外研版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world of science Using language提升测评(含答案)

Unit3 Using language提升测评
Hunter lost his wallet while he was on a flight from Omaha to Denver earlier this month. Upon realizing that his wallet was lost, he 1 the airline to see if anyone had turned it in—but fruitlessly. 2 the wallet contained his ID card, a signed paycheck, $60 in cash, etc., he feared the worst.
Two days after the flight, however, Hunter was 3 to receive a package in the mail from an anonymous(匿名的)sender. Inside was his wallet— 4 an additional $40 in cash. “I rounded your cash up to an even $100 so you could celebrate the 5 of your wallet,” read a letter that was enclosed with the package.
Hunter’s mother, Jeannie, posted a photo of the 6 to social media in the hope that they would be able to track down the sender. All they had to go on was that the letter was 7 from Applied Underwriters in Omaha and the sender’s signed “T.B.”. The sender was later 8 as Todd Brown.
“I saw he was just a kid, 20 years old. He had a paycheck in there, so I 9 , ‘Well,he’s doing his best to make ends meet.’” said Brown. “Hunter was very 10 . He told me he had some student loans to pay within two days so the 11 was right,” Brown added, “He 12 it was gone forever. So when he opened it, he just started screaming,‘No way!No way!’”
Brown said that he often tried to do good things without any recognition; that’s why he didn’t sign his 13 on the letter, but Jeannie later insisted on 14 him on social media. Jeannie wrote on Facebook. “This story is more about rebuilding 15 in people than anything.”
1. A. ordered B. contacted C. caught D. checked
2. A. Though B. While C. Since D. Unless
3. A. shocked B. amused C. anxious D. frightened
4. A. apart from B. except for C. along with D. instead of
5. A. search B. completeness C. value D. return
6. A. sender B. letter C. wallet D. package
7. A. accepted B. sent C. taken D. collected
8. A. known B. considered C. identified D. introduced
9. A. noticed B. replied C. doubted D. figured
10. A. thankful B. stressful C. thoughtful D. regretful
11.A. behavior B. number C. timing D. paycheck
12. A. remembered B. assumed C. admitted D. imagined
13. A. address B. mark C. phone number D. full name
14. A. questioning B. praising C. disturbing D. surprising
15. A. faith B. am C. appreciation D. strength
Many people wonder if there is any 1 (connect) between our senses and our health. Scientists have observed that making the most of our senses when we are young can keep us healthy later on in life.
Why do we feel 2 anxiety or tired One study shows that 3 (approximate) 90% of our time is spent watching television or using computers. It is added that while our sense of sight is used too much, our 4 (sense) of touch and smell have been ignored.
People often ask 5 or not we should develop all our senses. The answer is yes. Experts suggest that we do the 6 (follow) things more often. While having dinner, listen to some 7 (enjoy) music rather than watching television. While relaxing at home, have some flowers next to you 8 smell nice. Before going to bed, turn the lights 9 . While sleeping, wear a nightshirt that is pleasant to touch—it 10 (make) us sleep well.
