
21._ balanced diet means eating different kinds of food every day.
A.不填 B.The C.An D.A
22. Luke's mother will be proud _______ him if he wins the reading competition.
A.in B.to C.of D.at
23. We worked very hard for a week, and our teacher was pleased with our .
A.promise B.progress C.memory D.discuss
24.---- , John! You made a really excellent speech.
A. Let's go B. Good bye C. Be careful D. Congratulations
25. The old man's hobby is to give comments on books. He _______ reviews about three books last week.
A.wrote B. writes C.is writing D. will write
26. I'm worried about the exam. Now I'm left__ tittle time to prepare fully.
A.such B.so C.too D.quite
27. Tom is a boy. He always tricks others into doing something foolish.
A.naughty B.active C.brave D.silent
28.---I forgot_______ tea or coffee.
---I prefer tea.
A. where you get it B. where do you get it
C.which you prefer D. which do you prefer
29. George decided to change his job. He will live a hard life he finds another job.
A.while B.until C.when D.after
30. The air conditioner which was fixed yesterday broke down .
A.ever B.already C.too D.again
Yesterday, I was sitting on the beach and watching my kids running around happily. Not far away, groups of tourists stopped to take 31 . They had big smiles on their faces as if to say," 32 us. We are here, and you are not."
Of all the people I saw, only 33 seemed to be "present". Most just seemed to take a shot and 34 on the road. How warm was the sand What 35 was the sea What birds or fishes were there They didn't 36 .
It is the same in our 37 lives. Most of us spend a lot of time looking at screens(电子屏幕). These 38 screens help us stay in touch with the people we love. But they 39 make us miss the happiness around us.
The screens 40 are not really the problem, but 41 we use them or allow them to use us is the question.
42 , it is such a pleasure to put 43 the screens. Why not stand up like a 44 by the sea, with eyes, arms and heart wide open There's a 45 for that kind of pleasure- it's called being alive.
31.A.letters B. holidays C. messages D.photos
32. A. Look after B. Look at C. Look for D. Look up
33.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little
34.A.get back B.turn up C.set off D.wait for
35.A.season B.change C.shape D.colour
36.A.care B.want C.swim D. stay
37.A.busy B.daily C.easy D. hard
38.A.small B.grey C.bright D.round
39.A.also B.only C. maybe D.just
40.A:yourself B. yourselves C.itself D. themselves
41.A.unless B. when C.how D. why
42.A.Finally B. Sometimes C.Recently D.First
43.A.up B.down C.away D.on
44.A.boy B.girl C.tourist D.child
45.A.date B.road C.name D.way
In 2018 I was looking for jobs. Among a lot of rejection(拒绝) emails, one was very kind. It was a personal reply.
Dear Alan,
The email above is the official message that I need to add to every rejection email. But I just wanted to add a personal thought.
I've been in your position a few times- either starting out and looking to get a job for the first time, or wanting to have a new role (that nobody thinks you can do), or simply hoping to get a break.
It's difficult. Sometimes it seems so unfair. You know how good you are and what you can bring to the table, but sometimes you never get to even talk about it.
So, that's what I just wanted to say- even though you didn't make it this time, please keep fighting. Yes, please keep trying because the next opportunity is just around the comer.
This kindness kept me going when I was losing hope of getting a dream job. Now I have one and I hope someday I can help someone as Darren helped me.
46. Which of the following words can best describe Alan's situation" in 2018
A. Happy. B.Dilhcult C. Hopeful. D. Busy.
47. One of the rejection emails Alan received was very kind bacause .
A. it was a personal reply B. it was the official message
C. it seemed unfair to read D. it was easy to get a job
48. What is Darren's advice to Alan according to the text
A. Hope to get a break. B. Try another new role.
C. Don't make it. D. Keep fighting.
49. The underlined word "one" refers to .
A. Darren's kindness B. the next opportunity
C.a dream job D. the help from someone
Mark Levine is from the US. He has been living in Beijing for 15 years.
Before coming to China, he heard that China is a country with 56 ethnic groups(民族). But like many Americans, he didn't quite get what it's like. "In the United States people often don't understand the idea of China as a multi-ethnic(多民族的)country,"Levine said.
Now Levine teaches English at Minzu University of China. In his class, he sees students from so many ethnic groups, such as Han, Tibetan, Uygur, Miao, Tujia, Bouyei, Zhuang and so on.As Levine sees in his classes, they study together. After class, they play, eat and shop together.It's different from what he sees in Western media(媒体)."What I see is a commonality(共性)and common interests," he said.
For many years, Levine volunteered at the university's Museum of Ethnic Cultures. He learned more about ethnic groups from the exhibits(展品)and even from his students.
Mark Levine is a musician. The most recent song he wrote is called My China Surprise. In the song, he says, "My China Surprise, you can see it in my eyes. It's the light that shines in them wherever I go."
50. According to the text, Mark Levine came to Beijing around the year of .
A.1997 B.2017 C.2007 D.1987
51. What is Levine's puzzle about China like many Americans before coming to China
A. China is a county with 56 ethnic groups
B. People often don't understand the idea.
C. Students come from different ethnic groups.
D. It's different from what he sees in Western media.
52. How does Mark Levine realize the students' commonality and common interests
A. He teaches English at Minzu University of China.
B. There're groups, such as Han, Tibetan and Uygur.
C. After class, they play, eat and shop together.
D. He learned the ethnic groups from the exhibits
53. Being surprised by the togetherness(团结) of ethnic groups, Levine expressed his feeling .
A.in his recent song B. to go everywhere
C.in the museum D. to learn it more
A strong wind blew by. Two seeds(种子) fell from a flower. After some time, the first seed said that she wanted to get off the ground to see. Whatever happened along the way, she was ready for it. She reached her legs down into the earth and grew. Then her arms grew up toward the sun. She had a colorful life. She may meet with problems now and then, but she was happy about her choice.
