
1.In the following words, which underlined letters have a different sound from the others
A.northern B.smooth C.wealth
【解析】【分析】句意:下列单词中哪个单词划线字母的发音与其他单词不同?A. northern, [ n n] ,形容词,北方的、朝北的,th组合发/ /;B.smooth,[smu ] ,形容词,光滑的、光洁的,th组合发 / /;C.wealth, [welθ],名词,财富、财产,th组合发/θ/,故C。
2.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound
A.relax empty B.eastern season C.custom suggestion
【解析】【分析】句意:哪组单词划线字母发音相同?A.relax[r l ks],动词,放松,e发/ /;empty,形容词,空的、独自空的、茫然的,e发/e/;两个单词划线字母发音不同;B.eastern [ i st n] ,形容词,向东方的、东方的,ea组合发/i /;season['si zn],名词,季节,ea组合发/i /;两个单词划线字母发音相同;C.custom[ k st m],名词,风俗、习惯,u发/ /;suggestion [s d est n] ,名词,建议,u发/ /;划线字母发音不同,故选B。
3.Which of the following words doesn't have the same stress as the others
A.pollute B.believe C.servant
【解析】【分析】句意:下列哪个单词的重读与其他单词不同?A.pollute,动词,污染, [p lu t],第二个音节重读;B.believe,动词,相信, [b li v],第二个音节重读;C.servant,名词,雇员、职员, [ s vnt],第一个音节重读;因此选项C与其他单词重读不同,故选C。
4.Visiting a natural museum is _____enjoyable trip for young students.
A.a B.the C.an
【解析】【分析】句意:对青少年而言参观自然博物馆是一次令人愉快的旅行。根据“Visiting a natural museum is……enjoyable trip”可知此处要表达是一次愉快的旅行,trip ,名词,旅行,此处要表达一次旅行,用到不定冠词a或an,enjoyable是元音音素开头,因此用an,故选C。
5.Pizza time! Please enjoy __________, kids!
A.yourself B.you C.yourselves
【解析】【分析】句意:披萨时间! 请尽情享用,孩子们!A.yourself,反身代词,你自己;B.you,代词,你;C.yourselves,反身代词,你们自己;固定搭配enjoy oneself,玩儿的高兴,根据kids可知此处应用yourselves,故选C。
【点评】考查反身代词。识记短语enjoy oneself的用法。
6.Although ____ seems to be exciting, _____ seems bored.
A.everything, nobody B.everybody, nothing C.nothing, no one
【解析】【分析】句意:尽管似乎没有事情让人振奋,但没有人疲惫。A.everything,不定代词,每件事情;nobody,不定代词,没有人;B.everybody,不定代词,每个人;nothing,不定代词,没有东西;C.nothing,不定代词,没有东西,no noe,没有人;根据“Although…seems to be exciting, … seems bored.”可知此句要表达尽管似乎没有事情让人振奋,但没有人疲惫,因此第一空用nothing,第二空用no one,故选C。
7.—_______nice and fine weather! Let's go climbing.
—Sounds great.
A.How B.What a C.What
【解析】【分析】句意:——多么好多么晴朗的天气啊!让我们去爬山吧。——听上去不错。根据“……nice and fine weather! ”可知此句是感叹句,感叹句有两种结构,第一种是What+(a/an/零冠词+形容词)+名词(+主语+谓语)!;第二种是How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语;根据“……nice and fine weather! ”可知此处符合what引导的感叹句结构,weather是不可数名词,因此weather前没有冠词,故选C。
8.Happiness is very important. ________ you live, ________ you are. So try your best to make yourself happy every day.
A.The happier, the healthier
B.The more happily, the more healthily
C.The more happily, the healthier
【解析】【分析】句意:快乐非常重要。你活地越快乐,你就会越健康。因此每天尽力让自己快乐。根据“…… you live…… you are. ”可知此处用到“the+比较级+句子,the+比较级+句子”结构,其中第一空中所填词修饰动词live,因此是副词的比较级,happily,副词,快乐地,比较级为more happily,第二空所填词作系动词are的表语,因此用形容词比较级,healthy,形容词,健康的,其比较级为healthier,故选C。
9.—What do you think is important for the players on a team
—It's to play together and ___________ the best in each other.
A.bring out B.care about C.find out
【解析】【分析】句意:——你认为在一场比赛上对运动员而言什么是重要的?——是团结协作,让彼此发挥出最好的一面。A.bring out,使明显、 拿出、推出;B.care about,关系、担心;C.find out,发现、找出;根据“It's to play together and……the best in each other.”可知此处要表达团结协作,让彼此拿出最好的一面,固定搭配bring out,拿出、推出,用在此处符合句意,故选A。
【点评】考查短语辨析。识记bring out、care about、find out的意思及用法。
10.— Can you give me some _____ I really don't know how to solve the problems.
—Of course. Staying calm (冷静) is the most important.
A.advices B.advice C.suggestion
11.We should keep our eyes ___________ while doing eye exercises.
A.close B.closed C.closer
12.—I am afraid the environment of the earth will be _______.
—Yes, I guess people will have to move to other planets.
A.in great danger B.much dangerous C.out of danger
【解析】【分析】句意:——我恐怕地球的环境将会陷入危险。——是的,我猜人们将不得不移居到其他星球。A.in great danger,陷入巨大危险;B.much dangerous,形式错误;C.out of danger,脱离危险;“Yes, I guess people will have to move to other planets.”可知“I am afraid the environment of the earth will be……”要表达地球将陷入巨大的危险,固定搭配be in danger,陷入危险,用在此处符合句意,故选A。
【点评】考查短语辨析。识记in danger与out of danger的用法,注意根据句意选择恰当的短语。
13.Boys and girls, what a __________ a day makes! After _________ the exam today, I think you'll be more and more confident (自信).
A.difference; finishing B.different; finishing C.difference; finish
14.—What activities ______ in the English Festival
—English songs, shows, speeches and so on.
A.will be there
B.will there be
C.are there going to have
【知识点】there be结构
【解析】【分析】句意:——英语晚会上将会有什么活动?——英文歌、才艺展示、演讲等。根据“What activities……in the English Festival ”可知是表示存在有的特殊疑问句,特殊疑问句的结构为特殊疑问词+一般疑问句语序,用到there be句式的一般将来时there will be,变一般疑问句将助动词will提到there的前面即可,排除选项A,there be句式不与have混用,排除选项C,故选B。
【点评】考查there be结构。识记there be的各种时态变化形式,主语there be句式不与have混用。
15.To our _______, Mike Brown didn't pass the final exam last week.
A.surprising B.surprise C.surprised
【解析】【分析】句意:让我们吃惊的是,上个周Mike Brown没有通过期末考试。A.surprising,形容词,令人惊讶的;B.surprisie,名词,惊讶、吃惊;C.surprised,形容词,感到吃惊的;固定搭配to one's surprise,令人吃惊的是,故选B。
【点评】考查固定搭配。识记to one's surprise结构的用法。
16.—How do you like my article, Mr. Green
—Er... , it is wonderful __________ there are some spelling mistakes.
A.if B.though C.because
【解析】【分析】句意:——Mr. Green,你认为我的文章怎么样?——额,尽管有一些拼写错误,但它很精彩。A.if,连词,如果,表示条件;B.though,连词,即使,表示让步关系;C.because,连词,因为;根据“it is wonderful……there are some spelling mistakes.”可知此处要表达即使有一些拼写错误,它也很精彩,故选B。
17.Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future. However, they agree it may take _______ years.
A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.two hundreds
【解析】【分析】句意:一些科学家认为将来会有更多的机器人。然而,他们一致认为它将花费数百年时间。hundred,名词,百,具体数字+hundred,表示几百;hundreds of,数百的,成百上千的;故选B。
18.People in western countries celebrate this holiday with their families together. Adults (成年人) send cards to their family and friends with their best wishes. Children put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep so that it can be filled with presents. It falls on_______.
A.New Year's Day B.Christmas Day C.Thanksgiving
【解析】【分析】句意:西方国家的人们和他们的家人一起庆祝这个节日。成年人送卡片给他们的家人和朋友,并送上他们最美好的祝愿。孩子们睡觉前在床尾放一只长袜,这样就可以装满礼物了。那天是圣诞节。A.New Year's Day,新年;B.Christmas Day,圣诞节;C.Thanksgiving,感恩节;根据“Children put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep so that it can be filled with presents. ”可以判断出这个节日是圣诞节,故选B。
19.As a middle school student, following the school rules helps you become better and better. So you shouldn't ____ at school.
①wear the school uniform
②fight with your classmates
③be quiet in the library
④run in the hallways
⑤eat snacks in class
A.①③ B.②③ C.④⑤
【解析】【分析】句意:作为一名中学生,遵守学校规则会让你变得越来越好。因此你不应该在走廊里奔跑和在课堂上吃零食。①wear the school uniform,穿校服;②fight with your classmates,和同学打架;③be quiet in the library,在图书馆保持安静;④run in the hallways,在走廊上奔跑⑤eat snacks in class,在教室里吃零食。根据常识可知④⑤的行为不符合学校规则,不应该做,故选C。
20.Jim went shopping and spent 100 dollars on these following things yesterday. The school things cost him _____ dollars.
