessities like the Nintendo Switch, tablets, laptops, phones and so on. ③MAKE YOUR TRIP FUN Make sure you entertain yourself and others. When young kids travel with you, pack some snacks for them. Also, it is a good idea to download some movies in advance to kill the time during the trip. ④ STOP FREQUENTLY How long do you intend to travel The longer the distance, the more rest stops and overnight hotels. When making a long trip, you should stop for a rest every two hours, or you may be too tired to focus on driving. The power of preparation! _________
( )31.This text mainly tells the readers how we can ________.
A.keep a road trip comfortable B.get ready for a road trip
C.make a road trip meaningful D.share a road trip experience
( )32.Tips ________ mentioned above can promise us a safe road trip.
A.①③ B.②④ C.②③ D.①④
( )33.Which of the following is the best to be put in ________
A.Take your time! B.We’ll be there for you!
C.Take care and have fun! D.To be an independent traveller!
Repair or Replace
A much-used home appliance (家用电器)suddenly stops working. You look at it helplessly. Should I repair it or replace it
It’s a hard question that almost every family has faced. There are so many things to consider, from the cost to the effects on the environment. But you may not have much time to make a decision just imagine living without a fridge in the summer.
In a recent survey, more than 95 percent of the 11350 participants(参与者)chose to repair a broken appliance. Only three percent chose to replace the appliance. Did each of them make a smart decision
In my opinion, one great way of looking at the problem is to work out the current (当前的) value of your appliance. When you buy a new home appliance, write down its cost and the number of years you expect it to last. Divide the cost by the number of years. This will tell you how much value the appliance loses each year. When the appliance breaks down, you can quickly work out its current value. If a repair costs more than the appliance’s current value, you should replace the appliance. Otherwise (否则), you may consider having it repaired.
( )34.When a home appliance doesn’t work suddenly, most of us may ________.
A.buy a new product B.make a decision slowly
C.choose to repair it D.go on living without it
( )35.Who would most probably like to read this text
A.The boss of the company. B.Tho owner of the appliance.
C.The clerk of the company. D.The engineer of the appliance.
( )36.The text is probably from the part of ___________ in the magazine.
A.Travel B.Life C.Science D.Sports
It’s a popular belief that fish can’t remember anything for longer than seven seconds. It may seem sad to think that they don’t remember what they’ve eaten or where they’ve been, and they don’t know you or any of their friends—every moment in their life would be like seeing the world for the first time.
But don’t be so quick to feel sorry for them. A recent study has found that fish have much better memories than we used to think. In fact, certain kinds of fish can even remember events from as long as 12 days ago, BBC reported.
In the study, researchers from MacEwan University in Canada trained a kind of fish called African cichlids(丽鱼科鱼)to go to a certain area of their tank(鱼缸)to get food. They then waited for 12 days before putting them back in the tank again.
This suggested that they could remember their past experiences. Researchers used computer software to watch the fish’s movements. They found that after such a long break the fish still went to the same place where they first got food.
In fact, scientists had been thinking for a long time that African cichlids might have a good memory. An earlier study showed that they behaved offendedly in front of certain fish, perhaps because they remembered their past fights. But until the latest findings, there was no clear evidence(证据).
“If fish are able to remember that a certain area has safe food, they will be able to go back to that area without putting their lives in danger,” lead researcher Trevor Hamilton told Live Science.
( )37.From the first three paragraph, the writer develops the article by________.
A.giving different opinions B.making a survey
C.showing the same feeling D.sharing some stories
( )38.The underlined word “offendedly” has the closest meaning to ________.
A.sadly B.madly C.silently D.properly
( )39.What Trevor Hamilton said in the last paragraph tells us ________.
A.it’s easy for fish to find a place with safe food
B.it’s dangerous for fish to fight for their friends
C.it’s necessary for fish to remember their home
D.it’s important for fish to have a good memory
Have you ever imagined going inside a video game That dream may soon become real. It’s called the “metaverse”.
The word is a combination of “meta”, which means beyond, and “verse”, which refers to “universe”. Metaverse is a shared virtual 3D world, or worlds. The word first appeared in a 1992 science fiction book called Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. In this story, people wear virtual reality (VR) headsets to see and join the metaverse.
Now, what happens in the book is becoming a reality. When you are wearing a VR headset, the meteaverse will feel real because the technology can simulate our senses:vision, hearing, touch, and even smell. “We’re talking about creating another reality, another world, which is as rich as the real world,” said Rev Lebaredian, vice president of simulation technology at NVIDIA, a US tech company.
So, what can you do inside the metaverse “Your location will no longer matter,” says VOA News. In the metaverse, “people would be connected at all times.” You can meet friends from other countries and go on a virtual beach vacation together. But forget Thailand—you can go to the beach on the moon, or anywhere else you can imagine. Can’t find a friend to play basketball Jump into the metaverse and find some friends to play with or go to a concert!
