Unit 7 Abilities综合复习 2022-2023牛津译林版英语七年级下册(含答案)

7B Unit 7 Abilities综合复习
Grammar 复习
1.---Could I play with Tom now, Mum
----I’m afraid you __. I saw him go out just now. So he _ be at home now.
A. can’t; can’t B. couldn’t; can’t C. can’t; must D. couldn’t; may
2. I _______ play the piano at all in the past, but now I am quite good at it.
A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. couldn’t
3.--- Mum, _____ I come back before 9 o’clock
---No, you needn’t. You _____ come back a little later.
A. can; can B. may; must C. shall; will D. must; may
4. ________Mrs Lin is writing on the blackboard!
— Yes. And her handwriting is beautiful.
A. What a quickly B. How a quickly C. What quickly D. How quickly
5. _______ important news report it is!
A. How B. What C. How an D. What an
6. ________interesting work it is to teach children!
A. How B. How an C. What D. What an
1. Read this _____________(文章) about animals, please.
2.I have to stay in hospital for a week because my leg was _______(严重地) hurt in an accident.
3. He used this _____________(照相机) to take photos of me.
4. At that dangerous _____________(时刻), he rushed into the room to save his little son.
5. Lots of _______________(记者) came and attended the meeting.
6. He tried his best _____________(put) out the fire.
7. We all look forward to _____________(hear) from you soon.
8. He ___________(lose) his way in the city centre yesterday.
9. She has great _____________(able) to play the piano.
10. The little boy kept _______________(nod) when his mother spoke.
11. Could you tell me how to _____________ (sing) well?
12. The ______________(match) are wet so we cannot make a fire now.
13. It was ________________ (care) of Jim to leave the tap running all night.
14. The big fire last night ______________ (burn)everything in his home.
15. How ____________(good) they did in the match!
( ) 1.—How was your football match —________, we came first.
A. Sorry to tell you B. Hurry up C. Come on D. Believe it or not
( ) 2. Please keep your eyes ______. I will give you ______.
A. close; something special B. close; special something
C. closed; something special D. closed; special something
( ) 3. Paper can catch fire easily. So________ it ____ fire.
A. keep; away from B. don’t keep; away from
C. keep; away D. don’t keep; from
( ) 4. The_______ bird is called Polly.
A. two-month-old B. two-months-old C. two-month old D. two-months old
( ) 5. Listen! Can you hear Tom_______ in the next room
A. sing B. sings C. sang D. singing
( ) 6. The telephone is ringing. Who_______ it be
A. can B. would C. does D. must
( ) 7. When you cross the road, you should be _______ and walk _______.
A. carefully, careful B. careful, carefully
C. careful, careful D. carefully, carefully
( ) 8. My mother is ill ____ hospital. I have to look after her _______ hospital.
A. in; in the B. in; in a C. in the; in D. at the; at
( ) 9. ---Excuse me, Sir. But smoking is not allowed here.
--- Sorry, I didn't see the sign. I'll ________ my cigarette at once.
A. put out B. put away C. put up D. put off
( ) 10. A car hit her yesterday and she is now___. Let’s ____her this afternoon.
A. in the hospital, go and to see B. in hospital, go and see
C. in hospital, go and to see D. in the hospital, to go and to see
( ) 11. All of our students are looking forward to _____ our summer holidays.
A. have B. having C. had D. will have
( ) 12. The _______ story ______me. It means I’m _______ at the story.
A. surprising surprise; surprised B. surprise; surprised; surprised
C. surprised; surprising; surprising D. surprising; surprised; surprised
( ) 13. The man knows ___ English. He can’t go to Australia alone.
A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
( ) 14. We will arrive_______ Tokyo_______ the afternoon of March 3.
A. at; in B. in; on C. in; in D. at; at
( ) 15. It was dark outside. Suzy decided _______ to the bank alone.
A. not going B. going not C. not to go D. to not go
( ) 16. When you go camping with your friends, you have to _______ tents.
A. hurry up B. wake up C. put up D. look up
( ) 20. — ___ does it take you to go to school on foot — About 15 minutes.
A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How long
I _________ ________ to __________Li Hua __________ this year’s Young Star Award.
2. 我们打算为贫困地区的孩子募捐。
We are going to__________________ the children _________________.
His father______________________ and ___________________________.
4. 火很危险,因此我们应该让小孩远离它。
Fire is very _____________, so we should ______________________________it.
Yesterday, ______________________girl ____________________ in the street.
6. 他经常参加像为需要帮助的孩子收集衣服和书这样的活动。
He often _______________________like _______________children in need.
____________! _________________my desk.
It is important for us to_________ __________ __________ fire in our daily life
_________ ________weather_________ ________!
7B Unit 7 Abilities综合复习
Grammar 复习
1. article 2. badly 3. camera 4. moment 5. reporters
6. to put 7. hearing 8. lost 9. ability 10. nodding
11. sing 12. matches 13. careless 14. burnt 15. well
1-5 DCAAD 6-10 ABADB 11-15 BDABC 16-17 CD
1. would like recommend as
2. donate money in poor areas
3. was badly ill was in hospital for three months
4. dangerous keep it away from children
5. an 8-year-old got lost /lost her way
6. takes part in activities collecting clothes and books for
7. Be careful! Don’t pour water on
8. be careful with
9. What fine it is




下一篇:高中化学(2019)必修二 第七章第四节基本营养物质第一课时课时作业(答案)