Food for dinner Clothes Pens and pencils Notebooks
35% 50% 10% ?
A.5 B.10 C.15
【解析】【分析】句意:昨天Jim去购物并且在下面这些东西上花了100美金。学习用品花了他15美金。根据表格可知Jim买的东西中只有Notebooks和Pens and pencils属于学习用品,花费金额占总支出的(1-35%-50%=15%),总支出为100美元,因此购买学习用品花了100×15%=15美元,故选C。
One day, a boy had a fight with 21. of his classmates at school. After the school finished, he went to his grandfather and told him his story that happened at school angrily. "He is too bad," the boy said. "And I hate him." The grandfather said, "Let me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I sometimes also hated others for what they did or what they said." As the boy listened carefully, the grandfather went on. "I think there are two tigers inside my heart. One is good and kind. He is always 22. try his best to do anything well. But 23. is bad and unfriendly. Even the 24. thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone 25. the time, and for no 26. . He can't think carefully because he always hates others. It is difficult 27. with these two tigers inside my heart. I can't stand 28. of them try to control (控制) me." The boy looked into his grandfather's 29. and asked, "How can we let the good tiger control us, Grandfather " The old man said slowly," That's 30. you. If you always feel the good and kind one, you will never hate others and seldom get angry. "
21.A.many B.some C.one
22.A.ready for B.ready
to C.ready
23.A.the others B.another C.the other
24.A.small B.smaller C.smallest
25.A.at B.all C.for
26.A.reason B.action C.service
27.A.to living B.to live C.lived
28.A.both B.none C.neither
29.A.mouth B.eyes C.heart
30.A.up to B.decide C.up for
21.句意:一天,一个男孩儿在学校和他的一个同学打了一架。A.many,形容词,许多的,修饰可数名词复数;B.some,形容词,一些的,修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词;C.one,基数词,一,修饰可数名词单数;根据“ "He is too bad," the boy said. "And I hate him." ”可知“a boy had a fight with……of his classmates at school. ”要表达男孩儿与他的一个同学打了一架,固定搭配one of,……中的一个,用在此处符合句意,故选C。
22.句意:他总是乐于尽力做好任何事情。A.ready for,为……做好准备;B.ready to,准备、快要、乐于;C.ready,形容词,准备好的、现成的、乐意的、情愿的;ready,形容词,准备好的、乐意的,固定搭配be ready for sth.准备好某事,be ready to do sth.乐于做某事,根据“ He is always……try his best to do anything well. ”可知此处要表达乐于做好任何事情,用到be ready to do结构,故选B。
23.句意:但是另外一只很坏,不友好。A.the others,特指剩余的其他人;B.another,形容词,再一、又一;C.the other,特指两个中的另外一个;根据“I think there are two tigers inside my heart. One is good and kind. ……”可知“But……is bad and unfriendly.”要表达另外一只很坏,强调两者中的另外一个,用到the other结构,故选C。
24.句意:甚至最小的事情都会让他生气。A.small,形容词,小的;B.smaller,形容词,更小的;C.smallest,形容词,最小的;根据“But……is bad and unfriendly. ”可知“Even the…… thing will make him angry. ”要表达甚至最小的事情都会让他生气,所填词是形容词最高级,故选C。
25.句意:他总是无缘无故地和所有人打架。A.at,介词,在;B.all,形容词,所有的;C.for,介词,为了、对;根据“ He fights with everyone……the time, and for no…… ”可知此处要表达它总是无缘无故的和所有人打架,固定搭配all the time,总是,一直,用在此处符合句意,故选B。
26.句意:他总是无缘无故地和所有人打架。A.reason,名词,原因;B.action,名词,动作、行为;C.service,名词,服务;根据“ He fights with everyone……the time, and for no…… ”可知此处要表达它总是无缘无故的和所有人打架,固定搭配for no reason,无缘无故,用在此处符合句意,故选A。
27.句意:与我内心深处的这两只老虎生活在一起很困难。A.to living,B.to live,动词不定式,居住、生活;C.lived,动词过去时,居住、生活;根据“It is difficult……with these two tigers inside my heart. ”可知此处要表达与我内心深处的这两只老虎生活在一起很困难,用到It is+形容词+to do结构,意为做某事是怎样的,故选B。
28.句意:我不能容忍它们两个都试图控制我。A.both,代词,两者都;B.none,代词,没有人、没有任何东西;C.neither,代词,两者都不;根据“I think there are two tigers inside my heart. ”可知“ I can't stand……of them try to control (控制) me.”要表达我不能容忍它们两个都试图控制我,固定搭配both of,两者都,用在此处符合句意,故选A。
29.句意:“我们怎样能让好的老虎控制我们?”这个男孩儿看着他祖父的眼睛问到。A.mouth,名词,嘴;B.eyes,名词,眼睛;C.heart,名词,心脏;根据“The boy looked into his grandfather's……”可知此处要表达这个男孩儿看着祖父的眼睛,故选B。
30.句意:由你决定。A.up to,达到、胜任、该由……决定;B.decide,动词,决定;C.up for,正被考虑、正处于;根据“If you always feel the good and kind one, you will never hate others and seldom get angry. ”可知“That's……you”要表达有你决定,固定搭配up to,由……决定,故选A。
High Teas On each Sunday during winter, we are serving a delicious High Tea in
the Rainforest Room. Enjoy the beautiful gardens, see the amazing animals, and
then join us from 1:30 p. m. for High Tea! Booking is necessary.
High Tea meal includes a choice of sweet things with tea and coffee and one
hour's visit to the Melbourne Zoo before the High Tea starting at 1:30 p. m. $71. 00 per person ($64.
50 for members) $79. 00 per person with a glass of beer ($71.
70 for members) $36. 00 per child aged from 4 to 19
years old ($33. 00 for members) Please
note: For
children younger than four, buying a $36. 00 child's ticket is for parents
to go with. Date now available: Sunday 19th July —Sold Out Sunday 26th July — Selling Fast Sunday
16th August Sunday
23rd August More
dates will be open soon!
31.You can _____during High Tea.
A.make tea and coffee
B.see the animals
C.enjoy eating and drinking
32.The High Tea starts at _____.
A.1:30 a. m. B.1:30 p. m. C.2:30 p. m.
33.If six teenagers who are not members join in High Tea, they need to pay _____.
A.$198 B.$216 C.$426
34.According to the passage, we can know "Sunday 16th August" is in the season of ____.
A.winter B.spring C.summer
35.Which of the following is TRUE
A.We can't buy the ticket for High Tea meal on 19th July, because it won't open that day.
B.The member of the Rainforest Room can spend $71. 70 joining in High Tea with a glass of beer.
C.The children under four will be free.
31.细节理解题。根据“Your High Tea meal includes a choice of sweet things with tea ”可知下午茶期间可以吃好喝好,故选C。
32.细节理解题。根据“ one hour's visit to the Melbourne Zoo before the High Tea starting at 1:30 p. m.”可知下午茶在1:30开始,故选B。
33.数字计算题。根据“$36. 00 per child aged from 4 to 19 years old ($33. 00 for members)”可知这六个teenagers每个人的票价是36美元,六个人需要付216美元,故选B。
34.细节理解题。根据“On each Sunday during winter, we are serving a delicious High Tea in the Rainforest Room. ”可知下午茶多在冬季进行,“Sunday 16th August”是可以预定下午茶的时间,因此Sunday 16th August是在冬季,故选A。
35.细节理解题。根据“Date now available: Sunday 19th July —Sold Out ”可知不能预定 Sunday 19th July是因为那天已经被预订一空,选项A错误;根据“$79. 00 per person with a glass of beer ($71. 70 for members)”可知在热带雨林房间点一杯啤酒的会员价是71.7$,选项B正确;根据“For children younger than four, buying a $36. 00 child's ticket is for parents to go with.”可知四岁以下的孩子并不免费,选项C错误;故选B。
upon a time, there was a poor man. He worked hard in the fields, but he could
not get anything from them. One day, after working for hours, he has a rest
under a tree in the middle of the field. Just then, he saw a snake coming out
of an anthill(蚁丘). The man thought that the snake might be God of the field. If
he did not give it anything, he could not get anything from the field.
once, he went to bring a bowl of milk and gave the milk to the snake. "God
of the field! I didn't know that you live here. That's why I never gave you
anything. Please forgive me." Then he went home.
next day, when the man came, he found a gold coin in the bowl near the anthill.
From then on, each time the man gave milk to the snake, he got a gold coin. One
day the man was so busy that he couldn't send milk to the snake. So he asked
his son to take care of the snake. The son brought milk to the anthill and gave
it to the snake. The next day, when he came back, he found a gold coin in the
bowl. After taking the gold coin, he thought, "This anthill must be full
of gold coins. I could kill the snake and take them all." The next day,
the son came to the field with milk and a stick (木棍). He gave milk to the snake and hit it
with the stick.
The snake escaped (逃) the stick and bit (咬) him to death.
36.Once upon a time, there was a poor man
who didn't work hard in the fields.
37.The man went to bring a bottle of milk
and gave the milk to the snake.
38.One day the man was so lazy that he
couldn't send milk to the snake.
