【新】北京市人教版七下Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 听口检测2(含答案及音音频)

(1) What time is it
A.4:00. B.5:30. C.6:00.
(2) Where is the watch
A.On the desk. B.In the schoolbag.
C.On the bed.
(1) What time does Rick run
A.At 5:00. B.At 6:00. C.At 7:00.
(2) What does Rick do at 7:00
A.Go to school. B.Brush teeth.
C.Have breakfast.
(1) What does Sally do on Saturday morning
A.Plays tennis. B.Does her homework.
C.Watches TV.
(2) When does Tony play computer games on Saturday
A.From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. B.From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
C.From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(1) What do we know about Henry
A.His mother works at a radio station.
B.His likes eating eggs for breakfast.
C.His uncle teaches him to play the guitar.
(2) Where does Henry go on weekends
A.To the Art Club. B.To the Music Club.
C.To the Dance Club.
(1) When does Cindy's first class start
【音频原文】When does Cindy's first class start
(1) What does Lily want to have for dinner
【音频原文】What does Lily want to have for dinner
(1) Who likes to exercise in the morning
【音频原文】Who likes to exercise in the morning
(1) What does the girl want to do this evening
【音频原文】What does the girl want to do this evening
(1) Where is the girl's pencil box
【音频原文】Where is the girl's pencil box
My School Days
In the morning ● get up at 6:30. ● run for ___1__ minutes. ● like to have ___2__ and milk for breakfast.
In the afternoon ● classes finish at 5:00. ● do homework with my study ___3__ after school. ● have dinner at 7:00.
In the evening ● I often go ___4__ after dinner. ● help my mom ___5__ the room. ● go to bed at 10:00.
(6) 你的转述可以这样开始:Lisa tells us some things about her school days. She usually...
1. 【原文】W: Hi, Mike! What time is it
M: It's six o'clock. But where is your watch
W: I can't find it.
M: Is it in your schoolbag
W: No, it isn't.
M: Is it on your desk
W: Ah, yes.
(1) C
(2) A
【知识点】日常生活 (Daily routines)、事实细节
2. 【原文】W: What time do you usually get up, Rick
M: I usually get up at five thirty.
W: Wow! And what time do you run
M: Um, at six o'clock.
W: And breakfast
M: At seven o'clock.
(1) B
(2) C
【知识点】日常生活 (Daily routines)、事实细节
3. 【原文】M: Sally, do you go to school on Saturday
W: No, I don't.
M: What do you do on Saturday
W: I do my homework in the morning. And I watch TV in the afternoon. What about you, Tony
M: I play computer games all day, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
W: It's not good for you. Why not go out and do some exercise
(1) B
(2) C
【知识点】日常生活 (Daily routines)、事实细节
4. 【原文】 M: Henry is my new friend. He comes from Suzhou. His parents work in Beijing. His father works at a radio station and his mother is a teacher. Henry usually gets up at 6:45 in the morning. He likes eating bread and some fruits for breakfast. He has seven classes from Monday to Friday. After school, his uncle teaches him to play the guitar for half an hour. He is also good at drawing. He goes to the Art Club on weekends. He usually goes to bed at 9:30.
(1) C
(2) A
5. 【原文】W: Hello, Cindy. What's your first class today
M: English. It's my favorite subject.
W: When does your class start
M: At 8:30.
W: Is your English teacher Mr. White
M: No. It's Mrs. Brown.
6. 【原文】M: What do you want to have for dinner, Lily
W: How about hamburgers
M: They're not healthy.
W: I know. But they taste very good.
M: I want to make some chicken for you.
W: Oh, I don't like chicken.
7. 【原文】M: Is this the picture of your family, Tina
W: Yes, I have two sisters and one brother.
M: You really have a big family.
W: Yes. We study in the same school.
M: Is this your brother He looks cool.
W: Yes. He likes to exercise in the morning.
8. 【原文】W: What do you usually do after dinner, Bill
M: I usually watch TV in the evening.
W: How about playing chess with me this evening
M: But I'm not good at it.
W: That's okay. We play it just for fun.
M: Okay.
W: Great.
9. 【原文】W: I can't find my pencil box, Dad.
M: Is it on your desk
W: No. Oh, I'm going to be late.
M: You should put it in your schoolbag.
W: I find it. It's on the sofa.
10. 【原文】 W: Good morning, everyone. I'm Lisa. Today I want to tell you my school days. I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning. I like to run, so I run for forty minutes every day. I like to have bread and milk for breakfast. After breakfast, I usually walk to school. My classes finish at 5:00. After school, I do my homework with my study group. I usually have dinner at 7:00. I often go swimming after dinner. Sometimes, I help my mom clean the room. I go to bed at 10:00.
(1) forty;40
(2) bread
(3) group
(4) swimming
(5) clean




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