
Personal creativity is a valuable resource for individuals and teams involved in all industries. This course is designed to serve the interest and needs of all these efforts and more. The lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1: The usefulness of creativity is finding new solutions, generating new ideas, and carrying out those solutions and ideas in ways that are different from what is expected or repeated.
Lesson discussions: What makes you take this course
Assessment: Exam 1
Lesson 2: The lesson focuses on recognizing the basic, but vitally important, mental and emotional tools each person has that can be used to fuel personal creativity in a powerful way.
Lesson discussions: Principles behind all tools for creative thinking
Assessment: Exam 2
Lesson 3: The development of personal creativity relies very heavily on the use of observation, imagination, and abstraction, which is the focus of this lesson.
Lesson discussions: Personal creativity in daily life
Assessment: Exam 3
Lesson 4: Personal creativity is greatly advanced by the assistance and varying viewpoints of others. All industries benefit from better, and more productive human interactions.
Lesson discussions: How human interactions play a role
Assessment: Exam 4
Additional Course Information
Course Type: Self-paced, online class
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification.
Course Fee: $75.00
For more information, please click https://www. .
1、Which lesson teaches you how to recognize and use the emotions
A.Lesson 1. B. Lesson 2. C. Lesson 3. D. Lesson 4.
2、What does Lesson 4 focus on
A.How to communicate better. B. The role of interest in creativity.
C. Learning to observe and imagine. D.Creativity and communication.
3、What do the four lessons have in common
A. They have volunteers to assist.
B. They feature guest lectures.
C. They offer real-life examples.
D. They allow a personal learning schedule.
Every man is for himself. That seems to be everyone's motto these days. Even a quick stop at McDonald's reminded me of it. Just as I started to pull into the parking lot, a white car cut right in front of me! “Is it really that important to be first " I whispered. The man be-hind the wheel couldn't hear me. If he had heard, he might have had some angry words to shoot back at me right there, just like the lady at the supermarket the other day. I hadn't even said anything to her, when she accused me rudely. Even when I apologized, she still wasn't satisfied. People these days!
I sighed and headed for the drive-thru(汽车餐厅), keeping a safe distance from the car. My faith in humankind was flagging. This is just the way the world is now, I told myself. Just then, the red door at the back of the restaurant opened and a young woman appeared. It was Jessie, who often worked behind the counter.
Jessie was struggling to drag out two oversize watering cans, water splashing over her feet. I assumed she was heading down the path to the flowers. “That's not her job," I thought. The only person working on the flowers was a dark-haired gardener from the land-scaping company. "Maybe Jessie has to do it now," I thought. "Probably cutting costs."
I rolled down my window to order a drink. A blast of hot air blew into the car. Jessie was returning with two more heavy watering cans. The gardener hurried over to her. "I thought it would be easier if I carried these out for you," Jessie said once she'd caught her breath. The gardener's face lit up at this unexpected kindness. Jessie went back to her job inside.
"What happened back there did my heart good!" I called to Jessie. "Mine too. What a day!" she said, My first sip of the drink was refreshing, but not half as refreshing as the reminder to never let negativity color my expectations of people in this world, Good neighbors are everywhere, if I keep my eyes open to them.
4、Why is the lady mentioned in the first paragraph
A. To stress the importance of being polite.
B. To compare different people's behavior.
C. To show the selfishness of people today.
D. To show how to deal with impolite people.
5、How did the gardener feel at Jessie's behavior at first
A. Embarrassed. B. Frightened. C.Confused. D. Relieved.
6、Which of the following can best describe Jessie
A.Caring. B.Ambitious. C.Cautious. D. Demanding.
7、What can be learned about the author
A. She bought Jessie a drink.
B. She restored her belief in people.
C.She will visit neighbors more often.
D. She helped the gardener with the watering.
Following decades of urbanization(城市化), overexploitation and pollution, China is now experiencing a serious water shortage and flooding crisis, made worse by the climate crisis. Many of these issues lie in the urbanization rate in the country, which has increased by 14.5%since 2008. By 2035, 70% of the Chinese population is projected to live in urban areas, putting huge pressure on urban infrastructure(基础设施), local environments and resources.