39.The son thought that the anthill was
full of gold coins.
the story, we can learn that being greedy (贪婪的) can cause great loss(损失)
36.细节理解题。根据“Once upon a time, there was a poor man. He worked hard in the fields, but he could not get anything from them.”可知这个穷人工作很努力,所给句子与原文意思不一致,故选错误。
37.细节理解题。根据“At once, he went to bring a bowl of milk and gave the milk to the snake. ”可知他立刻带来了一碗牛奶,把牛奶给了蛇,所给句子意思与原文不一致,故选错误。
38.细节理解题。根据“One day the man was so busy that he couldn't send milk to the snake. ”可知一天因为这个男人太忙了而不能给蛇送牛奶,所给句子意思与原文不一致,故选错误。
39.细节理解题。根据“After taking the gold coin, he thought, "This anthill must be full of gold coins.”可知蚂蚁洞里充满了金币,所给句子意思与原文一致,故选正确。
Scientists will put some robot fish into the sea near Spain this year. These robot fish will help people find out the pollution in the water. If the robot fish are able to finish their work successfully, the team of scientists hopes the fish will be used in rivers, lakes and seas around the world.
The robot fish are about 1.5 meters long. There is a detector(探测器) in their bodies. It can find the pollution in the water, and then the robot fish will eat part of it.
They can "swim" for eight hours in the sea freely and send back information to people on the beach. After their energy runs down, they will go back to the beach by themselves.
There are five robot fish altogether. Each costs about 29, 000 dollars. They are part of a three year project between engineering company BMT Group and Essex University in southeastern England.
41.From the passage we know the robot fish will________.
A.begin to work next year
B.work in the sea near England
C.find out the pollution in the water
42.What will the robot fish do if they find the pollution in the water
A.They will eat part of the trash.
B.They will stop working.
C.They will tell people where it is.
43.How long can the robot fish work each time
A.For five hours.
B.For eight hours.
C.For twelve hours.
44.The five robot fish cost ________ dollars altogether.
A.14, 500 B.29, 000 C.145, 000
45.Which of the following is TRUE
A.The robot fish look like sharks.
B.People have to help the robot fish go back to the beach.
C.The robot fish can go back to the beach by themselves.
41.细节理解题。根据“These robot fish will help people find out the pollution in the water. ”可知机器人鱼能帮助人们发现水污染,故选C。
42.细节理解题。根据“ It can find the pollution in the water, and then the robot fish will eat part of it.”可知如果发现污染,机器人鱼能吃掉一部分污染,故选A。
43.细节理解题。根据“They can "swim" for eight hours in the sea freely and send back information to people on the beach. ”可知机器人鱼每次工作八小时,故选B。
44.数字计算题。根据“There are five robot fish altogether. Each costs about 29, 000 dollars. ”可知共有5条机器人鱼,每条机器人鱼的造价为29000美元,因此五条共用145000美元,故选C。
45.细节理解题。根据“ After their energy runs down, they will go back to the beach by themselves.”可知当能量降低时,机器人鱼能自己回到岸上,选项C正确,故选C。
Why is setting goals important Because goals can help you do and experience everything you want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.
Successful people in life imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals.  46.  . It's like having a sign to show you where you want to go. Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a place to go to clearly in mind which can be found on a map. He can drive straight there surely without any wasted time. The other driver has no goal, or a map.  47.   But he drives aimlessly (无目的地) around, never getting anywhere, just using up oil. Which driver do you want to be  48.  . They decide what they want in life and then get there by setting goals and making plans. Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren't difficult to set and they aren't difficult to reach.  49.  . You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life.
Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it.  50.  . They are harder to forget. Also when you write your goals in your own way, you are able to make yourself realize situations that will bring you nearer to your goals.
A. Written goals can be reviewed usually. B. He starts off at the same time from the same place. C. It's up to you to find out what your goals really are. D. By setting goals you are taking control of your life. E. Winners in life set goals and find ways to achieve them.
A. Written goals can be reviewed usually.书面目标通常可以被牢记。
B. He starts off at the same time from the same place.他在同一时间从同一地点出发。
C. It's up to you to find out what your goals really are.这取决于你自己去发现你真正的目标是什么
D. By setting goals you are taking control of your life.。通过设定目标,你可以掌控自己的生活。
E. Winners in life set goals and find ways to achieve them.生活中的成功者设定目标并找到实现目标的方法。
46.根据“ It's like having a sign to show you where you want to go.Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a place to go to clearly in mind which can be found on a map.……”它就像是要展示你要去哪里的标志,可知所填句子要表达设置目标可以控制生活,结合选项,选项D“通过设定目标你能够控制你的生活,”符合此意, 故选D。
47.根据“ There are two drivers. One has a place to go to clearly in mind which can be found on a map. He can drive straight there surely without any wasted time. The other driver has no goal, or a map. ”可知所填句子要表达他在同一时间同一地点出发,结合选项,选项B符合此意,故选B。
48.根据“They decide what they want in life and then get there by setting goals and making plans.”在生活中他们决定他们想要的,并且通过设定目标和实现计划来到达那儿,可知所填句子要表达成功者的选择,结合选项,选项E“生活中的获胜者设定目标并且发现实现目标的方式”符合要求,故选E。
49.根据“Which driver do you want to be ……Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren't difficult to set and they aren't difficult to reach. ”可知所填句子要回答问题“Which driver do you want to be”,根据“You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life.”可知所填句子要表达由自己决定,结合选项,选项C“由你自己决定发现你真正的目标是什么”符合此意,故选C。
50.根据“Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it.”研究告诉我们,当我们写下一个目标时,我们更有可能实现它,可知所填句子与被写下的目标有关,结合选项,选项A“书面目标通常容易被记住”符合要求,故选A。
A. When will it start B. You can book it on our website. C. Do you still have tickets for the piano concert tonight D. Enjoy yourself. E. Where can I get the ticket F. Thank you for your help. G. It's wonderful.
A: Hello, this is Renmin Opera House. What can I do for you
B: Oh, hi.  51.  
A: One moment,please. Uh,yes,there are a few left.
B: That's great!  52.  
A: At 7: 30 p. m.
B: How long will it last
A: It will last about two hours.
B: Sounds great. Can I book(预定) one ticket now
A: Yes.  53.  
B: Well, but how can I do it
A: Just go to our website,fill in your information, choose a seat and pay online.
B: Sounds easy.  54.  
A: At the gate at least half an hour before the concert starts.
B:  55.  
A: You're welcome.
A. When will it start 它什么时候开始?
B. You can book it on our website.你可以在我们网站预定。
C. Do you still have tickets for the piano concert tonight 你还有今晚钢琴音乐会的票吗?
D. Enjoy yourself.玩儿的高兴。
E. Where can I get the ticket 我在哪里取票?
F. Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。
G. It's wonderful.太精彩了。
51.根据“One moment,please. Uh,yes,there are a few left.”可知所填句子要表达还有……吗,结合选项,选项C“你们还有今晚钢琴音乐会的票吗”符合要求,故选C。
52.根据“At 7: 30 p. m.”可知所填句子要表达它什么时间开始,结合选项,选项A符合要求,故选A。
53.根据“B: Well, but how can I do it A: Just go to our website,fill in your information, choose a seat and pay online.”可知所填句子要表达可以在网站预定,结合选项,选项B符合此意,故选B。
54.根据“ At the gate at least half an hour before the concert starts.”可知所填句子要表达在哪里取票,结合选项,选项E“我在哪里能拿到票”符合此意,故选E。
55.根据“You're welcome.”不客气,可知所填句子要表达谢谢,结合选项,选项F符合此意,故选F。
Andy: What are you reading, Ken
Ken: The Old Man and the Sea  56.   Hemingway.
Andy: Wow, now I know  57.   you're so good at writing stories.
Ken: Yes, I want to  58.   a writer.
Andy: How are you going to become a writer
Ken: Well, I'm going to keep on writing stories, of course. What do you want to be
Andy: My parents want me to be a doctor, but I'm not 59.   about that.
Ken: Well, don't worry. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best. Then you can be  60.   you want!
Andy: Yes, you're right.
56.根据“What are you reading, Ken ”可知“ The Old Man and the Sea……Hemingway.”要表达海明威写的老人与海,The Old Man and the Sea 被Hemingway写成,因此用介词by引出动作的发出者,故填by。
57.根据根据“, now I know……you're so good at writing stories.”可知此处要表达现在我知道你为什么如此擅长写故事了,why,疑问词,为什么,用在此处符合句意,故填why。
58.根据“now I know……you're so good at writing stories.”可知“ I want to……a writer.”此处要表达我想成为一名作家,want to be+a+职业,表示想成为……,故填be。
59.根据“ My parents want me to be a doctor,”我父母想让我当医生,可知“ but I'm not……about that.”要表达关于那我不确定,sure,形容词,确定的,一定的,固定搭配be(not)sure about……,关于……(不)确定,用在此处符合句意,故填sure。
60.根据“ Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best.”可知“ Then you can be……you want!”要表达然后你就可以成就任何你想成就的事,anything,不定代词,任何事情,用在此处符合句意,故填anything。
阅读短文,用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理 (每空一词,每词限用一次)
music, thinking about, me, tell, winner, enjoying, activity, is
Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same dreams
A new play called Hi, Ke'ai, 61.  us the story of a boy named Ke'ai, His parents wish him to become a painter or a 62.  or a scientist one day. They teach him to paint and to play the piano, but Ke'ai doesn't enjoy these 63.  . Then one day Ke'ai's parents see Liu Xiang 64.  a gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games, and they want him to 65.  a sportsman.
