
( )1. The _______ month of the year is February.
A. one B. first C. two D. second
( )2. There are _______ seconds in a minute. (基数词和时间常识;there be句型)
A. fourty B. forty C. sixteen D. sixty
( )3. Monday is the _______ day of the week. (序数词;冠词的基本用法—序数词前加the)
A. two B. second C. three D. third
( )4. There are _______children in the room.The _______one from the left is my brother.
(序数词充当形容词经常与基数词同时出现考点, 基数词there be 句型)
A.fourth;four B four;fourth C.four;four D.fourth;fourth
( )5. Lin Tao gets up at ______ in the morning. (时刻表达)
A. half past six B. six past half C. past half six D. half six past
( )6. Mr. Black left here _______ ago. (半小时表达法)
A. half a hour B. half an hour C. an half hour D. a half hours
( )7. The American film TITANIC will begin at two this afternoon.Shall we meet at _______ at the cinema gate? (时刻)
A.forty past one B.half past two C.two to two D.fifty to two
( )8. Are there _____ workers in that factory (数字的读法和写法)
A. seven hundreds and twenty-two B. seven hundreds and twenty two
C. seven hundred and twenty-two D. seven hundred and twenty two
( )9. ______is the most difficult of the ________.
A. Lesson Three; three B. Third lesson; three
C. The Lesson Three; third D. The Three Lesson; third
( )10. “It’s 11:45.” “Yes, it’s _________.” (时刻表达)
A. a quarter past twelve B. a quarter to twelve
C. fifteen past eleven D. eleven forty-five
( )11. December is the _______ month of the year. (序数词充当形容词使用;基数词的正确拼写)
A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelvieth D. twelfth
( )12. There are _________ hours in a day.(时间常识;there be句型;数词与可数名词的结合)
A. fourteen B. thirteen C. twenty-six D. twenty-four
( )13. September the _______ is Teachers’ Day. (序数词;冠词的基本用法—序数词前加the)
A. ninth B. tenth C. eighth D. twelfth
( )14. Sunday is _______ day of the week. (序数词和常识)
A. the last B. the first C. the second D. the third
( )15. The beautiful skirts are on show in the shop, Jane likes _______.(序数词的正确拼写)
A. the ninth B. the nineth C. nine D. ninth
( )16. The old man has five children, and _________ one is a daughter. (序数词充当形容词使用)
A. third B. a third C. the third D. the three
( )17. Christmas Eve is the night________.(节日常识;时间表达法;of所有格)
A. before December 24 B. after December 25
C. of December 25 D. of December 24
( )18. Mrs. Green will be here in ________ (半小时表达法;in引导一段时间—一般将来时)
A. an half hour B. half a hour C. half an hour D. a half hour
( )19. Six thirty is _______.(时间表达法)
A. a half past six B. half past six C. half to seven D. half to six
( )20. What was the date yesterday It was _________(日期的问答句以及表达法).
A. a fine day B. Wednesday C. June 1st D. sunny
( )21. What’s nine plus six It’s ________. (表示加法的句型;数字计算)
five B. fifteen C. fifty D. fifty-five
( )22. The cotton production has increased by _______ percent this year compared with last year.
(小数的表达;by引导时间状语—完成时态;非谓语compared with)
A. five point six eight B. five point sixty-eight
C. fifth point and six eight D. five point and six eight
( )23. I’ve lived here for about _______.
(整数和半数即与名词的结合;for引导一段时间—现在完成时态 )
A. two and a half year B. two and a half years
C. two year and a half D. two years and half
( )24. Monday is the _______ day of the week. (常识问题;冠词的基本用法—序数词前加the)
A. two B. second C. three D. third
( )25. When was the PRC founded It was founded on _______.
A. July 1, 1921 B. October 1, 1949 C. August 1, 1927 D. May 1, 1922
( )26. -- Can you write the number eight five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six
-- Yes, it is ________. (数字的读法、写法)
A. 85662 B. 85626 C. 58662 D. 58626
( )27. There are _______ people in our town.(数字的正确写法)
A.three thousand and eighty-six B.three thousands and eighty-six
C.three thousand and eighty six D.three thousands and eighty six
( )28. 286 should be read as _______.(数字的正确读法和写法)
A. two hundreds and eighty-six B. two hundred and eighty-six
C. two hundreds eighty-six D. two hundred and eighty six
( )29. I think ______ lesson is the most difficult in this book.
A. five B. fifth C. the fifth D. fifteen
( )30. There are ______ doctors and nurses working hard in that hospital.(there be句型;确指)
A. thousands B. two thousand C. two thousands D. two thousands of
( )31. We had learned about _______ English words by the end of last term.
A. nine hundreds and forty-five B. nine hundreds of and forty-five
C. nine hundred and forty-five D. nine hundred and forty-five
( )32. We began to study in No. 1 Middle School _________.(年月表达法)
A. 1994, September B. in September, 1994
C. September, 1994 D. 1994, in September
( )33. When was the PRC founded It was founded on _______.
A. July 1, 1921 B. October 1, 1949 C. August 1, 1927 D. May 1, 1922
( )34. I think ______ lesson is the most difficult in this book.
A. five B. fifth C. the fifth D. fifteen
( )35. -- Can you write the number eight five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six
-- Yes, it is _______. (数字的读法写法)
A. 85662 B. 85626 C. 58662 D. 58626
( )36. There are about _______ books in our school library.(there be句型;数字的正确表达法)
A. five thousand three hundred and forty-five
B. five thousands and three hundreds and forty-five
C. five thousands three hundred and forty-five
D. five thousand,three hundreds and forty-five
( )37. Please wait here. I’ll be back in ________hours.