The sponge city concept has presented an opportunity for Chinese cities to carry out new integrated urban water management (IUWM) strategies. Sponge city developments seek to control and mitigate flooding, water pollution and water shortage in urban spaces as water becomes China's "most critical resource". These developments are a new type of Chinese eco-city that offer a strategy to hopefully improve the ongoing development and urbanization processes by considering the urban water cycle.
Sponge cities aim to promote positive interactions between socio-economic systems within the cityscape and with the urban water cycle to enhance local urban ability to fight against disasters, particularly in the face of increasing water-related disasters.
Sponge cities are a relatively new concept. Since 2014, there have been two groups of 30 different pilot(试点的) sponge cities across China, with 16 schemes starting in 2015 and 14 in 2016. The pilot studies, such as in Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan and Shenzhen, are creating practical, localised experiences in carrying out IUWM strategies. The State Council has set 2030 as the target for the sponge cities to be integrated(融入) into regional urban development plans. This target is progressive and ambitious, particularly considering the three major challenges that these pilots have revealed: governance, design and financing. Overcoming these challenges will be vital for the sponge city that is being carried out.
8、What does the author intend to show in paragraph 1
A. The background of a new concept.
B. The reasons for natural disasters in China.
C.The necessity of protecting the environment.
D. The need to control urban migration in China.
9、What does the underlined word "mitigate" in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Block. B. Ease. C.Analyse. D.Guide.
10、What can we learn about the sponge city concept
A. It is a response to the public demand.
B. It goes against urbanization processes.
C.It may be the answer to the water crisis in China.
D. It originally aims at improving the cityscape and economy.
11、What is probably to be discussed following the last paragraph
A. How to handle the challenges.
B. Why the target is hard to achieve.
C. Where the three major challenges mainly lie.
D. What experience the pilot cities have got.
A new technology project in southern Greece is helping visitors experience the ancient birthplace of the Olympic Games. The project used augmented reality, or AR, to recreate temples and competition areas in the ancient city of Olympia. The project lasted for about 18months with a series of imaging flights to help map areas across Olympia. It was recently launched in the city, one of the world's major archaeological sites. Augmented reality, is a technology that can project computer-created images onto special eyeglasses. Through the eyeglasses, the images appear along with other physical objects in the environment.
The project is a partnership between American software maker Microsoft and Greece's Ministry of Culture and Sport. The ministry helped Microsoft map and build virtual representations of Olympia. The city was used for nearly a thousand years to host the games in ancient Greece that served as the model for the modern Olympics. "It's a milestone... that helped us bring technology and culture and history together so we can preserve it," Microsoft President Brad Smith said.
The experience provides users the chance to virtually walk through the ruins of Olympia. At the Olympic Museum in Athens, people can also use Microsoft's AR headsets for a similar experience.
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis joined a group of schoolchildren who were using the app for the first time. "I'm absolutely excited that we're able to present to the world a completely new cultural experience using technology to recreate the ancient world of Olympia," Mitsotakis told The Associated Press.
Students from a local middle school looked at statues and buildings that were brought to life on their phones. They were able to virtually visit inside and outside settings to explore where ancient Olympians had competed in different sports. One of the children, Panagiotis Christopoulos, called the project "impressive". "I think it can help with teaching in schools," the student said.
12、What's the function of the special eyeglasses
A. Producing images.
B.Changing colors of some objects.
C. Making the environment look clearer.
D. Combining the virtual world with the real one.
13、How did Greece's Ministry of Culture and Sport help with the project
A.By raising money for it.
B. By promoting and advertising it.
C.By building the virtual model of Olympia.
D.By building different models of Olympia.
14、What is Kyriakos Mitsotakis' attitude to the project
A. Doubtful. B. Favorable. C.Unconcerned. D. Cautious.
15、What can be the best title for the text
A. Digital project brings Olympics birthplace to life
B. A technology project is helping build modern Olympia
C. The development and application of AR in Greece
D.A good combination of modern and ancient cultures
16、 A pet walker's duty is typically walking dogs. ①_____ They are sometimes also responsible for feeding pets, reinforcing training, and taking basic care of animals, Professional pet walkers may also work as trainers and provide exercise and discipline for the dog.
