
( )1. Whose cat is this Is it ______ Is it a white ______
A. your; one B. yours; ones C. your; ones D. yours; one
( )2. Would you like ______ to drink , Lily I think you’re thirsty.
A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing
( )3. If you drove more carefully, your uncle would be all right and you wouldn't have hurt ______ .
A. himself  B. yourself  C. itself  D. yourselves
( )4. “Help ______ to some meat ,Mary” aunt said to me .
A. yourself B. himself C. themselves D. ourselves
( )5. --______ does Jane look ______
--She's short and thin.
A. Who; like B. How; / C. What; like D. What;/
( )6. --______ idea did you take
A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Where
( )7. Mr. Green taught ______ English last year
A. our B. we C. us D. my
( )8. Why are you carrying these heavy bags You may put ______ down here.
A. it B. them C. they D. theirs
( )9. --Do you have ______ paper --Yes, I have ______ .
A. some, any B. some, some C. any, any D. any ,some
( )10. The found ______ very hard to get to sleep.
A. them B. it C. that D. its
( )11. Are these ______ teachers
A. mans, yours B. men, your C. men, yours D. mans, your
( )12.Does your brother often wash clothes ______
A. he B .himself C. herself D .him
( )13.This is Lucy speaking. Who's ______
A. you B. that C. this D. it
( )14. --Wow! What a nice computer!
-- My parents bought it for my sister and me. It's ______ .
A. ours B. hers C. mine D. theirs
( )15. ______ is your father He's an officer.
A. who B. what C. that D. whom
( )16. I'm hungry. I would like to have ______ nice to eat.
A. any B. anything C. something D. some
( )17. All parents love their children, and my parents love ______ , too.
A. ours  B. theirs  C. them  D. his
( )18. The book on the shelf is ______ . She wrote ______ name on its cover.
A .hers; her ; B.her; hers; C. herself; her; D .her; herself;
( )19. "Help ______ to some meat, mart," my aunt said to me.
A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourself D himself
( )20. --______ is on duty today? --I am.
A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Which
( )21. There was a telephone for ______ just now.
A. me B. I C. mine D. ours
( )22. The boy promised ______ mother never to lie to ______ again.
A. his; him B. her; her C. her; him D. his; her
( )23. I'm very hungry. Could you give me ______ to eat
A. anything B. something C. everything D. all things.
( )24______ office is much smaller than ______ .
A. Ours; yours B. Our; yours C. Their; our D. Your; their .
( )25.______ school is much lager than ______ .
A. Their; our B. Their; ours C. Theirs; ours D. Theirs; our.
( )26.This is not ______ pen. It's blue, ______ is green.
A. my, mine B. I, my C. my, my D. mine, my.
( )27. When I got to the classroom, ______ teacher was already there.
A.I B. we C. our D. us .
( )28. The bowls are on the table .There are some eggs in ______ .
A. the B. them C. it D. he
( )29. He doesn't know ______ .
A. my B. mine C. I D. me
( )30. When you see Tom and his sister , tell ______ that ______ mother is waiting at the gate.
A. his ;his B. her; hers C. them ; their D. his ; her
( )31.He wants you to talk ______ about China.
A .anything B .nothing C. thing D .something
( )32.______ are all fourteen years old.
A. I, she and you B. She, you and I C. I, you and see D. You, she and I
( )33.--Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.
--Never mind. You can have ______ .
A. us B. ours C. you D. yours
( ) 34. --Whose room is this Is it ______
-- No, it isn' t ______ . I think it' s ______ .
A. yours; my; her B. yours; mine; his C. your; ours; him D. you; mine; theirs
( )35. ______ are in the same class.
A. Her and me B. She and I C. Me and her D.I and she
( )36. I heard that she taught _______ English.
A. oneself B. myself C. herself D. hers
( )37. --Where is cat
--______ is running after a mouse.
A. They B. His C.I D. It
( )38. I have some books. ______ are on the desk.
A. We B. They C .them D. theirs
( )39. I am not a baby. I can look after ______ .
