Unit 4 Find your way 综合复习 2022-2023牛津译林版英语七年级下册(含答案)

七年级下册Unit4 Find your way 综合复习
语法复习:用a, an, the和 / 填空。
1. I bought __________ useful dictionary for Judy, _________ 11-year-old girl.
2.There’s _________ “u” and _________“s” in __________ word “use”.
3. Japan is __________ Asian country, France is _________ European country.
4. She likes playing ___________ chess while her sister likes playing ________ piano.
5. ---Look! Who’s __________ girl in a red skirt over there
---Oh, she is my sister, Kate. She is ____________ honest girl.
6. We can’t see ____________ sun at night.
7. I’m preparing some notes for __________ report called “our growing population”. I will have to give _________ report to my biology teacher tomorrow.
8. ---Story of Yanxi Palace is __________ unusual TV play I’ve introduced to you several times. ---It’s great. I’ve never watched ___________ more attractive one.
9. The next morning, she went to __________ school without __________ breakfast.
10. What is ___________ most useful invention in the 20th century
11. How amazing! Scientists took a photo of _____ black hole in _____ space last month.
1.You’d better open the window because there is too much smoke _________(在…里面).
2.Every year there is ______________(大量) of rainfall in this area
3.She is ______________(准备) to have long trip with her classmates
4.After supper my grandparents like sitting on the ______________(长椅) in the park.
5._____________(记得) to lock the door when you go out
6.Please turn left at the ______________(two) turning.
7.As we all know, ______________(leaf) fall from the trees in autumn.
8.The policeman asks us ______________ (not stop) our bikes here.
9.I see a panda ______________(lie)on the grass in the zoo.
10.Tom often tells us ______________(fun) jokes and makes us laugh.
11.Be careful when you walk ______________ (cross) the road.
12.Hurry up! Or you ______________(be) late for school.
13.The map will show you how ______________(get) to my school.
14.We ______________(not have) any classes tomorrow afternoon.
15.I will invite my classmates ______________(join)my birthday party.
16. What _________ (fun) we have watching the __________ (fun) monkeys in jackets!
17. The dog came into the room, ______________ (follow) his master.
18. The baby was made ______________(cry) by the sudden noise. He was scared.
19. ________ (get) to the museum, you should turn left when you come to the traffic lights.
20. Some ____________ (danger) animal like lions and tigers are in ___________ (danger) because of the loss of living areas.
21. Look carefully and you __________ (find) out what’s wrong with the picture.
22. He ____________(lie) that he ___________(lie) in bed when the murder happened.
23. ---Please remember _________ him about it.--- But I remember _________ him. (tell)
24. Many factories have moved away from the ____________ (north) part of Nanjing to reduce the pollution.
25. Jack, please turn off the lights when _____________ (leave) the classroom.
( )1. Uncle Lee lives two floors ___ me. I live on the 7th floor, and he lives on the 9th.
A. under B. over C. above D. below
( )2. ---________ is the post office, may I ask ---Only ten minutes on foot.
A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How much
( )3. Behind the houses ___________ a big beautiful garden.
A. are B. will find C. is D. there are
( )4. The music reminded me of the ______ of a running stream.
A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound
( )5. Jiangsu is __________China and _________Qinghai.
A. to east of; in the east of B. in east of; east of
C. in the east of; east of D. east of; to the east of
( )6. One of the twins likes playing the violin. ________ likes playing the guitar.
A. The others B. The other C. Another D. Others
( )7. There are many apples _____ the apple tree and some birds are singing ____ it.
A. in; on B. on; on C. at; in D. on; in
( )8. Everybody except Mike and Linda __________there when the meeting began.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
( )9. There is a party this evening, so we need to buy _______ food and drinks for it.
A. little B. plenty of C. few D. a lot
( )10. There is a bridge _______the river. Be careful when you _______ it.
A. across; over B. past; over C. over; across D. over; cross
( )11. --- Cindy, remember ______ the door when you go out. --- OK, _______.
A. closing; I won’t B. to close; I won’t C. closing; I will D. to close; I will
( )12. ---- Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the People’s Hospital
---- _______ along the road and you will see a white building. That’s the hospital.
A. To walk B. Walk C. Walking D. Walks
( )13. ---Mum, I don’t like to make the bed.
--- But you __________, dear. No one else will do it for you.
A. have to B. want to C. would like to D. hope to
( )14. Look! The post office is right on _________ side of street.
A. the other B. another C. the others D. other
( )15.----Excuse me,where’s the meeting room?---- ______. I will show you there.
A. This way, please B. That’s right C. I can manage D. In your dreams
It’s not______ ______ ______ the treasure under the ground. It may _____very _____ too.
Listen! Birds are making______ ______ of beautiful ______ ______ the tree.
Can you tell me______ ______ ______ ______ ______ the nearest supermarket?
After______ ______ the police station, he______ ______ the traffic lights.
Walk ______ ______ , and you will find______ ______ along the river.
6. 一直向前走,你会发现公园在右手边。
If you ________________________, you will find the park _______________________.
7. 刚才那只猴子在笼子里跳来跳去,使得人们发笑。
The monkey ___________________ in the cage and _____________________ just now.
8. 我想邀请朋友们来参加聚会,所以要为他们准备充足的食物。
I’d like ___________________ to the party, so I need ____________________ for them.
9. 餐厅在动物园西北方向,我们期待在那儿吃一顿丰盛的大餐。
The restaurant is ______________ the zoo. We look forward to ________________ there.
10. 鸟类是天生的歌唱家,它们能发出美妙的声音。
Birds are ___________________________. They can ____________________________.
七年级下册Unit4 Find your way 综合复习
语法复习:用a, an, the和 / 填空。
1. a an 2. a an the 3. an a 4. / the 5. the an
6. the 7. a the 8. an a 9. the 10. a /
1. inside 2. plenty 3, preparing 4. bench 5. Remember
6. second 7. leaves 8. not to stop 9. lie 10. funny
11. across 12. will be 13. to get 14. won’t have 15. to join
16. fun funny 17. following 18. to cry 19. To get 20. dangerous danger
21. will find 22. lied was lying 23. to tell telling 24. northern 25. leaving
1-5 CBCDC 6-10 BDCBD 11-15 DBAAA
1. easy to find be dangerous
2. all kinds sounds in
3. which is the way to
4. walking past stopped at
5. straight on a path
6. walk straight on on your right
7. jumped up and down made people laugh
8. to invite my friends to prepare enough food
9. is northwest of a hearty meal
10. born singers make wonderful sounds



