2023年广东省中考英语改编时事热点短文填空专项练习3 (含答案)

The Qatar World Cup is the first competition played in the Arab world. Qatar was awarded hosting rights for football's showpiece tournament 12 years ago. The country of barely three million people, ____1___ of the world's biggest producers of natural gas, has spent lavishly. It has spent tens of billions of dollars ____2___ stadiums(体育馆) and infrastructure.
At the ____3____ of the competition, Argentina won the World Cup. No one will forget such a great fighter named Lionel Messi. He is widely ___4___ for his incredible talent and determination on the football field. He has also earned praise ____5____ his effort to his team, his sportsmanship and his strong spirit. He shows ____6___ to be a leader, demonstrating a sense of responsibility and dedication to his craft. Messi is an extremely hard-working football player, and he never stops pushing himself to____7____. He is always looking for ways to get better, and he is never satisfied with his performance.
Off the field, Messi is always ready to help others in ____8____. He is active in charities(慈善事业),and he is a strong advocate for children’s rights. He is also a role model for many young footballers, inspiring them to fight for greatness and never____9____up.
In short, Messi’s mental qualities are ____10____ inspiration to us all. He is a true leader who is driven by his passion for the game and a strong sense of purpose. His dedication to his team and his commitment to helping others make him a role model for us all.
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A US zoo is returning two giant pandas____1____ China. This is a move which is welcomed by many people as well as panda lovers.
The Memphis Zoo announced ____2___ pandas Ya Ya and Le Le would be sent back to China early in 2023 after a 20-year loan agreement between the zoo and the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens ended.
Earlier this year, animal rights groups claimed(声称) that the zoo was mistreating(虐待) the ____3____. In February, the group In Defense of Animals (IDA) put a video online. It showed the animals walking around. ____4____ seemed to be very tired and hungry. At the ____5____ time, they looked very dirty. The Chinese public ____6____ very shocked by situation of the pandas, and they welcomed news of the pandas' return to China.
“Are those two pandas very underweight God bless. Finally, they can leave that zoo,” commented one person on Weibo.
“They must have suffered(受苦) a lot. I hope they will ____7____ the rest of their lives after coming home,” another said.
“Can they send them back as soon as possible ” Asked one person.
The public were full ____8____ worries. _____9_____,Memphis Zoo has denied(否认) the return of the pandas is related to the accusations. A spokesperson for the zoo said that the return was part of the agreement with China that requires foreign zoos to allow the loaned pandas to spend their final days on Chinese soil.
Anyway, everyone hoped that the pandas would come ____10___ soon.
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Chinese _____1_____clothing showed itself at the Venice Carnival amid deepening cultural exchange between the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou _____2_____ its sister city Venice(威尼斯).
A total of 16 Chinese and Italian volunteers, wearing Hanfu, an ancient clothing traditionally worn by ethnic-majority Han Chinese, ______3_____ part in a parade(游行) at the Piazza San Marco in the lagoon city center.
In recent years,Hanfu culture has attracted an increasing number_____4_____ people, especially the younger generation. Walking in the streets, shopping malls, and popular Chinese tourist attractions,it is becoming more and _____5_____common to see people wearing traditional Chinese clothes. Wearers are not_____6_____ fascinated by the beautiful appearance of Hanfu, but also interested in the rich culture behind _____7______.
Besides the clothing show, visitors can also enjoy a series of Chinese cultural _____8_____, including the performance of Guzheng, a traditional Chinese musical instrument, Hanfu try-ons and calligraphy demonstrations(书法表演) at the Palazzo Santa Sofia.
Suzhou,a city _____9____ was visited by the Italian explorer Marco Polo in the 13th century as "the Venice of the East", became a sister city to Venice in 1980, and ____10____ then many activities of mutual historical and cultural exchange have been carried forward.The Venice Carnival 2023, themed "Take Your Time for the Original Signs," kicked off in the Italian lagoon city on Feb. 4 and lasted until Feb. 21.
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Since humans sent the first satellite(卫星)to space in the 1950s, scientists have been studying an important topic: how to ____1____ food in space if humans will one day live there. A recent experiment(实验)at the Tiangong space station makes a big step forward.
Chinese astronauts have successfully grown rice seedlings(幼苗)during the Shenzhou XIV mission. “The rice seedlings are growing very well,” said Zheng Huiqiong, a researcher from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since the rice experiment began on July 29, the seedlings of the tall shoot rice variety(高杆水稻品种)____2____ reached a height of 30 centimeters. The seedlings of the dwarf rice variety(矮杆水稻品种)have grown to 5 centimeters.
While there have been other rice experiments____3____space, this one is the first of its kind to produce the complete life cycle of a plant—it begins with a seed and ____4____ with a mature(成熟的)plant producing new seeds.