A. yourself B .himself C. herself D. myself
( )40. My car is not so expensive as ______ .
A. him  B. he's C. he  D. his
( )41. You may come to my house______ this week______ next week.
A .neither; or B .from; to C .either; or D. either; nor
( )42.I don't want this shirt. Please show me______ .
A .others B .the others C .another D .the other
( )43.We study Chinese, English , maths and some______ subjects.
A .the other B. one C .other D .another
( )44.I have two sisters. ______ of them are doctors.
A. Both B. All C .Either D. Neither
( )45.These shoes are too small. You may buy some______ shoes.
A .another B .other C .the .others D. others
( )46. I asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner , but______ of them came .
A .another B. other C .the others D .others
( )47. They are______ the same size , so you may take______ half of the cake.
A. at; each B. in; both C .at; neither D .in; either
( )48. Betty and John have come back , but______ students in the class aren't here yet.
A. the other B others C. another D. the others
( )49.Your mother is kindness______ .
A .itself B. herself C oneself D .himself
( )50. She stayed there longer than______ .
A. anyone B .anything else C. anybody D .anybody else
( )51. The weather in summer here is like______ in Beijing.
A. this B. that C. it D. its
( )52. The father wished the twins to be doctors,but______ of them liked to study medicine.
A. both B. neither C. either D. none
( )53. --Do you prefer milk or orange juice ?--I don’t like______ .I usually drink coffee. (
A. other B. another C. neither D. either
( )54.--Which do you prefer, coffee or cola --______ ,thanks. I'd like a cup of tea.
A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None
( )55. Jim is more careful than______ student.
A. any other B. others C. the others D. other
( )56. Those questions are too difficult. I think______ can answer them.
A. anyone B. none C. no one D. everyone
( )57.If you want to be thinner and healthier, you' d better eat______ food and take______ exercise.
A. more; fewer B. more, less C. fewer; more D. less; more
( )58. There are fifty students in our class. Twenty are boys and______ are girls.
A. the other B. the others C. others D. other
( )59. --Lucy can speak______ Chinese.
--______ .
A. any ,So can Lily B. a few , So Lily can
C. a little, So can Lily D. some , So Lily can
( )60. Guangzhou is larger than______ city in Guangxi.
A. any B. any other C. anyone D one
I, my, you, his, me, her, us, ours, ourselves, your, it, he, himself, mine, its, them,
ours, hers, Their, we, myself, she, theirs, yours, him
1. My kite is broken .Could you mend it for me (形容词性物主代词 人称代词it用法)
This isn’t my pen ,mine is in the pencil-box. (物主代词用法)
Hide yourself behind the door as soon as you hear him come.
(反身代词用法 as soon as 引导时间状语从句)
He went to see the artist himself. (反身代词用法).
Don’t like the green apples, Give me the red ones. (不定代词one 用法)
You and I are good friends .. (人称代词用法)
Could you help me (人称代词宾格用法)
He is a new student .Could you look after him (人称代词用法)
His camera is more expensive than mine.. (物主代词用法)
She made herself a beautiful coat. (反身代词用法)
四.根据中文意思完成句子 (不定代词)
1. 我有两个收音机,一个是大的,另一个是小的。
(不定代词用法 one …the other …表示 一个….另一个….)
I have______ ______ .One is big , ______ ______ is small.
______ ______ here. Let’s begin our meeting .
I don’t want this watch .Would you give me______ ______
我父母都是医生 。(不定代词both…and…用法)
______ my parents______ doctors.
Jim is taller than______ ______ ______ in his class.
五.不定代词填空 (考查不定代词)
another, others, the other, the others
I only found Jim and Tom there. Where are______
Of these three girls one comes from China and______ two come from Japan.
This sweater is a little too big for me. Can I try on______
Some like black tea, ______ prefer green tea.
I don’t like these colors. Show me some______ , please.
6. Have you any______ books on this subject
7.Saying is one thing and doing is______ thing .
It is always hard to tell the twins one from______ .
no one, none
9. ______ of his friends wants to help him again. He felt disappointed
10.I have some books with me, but______ of them are the ones you like.
