
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Whatever your resolutions are, make sure they are still going strong. Here are some famous persons’ resolutions.
Gabby Logan, TV presenter
Resolution: to drink more water
I know I should drink two litres of water a day, but it’s easy to forget, especially when it's cold out. I’m going to fill my bottle and leave it in the fridge overnight so I won’t leave home without it and check in each night to see if I’ve drunk enough.
Sarah Stirk, TV presenter
Resolution: to meditate (冥想) more
With a newborn baby, I'll need to stay really calm. Meditation will help me deal with those stresses, so I'll work on that, as well as deep breathing and getting out in nature regularly. With a positive attitude, I use diaries to help me keep my resolution.
Desirèe Henry, sprinter (短跑运动员)
Resolution: to get quality rest
As I train so hard, I need to ensure I also get enough rest. I’ve set an 8:30 pm reminder on my phone to slow down. Sometimes I can move really slowly, so I give myself plenty of time. At 10 pm, I’ll put my phone on airplane mode so I can't be disturbed.
Alex Davies, bodybuilder
Resolution: to schedule my time efficiently
I’ve taken a break from my job as an engineer to become a professional bodybuilder and train as a drone (无人机) pilot. I’ve never been busier! But without that 9-to-5 structure, I need to be focused. My top trick will be nightly diaries so I can write down my short-term goals and prepare a to-do list for the next day.
1. What do Gabby Logan and Sarah Stirk have in common
A.They both work at a TV station. B.They have the same resolution.
C.They are both expecting a baby. D.They need to calm down in study.
2. What do we know about Desirèe Henry
A.She will have a newborn baby. B.She worked as an engineer once.
C.She is now training as a drone pilot. D.She gives herself enough time to rest.
3. Who has changed an occupation according to the text
A.Gabby Logan. B.Sarah Stirk.
C.Desirèe Henry. D.Alex Davies.
The word “sport” first meant something that people did in their free time. Later it often meant hunting wild animals and birds. About a hundred years ago the word was first used for organized games. This is the usual meaning of the word today. People spend a lot of time playing football, basketball, tennis and many other sports. Such people play because they leant to. A few people are paid for sport they play. These people are called professional sportsmen. They may be sportsmen for only a few years, but during that time the best ones can earn a lot of money. For example, a professional football player in England earns more than 300,000 dollars a year. The stars earn a lot more. International golf and tennis champions can make more than 500,000 dollars a year. Of course, only a few sportsmen can earn as much as that.
Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen and money is that the stars can earn more money from advertising than from sports. An advertisement for sports equipment does not simply mean, “Buy our things”. It says, “Buy the same shirt and shoes as…” Famous sportsmen can even advertise things like watches and food. They allow the companies to use their names or a photo of them and they are paid for this. Sport is no longer just something for people’s spare time.
4. From the passage we can learn that .
A.famous people spend too much money and time on sports
B.the development of sports is slower than any other activity
C.most people enjoy sports because they can earn a lot of money
D.now sports is not only an amusement for people
5. In this passage “professional sportsmen” means people “ ”.
A.who teach others how to make money in sports
B.who take sports as their jobs
C.who are very fond of sports
D.who teach other sportsmen how to play sports
6. Now, the “sport” means .
A.what most of the people do in their spare time
B.hunting wild animals and birds in the forests
C.organized games
D.something that people are paid to
7. Which of the following is TRUE
A.Most people play sports only for money.
B.Those who play sports earn more than those who do not.
C.People play sports for different purposes.
D.Those who play sports want to keep strong and fit.
Around the country and around the world, there is no shortage of human suffering. Poverty, disease, violence, hurricanes, wildfire and more are constantly troubling humanity, and even our best efforts thus far can’t address all of everybody’s needs. Many are looking for places to cut funding, and one of the first places that comes up in conversation is excessive spending on space exploration. What good is it to conduct microgravity experiments repeatedly when children are starving Why launch so many space-related projects when nuclear war threatens our planet
This is a line of thinking that has been coming up throughout history. Yes, it’s short-sighted, in that it fails to recognize that our greatest problems require long-term investment, and that society’s greatest advances come about through hard work, research, development of decades after that is made. Investing in science is investing in the betterment of humanity.
Over these years, much of the results of the space research have been adapted to be applicable to our daily lives. For example, NASA’s advancements in the areas of robotics have given manufacturers an additional basis for the development of more advanced artificial limbs. Additionally, certain nutritional enrichment ingredients that were developed by NASA have been integrated into baby food formula.
Space technology has also helped improve economies. Within the next three years, the space exploration and space tourism industry are expected to be valued at 3 trillion USD.It is true that for every dollar we spend on the space program, the US economy receives about $8 of economic benefit. Space exploration can also serve as amotivation for children to enter the fields of science and engineering.