Primarily, what a pet walker does is actively walk and watch a dog outdoors for a period of time, and then return the dog safely to his or her owner. ②_____ Of course, providing a pet with exercise is important as well.
Walks often take place in public areas. ③_____ There are special leashes(遛狗绳) that are designed specifically for walking multiple dogs.
Some pet walkers combine the exercise portion of this job with other pet care services in order to make the profession more profitable. A person might both walk and feed animals or may even provide services unrelated to pets. ④_____
Usually, pet walkers either have regular appointments working for a client or work in special situations, such as when the client is out of town. When the appointments are regular, the pet walker may develop a special relationship with the animals, which can help with obedience during walks. ⑤_____ This way all parties involved feel confident that the animals are being well cared for.
A.For example, they might water plants as well.
B. This means that dog walkers must be very respectful.
C.Actually being a pet walker often involves other duties.
D. Pet safety is the first and most important job of a pet walker.
E. And walking multiple dogs may be troublesome for beginners.
F.Pet walkers may want to invest more in their pet shops.
G. It is important for a pet walker to gain the trust of both the pets and the owners.
Before smartphones, landline telephones(固定电话) were the way most people kept in touch, And until 1 dialing became common, a switchboard operator's assistance was often 2 to help with long-distance calls, collect calls, or to reach the police or the fire department in a(n) 3 .
Most switchboard operators were women who were expected to be polite, 4 and patient under pressure. They handled all kinds of 5 , from providing the time of day to more delicate 6 . Examples like this one can be found in the AT&T archives (档案), when an operator takes a call from a(n) 7 woman:
"There's somebody outside ringing my doorbell and it scares me to death."
The operator replies: "Well, ma'am, the only thing I can 8 that you do is call the police. I'll 9 you."
Back then there was a 10 dress code(着装规定): no pants and no miniskirts. Everyone was expected to 11 their behavior even when 12 did not, like this man whose call is among those 13 in the AT&.T archives:
Man: "That isn't the number that I asked you for."
Operator: "Well, sir, that's 14 the number."
Man: "What the hell is the matter with you "
Most callers, the operators say, were generally not that 15 .
17、A. effective B. affordable C. direct D. formal
18、A. needed B. guided C. appointed D. delivered
19、A. effort B. dilemma C. mess D. emergency
20、A. good-looking B. ever-lasting C. quick-thinking D. peace-loving
21、A. arrangements B. requests C. invitations D. appointments
22、A. matters B. criteria C. figures D. comments
23、A. exhausted B. generous C. active D. frightened
24、A. order B. suggest C. urge D. desire
25、A. connect B. encourage C. comfort D. rescue
26、A. funny B. temporary C. strict D. flexible
27、A. explain B. mind C. understand D. protect
28、A. receptionists B. employers C. applicants D. customers
29、A. preserved B. scheduled C. fixed D. studied
30、A. extremely B. occasionally C. alternatively D. definitely
31、A. typical B. rude C. convincing D. defensive
32、 Folk music is a kind of popular music, ①_____ comes from the people of any country. Folk singers sing songs from centuries ago, and they also write songs. They intend ②_____(express) their feelings about new things in the world today.
The word “folk” means “people”. Folk songs tell stories about people. For example, the songs tell about their ③_____(job) and work, their friends ④_____ their lives, They also ex-press ideas such as love and war. The words in the songs are ⑤_____ important part of the music.
In the United States and Europe, folk music ⑥_____(become) very popular during the1960s. Fans enjoyed folk singers' performances ⑦_____ concerts. The singers told stories, sang and played the guitar. Fans listened to the music and often sang along. Some of the folksingers during this time were the Kingston Trio; Peter, Paul and Mary; Pete Seeger, and the Weavers. ⑧_____(late) , people began to play this kind of music ⑨_____(them) at schools, at parties and at home alone. Today fans can still hear folk music at concerts. They can also buy CDs and DVDs by new folk ⑩_____(perform). Besides, they can listen to folk music on the Internet.