______ wants to live in such a poor house.
either, each
There’s tea and coffee. You can have______ .
You can find many trees on______ side of the river.
______ of the students in her class sent her a greeting card on New Year’s Day.
one, the one, ones, one’s
These shirts are too small. I want to have some bigger______ .
--Which boy is your son  --______ in a red cap.
______ has to do______ best.
I have only one small flower on my desk and she has three big______ .代词答案分析
( )1. Whose cat is this Is it ______ Is it a white ______
A. your; one B. yours; ones C. your; ones D. yours; one D
( )2. Would you like ______ to drink , Lily I think you’re thirsty. (不定代词用法)
A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing C
( )3. If you drove more carefully, your uncle would be all right and you wouldn't have hurt ______ .
(反身代词 if 引导条件状语从句)
A. himself  B. yourself  C. itself  D. yourselves B
( )4. “Help ______ to some meat ,Mary” aunt said to me .(反身代词固定搭配 help oneself to )
A. yourself B. himself C. themselves D. ourselves A
( )5. --______ does Jane look ______ (疑问代词在特殊疑问句中所提问的句子成分及其意思)
--She's short and thin.
A. Who; like B. How; / C. What; like D. What;/ C
( )6. --______ idea did you take (疑问代词在特殊疑问句中所提问的句子成分及其意思)
A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Where C
( )7. Mr. Green taught ______ English last year (人称代词宾格的用法)
A. our B. we C. us D. my C
( )8. Why are you carrying these heavy bags You may put ______ down here. (人称代词宾格用法)
A. it B. them C. they D. theirs B
( )9. --Do you have ______ paper --Yes, I have ______ . (不定代词some any 用法区别)
A. some, any B. some, some C. any, any D. any ,some D
( )10. The found ______ very hard to get to sleep. (人称代词it 用法 it 作形式宾语)
A. them B. it C. that D. its B
( )11. Are these ______ teachers (形容词性物主代词用法)
A. mans, yours B. men, your C. men, yours D. mans, your B
( )12.Does your brother often wash clothes ______ (反身代词在句中的使用)
A. he B .himself C. herself D .him B
( )13.This is Lucy speaking. Who's ______ (指示代词that 用法)
A. you B. that C. this D. it B
( )14. --Wow! What a nice computer! (名词性物主代词用法 感叹句)
-- My parents bought it for my sister and me. It's ______ .
A. ours B. hers C. mine D. theirs B
( )15. ______ is your father He's an officer. (疑问代词在特殊疑问句中所提问的句子成分及其意思)
A. who B. what C. that D. whom B
( )16. I'm hungry. I would like to have ______ nice to eat. (不定代词用法)
A. any B. anything C. something D. some C
( )17. All parents love their children, and my parents love ______ , too. (名词性物主代词用法)
A. ours  B. theirs  C. them  D. his B
( )18. The book on the shelf is ______ . She wrote ______ name on its cover. (物主代词用法)
A .hers; her ; B.her; hers; C. herself; her; D .her; herself; A
( )19. "Help ______ to some meat, mart," my aunt said to me. (反身代词用法 help oneself to 随便吃)
A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourself D himself C
( )20. --______ is on duty today? --I am.
( 疑问代词在特殊疑问句中所提问的句子成分及其意思 on duty 固定短语)
A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Which B
( )21. There was a telephone for ______ just now. (人称代词宾格用法 there be 句型)
A. me B. I C. mine D. ours A
( )22. The boy promised ______ mother never to lie to ______ again.
(1.形容词性物主代词用法 人称代词宾格用法)
A. his; him B. her; her C. her; him D. his; her D
( )23. I'm very hungry. Could you give me ______ to eat (不定代词用法)
A. anything B. something C. everything D. all things. B
( )24______ office is much smaller than ______ .(物主代词用法 形容词比较级 )
A. Ours; yours B. Our; yours C. Their; our D. Your; their . B
( )25.______ school is much lager than ______ . (物主代词用法 形容词比较级 )
A. Their; our B. Their; ours C. Theirs; ours D. Theirs; our. B
( )26.This is not ______ pen. It's blue, ______ is green. (物主代词用法)
A. my, mine B. I, my C. my, my D. mine, my. A
( )27. When I got to the classroom, ______ teacher was already there.