A. two and half a B. two and a half C. half and two D. two a half
( )38. The cotton production has increased by _______ percent this year compared with last year.(小数)
A. five point six eight B. five point sixty-eight
C. fifth point and six eight D. five point and six eight
( )39. --How deep is the hole
--It is _______.(数字与单位词的结合;数词名词形容词结合做表语与定语的区别)
A. four meter deep B. four meters deep
C. four-meter deep D. four-meters-deep
( )40. --What’s one fourth and a half, do you know (分数表达)
--Yes, it’s _______.
A. two sixths B. three fourths C. one three D. three sixths
( )41. 893 is ________ in English. (数字的读法写法和用法)
A. eight hundred and ninety-three B. eight hundreds and ninety-three
C. eight hundred ninety-three D. eight hundred ninety and three
( )42. February _______ is the last day of the month.
A. the thirtieth B. the thirty-first
C. the twenty-eighth D. the twentieth-eighth
( )43. _______ of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft and sweet.(分数的表达)
A.Two-third B.Second-third C.Two-thirds D.Second-thirds
( )44. I’ve lived here for about _______.(半数与名词的结合;完成时态)
A. two and a half year B. two and a half years
C. two year and a half D. two years and half
( )45. “Li lei,which is _______ day of a week?”“Thursday,I think”
A.fifth B.the fifth C.five D.the five
( )46. I live on _____ floor of the hotel so I have to take a lift.
A. twenty-seventh B. twenty-seven
C. the twenty-seventh D. the twenty seven
( )47. --Where are we going to have a meeting (编号)
A. In the room 205 B. At the 205 room
C. In Room 205 D. In 205 room
1. two thousand and three _________ (数字)
6:50 ________________ (时间)
10:45 _____________________________ (时刻)
7点45分__________ (时刻) .
A quarter to seven ____________________________________(时刻)
一个半小时 _____________(时刻)
九点差一刻 _____________(时刻)
15路公共汽车 __________ (编号)
14路公共汽车 _____________ (编号)
第15中学 ____________ (编号)
第五中学 _____________ (编号)
在1949年 ____________(年代)
eighteen eighty-nine________(年份)
November 30th__________(日期)
sixteen ninety-nine_________(年份)
January 2nd_________ (日期)
三年六班 _____________ (基数词)
人民路19号 _____________ (地址)
June 4th_________ , (日期)
eighteen eighty-nine___________(年份)
two thousand and three ___________(数字)
6:50 ________________(时间)
14路公共汽车 _______________ (编号)
第15中学 ____________(编号)
三分之一 __________________ (分数)
2005年8月7日 _____________________________ (年月日表达)
1999年7月1日 _____________
1994年3月22日 _______________
两吨半 ______________________ (整数和半数表达)
三分之一 __________________ (分数)
数百座楼房 _________________ (13概指)
21世纪 _________________________ (世纪)
差一刻三点 _____________________ (时刻)
二年级八班 ____________________ (编号)
1,234,567,890 _____________ (数字)
三百英镑 _________________________(确指)
第25页 ______________________(编号)
十个多月之久 _____________ (多余的时间表达)
一楼328房间 _____________ ( 编号)
每日三次 _______________________ (序数词)
4路公共汽车 __________________(编号)
三分之二的人口 _____________ (分数)
一个8岁的男孩 _____________ (年龄表达)
在他五十几岁时 ___________________(年龄表达)
20世纪90年代 ___________________ (世纪年代表达)
1. Our teacher often tells that work must come f (宾语从句;序数词的习惯表达法
They always go to the library_____(two)a week. (副词表达数的概念)
3. Yunnan University has a long history .It has celebrated its _______(eighty)birthday.(序数词;完成时态)
4.At the beginning of the ______ (twenty)century, the world’s population was about 1700 million.
Liu Zhong is in his ______(three)year at No.1Middle School. (序数词充当形容词使用)
The teacher has explained the new word ______(两次) ,but I still can’t understand.
(副词表达数的概念;once, twice常与完成时态连用)
July 1st ,2001 was the e birthday of our Party .
1-5 DDBBA 6-10 BCCAB 11-15 DDABA 16-20 CDCBC 21-25 BABBC
26-30 BABCB 31-35 CBCCA 36-40 ABABB 41-47 CCCCBCC
二.1. 2003 2. ten to seven 3. a quarter to eleven, ten forty five 4. a quarter to eight 5. 6:45 6. one and an half hour 7. a quarter to nine 8. No fifteen bus 9. No. 14 bus 10. No.fifteen middle school 11. No. Five middle school
in nineteen forty-nine 13. 1889 14. 11月30日 15. 1696年 16. 1月2日
Class six grade three 18. No. Nineteen, Ren Min Road 19. 六月一日 20. 1889年 21. 2003年 22. ten to seven 23. No fourteen bus 24. No. Fifteen Middle school 25. October the first, nineteen forty-nine 26. one third 27. August the seventh, two thousands five. 28. October the first nineteen forty-nine
July the third two thousand and four
July the first, nineteen ninety-nine
March the twenty-second, nineteen ninety-four
two and an half tons 33. One third 34. hundreds of buildings 35. twenty-first century 36. a quarter to three 37. Class eight Grade two
One billion two hundred and thirty four million five hundred sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety
Three hundred pounds 40. Room one o eight 41. Class two Grade nine
Page twenty-five 43. three fifths 44. twenty meters wide 45. thousands of people 46. more than ten month 47. Room three two eight on the first floor 48. twice a day 49. No four middle school 50. two thirds of population 51. an eight years old boy 52. a ten years old boy 53. in his fifties 54. twentieth century ninetieth
三.1. first 2. twice 3. eightieth 4. twentieth 5. third 6. twice 7. eightieth



上一篇:炎德英才 名校联考联合体2023年春季高二第二次联考(4月)语文