Such food-growing experiments are not just for astronauts. They can also solve food ____5____ on Earth. By____6____ seeds to space, we can create mutated(突变的)seeds, thanks to microgravity(微重力), lack of air and cosmic rays(宇宙射线). The seeds can then produce higher yields(产量)on Earth.
For more than 30 years, China has developed over 260 new types of seeds in space. ____7____ are planted every year in fields that cover tens of millions of hectares(公顷). According to Yao Tong, ____8____engineer from Hainan Aerospace Engineering Breeding Research Center(海南航天工程育种研发中心), 30 percent of strawberries sold in Beijing are “space strawberries”, which are as big ____9____ eggs. The center has also produced “space tomatoes” with yields increased by 30 percent, and “space bananas” with a growth cycle(生长周期)shortened ___10___ 13 months to 9 months.
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The Qatar World Cup is the first competition played in the Arab world. Qatar was awarded hosting rights for football's showpiece tournament 12 years ago. The country of barely three million people, ____1___ of the world's biggest producers of natural gas, has spent lavishly. It has spent tens of billions of dollars ____2___ stadiums(体育馆) and infrastructure.
At the ____3____ of the competition, Argentina won the World Cup. No one will forget such a great fighter named Lionel Messi. He is widely ___4___ for his incredible talent and determination on the football field. He has also earned praise ____5____ his effort to his team, his sportsmanship and his strong spirit. He shows ____6___ to be a leader, demonstrating a sense of responsibility and dedication to his craft. Messi is an extremely hard-working football player, and he never stops pushing himself to____7____. He is always looking for ways to get better, and he is never satisfied with his performance.
Off the field, Messi is always ready to help others in ____8____. He is active in charities(慈善事业),and he is a strong advocate for children’s rights. He is also a role model for many young footballers, inspiring them to fight for greatness and never____9____up.
In short, Messi’s mental qualities are ____10____ inspiration to us all. He is a true leader who is driven by his passion for the game and a strong sense of purpose. His dedication to his team and his commitment to helping others make him a role model for us all.
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1 one 解析:考查搭配one of the +最高级+复数名词,意为:最...之一
2 building 解析:考查动词,build意为:建立,搭配spend... doing sth,故此处build需加ing
3 end 解析:考查名词,at the end of 意为:在...结尾
4 known 解析:考查形容词, be widely known for ...意为:因...而广泛闻名
5 for 解析:考查介词,prasie for意为:因...而赞扬
6 himself 解析:考查代词, show oneself to be 意为:显示自己为...
7 improve 解析:考查动词,其后get better提示此处为improve,意为:提升
8 need 解析:考查名词,help others in need 意为:帮助有需要的其他人
9 give 解析:考查动词,give up意为:放弃
10 an 解析:考查冠词,be an inspiration to sb 意为:对某人来说是一种激励
A US zoo is returning two giant pandas____1____ China. This is a move which is welcomed by many people as well as panda lovers.
The Memphis Zoo announced ____2___ pandas Ya Ya and Le Le would be sent back to China early in 2023 after a 20-year loan agreement between the zoo and the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens ended.
Earlier this year, animal rights groups claimed(声称) that the zoo was mistreating(虐待) the ____3____. In February, the group In Defense of Animals (IDA) put a video online. It showed the animals walking around. ____4____ seemed to be very tired and hungry. At the ____5____ time, they looked very dirty. The Chinese public ____6____ very shocked by situation of the pandas, and they welcomed news of the pandas' return to China.
“Are those two pandas very underweight God bless. Finally, they can leave that zoo,” commented one person on Weibo.
“They must have suffered(受苦) a lot. I hope they will ____7____ the rest of their lives after coming home,” another said.
“Can they send them back as soon as possible ” Asked one person.
The public were full ____8____ worries. _____9_____,Memphis Zoo has denied(否认) the return of the pandas is related to the accusations. A spokesperson for the zoo said that the return was part of the agreement with China that requires foreign zoos to allow the loaned pandas to spend their final days on Chinese soil.
Anyway, everyone hoped that the pandas would come ____10___ soon.
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1 to 解析:考查介词,return... to...意为:把某物归还...
2 that 解析:考查宾语从句的引导词
3 pandas 解析:考查名词,由上文可知,此处是指虐待丫丫和乐乐这两只大熊猫
4 They 解析:考查代词,they指代前文说到的熊猫
5 same 解析:考查形容词,at the same time意为:与此同时
6 were 解析:考查动词,be shocked by意为:因...而震惊
7 enjoy 解析:考查动词,enjoy意为:享受
8 of 解析:考查介词,be full of意为:充满
9 However 解析:考查连词,however意为:然而
10 home 解析:考查名词, come home意为:回家
Chinese _____1_____clothing showed itself at the Venice Carnival amid deepening cultural exchange between the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou _____2_____ its sister city Venice(威尼斯).