(1.物主代词用法 when 引导的时间状语从句)
A.I B. we C. our D. us . C
( )28. The bowls are on the table .There are some eggs in ______ . (人称代词用法)
A. the B. them C. it D. he C
( )29. He doesn't know ______ . (人称代词宾格用法)
A. my B. mine C. I D. me D
( )30. When you see Tom and his sister , tell ______ that ______ mother is waiting at the gate.
(人称代词 物主代词用法 when 引导状语从句)
A. his ;his B. her; hers C. them ; their D. his ; her C
( )31.He wants you to talk ______ about China. (不定代词用法)
A .anything B .nothing C. thing D .something D
( )32.______ are all fourteen years old. (多个人称代词的排序)
A. I, she and you B. She, you and I C. I, you and see D. You, she and I D
( )33.--Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.(名词性物主代词用法)
--Never mind. You can have ______ .
A. us B. ours C. you D. yours B
( ) 34. --Whose room is this Is it ______ (物主代词用法)
-- No, it isn' t ______ . I think it' s ______ .
A. yours; my; her B. yours; mine; his C. your; ours; him D. you; mine; theirs B
( )35. ______ are in the same class. (人称代词排序)
A. Her and me B. She and I C. Me and her D.I and she B
( )36. I heard that she taught _______ English. (反身代词用法 宾语从句)
A. oneself B. myself C. herself D. hers C
( )37. --Where is cat
--______ is running after a mouse. (人称代词用法)
A. They B. His C.I D. It D
( )38. I have some books. ______ are on the desk. (人称代词用法)
A. We B. They C .them D. theirs B
( )39. I am not a baby. I can look after ______ . (反身代词用法)
A. yourself B .himself C. herself D. myself D
( )40. My car is not so expensive as ______ . (名词性物主代词用法 形容词原级用法 as …as …)
A. him  B. he's C. he  D. his D
( )41. You may come to my house______ this week______ next week.
A .neither; or B .from; to C .either; or D. either; nor C
( )42.I don't want this shirt. Please show me______ .
(不定代词others /the others/another /the other用法辨析的考查)
A .others B .the others C .another D .the other C
( )43.We study Chinese, English , maths and some______ subjects.
(不定代词other/one/another /the other用法辨析的考查)
A .the other B. one C .other D .another C
( )44.I have two sisters. ______ of them are doctors.
(不定代词Both/All/Either/ Neither用法辨析的考查,以及主谓一致)
A. Both B. All C .Either D. Neither A
( )45.These shoes are too small. You may buy some______ shoes.
(不定代词others /the others/another /other用法辨析的考查)
A .another B .other C .the .others D. others B
( )46. I asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner , but______ of them came .
(不定代词others /the others/another /the other用法辨析的考查)
A .another B. other C .the others D .others D
( )47. They are______ the same size , so you may take______ half of the cake.
(each /both /neither/ either 用法辨析的考查)
A. at; each B. in; both C .at; neither D .in; either D
( )48. Betty and John have come back , but______ students in the class aren't here yet.
(不定代词others /the others/another /the other用法辨析的考查)
A. the other B others C. another D. the others A
( )49.Your mother is kindness______ . (反身代词的考查)
A .itself B. herself C oneself D .himself B
( )50. She stayed there longer than______ . (不定代词与else 位置的考察)
A. anyone B .anything else C. anybody D .anybody else D
( )51. The weather in summer here is like______ in Beijing.(考查指示代词it/ that的用法)
A. this B. that C. it D. its B
( )52. The father wished the twins to be doctors,but______ of them liked to study medicine.