"But why do they want me to be somebody else " Ke'ai asks. "I just want to be 66.  . "
The play shows us that parents should understand their children, and learn to 67.  what kids want to do. Young students 68.  the story and also the music in the play. It's a very popular play for them.
【答案】61.tells;62.musician;63.activities;64.win;65.be;66.myself;67.think about;68.enjoy
music,名词,音乐;thinking about,考虑;me,代词,我;tell,动词,告诉;enjoying,形容词,令人喜欢的;activity,名词,活动;is,系动词,是;
61.句意:一个名为《嗨,可爱》的新话剧,讲述了一个名叫“可爱”的小男孩的故事。根据“His parents wish him to become a painter ”可知“A new play called Hi, Ke'ai, ……us the story of a boy named Ke'ai”应用一般现在时,要表达讲述了一个故事,tell,动词,告诉、讲述,tell a story of……讲述了……的故事,主语play是第三人称单数,因此谓语用单三,故填tells。
62.句意:他的父母希望某一天他成为一名画家或一名音乐家或一位科学家。结合所给单词,可知“ His parents wish him to become a painter or a……or a scientist one day”可知要表达他的父母希望某一天他会成为一名画家或一名音乐家或一名科学家,music,名词,音乐,musician,名词,音乐家,故填musician。
63.句意:但是可爱不喜欢这些活动。根据“ They teach him to paint and to play the piano, but ……”可知“Ke'ai doesn't enjoy these……”要表达可爱不喜欢这些活动,these,指示代词这些,修饰名词时名词用复数形式,activity,名词,活动,在句中被these修饰应用复数形式,故填activities。
64.句意:然而一天可爱的父母看见刘翔在雅典奥运会上赢了一枚金牌。根据“ Ke'ai's parents see Liu Xiang……a gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games”可知此处要表达可爱的父母看到刘翔在雅典奥运会上赢得了一枚金牌,see,动词,看见,固定搭配see sb. do sth.,要表达看见某人做某事,win,动词,赢,用在此处符合句意,故填win。
65.句意:然后他们想让他成为一名运动员。根据“they want him to……a sportsman.”可知此处要表达他们想让他成为一名运动员,want to be+a+职业,表示成为……,故填be。
66.句意:我只想做我自己。根据"But why do they want me to be somebody else "可知“I just want to be……”要表达我只想做自己,所填词是反身代词,与主语I对应用第一人称,me,代词宾格,我,myself,反射代词,我自己,用在此处符合句意,故填myself。
67.句意:这部话剧告诉我们父母应该理解孩子,并且学会去考虑孩子们想做什么。根据“ learn to……what kids want to do. ”可知此处要表达学会考虑孩子们想做什么,learn,动词,学会,固定搭配learn to do,学会做某事,thinking about,考虑,是现在分词形式,应改回原形think about,故填think about。
68.句意:年轻的学生们喜欢这个故事,也喜欢故事中的音乐。根据“ Young students……the story ”可知此处要表达学生们喜欢这个故事,描述客观事实,句子用一般现在时,主语students是复数形式,谓语用原形,enjoying,形容词,令人喜欢的,enjoy,动词,喜欢,用在此处符合句意,故填enjoy。
"The Chinese dream" is a hot topic of this year. Everyone has his own dream. It gives us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. Never giving up is the key to realizing our dreams. We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. Cooperation (合作) is also necessary. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. It is becoming one of the most important ways for people to live in the developing society. At the same time, we should learn to examine our ability because it helps us know our advantages (优势) and disadvantages as well as get full control of ourselves. Then we may have enough confidence in facing challenges.
d    : a wish to have or be sth, especially one
that seems difficult to achieve
c    : make it right
70.阅读短文 B,进行同义句转换,每空一词
Never giving up is the key to realize our dreams.
Never giving up is the key to make our dreams       .
71.What does dream give us to keep us going through difficulties
72.What is the key to realize our dreams
73.Why should we learn to examine our
71.Courage and confidence.
72.Never giving up.
73.Because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get full control of ourselves.
69.根据“ a wish to have or be sth, especially one that seems difficult to achieve”希望拥有或成为某物,尤其是似乎很难实现的愿望,可知所描述的单词是梦想,dream,名词或动词,梦想;根据“make it right”让它正确,可知所描述的动词是纠正,correct,动词,纠正、改正,符合此意;故填dream,correct。
70.realize,及物动词,实现,realize one's dream,实现某人的梦想;come true,不及物词组,实现,realize one's dream=make one's dream come true,故填come,true。
71.根据“It gives us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. ”可知梦想给我们战胜困难的勇气和自信,故填Courage and confidence.
72.根据“ Never giving up is the key to realizing our dreams. ”可知永不放弃是实现梦想的关键,故填Never giving up.
73.根据“ At the same time, we should learn to examine our ability because it helps us know our advantages (优势) and disadvantages as well as get full control of ourselves. ”可知我们要学会检测自己的能力,是因为它能帮助我们知道我们的优势和不足,能更好的自控,故填Because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get full control of ourselves.
A museum is a good place to keep old and beautiful things. A museum may be a place to learn about science and a place to find out about art or people or animals.
Some museums have old cars and planes. Many museums have pictures and statues (雕像).
Others have rocks and old bones (骨头). One museum even has a real old street inside. It has shops and people's statues doing business. It looks so real that you might feel that you are back to the old time.
Not only many cities but also some very small towns have museums. Indianapolis(印第安纳波利斯) has a children's museum. Children do not have to pay to get in. Children often go to the museum. They like to look at the dinosaur bones. They see a white bear that is ten feet tall.
On Saturday, children can hear talks about animals and trees in Indianapolis. They see movies. They take hikes. They even learn to make things there.
Museum— A Good  74.   to Keep Old and Beautiful Things
Things inside a museum Old cars and  75.  , pictures and statues, rocks and old bones
The feeling you have in a museum which has a real old street Feeling that you 76.  to the old time
The places where the museum lies In 77.  many cities and some very small towns
The activities that children are  78.  to do in the museum in Indianapolis Hearing talks, seeing movies, taking hikes and learning to make things
74.根据“A museum is a good place to keep old and beautiful things. ”可知标题“Museum— A Good……to Keep Old and Beautiful Things”为博物馆——一个保存古老的漂亮的东西的好地方,place,名词,地方,位于标题中首字母需要大写,故填Place。
75.根据“Some museums have old cars and planes.”可知一些博物馆里有旧汽车和飞机,故填planes。
76.根据“One museum even has a real old street inside. It has shops and people's statues doing business. It looks so real that you might feel that you are back to the old time.”一个博物馆里甚至有一条老街,它有商店和人们正在做生意的雕像,它看上去如此逼真以至于你或许认为回到了过去,be back to,回到……,returen,动词,回去,可以用return代替are back to,故填return。
77.根据“Not only many cities but also some very small towns have museums. ”可知“In……many cities and some very small towns”要表达许多城市和非常小的乡镇都有博物馆,both and,……和……都,故填both。
78.根据“Hearing talks, seeing movies, taking hikes and learning to make things”可知“The activities that children are……to do in the museum in Indianapolis”要表达孩子们在印第安纳波利斯博物馆能做的事情,固定搭配be able to do,能够做,故填able。
79.假如你是李雷,收到了Mike的电子邮件,得知他非常喜欢talent show。请根据以下信息给他回一封电子邮件,并和他分享你最喜爱的节目。
Dear Mike,
How are you doing
Best wishes to you!
Li Lei
【答案】Dear Alex,
How are you doing Im very happy to receive your e-mail. From your e-mail, I knew that you were worrying about your final exam. I think you shouldn't worry about it. As a saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." There is nothing you can't do if you put your heart into it. Believe in yourself. I think you can do some exercise when. you study too much time. Also, you can watch some shows to relax yourself.
Last Friday, our school held a discussion in the school hall. The students talked about their favorite TV shows. Different people like different shows. In my opinion, we students should watch more meaningful shows. They can make us relaxed and learn something.
I hope you can get good grades in the final exam.
Li Lei
【解析】【分析】这是一篇提纲作文。要求以Li Lei的名义给Mike写一封电子邮件,邮件内容以提纲的形式给出。邮件的格式与书信格式一致,邮件中要将喜爱的节目以及原因写明白,并且再提出至少两点放松身心的方法,比如多参加体育锻炼、学习唱歌、爬山等,注意要将句意表达清楚,文章要有一定的逻辑顺序,结构要合理,内容要充实。
【点评】考查提纲作文。邮件开头可以用“I'm happy/glad/excited to receive your email”来表达自己收到邮件的心情,过渡到最近参加的讨论会,例如Recently,I took part in a discussion about my favourite TV show,然后展开论述,注意在陈述喜爱这个节目的原因时,要使用一些表示先后顺序的词或短语使文章条理清晰,比如“on one hand……on the other hand”“first……second……”等;可以使用What's more过渡到其他放松身心的方法,比如take more exercise、go shopping、have a good sleep等。
1.In the following words, which underlined letters have a different sound from the others
A.northern B.smooth C.wealth
2.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound
A.relax empty B.eastern season C.custom suggestion
3.Which of the following words doesn't have the same stress as the others
A.pollute B.believe C.servant
4.Visiting a natural museum is _____enjoyable trip for young students.