A total of 16 Chinese and Italian volunteers, wearing Hanfu, an ancient clothing traditionally worn by ethnic-majority Han Chinese, ______3_____ part in a parade(游行) at the Piazza San Marco in the lagoon city center.
In recent years,Hanfu culture has attracted an increasing number_____4_____ people, especially the younger generation. Walking in the streets, shopping malls, and popular Chinese tourist attractions,it is becoming more and _____5_____common to see people wearing traditional Chinese clothes. Wearers are not_____6_____ fascinated by the beautiful appearance of Hanfu, but also interested in the rich culture behind _____7______.
Besides the clothing show, visitors can also enjoy a series of Chinese cultural _____8_____, including the performance of Guzheng, a traditional Chinese musical instrument, Hanfu try-ons and calligraphy demonstrations(书法表演) at the Palazzo Santa Sofia.
Suzhou,a city _____9____ was visited by the Italian explorer Marco Polo in the 13th century as "the Venice of the East", became a sister city to Venice in 1980, and ____10____ then many activities of mutual historical and cultural exchange have been carried forward.The Venice Carnival 2023, themed "Take Your Time for the Original Signs," kicked off in the Italian lagoon city on Feb. 4 and lasted until Feb. 21.
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1 traditional 解析:考查形容词,traditional 意为:传统的
2 and 解析:考查连词,between... and ....意为:在..和...之间
3 took 解析:考查动词,take part in意为:参加
4 of 解析:考查介词,a number of 意为:大量的
5 more 解析:考查形容词,more and more common意为:越来越常见
6 only 解析:考查搭配,not only ... but also ... 不仅...而且...
7 it 解析:考查代词,it 指代前文提到的Hanfu
8 activities 解析:考查名词,cultural activities意为:文化活动
9 which/that 解析:考查定语从句关系代词,先行词a city指物故关系代词用which/that
10 since 解析:考查连词,since then意为:从那时起
Since humans sent the first satellite(卫星)to space in the 1950s, scientists have been studying an important topic: how to ____1____ food in space if humans will one day live there. A recent experiment(实验)at the Tiangong space station makes a big step forward.
Chinese astronauts have successfully grown rice seedlings(幼苗)during the Shenzhou XIV mission. “The rice seedlings are growing very well,” said Zheng Huiqiong, a researcher from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since the rice experiment began on July 29, the seedlings of the tall shoot rice variety(高杆水稻品种)____2____ reached a height of 30 centimeters. The seedlings of the dwarf rice variety(矮杆水稻品种)have grown to 5 centimeters.
While there have been other rice experiments____3____space, this one is the first of its kind to produce the complete life cycle of a plant—it begins with a seed and ____4____ with a mature(成熟的)plant producing new seeds.
Such food-growing experiments are not just for astronauts. They can also solve food ____5____ on Earth. By____6____ seeds to space, we can create mutated(突变的)seeds, thanks to microgravity(微重力), lack of air and cosmic rays(宇宙射线). The seeds can then produce higher yields(产量)on Earth.
For more than 30 years, China has developed over 260 new types of seeds in space. ____7____ are planted every year in fields that cover tens of millions of hectares(公顷). According to Yao Tong, ____8____engineer from Hainan Aerospace Engineering Breeding Research Center(海南航天工程育种研发中心), 30 percent of strawberries sold in Beijing are “space strawberries”, which are as big ____9____ eggs. The center has also produced “space tomatoes” with yields increased by 30 percent, and “space bananas” with a growth cycle(生长周期)shortened ___10___ 13 months to 9 months.
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1 grow 解析:考查动词,grow food意为:种植食物
2 have 解析:考查动词,since提示此处需用现在完成时,故需用have
3 in 解析:考查介词,in space意为:在太空
4 ends 解析:考查动词,前文begins with提示此处为ends with,意为:以...结束
5 problems 解析:考查名词,solve problems意为:解决问题
6 sending 解析:考查动词,send ... to...意为:把...送到...
7 They 解析:考查代词,此处指代前文提到的260 new types of seeds
8 an 解析:考查冠词, an engineer意为:一名工程师
9 as 解析:考查搭配as ...as...意为:和...一样...
10 from解析:考查介词,from...to...意为:从...到...



上一篇:Unit 5 Seasons 测试卷(含答案及听力原文 无听力音频)

下一篇:4.2硫及其化合物的相互转化 同步练习(答案) 2022-2023高一上学期化学苏教版(2019)必修第一册