A true metaverse will not just be a separate world, but a complementary world closely interconnected with the real world. It will allow people from one side of the planet to meet in a virtual environment with people on the other side, carrying out normal conversations as if they were both in the same room.
The key to realizing a metaverse will be more advanced input and display technologies. Perhaps haptic gloves, which will allow hand gestures as input, and retinal displays, which will project images of virtual worlds directly onto our retinas, would be enough to attract millions to take part in a new and intimate virtual reality.
( )40.The underlined “simulate our senses” in Paragraph Three probably mean ________.
A.create similar senses B.take senses away
C.change senses greatly D.make senses better
( )41.According to the passage, in the metaverse, you ________.
A.can create a real 3D world B.can go wherever you want
C.can be anyone you want to be D.can design your own video games
( )42.The future research of metaverse will probably focus on ________.
A.how to improve the design of the headset
B.how to separate the real world from the virtual world
C.how to put as much information as possible into human brain
D.how to present pictures of virtual worlds directly on human eyes
( )43.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A.What Direction Will the Metaverse Take B.It’s Time to Think About the Metaverse.
C.Why Does Human Need the Metaverse D.There Is No Future Without the Metaverse.
说明∶本卷共四大题, 25 小题, 满分 39 分。
四、任务型阅读(本题有 4 小题, 每小题 1分, 共 4 分)
How to use a public computer—safety tips
There are times when you may want to use a public computer, for example in an internet cafe, a library or at an airport. That’s when it’s especially important to be smart and safe.
Don’t save! When you want to log into a social networking website or your web-mail, the system will ask you, “Do you want to save this password ” Don’t click “Yes” when you are working on a public computer.
Log out! Make sure you do not simply close the browser (浏览器) when you want to leave a website. You should always “log out” of the website when you finish your session.
Close windows! If you need to walk away from the computer for any reason, you should close all the windows on the computer first. Don’t leave any information on the screen that other people shouldn’t see.
Watch out! Be careful about people looking at the screen over your shoulder. Ask them politely to go somewhere else. So you can use the computer in private.
Safety Tips to Use A Public Computer Don’t save the ____44____ when working on a public computer.
Make sure you “log out” of the ____45____ when you want to leave it.
Close all the windows on the computer and don't leave any ____46____ on the screen that other people shouldn’t see.
Ask people who look at your screen over your shoulder to go somewhere in a ____47____ way.
五、单词拼写(本题有 10 小题, 每小题1分, 共 10分)
Part-time jobs are great for young people. They ____48____ (允许) teenagers to gain a little job experience and make a bit of money, too. Of course, for students, doing a part-time job should never be more important than studying for good ____49____ (成绩).
There are so many different part-time jobs for you to ____50____ (选择) from. A few of the most ____51____ (常见的) ones are restaurant waiters and store salesmen. There are all jobs that only need you to work between ten and ____52____ (十五) hours per week. Besides, they don’t require much work experience. So you can learn how to do the job easily ____53____ (当……的时候) working.
From part-time jobs, you can learn great lessons which are all ____54____ (必需的) for you in your life. What’s more, it is great to earn money for the first ____55____ (次) from a part-time job. Maybe you will find it’s ____56____ (更困难的) to use money you made than that your parents give you! Yet it can right teach you the _____57_____ (价值) of money. Lastly, the feeling you get from a part-time job will be your important treasure later on.
六、语法填空(本题有 10 小题, 每小题 1分, 共 10 分)
On April 16, Shenzhou XIII astronauts ZhaiZhigong, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu ___58___ (safe) come back to Earth from the Tiangong space station. There are many interesting ___59___ (fact) about their landing. Let’s take a look!
Speedy return
The mission set ___60___ new speed record. When the Shenzhou XII came back from the space station in 2021, it took about 28 hours. This time, Shenzhou XIII cut ___61___ the number of orbits (环绕地球圈数)from eleven to five. ___62___ took just 9 hours to return.
Landing upright
The re-entry capsule (返回舱)landed upright. This landing position is rare in China’s space flight history. Only Shenzhou VI and Shenzhou XIII ___63___ (do) successfully so far. ___64___ (achieve) this, astronauts must let go of the parachute (降落伞)with exact timing. Landing upright makes sure that astronauts have the softest landing.
Keeping seated
___65___ the astronauts felt good after landing, they still needed to sit on chairs. The long space journey changed their bodies. Their muscles and bones became much ___66___ (weak). In the next few months, they will ___67___ (train) to get used to Earth’s gravity (重力).
七、书面表达(本题 15 分)
68.有些同学不能妥善安排好时间以至于影响了学习。“Don’t put off today until tomorrow.”是美国科学家本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)关于“时间”的一句名言。请以他的这句名言为题用英语写一篇约110词的短文。
Don’t put off today until tomorrow




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