
1. Does he speak Chinese
2. What does your father do
3. What’s his telephone number
4. Why not write a letter to him
5. Help yourself to some fish.
6. W: What are these
M: They are books.
7. W: Does he have a long ruler
M: Yes, he does.
8. W: Who is the man in black T-shirt
M: He is Kangkang’s father.
9. M: Would you like some eggs
W: No, thanks.
10. W: May I help you
M: Yes, please. I like that coat. Can I try it on
W: Sure.
11. W: Hello, Tom. Is the yellow bag yours
M: Yes, it is mine.
Q: What color is Tom’s bag
12. W: What does your aunt do, Mike
M: She is a nurse.
Q: Who is a nurse
13. M: How about getting some apples
W: Good idea!
Q: What do they want to do
14. W: Good morning. Can I help you
M: Yes, please. I want to buy two bottles of milk.
Q: How many bottles of milk does the man want to buy
15. M: Who is that girl
W: She is Amy. She is from Canada.
Q: Where is Amy from
My name is Jenny. I’m a student. I eat well every day. At 6:30, I have eggs and juice for breakfast. Then I go to school at 7:00. I eat lunch with my friends at school at 12:00. I like to eat chicken and rice. In the afternoon, I go home at 6:00. I eat dinner with my parents at 7:00. I often have jiaozi and fish. Oranges are my favorite. I have an orange, too.
1-5 B C A A C  6-10 B F E A D  11-15 B A B B B
16. juice 17. friends  18. rice  19. fish  20. Oranges
第二部分: 语言知识运用(35分)
21-25 B D B A C 26-30 B C D B A 31-35 A B A B C
完型填空 (每小题1分,共10分)
36-40 A C D B D 41-45 A B C D A
46-50 C D A G B
阅读理解 (每小题2分,共50分)
51-55 A D B D C 56-60 D A C B B 61-65 C C D D A 66-70 D C A C A
71-75 F C A E B
短文填空 (每小题1.5分,共15分)
hamburgers 77. eating 78. is 79. at 80. and
shopping 82. finds 83. But 84. his 85. him
书面表达 (共20分)
My Happy Saturday
On Saturdays, I don’t go to school. I often get up at seven. I have breakfast at home at half past seven. I often have milk and bread for breakfast. I like Chinese very much. I read Chinese in the morning. I have lunch with my family. We often eat rice and vegetables. I have many friends. In the afternoon, I play with them. I often have dinner with my family in the evening. I usually go to bed at nine o’clock. I have a good day.



