牛津上海版-七上 Module2 Unit6 Different places Exercise1练习(含答案)

1. Which of the following is TRUE for "convenient"
A./k n v ni nt/ B./ k nv ni nt/
C./k n vi n nt/ D./k n vi ni nt/
2. —Where is Water Bay _____ the map of Garden City
—It's _____ the north of the map.
A.at; on B.in; on C.on; in D.on; on
3. There is a five-star hotel at _____ bottom of the mountain.
A./ B.the C.a D.an
4. Kitty says that she'd like _____ in the suburbs.
A.to live B.living C.lives D.live
5. My mum _____ shopping twice a week.
A.has gone B.went C.will go D.goes
6. —Good morning. _____
—Yes. I'd like to know about the traffic around.
A.What's happened B.Can I help you
C.What's the matter D.What's wrong
7. Is _____ convenient for Ben to go to school from his new flat
A.this B.that C.its D.it
8. Diana got sick last night, _____ she didn't come to school this morning.
A.but B.or C.so D.because
9. I enjoy reading books in the library because it is _____ there.
A.peaceful B.exciting C.noisy D.busy

People like picnics. But do you know what "picnic" means, and where it comes from
The word "picnic" comes from the French word "pique". It means "to pick" or "to choose". "Pique-nique" is almost the same as "picking small pieces" in English.
For most people, a picnic is an unimportant meal. People eat it outdoors, usually in a park, by a river or sit in a car if the weather is windy, cold or rainy. However, this is not always true.
In the past, French people had picnics at their dinner tables indoors. Everyone cooked a plate of his/ her favourite food and brought it to a friend's home. They put their plates of foods together and shared them. The others could choose or pick small pieces of the food from each plate. They had a "pique-nique". People in Britain thought it was fun to share this kind of meal with their family or friends. The British used the French words for it but changed the French spelling to an English spelling, "picnic". This is how we write it today.
Nowadays, a picnic is usually a small family get-together. It is also a great way for parents to take their children out to get close to nature. They prepare some foods and drinks in a basket and drive to a park or a huge area of grass in the countryside. Then they spread the foods and drinks on a plastic sheet. The family members share the delicious foods and drinks, happiness and sunshine at the same time.
10. What language does "picnic" come from
A.Chinese. B.French. C.English. D.Japanese.
11. Where do people usually have a picnic now
A.At home. B.Indoors.
C.At a restaurant. D.Outdoors.
12. Did people in France have a picnic at home in the past
A.Yes, they did. B.No, they didn't.
C.Yes, they do. D.No, they don't.
13. The British people thought it was _____ to have a "pique-nique".
A.tiring B.uninteresting C.interesting D.unhealthy
14. Who usually have a picnic now
A.Teachers. B.Families. C.Firemen. D.Doctors.
15. The best TITLE (标题) for the passage may be "_____".
A.Picnics are a lot of fun B.What does a picnic mean
C.A fun outdoor activity D.The history of a picnic
16. Students must keep _____ in the library. / kwa t/
17. 根据音标写出相应的单词
My new _____ is very beautiful. /'ne b h d/
18. 根据音标填写单词
An _____ agent helps people to look for a new flat. / ste t/
19. Put the glass vase on the shelf _____. (gentle)
20. I go to a training centre _____ a week. (one)
21. The weather in Kunming is _____ all year long. (please)
22. We climbed up over 1,000 _____ to the top of Mountain Tai. (step)
23. Look. The kids are _____ where they live in class. (discussion)
A. make, B. about, C. provide, D. after school, E. homework
In our city, our parents are very busy and they can't always be with us. From Monday to Friday, _____24_____, we go to kids clubs to play and learn. We have some good teachers in the clubs. They are good to kids. And the clubs also have some volunteers. They like to _____25_____ friends with kids. They come to the clubs to help us with our _____26_____ and play games with us. In the clubs, we take part in activities about sports, art and science. We can really learn so much in the clubs. What _____27_____ the clubs in your city Can you tell me about them
24. _____
25. _____
26. _____
27. _____
28. Tim took an underground to the supermarket. (保持原句意思)
Tim _____ to the supermarket _____ underground.
29. The Lis have already moved to Water Bay. (改为否定句)
The Lis _____ moved to Water Bay _____.
30. It's very peaceful to live in the countryside. (改为感叹句)
_____ _____ it is to live in the countryside!
31. It takes her about two hours to make a cake. (保持原句意思)
She _____ about two hours _____ a cake.
32. We need to feed a 6-month-old puppy 3 times a day. (对画线部分提问)
_____ _____ do you need to feed a 6-month-old puppy
33. is, in the city centre, to, it, go shopping, very convenient
1 . D
2 . C
3 . B
4 . A
5 . D
6 . B
7 . D
8 . C
9 . A
10 . B
11 . D
12 . A
13 . C
14 . B
15 . D
16 . quiet
17 . neighborhood/ neighbourhood
18 . estate
19 . gently
20 . once
21 . pleasant
22 . steps
23 . discussing
24 . D
25 . A
26 . E
27 . B
28 . went/ got/ traveled/ travelled, by
29 . haven't, yet
30 . How, peaceful
31 . spends, making
32 . How, often
33 . It is very convenient to go shopping in the city centre
第1页(共1 页)



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