Dear Peter,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
A mother duck was hatching her eggs near a pond. A group of lovely baby ducks were soon born. But one egg remained unbroken. The mother duck continued her work. At last, the egg was broken and a baby duck was born. However, that baby duck was ugly compared to the others.
The mother duck taught them how to swim. The ugly duckling also swam with his brothers and sisters, moving his legs eagerly. "It is lucky though. That baby swims well." Still his brothers pecked(啄) at the ugly duckling with their bills.
"How ugly this baby duck is! We don't want to see you." His brothers gave a hard time to the poor duckling. "Stop it, don't do that!" The mother duck sighed and said, "Ah! I wish that this baby could live happily at another place."
The baby duck heard what his mother said and dropped tears of sorrow, saying, "Mom, I will leave." The ugly duckling left.
When he entered the forest, other birds were frightened by the baby duck and ran away. "Why do they run away Is it because I am so awful " The baby duck walked along the field.
Near the water beside the field, two wild ducks were playing around. "Yah, what is that ugly duck Let's make fun of him." The two wild ducks flew up and threw stones at the baby duck.
"Bang! Bang!" At that time, a hunter shot his gun. The two wild ducks fell dead to the ground. "Uh What is this small bird " The hunter took home the little baby duck along with the two wild ducks.
"Dad, what is this poor-looking bird " "I took it with me in order to give it to you." The children gave a hard time to the baby duck by pulling its wings and tail.
"That hurts!" The baby duck spilled a cup of milk while running away from the cruel hands of the children. The dishes on the table were also broken.
The angry hunter sent out the baby duck with his broomstick.
The baby duck tried to run away from the group of beautiful swans.
解析:本题考查考生的细节理解能力。根据Lesson 2的介绍可知,这门课着重于使学生认识到每个人都拥有的基本的但极其重要的情感工具,它们可以以一种强有力的方式激发人的创造力。
解析:本题考查考生的细节理解能力。根据Lesson 4的介绍可知,通过他人的帮助和不同观点的交流,个人会从中受益,创造力会得到提升。
解析:本题考查考生的细节理解能力。根据Additional Course Information部分第一点可知,学生可以按自己的进度学习这些网络课程。
解析:本题考查考生的词义推测能力。根据该段内容以及第3段中的fight against disasters可推知,mitigate意为“减轻”。
12、答案: D
解析:本题考查考生的推理判断能力。根据第4段Kyriakos Mitsotakis的话(我非常激动,我们能够用科技重现古代奥林匹亚世界,向世界提供一种全新的文化体验)可推知,他对此项目很支持。
③本题考查理解上下文逻辑关系、还原信息的能力。根据该空下文walking multiple dogs可知答案。
④本题考查理解上下文逻辑关系、还原信息的能力。A项内容与上句内容存在补充、解释关系,A项是前一句的services unrelated to pets的一个例子。
解析:本题考查形容词。根据下文it scares me to death可知答案。
32、答案:①which②to express③jobs④and⑤an⑥became⑦at⑧Later⑨themselves⑩performers
Dear Peter,
I remember you are interested in working as an English editor in China, Our local English newspaper is loo-king for a native speaker to work as an English editor. The main columns are English Speaking, English Writing, World Today and English Today and so on. High school students are the main readers. You will work 8hours every day except weekends or other holidays.
Please let me know if you are interested in this position and if you have any other questions, I'd be more than happy to help.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
The angry hunter sent out the baby duck with his broomstick. The ugly duckling spent a long and cold winter alone. Finally spring came. The baby duck had a good stretch and flew up in the air. "Uh! I am flying!" Upon the lake, a flock of white and pretty swans were playing around while swimming. "They are indeed pretty birds." The baby duck became sad. "Those birds may not like me as I am so ugly."
The baby duck tried to run away from the group of beautiful swans. "Hi! Where are you going Come and play around with us!" The baby duck approached the swans hesitatingly. At that moment, the baby duck saw his own appearance reflected in the lake. There was one more beautiful swan gliding gracefully across the water. The ugly duckling who had overcame all suffering finally became a beautiful swan. And so he lived happily with the other swans ever after.