As for the other seed, unlike the first seed's strong wish for the future, she sat there wonying.She was worried about what might happen when she left the ground. She was also worried about having too much sun. Because her head was full of worries, she didn't go anywhere. She played it safe and waited.
One day, a hen(母鸡) came near the ground where the two seeds fell. Looking at the newly grown-up flower, the hen smiled. She loved it. Then she turned the other way and saw the seed.The hen picked up the seed and ate it.
Some of us might be like the second seed. Playing it safe can sometimes be dangerous. If you want a good future, you need to try and get out there.
54. The first seed was ready for the problems, so she was .
A.colourful B.young C.weak D.brave
55. Which can best explain the underlined words "played it safe"
A. Being happy about the choice. B. Going nowhere and worrying.
C. Having strong wish for future. D. Looking at the newly flower.
56. If the second seed followed the first seed, she would grow up and .
A. fall down from a flower B. not be eaten by the hen
C.come near the ground D. sit there worrying
57. What truth should teenagers leam from the text
A. No need to be afraid of hens. B Two seeds and their stories.
C. Getting help from strong wind. D. Growing in the right direction.
第二部分 非选择题(四大题;共62分)
The life of O. Henry
1862 O. Henry was born as William Porter.
1887 He began writing for newspaper and magazines.
1896 He was accused of stealing money. He ran away to Central America.
1897 He returned to the US because his wife was dying. Then he was sent to prison.
1901 He left prison. Later he moved to New York City and began a successful writing career.
1910 He died.
58. What is O. Henry's real name
59. Where did he run away after he was accused of stealing money
60. Wlry did he return to US
61 How long was O. Henry in prison
62. When did he die
October 16 was World Food Day. There is a game that you can play to help hungry people and make the world a much 63. (good) place. It's called Freerice.
When I was in high seliool, my geography 64 . (teach) told us about this game. It's an educational game that feeds you knowledge. Every question you answer 65. (correct) raises10 grains of rice for the. United Nations World Food Programme to support its work.
When I first 66. (start) playing, it only had English questions. But now it has arts, culture,math, science, languages and more.
I now like to use it to practice my Chinese and geography-two favorite subjects of 67. (my). It's also good because it suits all ages and has different difficulty. 68_ (level).
According to the Freerice website, since 2010, Freerice. 69 . (raise) more than 214 billion grains of rice for people in need.
Jim: I want to be known as a modern Columbus when I grow up.
Julie: But there are no new places to (A) develop now.
Jim: That's not really true. Most places in space haven't been explored (B)_ . Who knows There may be other planets like the Earth.
Jim: No, it doesn't. Perhaps I could go on a trip to space and find these new planets. I would be a real pioneer. And (D) I find other people on these planets, I could set up a relationship with them. I could even open up trade with them and make (E) a lot of money.
Julie: Keep dreaming! (F) I don't think you will travel into space.
Jim: I'm serious. You'll see.
70.写出画线部分(A)和(E)的同义词或近义词: ;
71.在画线部分(B)和(D)的空白处各填入一个适当的单词: ;
73.将画线部分(F)改写为:In my opinion, that you will travel into space.
For most British people, Sunday is a day to eat a traditional dinner: a Sunday roast(周日烤肉大餐).
* History: Britons have kept this tradition for a long time. In the old days, people went to church on Sundays. They were (A)_ after it finished. So families always ate a big meal. ①
* Food: Sunday dinner has roast chicken or beef, potatoes, vegetables and Yorkshire pudding. ②
* Places to go: What if you don't have time to make the traditional dinner (B) 不必担心. In Britain, there is a type of restaurant called a carvery. (C) You can eat a Sunday roast there.
* Value: This meal is also great for families. (D)_ and children can sit down and tell each other about their week at work or school.③
Although many traditions have gone, traditional Sunday dinners are as strong as ever.
75.在画线部分(A)和(D)的空白处各填入一个适当的单词: ;
77.将画线部分(C)改写为:A Sunday roast there.
78.将“This is a pudding made from eggs,milk and flour.”填入文中①②③处的最佳位置
79.在文中找出两种周日晚餐中的肉类 ;
a lot of because of beside my bed for six years think of
The most valuable gift I have ever received was a photo album from my best friend Kevin.
Kevin and I were classmates of primary school. We both liked playing football and listening to music, so we always had_______ things to talk about. It is wonderful to have such a good friend.
However, last summer. Kevin had to move to another city his father's job. Then he gave me a photo album.
"It has photos of the memorable events we have experienced together. I've also written some notes under each photo," he said. I was deeply moved.
I put the album_ . I always look at it when I ____ _ Kevin.
B)人们在特殊的日子赠送礼物表达心意或祝福,新年和春节将至,你有没有打算送谁礼物呢?China Daily 向中学生征集稿件,假如你是李华,请给专栏编辑 Mr Lee 写一封信,谈谈你的打算。
Dear Mr Lee,
December and January are months of celebration. Everyone loves giving and getting cute gifts. I will
Li Hua
William Porter.
To Central America.
Because his wife was dying.
For 4 years.
In 1910.
better 64.teacher 65.correctly 66.started 67.mine 68.levels
has raised
discover;much 71.yet;if 72.That sounds crazy.
it’s impossible 74.I want to be known as a modern Columbus when I grow up.
hungy; Parents 76.Don’t worry. 77.is served 78.② 79.chicken; beef
for six years a lot of because of beside my bed think of




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