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________
6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________
1.B 考查动词。他一意识到他的钱包丢了就联系了航空公司,想看看是否有人把钱包交上去了,但是没有结果。order订购;contact联系;catch抓住;check检查。根据常识可知,他丢了钱包之后第一时间去联系航空公司,故选B。
2.C 考查连词。因为 Hunter的钱包里有他的身份证张签了名的支票、60美元的现金等等,所以他担心会发生最坏的情况。though尽管;while当……的时候;since因为;unless除非。根据语境可知,此处表示原因,故选C。
3.A 考查形容词。然而,这次飞行两天后,当 Hunter收到一个匿名寄件人寄来的包裹,他感到很震惊。shocked震惊的;amused愉快的;anxious焦虑的;frightened惊吓的。根据语境可知,收到了一个匿名寄件人的包裹,Hunter是非常震惊的,故选A。
4.C 考查短语。里面是他的钱包,另外还多附有40美元现金。apart from除了;except for除了;along with和起;instead of代替。结合语境和下文可知,包裹中有Hunter的钱包,另外还多附有40美金,故选C。
5.D 考查名词。search搜寻;completeness完全;value价值;rem返回。结合语境可知,此处意为“钱包的返还”,故选D。
6.B 考查名词。Hunter的母亲 Jeannie把照片发到社交媒体上,希望能找到寄件人。sender寄件人;letter信件wallet钱包;package包裹。根据语境可知,Hunter的母亲想找到寄件人,而重要的线索是一封信,所以推断是那封信的照片。故选B。
7.B 考查动词。这封信是由奥马哈的 Applied Underwriters发出的,发信人姓名的首字母缩写是“T. B.”。accept接受;send发送;take带走;collect收集。根据语境和下文可知,此处指信件发出,故选B。
8.C 考查动词。寄件人后来被确认为是 Todd Brown know认识;consider考虑;identify确认;introduce介绍。根据句意可知,be identified as意为“被确认是……”,故选C。
9.D 考查动词。notice注意到;reply回复;doubt疑惑;figure认为。根据语境可知,‘Well, he’s doing his best to make ends meet.’是 Brown内心的想法,故选D。
10.A 考查形容词。句意:Hunter非常感激。thankful感激的;stressful有压力的;thoughtful深思的;regret遗憾的。根据语境可知,因为陌生人的善举,Hunter肯定是很感激的,故选A。
11.C 考查名词。behavior行为;number号码;timing时机掌握;paycheck薪水。根据常识和语境可知,Hunter收到了自己丢失的钱包,恰逢他要在两天内还清贷款,所以时机是对的,故选C。
12.B 考查动词。句意:他以为它永远消失了。remember记住;assume认为;admit承认;imagine想象。根据常识可知,钱包丢了有可能就找不到了,故选B。
13.D 考查名词(短语)。address地址;mark标志;phone number电话号码;full name全名。根据前文可知 Brown并没有在包裹上写自己的全名,故选D。
14.B 考查动词。但 Jeannie后来坚持在社交媒体上称赞他。question提问;praise表扬;disturb打扰;surprise使惊讶根据前文的 posted a photo of the 6 to social media可知,Jeannie在网络上赞扬 Brown的善举,故选B。
15.A 考查名词。这个故事更多的是关于重建对人们的信心的。faith信仰;ambition雄心;appreciation欣赏;strength力量。故选A。
1. connection 考查名词。根据语境可知,此处表示“联系”,应用名词作表语;本句使用了 there be句型,应遵循“就近一致”原则,is是单数,设空处应用名词单数形式故填 connection。
2. anxious 考查形容词。由语境及其前的系动词feel可知,此处应用形容词 anxious作表语,表示“焦虑的”。故填anxious。
3. approximately 考查副词。此处用副词形式作状语,意为“大约,大概”,故填 approximately。
4. senses 考查名词的数。由语境可知此处表示“感觉”,应用名词 sense;根据其后的定语 of touch and smell及have可知,此处填复数名词 senses。
5. whether 考查固定结构。句意:人们经常问我们是否应该发展我们所有的感官。whether与or not构成固定结构,意为“是否”,故填 whether。
6. following 考查形容词。此处应用形容词作定语,故填following。
7. enjoyable 考查形容词。句意:吃饭时,听一些令人愉快的音乐,而不是看电视。此处应用形容词形式作定语,故填 enjoyable。
8. that/which 考查定语从句。先行词为 lowers,关系词在定语从句中作主语,故填that/which。
9. off 考查固定短语。根据常识可知,上床睡觉之前应将灯关掉。turn off关掉。故填off。
10. will make 考查动词的时态。句意:睡觉时,穿一件摸起来舒服的睡衣,那会让我们睡得很好。根据语境可知此处应用一般将来时,故填 will make。
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