Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship. 同步练习 2022-2023仁爱版九年级英语下册(无答案)

( )1. To my ________, I’ve got a “A” in the math test.
A. joy B. surprise C. sadness
( )2.—Last night, I didn’t watch the TV show A Bite of China.
—________. I was preparing for today’s test.
A. So did I B. Neither did I C. So I did
( )3. We all saw Michael off ________ Liu Mei. She has gone to the library.
A. except B. besides C. including
( )4. Look at these ________ of Zhang Daqian, and which one do you like best
A. poems B. works C. dramas
( )5. William Shakespeare is a famous playwright ________ a well-known poet.
A. with B. as well C. as well as
( )6. What makes his poems different from ________ of other people
A. that B. ones C. those
( )7. He always had lunch in the office, ________ his workmates. They all have it at home.
A. like B. unlike C. dislike
( )8. As the saying ________, there is no royal road to Rome to learning.
A. goes B. reads C. says
( )9. You are not supposed to go to a family party unless you ________ to in the US.
A. are not invited B. are invited C. will be invited
( )10.—Bob, we are moving into our new house this weekend.
—Congratulations! I ________ you happiness in your new house.
A. hope B. expect C. wish
( )11.—Driving less and walking more is good for health.
—So I’d rather ________ an hour’s walk to work than consider ________ a car.
A. take; drive B. taking; to drive C. take; driving
( )12. On Children’s Day, children often play games ________ make them happy and excited.
A. that B. who C. what
( )13. Before you take the medicine, you’re supposed to read the ________ first.
A. introduction B. instructions C. information
( )14. The cruel couple ran away quickly, ________ their baby on the street.
A. leaving B. left C. forgot
( )15.—I’m surprised that the panda is still ________.
—Yes, its ________ condition has improved greatly.
A. alive; alive B. living; alive C. alive; living
Computer games are very popular. It is natural for people to want to 1 , so playing against a computer or against a friend on the computer can be 2 to stop. “Just one more game,” often turns into another game, then another.
Computer games do have their 3 . They are excellent for training hand / eye coordination(协调). Surgeons(外科医生) who played computer games as children are often more puter games can also be great for teaching students. The students are open to learning while playing. They can study for longer than a 4 would be able to teach. Students can also learn at their own speed and not feel pressured to match classmates. And with computers you can 5 a task as many times as you like. The more you do this, the better you will get, until you can do it perfectly.
But like anything else in life, things should be balanced. Too much time on the computer can 6 your eyes. Regular breaks are needed. If students cannot 7 playing computer games, they won’t do as well in other areas in their life—not just schoolwork, but in developing important social skills such as how to talk with people and how to work with others as part of a 8 . And if they are no longer taking regular exercise, their health will become 9 .
Computer games have their place, but people must also remember it is important to 10 a balanced lifestyle.
( )1. A. win B. lose C. fight
( )2. A. easy B. natural C. difficult
( )3. A. rules B. advantages C. disadvantages
( )4. A. teacher B. parent C. computer
( )5. A. make B. practice C. discover
( )6. A. close B. hurt C. relax
( )7. A. keep B. start C. stop
( )8. A. family B. game C. team
( )9. A. bad B. worse C. worst
( )10. A. refuse B. have C. play
Many schools across the US hold graduation ceremonies this time of year. In some schools, even 5-and 6-year-olds observe their graduation from kindergarten(幼稚园). And so can older people, much older, like 70-year-old Jerry Reid, who just graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He earned a bachelor’s degree.
Mr. Reid might not look like the common college student; his hair is much grayer. But still Jerry Reid’s age is easy to forget, and other UVA students know him as one of their own.
Mr. Reid joined the “Hoo Crew”, a group that cheers loudly for the school at sports events. He also joined a men’s group on campus. He sang drinking songs along with many other students. Mr. Reid’s school friends say they can talk to him just about anything.
About a half century ago, in his twenties, Mr. Reid was not in school. Instead, he was racing cars and drinking. But he says his friend Bill invited him to UVA parties.
“Bill told me what a terrible life I had unless I came up here and went to school with him,” said Reid.
That was in 1963. Jerry Reid says it took him 48 years to take that advice. In 2011, he entered college. UVA Professor Luke Wright says Mr. Reid influences students. He opened the minds of the young adults. The teacher says Mr. Reid showed them that life does not end at 70. Instead, the 70-year-old college graduate believes that getting older can be the beginning of a dream.
“Remember that path that you left waits for you. It’s there. It’s yours. All you must do is to get out of your own way and get back to it. And, that’s exactly what I did,” said Reid.
Mr. Reid says that he and his wife Susan now would take some time off to enjoy his college degree. Then, he’ll return to UVA to begin studying for his graduate degree.
( )1. Which of the following is TRUE about Mr. Reid
A. He was laughed at by other students. B. He was interested in study in his youth.
C. He knew more than young people. D. He got his college degree at the age of 70.
( )2. From the third paragraph, we know that Mr. Reid was ________.
A. shy B. independent C. wise D. active
( )3. Mr. Reid’s friend advised him to ________ when he was in his twenties.
A. race cars B. go to school
C. study for a graduate degree D. sing drinking songs
( )4. What does Paragraph 6 mainly discuss
A. How Mr. Reid realizes his dream. B. What teachers think of Mr. Reid.
C. When Mr. Reid entered college. D. Why the students like Mr. Reid.
( )5. What lesson can we learn from the story of Jerry Reid
A. It is never too late to learn. B. Two heads are better than one.
C. Actions speak louder than words. D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Tips on Making a Decision
Decision-making never ends. It is an important part of everyday life, and it is how we choose our path. 6 Sometimes we leave things to luck. Other times we take a more active role. Here are some of the ways we usually make decisions.
◆ Make a list of pros and cons(利与弊). When you try to make a difficult decision, you can take out a piece of paper, and then list the pros and cons of each choice. 7
◆ Ask a friend. 8 While I don’t think this is always true, I can see how friends can point out certain things that we may be unaware of. By getting a choice from a third party who knows us well, we can get good ideas that we didn’t take into consideration before.
◆ 9 Some decisions require that we know more about the subject we are deciding on. Making a choice without first doing some research can turn things into a nightmare(噩梦), so don’t hurry. Take your time to search Google or Wikipedia or find a forum(论坛) to ask a couple of questions. Be careful and check your sources.
◆ Go to an expert. Seldom are we the most knowledgeable person on a particular subject. Our friends can sometimes be no better. 10 Investing(投资) Talk to a market analyst. Feeling depressed Go to see a psychologist. Not sure how to write a book Discuss tips with other authors.
In American high schools and colleges, the last day of the school year is graduation day. The students who 1 /'f n / their last year in the school will graduate.
The graduation ceremony is often in the school gymnasium. The people who come to watch the graduation ceremony 2 teachers, parents and friends of the graduates. Those students who will graduate will wear long robes and caps with square tops. The graduate who has the best 3 / rek d/ in school will make a speech. The school principal and other officials will also make 4 (speech). Then each graduate will receive a diploma or a 5 /di gri /, which has his name and the name of the school.
After the ceremony, students often chat with their teachers, friends and 6 (relative) who come to congratulate them. They take pictures of each other and will show each other these pictures a few nights 7 (late) at the graduation party.
Graduation is an 8 (forgettable) event. It means a period of one’s school life come to an 9 ; it means change and growth; it also means a new start and brings 10 new possibilities.
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. _________