A.a B.the C.an
5.Pizza time! Please enjoy __________, kids!
A.yourself B.you C.yourselves
6.Although ____ seems to be exciting, _____ seems bored.
A.everything, nobody B.everybody, nothing C.nothing, no one
7.—_______nice and fine weather! Let's go climbing.
—Sounds great.
A.How B.What a C.What
8.Happiness is very important. ________ you live, ________ you are. So try your best to make yourself happy every day.
A.The happier, the healthier
B.The more happily, the more healthily
C.The more happily, the healthier
9.—What do you think is important for the players on a team
—It's to play together and ___________ the best in each other.
A.bring out B.care about C.find out
10.— Can you give me some _____ I really don't know how to solve the problems.
—Of course. Staying calm (冷静) is the most important.
A.advices B.advice C.suggestion
11.We should keep our eyes ___________ while doing eye exercises.
A.close B.closed C.closer
12.—I am afraid the environment of the earth will be _______.
—Yes, I guess people will have to move to other planets.
A.in great danger B.much dangerous C.out of danger
13.Boys and girls, what a __________ a day makes! After _________ the exam today, I think you'll be more and more confident (自信).
A.difference; finishing B.different; finishing C.difference; finish
14.—What activities ______ in the English Festival
—English songs, shows, speeches and so on.
A.will be there
B.will there be
C.are there going to have
15.To our _______, Mike Brown didn't pass the final exam last week.
A.surprising B.surprise C.surprised
16.—How do you like my article, Mr. Green
—Er... , it is wonderful __________ there are some spelling mistakes.
A.if B.though C.because
17.Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future. However, they agree it may take _______ years.
A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.two hundreds
18.People in western countries celebrate this holiday with their families together. Adults (成年人) send cards to their family and friends with their best wishes. Children put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep so that it can be filled with presents. It falls on_______.
A.New Year's Day B.Christmas Day C.Thanksgiving
19.As a middle school student, following the school rules helps you become better and better. So you shouldn't ____ at school.
①wear the school uniform
②fight with your classmates
③be quiet in the library
④run in the hallways
⑤eat snacks in class
A.①③ B.②③ C.④⑤
20.Jim went shopping and spent 100 dollars on these following things yesterday. The school things cost him _____ dollars.
Food for dinner Clothes Pens and pencils Notebooks
35% 50% 10% ?
A.5 B.10 C.15
One day, a boy had a fight with 21. of his classmates at school. After the school finished, he went to his grandfather and told him his story that happened at school angrily. "He is too bad," the boy said. "And I hate him." The grandfather said, "Let me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I sometimes also hated others for what they did or what they said." As the boy listened carefully, the grandfather went on. "I think there are two tigers inside my heart. One is good and kind. He is always 22. try his best to do anything well. But 23. is bad and unfriendly. Even the 24. thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone 25. the time, and for no 26. . He can't think carefully because he always hates others. It is difficult 27. with these two tigers inside my heart. I can't stand 28. of them try to control (控制) me." The boy looked into his grandfather's 29. and asked, "How can we let the good tiger control us, Grandfather " The old man said slowly," That's 30. you. If you always feel the good and kind one, you will never hate others and seldom get angry. "
21.A.many B.some C.one
22.A.ready for B.ready
to C.ready
23.A.the others B.another C.the other
24.A.small B.smaller C.smallest
25.A.at B.all C.for
26.A.reason B.action C.service
27.A.to living B.to live C.lived
28.A.both B.none C.neither
29.A.mouth B.eyes C.heart
30.A.up to B.decide C.up for
High Teas On each Sunday during winter, we are serving a delicious High Tea in
the Rainforest Room. Enjoy the beautiful gardens, see the amazing animals, and
then join us from 1:30 p. m. for High Tea! Booking is necessary.
High Tea meal includes a choice of sweet things with tea and coffee and one
hour's visit to the Melbourne Zoo before the High Tea starting at 1:30 p. m. $71. 00 per person ($64.
50 for members) $79. 00 per person with a glass of beer ($71.
70 for members) $36. 00 per child aged from 4 to 19
years old ($33. 00 for members) Please
note: For
children younger than four, buying a $36. 00 child's ticket is for parents
to go with. Date now available: Sunday 19th July —Sold Out Sunday 26th July — Selling Fast Sunday
16th August Sunday
23rd August More
dates will be open soon!
31.You can _____during High Tea.
A.make tea and coffee
B.see the animals
C.enjoy eating and drinking
32.The High Tea starts at _____.
A.1:30 a. m. B.1:30 p. m. C.2:30 p. m.
33.If six teenagers who are not members join in High Tea, they need to pay _____.
A.$198 B.$216 C.$426
34.According to the passage, we can know "Sunday 16th August" is in the season of ____.
A.winter B.spring C.summer
35.Which of the following is TRUE
A.We can't buy the ticket for High Tea meal on 19th July, because it won't open that day.
B.The member of the Rainforest Room can spend $71. 70 joining in High Tea with a glass of beer.
C.The children under four will be free.
upon a time, there was a poor man. He worked hard in the fields, but he could
not get anything from them. One day, after working for hours, he has a rest
under a tree in the middle of the field. Just then, he saw a snake coming out
of an anthill(蚁丘). The man thought that the snake might be God of the field. If
he did not give it anything, he could not get anything from the field.
once, he went to bring a bowl of milk and gave the milk to the snake. "God
of the field! I didn't know that you live here. That's why I never gave you
anything. Please forgive me." Then he went home.
next day, when the man came, he found a gold coin in the bowl near the anthill.
From then on, each time the man gave milk to the snake, he got a gold coin. One
day the man was so busy that he couldn't send milk to the snake. So he asked
his son to take care of the snake. The son brought milk to the anthill and gave
it to the snake. The next day, when he came back, he found a gold coin in the
bowl. After taking the gold coin, he thought, "This anthill must be full
of gold coins. I could kill the snake and take them all." The next day,
the son came to the field with milk and a stick (木棍). He gave milk to the snake and hit it
with the stick.
The snake escaped (逃) the stick and bit (咬) him to death.
36.Once upon a time, there was a poor man
who didn't work hard in the fields.
37.The man went to bring a bottle of milk
and gave the milk to the snake.
38.One day the man was so lazy that he
couldn't send milk to the snake.
39.The son thought that the anthill was
full of gold coins.
the story, we can learn that being greedy (贪婪的) can cause great loss(损失)
Scientists will put some robot fish into the sea near Spain this year. These robot fish will help people find out the pollution in the water. If the robot fish are able to finish their work successfully, the team of scientists hopes the fish will be used in rivers, lakes and seas around the world.
The robot fish are about 1.5 meters long. There is a detector(探测器) in their bodies. It can find the pollution in the water, and then the robot fish will eat part of it.
They can "swim" for eight hours in the sea freely and send back information to people on the beach. After their energy runs down, they will go back to the beach by themselves.
There are five robot fish altogether. Each costs about 29, 000 dollars. They are part of a three year project between engineering company BMT Group and Essex University in southeastern England.
41.From the passage we know the robot fish will________.
A.begin to work next year
B.work in the sea near England
C.find out the pollution in the water
42.What will the robot fish do if they find the pollution in the water
A.They will eat part of the trash.
B.They will stop working.
C.They will tell people where it is.
43.How long can the robot fish work each time
A.For five hours.
B.For eight hours.
C.For twelve hours.
44.The five robot fish cost ________ dollars altogether.
A.14, 500 B.29, 000 C.145, 000
45.Which of the following is TRUE
A.The robot fish look like sharks.
B.People have to help the robot fish go back to the beach.
C.The robot fish can go back to the beach by themselves.
Why is setting goals important Because goals can help you do and experience everything you want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.
Successful people in life imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals.  46.  . It's like having a sign to show you where you want to go. Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a place to go to clearly in mind which can be found on a map. He can drive straight there surely without any wasted time. The other driver has no goal, or a map.  47.   But he drives aimlessly (无目的地) around, never getting anywhere, just using up oil. Which driver do you want to be  48.  . They decide what they want in life and then get there by setting goals and making plans. Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren't difficult to set and they aren't difficult to reach.  49.  . You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life.
Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it.  50.  . They are harder to forget. Also when you write your goals in your own way, you are able to make yourself realize situations that will bring you nearer to your goals.
A. Written goals can be reviewed usually. B. He starts off at the same time from the same place. C. It's up to you to find out what your goals really are. D. By setting goals you are taking control of your life. E. Winners in life set goals and find ways to achieve them.
A. When will it start B. You can book it on our website. C. Do you still have tickets for the piano concert tonight D. Enjoy yourself. E. Where can I get the ticket F. Thank you for your help. G. It's wonderful.