(考查不定代词both /neither /either /none的用法)
A. both B. neither C. either D. none B
( )53. --Do you prefer milk or orange juice ?--I don’t like______ .I usually drink coffee. (
(考查不定代词other /another/neither/either 的用法)
A. other B. another C. neither D. either D
( )54.--Which do you prefer, coffee or cola --______ ,thanks. I'd like a cup of tea.
(考查不定代词both /neither /either /none的用法)
A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None C
( )55. Jim is more careful than______ student.
(考查不定代词any other/others /the others/other的用法)
A. any other B. others C. the others D. other A
( )56. Those questions are too difficult. I think______ can answer them.
(考查不定代词anyone/ none /everyone/ no one 的用法 )
A. anyone B. none C. no one D. everyone B
( )57.If you want to be thinner and healthier, you' d better eat______ food and take______ exercise.
(不定代词much 比较级 , 不定代词 few比较级用法 if引导的条件状语从句)
A. more; fewer B. more, less C. fewer; more D. less; more D
( )58. There are fifty students in our class. Twenty are boys and______ are girls.
(不定代词the other/ the others/others/ other的用法 there be 句型)
A. the other B. the others C. others D. other A
( )59. --Lucy can speak______ Chinese.
--______ .(不定代词a little 表示有一点 倒装句)
A. any ,So can Lily B. a few , So Lily can
C. a little, So can Lily D. some , So Lily can C
( )60. Guangzhou is larger than______ city in Guangxi.
(不定代词any/any other /anyone /.one的用法 形容词比较级)
A. any B. any other C. anyone D one B
I, my, you, his, me, her, us, ours, ourselves, your, it, he, himself, mine, its, them,
ours, hers, Their, we, myself, she, theirs, yours, him
人称代词主格 my, you, he, it, we, she
人称代词宾格 me, us, them, him, her
形容词性物主代词 my, his, her, our, its
名词性物主代词 mine, ours, hers, his, yours, theirs, its
1. My kite is broken .Could you mend it for me (形容词性物主代词 人称代词it用法)
This isn’t my pen ,mine is in the pencil-box. (物主代词用法)
Hide yourself behind the door as soon as you hear him come.
(反身代词用法 as soon as 引导时间状语从句)
He went to see the artist himself. (反身代词用法).
Don’t like the green apples, Give me the red ones. (不定代词one 用法)
You and I are good friends .. (人称代词用法)
Could you help me (人称代词宾格用法)
He is a new student .Could you look after him (人称代词用法)
His camera is more expensive than mine.. (物主代词用法)
She made herself a beautiful coat. (反身代词用法)
四.根据中文意思完成句子 (不定代词)
1. 我有两个收音机,一个是大的,另一个是小的。
(不定代词用法 one …the other …表示 一个….另一个….)
I have______ ______ .One is big , ______ ______ is small. two ,radios, the other
______ ______ here. Let’s begin our meeting . Everyone is
I don’t want this watch .Would you give me______ ______ another one
我父母都是医生 。(不定代词both…and…用法)
______ my parents______ doctors. Both are
Jim is taller than______ ______ ______ in his class. any other boy
五.不定代词填空 (考查不定代词)
another, others, the other, the others
I only found Jim and Tom there. Where are______ the others
Of these three girls one comes from China and______ two come from Japan. the others
This sweater is a little too big for me. Can I try on______ another
Some like black tea, ______ prefer green tea. others
I don’t like these colors. Show me some______ , please. others
6. Have you any______ books on this subject other
7.Saying is one thing and doing is______ thing . the other
It is always hard to tell the twins one from______ . another
no one, none
9. ______ of his friends wants to help him again. He felt disappointed None
10.I have some books with me, but______ of them are the ones you like. none
______ wants to live in such a poor house. No one
either, each
There’s tea and coffee. You can have______ . either
You can find many trees on______ side of the river. each
______ of the students in her class sent her a greeting card on New Year’s Day. Each
one, the one, ones, one’s
These shirts are too small. I want to have some bigger______ . ones
--Which boy is your son  --______ in a red cap. The one
______ has to do______ best. One one’s
I have only one small flower on my desk and she has three big______ . ones




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