A: Hello, this is Renmin Opera House. What can I do for you
B: Oh, hi.  51.  
A: One moment,please. Uh,yes,there are a few left.
B: That's great!  52.  
A: At 7: 30 p. m.
B: How long will it last
A: It will last about two hours.
B: Sounds great. Can I book(预定) one ticket now
A: Yes.  53.  
B: Well, but how can I do it
A: Just go to our website,fill in your information, choose a seat and pay online.
B: Sounds easy.  54.  
A: At the gate at least half an hour before the concert starts.
B:  55.  
A: You're welcome.
Andy: What are you reading, Ken
Ken: The Old Man and the Sea  56.   Hemingway.
Andy: Wow, now I know  57.   you're so good at writing stories.
Ken: Yes, I want to  58.   a writer.
Andy: How are you going to become a writer
Ken: Well, I'm going to keep on writing stories, of course. What do you want to be
Andy: My parents want me to be a doctor, but I'm not 59.   about that.
Ken: Well, don't worry. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best. Then you can be  60.   you want!
Andy: Yes, you're right.
阅读短文,用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理 (每空一词,每词限用一次)
music, thinking about, me, tell, winner, enjoying, activity, is
Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same dreams
A new play called Hi, Ke'ai, 61.  us the story of a boy named Ke'ai, His parents wish him to become a painter or a 62.  or a scientist one day. They teach him to paint and to play the piano, but Ke'ai doesn't enjoy these 63.  . Then one day Ke'ai's parents see Liu Xiang 64.  a gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games, and they want him to 65.  a sportsman.
"But why do they want me to be somebody else " Ke'ai asks. "I just want to be 66.  . "
The play shows us that parents should understand their children, and learn to 67.  what kids want to do. Young students 68.  the story and also the music in the play. It's a very popular play for them.
"The Chinese dream" is a hot topic of this year. Everyone has his own dream. It gives us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. Never giving up is the key to realizing our dreams. We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. Cooperation (合作) is also necessary. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. It is becoming one of the most important ways for people to live in the developing society. At the same time, we should learn to examine our ability because it helps us know our advantages (优势) and disadvantages as well as get full control of ourselves. Then we may have enough confidence in facing challenges.
d    : a wish to have or be sth, especially one
that seems difficult to achieve
c    : make it right
70.阅读短文 B,进行同义句转换,每空一词
Never giving up is the key to realize our dreams.
Never giving up is the key to make our dreams       .
71.What does dream give us to keep us going through difficulties
72.What is the key to realize our dreams
73.Why should we learn to examine our
A museum is a good place to keep old and beautiful things. A museum may be a place to learn about science and a place to find out about art or people or animals.
Some museums have old cars and planes. Many museums have pictures and statues (雕像).
Others have rocks and old bones (骨头). One museum even has a real old street inside. It has shops and people's statues doing business. It looks so real that you might feel that you are back to the old time.
Not only many cities but also some very small towns have museums. Indianapolis(印第安纳波利斯) has a children's museum. Children do not have to pay to get in. Children often go to the museum. They like to look at the dinosaur bones. They see a white bear that is ten feet tall.
On Saturday, children can hear talks about animals and trees in Indianapolis. They see movies. They take hikes. They even learn to make things there.
Museum— A Good  74.   to Keep Old and Beautiful Things
Things inside a museum Old cars and  75.  , pictures and statues, rocks and old bones
The feeling you have in a museum which has a real old street Feeling that you 76.  to the old time
The places where the museum lies In 77.  many cities and some very small towns
The activities that children are  78.  to do in the museum in Indianapolis Hearing talks, seeing movies, taking hikes and learning to make things
79.假如你是李雷,收到了Mike的电子邮件,得知他非常喜欢talent show。请根据以下信息给他回一封电子邮件,并和他分享你最喜爱的节目。
Dear Mike,
How are you doing
Best wishes to you!
Li Lei
【解析】【分析】句意:下列单词中哪个单词划线字母的发音与其他单词不同?A. northern, [ n n] ,形容词,北方的、朝北的,th组合发/ /;B.smooth,[smu ] ,形容词,光滑的、光洁的,th组合发 / /;C.wealth, [welθ],名词,财富、财产,th组合发/θ/,故C。
【解析】【分析】句意:哪组单词划线字母发音相同?A.relax[r l ks],动词,放松,e发/ /;empty,形容词,空的、独自空的、茫然的,e发/e/;两个单词划线字母发音不同;B.eastern [ i st n] ,形容词,向东方的、东方的,ea组合发/i /;season['si zn],名词,季节,ea组合发/i /;两个单词划线字母发音相同;C.custom[ k st m],名词,风俗、习惯,u发/ /;suggestion [s d est n] ,名词,建议,u发/ /;划线字母发音不同,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:下列哪个单词的重读与其他单词不同?A.pollute,动词,污染, [p lu t],第二个音节重读;B.believe,动词,相信, [b li v],第二个音节重读;C.servant,名词,雇员、职员, [ s vnt],第一个音节重读;因此选项C与其他单词重读不同,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:对青少年而言参观自然博物馆是一次令人愉快的旅行。根据“Visiting a natural museum is……enjoyable trip”可知此处要表达是一次愉快的旅行,trip ,名词,旅行,此处要表达一次旅行,用到不定冠词a或an,enjoyable是元音音素开头,因此用an,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:披萨时间! 请尽情享用,孩子们!A.yourself,反身代词,你自己;B.you,代词,你;C.yourselves,反身代词,你们自己;固定搭配enjoy oneself,玩儿的高兴,根据kids可知此处应用yourselves,故选C。
【点评】考查反身代词。识记短语enjoy oneself的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:尽管似乎没有事情让人振奋,但没有人疲惫。A.everything,不定代词,每件事情;nobody,不定代词,没有人;B.everybody,不定代词,每个人;nothing,不定代词,没有东西;C.nothing,不定代词,没有东西,no noe,没有人;根据“Although…seems to be exciting, … seems bored.”可知此句要表达尽管似乎没有事情让人振奋,但没有人疲惫,因此第一空用nothing,第二空用no one,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:——多么好多么晴朗的天气啊!让我们去爬山吧。——听上去不错。根据“……nice and fine weather! ”可知此句是感叹句,感叹句有两种结构,第一种是What+(a/an/零冠词+形容词)+名词(+主语+谓语)!;第二种是How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语;根据“……nice and fine weather! ”可知此处符合what引导的感叹句结构,weather是不可数名词,因此weather前没有冠词,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:快乐非常重要。你活地越快乐,你就会越健康。因此每天尽力让自己快乐。根据“…… you live…… you are. ”可知此处用到“the+比较级+句子,the+比较级+句子”结构,其中第一空中所填词修饰动词live,因此是副词的比较级,happily,副词,快乐地,比较级为more happily,第二空所填词作系动词are的表语,因此用形容词比较级,healthy,形容词,健康的,其比较级为healthier,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你认为在一场比赛上对运动员而言什么是重要的?——是团结协作,让彼此发挥出最好的一面。A.bring out,使明显、 拿出、推出;B.care about,关系、担心;C.find out,发现、找出;根据“It's to play together and……the best in each other.”可知此处要表达团结协作,让彼此拿出最好的一面,固定搭配bring out,拿出、推出,用在此处符合句意,故选A。
【点评】考查短语辨析。识记bring out、care about、find out的意思及用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:——我恐怕地球的环境将会陷入危险。——是的,我猜人们将不得不移居到其他星球。A.in great danger,陷入巨大危险;B.much dangerous,形式错误;C.out of danger,脱离危险;“Yes, I guess people will have to move to other planets.”可知“I am afraid the environment of the earth will be……”要表达地球将陷入巨大的危险,固定搭配be in danger,陷入危险,用在此处符合句意,故选A。
【点评】考查短语辨析。识记in danger与out of danger的用法,注意根据句意选择恰当的短语。
【知识点】there be结构
【解析】【分析】句意:——英语晚会上将会有什么活动?——英文歌、才艺展示、演讲等。根据“What activities……in the English Festival ”可知是表示存在有的特殊疑问句,特殊疑问句的结构为特殊疑问词+一般疑问句语序,用到there be句式的一般将来时there will be,变一般疑问句将助动词will提到there的前面即可,排除选项A,there be句式不与have混用,排除选项C,故选B。
【点评】考查there be结构。识记there be的各种时态变化形式,主语there be句式不与have混用。
【解析】【分析】句意:让我们吃惊的是,上个周Mike Brown没有通过期末考试。A.surprising,形容词,令人惊讶的;B.surprisie,名词,惊讶、吃惊;C.surprised,形容词,感到吃惊的;固定搭配to one's surprise,令人吃惊的是,故选B。
【点评】考查固定搭配。识记to one's surprise结构的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:——Mr. Green,你认为我的文章怎么样?——额,尽管有一些拼写错误,但它很精彩。A.if,连词,如果,表示条件;B.though,连词,即使,表示让步关系;C.because,连词,因为;根据“it is wonderful……there are some spelling mistakes.”可知此处要表达即使有一些拼写错误,它也很精彩,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:一些科学家认为将来会有更多的机器人。然而,他们一致认为它将花费数百年时间。hundred,名词,百,具体数字+hundred,表示几百;hundreds of,数百的,成百上千的;故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:西方国家的人们和他们的家人一起庆祝这个节日。成年人送卡片给他们的家人和朋友,并送上他们最美好的祝愿。孩子们睡觉前在床尾放一只长袜,这样就可以装满礼物了。那天是圣诞节。A.New Year's Day,新年;B.Christmas Day,圣诞节;C.Thanksgiving,感恩节;根据“Children put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep so that it can be filled with presents. ”可以判断出这个节日是圣诞节,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:作为一名中学生,遵守学校规则会让你变得越来越好。因此你不应该在走廊里奔跑和在课堂上吃零食。①wear the school uniform,穿校服;②fight with your classmates,和同学打架;③be quiet in the library,在图书馆保持安静;④run in the hallways,在走廊上奔跑⑤eat snacks in class,在教室里吃零食。根据常识可知④⑤的行为不符合学校规则,不应该做,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:昨天Jim去购物并且在下面这些东西上花了100美金。学习用品花了他15美金。根据表格可知Jim买的东西中只有Notebooks和Pens and pencils属于学习用品,花费金额占总支出的(1-35%-50%=15%),总支出为100美元,因此购买学习用品花了100×15%=15美元,故选C。
21.句意:一天,一个男孩儿在学校和他的一个同学打了一架。A.many,形容词,许多的,修饰可数名词复数;B.some,形容词,一些的,修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词;C.one,基数词,一,修饰可数名词单数;根据“ "He is too bad," the boy said. "And I hate him." ”可知“a boy had a fight with……of his classmates at school. ”要表达男孩儿与他的一个同学打了一架,固定搭配one of,……中的一个,用在此处符合句意,故选C。
22.句意:他总是乐于尽力做好任何事情。A.ready for,为……做好准备;B.ready to,准备、快要、乐于;C.ready,形容词,准备好的、现成的、乐意的、情愿的;ready,形容词,准备好的、乐意的,固定搭配be ready for sth.准备好某事,be ready to do sth.乐于做某事,根据“ He is always……try his best to do anything well. ”可知此处要表达乐于做好任何事情,用到be ready to do结构,故选B。
23.句意:但是另外一只很坏,不友好。A.the others,特指剩余的其他人;B.another,形容词,再一、又一;C.the other,特指两个中的另外一个;根据“I think there are two tigers inside my heart. One is good and kind. ……”可知“But……is bad and unfriendly.”要表达另外一只很坏,强调两者中的另外一个,用到the other结构,故选C。
24.句意:甚至最小的事情都会让他生气。A.small,形容词,小的;B.smaller,形容词,更小的;C.smallest,形容词,最小的;根据“But……is bad and unfriendly. ”可知“Even the…… thing will make him angry. ”要表达甚至最小的事情都会让他生气,所填词是形容词最高级,故选C。
25.句意:他总是无缘无故地和所有人打架。A.at,介词,在;B.all,形容词,所有的;C.for,介词,为了、对;根据“ He fights with everyone……the time, and for no…… ”可知此处要表达它总是无缘无故的和所有人打架,固定搭配all the time,总是,一直,用在此处符合句意,故选B。
26.句意:他总是无缘无故地和所有人打架。A.reason,名词,原因;B.action,名词,动作、行为;C.service,名词,服务;根据“ He fights with everyone……the time, and for no…… ”可知此处要表达它总是无缘无故的和所有人打架,固定搭配for no reason,无缘无故,用在此处符合句意,故选A。
27.句意:与我内心深处的这两只老虎生活在一起很困难。A.to living,B.to live,动词不定式,居住、生活;C.lived,动词过去时,居住、生活;根据“It is difficult……with these two tigers inside my heart. ”可知此处要表达与我内心深处的这两只老虎生活在一起很困难,用到It is+形容词+to do结构,意为做某事是怎样的,故选B。
28.句意:我不能容忍它们两个都试图控制我。A.both,代词,两者都;B.none,代词,没有人、没有任何东西;C.neither,代词,两者都不;根据“I think there are two tigers inside my heart. ”可知“ I can't stand……of them try to control (控制) me.”要表达我不能容忍它们两个都试图控制我,固定搭配both of,两者都,用在此处符合句意,故选A。
29.句意:“我们怎样能让好的老虎控制我们?”这个男孩儿看着他祖父的眼睛问到。A.mouth,名词,嘴;B.eyes,名词,眼睛;C.heart,名词,心脏;根据“The boy looked into his grandfather's……”可知此处要表达这个男孩儿看着祖父的眼睛,故选B。
30.句意:由你决定。A.up to,达到、胜任、该由……决定;B.decide,动词,决定;C.up for,正被考虑、正处于;根据“If you always feel the good and kind one, you will never hate others and seldom get angry. ”可知“That's……you”要表达有你决定,固定搭配up to,由……决定,故选A。
31.细节理解题。根据“Your High Tea meal includes a choice of sweet things with tea ”可知下午茶期间可以吃好喝好,故选C。
32.细节理解题。根据“ one hour's visit to the Melbourne Zoo before the High Tea starting at 1:30 p. m.”可知下午茶在1:30开始,故选B。
33.数字计算题。根据“$36. 00 per child aged from 4 to 19 years old ($33. 00 for members)”可知这六个teenagers每个人的票价是36美元,六个人需要付216美元,故选B。
34.细节理解题。根据“On each Sunday during winter, we are serving a delicious High Tea in the Rainforest Room. ”可知下午茶多在冬季进行,“Sunday 16th August”是可以预定下午茶的时间,因此Sunday 16th August是在冬季,故选A。
35.细节理解题。根据“Date now available: Sunday 19th July —Sold Out ”可知不能预定 Sunday 19th July是因为那天已经被预订一空,选项A错误;根据“$79. 00 per person with a glass of beer ($71. 70 for members)”可知在热带雨林房间点一杯啤酒的会员价是71.7$,选项B正确;根据“For children younger than four, buying a $36. 00 child's ticket is for parents to go with.”可知四岁以下的孩子并不免费,选项C错误;故选B。
36.细节理解题。根据“Once upon a time, there was a poor man. He worked hard in the fields, but he could not get anything from them.”可知这个穷人工作很努力,所给句子与原文意思不一致,故选错误。
37.细节理解题。根据“At once, he went to bring a bowl of milk and gave the milk to the snake. ”可知他立刻带来了一碗牛奶,把牛奶给了蛇,所给句子意思与原文不一致,故选错误。
38.细节理解题。根据“One day the man was so busy that he couldn't send milk to the snake. ”可知一天因为这个男人太忙了而不能给蛇送牛奶,所给句子意思与原文不一致,故选错误。
39.细节理解题。根据“After taking the gold coin, he thought, "This anthill must be full of gold coins.”可知蚂蚁洞里充满了金币,所给句子意思与原文一致,故选正确。
41.细节理解题。根据“These robot fish will help people find out the pollution in the water. ”可知机器人鱼能帮助人们发现水污染,故选C。
42.细节理解题。根据“ It can find the pollution in the water, and then the robot fish will eat part of it.”可知如果发现污染,机器人鱼能吃掉一部分污染,故选A。
43.细节理解题。根据“They can "swim" for eight hours in the sea freely and send back information to people on the beach. ”可知机器人鱼每次工作八小时,故选B。
44.数字计算题。根据“There are five robot fish altogether. Each costs about 29, 000 dollars. ”可知共有5条机器人鱼,每条机器人鱼的造价为29000美元,因此五条共用145000美元,故选C。
45.细节理解题。根据“ After their energy runs down, they will go back to the beach by themselves.”可知当能量降低时,机器人鱼能自己回到岸上,选项C正确,故选C。
A. Written goals can be reviewed usually.书面目标通常可以被牢记。
B. He starts off at the same time from the same place.他在同一时间从同一地点出发。
C. It's up to you to find out what your goals really are.这取决于你自己去发现你真正的目标是什么
D. By setting goals you are taking control of your life.。通过设定目标,你可以掌控自己的生活。
E. Winners in life set goals and find ways to achieve them.生活中的成功者设定目标并找到实现目标的方法。
46.根据“ It's like having a sign to show you where you want to go.Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a place to go to clearly in mind which can be found on a map.……”它就像是要展示你要去哪里的标志,可知所填句子要表达设置目标可以控制生活,结合选项,选项D“通过设定目标你能够控制你的生活,”符合此意, 故选D。
47.根据“ There are two drivers. One has a place to go to clearly in mind which can be found on a map. He can drive straight there surely without any wasted time. The other driver has no goal, or a map. ”可知所填句子要表达他在同一时间同一地点出发,结合选项,选项B符合此意,故选B。
48.根据“They decide what they want in life and then get there by setting goals and making plans.”在生活中他们决定他们想要的,并且通过设定目标和实现计划来到达那儿,可知所填句子要表达成功者的选择,结合选项,选项E“生活中的获胜者设定目标并且发现实现目标的方式”符合要求,故选E。
49.根据“Which driver do you want to be ……Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren't difficult to set and they aren't difficult to reach. ”可知所填句子要回答问题“Which driver do you want to be”,根据“You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life.”可知所填句子要表达由自己决定,结合选项,选项C“由你自己决定发现你真正的目标是什么”符合此意,故选C。
50.根据“Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it.”研究告诉我们,当我们写下一个目标时,我们更有可能实现它,可知所填句子与被写下的目标有关,结合选项,选项A“书面目标通常容易被记住”符合要求,故选A。
A. When will it start 它什么时候开始?
B. You can book it on our website.你可以在我们网站预定。
C. Do you still have tickets for the piano concert tonight 你还有今晚钢琴音乐会的票吗?
D. Enjoy yourself.玩儿的高兴。
E. Where can I get the ticket 我在哪里取票?
F. Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。
G. It's wonderful.太精彩了。
51.根据“One moment,please. Uh,yes,there are a few left.”可知所填句子要表达还有……吗,结合选项,选项C“你们还有今晚钢琴音乐会的票吗”符合要求,故选C。
52.根据“At 7: 30 p. m.”可知所填句子要表达它什么时间开始,结合选项,选项A符合要求,故选A。
53.根据“B: Well, but how can I do it A: Just go to our website,fill in your information, choose a seat and pay online.”可知所填句子要表达可以在网站预定,结合选项,选项B符合此意,故选B。
54.根据“ At the gate at least half an hour before the concert starts.”可知所填句子要表达在哪里取票,结合选项,选项E“我在哪里能拿到票”符合此意,故选E。
55.根据“You're welcome.”不客气,可知所填句子要表达谢谢,结合选项,选项F符合此意,故选F。
56.根据“What are you reading, Ken ”可知“ The Old Man and the Sea……Hemingway.”要表达海明威写的老人与海,The Old Man and the Sea 被Hemingway写成,因此用介词by引出动作的发出者,故填by。
57.根据根据“, now I know……you're so good at writing stories.”可知此处要表达现在我知道你为什么如此擅长写故事了,why,疑问词,为什么,用在此处符合句意,故填why。
58.根据“now I know……you're so good at writing stories.”可知“ I want to……a writer.”此处要表达我想成为一名作家,want to be+a+职业,表示想成为……,故填be。
59.根据“ My parents want me to be a doctor,”我父母想让我当医生,可知“ but I'm not……about that.”要表达关于那我不确定,sure,形容词,确定的,一定的,固定搭配be(not)sure about……,关于……(不)确定,用在此处符合句意,故填sure。
60.根据“ Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best.”可知“ Then you can be……you want!”要表达然后你就可以成就任何你想成就的事,anything,不定代词,任何事情,用在此处符合句意,故填anything。
【答案】61.tells;62.musician;63.activities;64.win;65.be;66.myself;67.think about;68.enjoy
music,名词,音乐;thinking about,考虑;me,代词,我;tell,动词,告诉;enjoying,形容词,令人喜欢的;activity,名词,活动;is,系动词,是;
61.句意:一个名为《嗨,可爱》的新话剧,讲述了一个名叫“可爱”的小男孩的故事。根据“His parents wish him to become a painter ”可知“A new play called Hi, Ke'ai, ……us the story of a boy named Ke'ai”应用一般现在时,要表达讲述了一个故事,tell,动词,告诉、讲述,tell a story of……讲述了……的故事,主语play是第三人称单数,因此谓语用单三,故填tells。
62.句意:他的父母希望某一天他成为一名画家或一名音乐家或一位科学家。结合所给单词,可知“ His parents wish him to become a painter or a……or a scientist one day”可知要表达他的父母希望某一天他会成为一名画家或一名音乐家或一名科学家,music,名词,音乐,musician,名词,音乐家,故填musician。
63.句意:但是可爱不喜欢这些活动。根据“ They teach him to paint and to play the piano, but ……”可知“Ke'ai doesn't enjoy these……”要表达可爱不喜欢这些活动,these,指示代词这些,修饰名词时名词用复数形式,activity,名词,活动,在句中被these修饰应用复数形式,故填activities。
64.句意:然而一天可爱的父母看见刘翔在雅典奥运会上赢了一枚金牌。根据“ Ke'ai's parents see Liu Xiang……a gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games”可知此处要表达可爱的父母看到刘翔在雅典奥运会上赢得了一枚金牌,see,动词,看见,固定搭配see sb. do sth.,要表达看见某人做某事,win,动词,赢,用在此处符合句意,故填win。
65.句意:然后他们想让他成为一名运动员。根据“they want him to……a sportsman.”可知此处要表达他们想让他成为一名运动员,want to be+a+职业,表示成为……,故填be。
66.句意:我只想做我自己。根据"But why do they want me to be somebody else "可知“I just want to be……”要表达我只想做自己,所填词是反身代词,与主语I对应用第一人称,me,代词宾格,我,myself,反射代词,我自己,用在此处符合句意,故填myself。
67.句意:这部话剧告诉我们父母应该理解孩子,并且学会去考虑孩子们想做什么。根据“ learn to……what kids want to do. ”可知此处要表达学会考虑孩子们想做什么,learn,动词,学会,固定搭配learn to do,学会做某事,thinking about,考虑,是现在分词形式,应改回原形think about,故填think about。
68.句意:年轻的学生们喜欢这个故事,也喜欢故事中的音乐。根据“ Young students……the story ”可知此处要表达学生们喜欢这个故事,描述客观事实,句子用一般现在时,主语students是复数形式,谓语用原形,enjoying,形容词,令人喜欢的,enjoy,动词,喜欢,用在此处符合句意,故填enjoy。
71.Courage and confidence.
72.Never giving up.
73.Because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get full control of ourselves.
69.根据“ a wish to have or be sth, especially one that seems difficult to achieve”希望拥有或成为某物,尤其是似乎很难实现的愿望,可知所描述的单词是梦想,dream,名词或动词,梦想;根据“make it right”让它正确,可知所描述的动词是纠正,correct,动词,纠正、改正,符合此意;故填dream,correct。
70.realize,及物动词,实现,realize one's dream,实现某人的梦想;come true,不及物词组,实现,realize one's dream=make one's dream come true,故填come,true。
71.根据“It gives us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties. ”可知梦想给我们战胜困难的勇气和自信,故填Courage and confidence.
72.根据“ Never giving up is the key to realizing our dreams. ”可知永不放弃是实现梦想的关键,故填Never giving up.
73.根据“ At the same time, we should learn to examine our ability because it helps us know our advantages (优势) and disadvantages as well as get full control of ourselves. ”可知我们要学会检测自己的能力,是因为它能帮助我们知道我们的优势和不足,能更好的自控,故填Because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get full control of ourselves.
74.根据“A museum is a good place to keep old and beautiful things. ”可知标题“Museum— A Good……to Keep Old and Beautiful Things”为博物馆——一个保存古老的漂亮的东西的好地方,place,名词,地方,位于标题中首字母需要大写,故填Place。
75.根据“Some museums have old cars and planes.”可知一些博物馆里有旧汽车和飞机,故填planes。
76.根据“One museum even has a real old street inside. It has shops and people's statues doing business. It looks so real that you might feel that you are back to the old time.”一个博物馆里甚至有一条老街,它有商店和人们正在做生意的雕像,它看上去如此逼真以至于你或许认为回到了过去,be back to,回到……,returen,动词,回去,可以用return代替are back to,故填return。
77.根据“Not only many cities but also some very small towns have museums. ”可知“In……many cities and some very small towns”要表达许多城市和非常小的乡镇都有博物馆,both and,……和……都,故填both。
78.根据“Hearing talks, seeing movies, taking hikes and learning to make things”可知“The activities that children are……to do in the museum in Indianapolis”要表达孩子们在印第安纳波利斯博物馆能做的事情,固定搭配be able to do,能够做,故填able。
79.【答案】Dear Alex,
How are you doing Im very happy to receive your e-mail. From your e-mail, I knew that you were worrying about your final exam. I think you shouldn't worry about it. As a saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." There is nothing you can't do if you put your heart into it. Believe in yourself. I think you can do some exercise when. you study too much time. Also, you can watch some shows to relax yourself.
Last Friday, our school held a discussion in the school hall. The students talked about their favorite TV shows. Different people like different shows. In my opinion, we students should watch more meaningful shows. They can make us relaxed and learn something.
I hope you can get good grades in the final exam.
Li Lei
【解析】【分析】这是一篇提纲作文。要求以Li Lei的名义给Mike写一封电子邮件,邮件内容以提纲的形式给出。邮件的格式与书信格式一致,邮件中要将喜爱的节目以及原因写明白,并且再提出至少两点放松身心的方法,比如多参加体育锻炼、学习唱歌、爬山等,注意要将句意表达清楚,文章要有一定的逻辑顺序,结构要合理,内容要充实。
【点评】考查提纲作文。邮件开头可以用“I'm happy/glad/excited to receive your email”来表达自己收到邮件的心情,过渡到最近参加的讨论会,例如Recently,I took part in a discussion about my favourite TV show,然后展开论述,注意在陈述喜爱这个节目的原因时,要使用一些表示先后顺序的词或短语使文章条理清晰,比如“on one hand……on the other hand”“first……second……”等;可以使用What's more过渡到其他放松身心的方法,比如take more exercise、go shopping、have a good sleep等。