To many people, the idea of space travel may still seem far from practical. However, I believe that it is important that we keep going forward or we’ll risk delaying further discoveries and technological advancements that will be beneficial for us.
8. According to paragraph 1, what do some people think of space exploration
A.Useless. B.Wasteful.
C.Beneficial. D.Harmful.
9. What does the underlined word “that” in the second paragraph refer to
A.The advance. B.The development.
C.The investment. D.The problem.
10. How does NASA’s advancements contribute to the development of artificial limbs
A.By providing a foundation.
B.By adding certain materials.
C.By acting as a driving force.
D.By helping realize the mass production.
11. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs
A.The payback of space programs is very high.
B.Space travel appears to be within people’s reach.
C.More and more children are interested in science.
D.New technological discoveries have been delayed.
Aeronautics (航空学) specialists from the University of South Australia spent months studying the dragonfly’s flight, creating 3D models from digital images, to build a winged drone (无人机). Study leader Javaan Chahl believes that winged drones based on the dragonfly’s shape and movement will simply be more flexible and energy efficient.
Chahl’s team used a special photography technique to classify the wing shapes of 75 different dragonfly species from museum collections. Their wings are long, light and hard. Plus, their long bodies give them excellent stability and balance, making it possible for winged drones to deliver awkward loads and undertake long observation missions.
Investigating the way that dragonflies remain stable during flight actually reveals the techniques they use to get themselves out of tricky situations. Dragonflies are found to be able to perform upside-down backflips to regain balance and normal flight, when they find themselves upside down mid-air. This special skill can even be performed while dragonflies are unconscious, meaning it is a passive stability mechanism similar in concept to planes that are designed to glide to safety with their engines turned off. Engineers are looking to copy dragonfly wings to create safer drones that can right themselves.
Of course, not all attempts to build dragonfly-like drones are successful. TechJet’s air vehicle was supposed to operate as an aerial camera, observation and security drone, but it failed before production got underway. Similarly, Insectothopter, an American dragonfly spy drone built in the 1970 s was deserted.
Yet the principles behind winged drones are solid. In fact, NASA has settled on a nuclear-powered autonomous craft called Dragonfly to explore the surface of Saturn’s moon Titan in 2034. NASA’s project is actually an air vehicle, rather than a winged drone, but engineers are still convinced they can crack the code of nature’s most gifted flying insect and revolutionize unmanned flight along the way.;
12. Why did aeronautics specialists spend months studying the dragonfly’s flight
A.To build 3D models from digital images.
B.To make winged drones modelled after it.
C.To clarify the flexibility and efficiency of drones.
D.To display the shape and movement of the dragonfly.;
13. The special skill of dragonflies is their ability to .
A.glide to safety B.avoid tricky situations
C.perform observation tasks D.adjust themselves to stay stable;
14. What is the author’s attitude towards winged drones
A.Skeptical. B.Uncertain. C.Supportive. D.Conservative.;
15. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A.Winged Drones: Still a Long Way to Go
B.Javaan Chahl: An Innovative Leader of Aeronautics
C.A Dragonfly’s Flying Technique: Perfect for Drones
D.The Code of Nature: A Solution to NASA’s Space Exploration
The chicken or the egg—which came first It’s probably one of the most commonly cited paradoxes (悖论)—a chicken hatches from an egg, so the egg came first, right But then what laid the egg 16 That’s exactly what a paradox is—a problem that seemingly has no definitive solution and can’t be logically solved.
17 How can work be flexible but maintain structure How can we switch off if we’re working from home Two contrasting ideas could cause people stress, but what if we accept the contradiction and change the way we look at it 18
A paradox consists of two seemingly impossible realities that exist at the same time. 19 For example, holding on to change may lead to burn-out, while maintaining stability may lead to boredom. Some experts have found the acceptance of both realities and a willingness to accept them can improve both creativity and productivity by allowing you to find a path through the contradictions.
A 1996 study of geniuses by Albert Rothenberg found that those thinkers spent time considering opposites and antitheses. Consider Einstein. The theory of relativity was born out of the paradox that something could be moving and stationary at the same time, depending on perspective.
So, having a “paradox mindset” and accepting the bigger picture may help you to better understand problems. 20 As a result, it may lead you to improving your productivity and creativity. If it worked for Einstein, maybe it could be good for you too!
A.The two ideas seem contradictory.
B.The two questions remain unanswered.
C.This is what some experts call the “paradox mindset”.
D.It could also make you happier knowing that contradictions exist.
E.Paradoxes are apparently ridiculous or self-contradictory statements.
F.Paradoxes don’t just exist in philosophical debates but also in our daily lives.
G.If you embrace one of those realities and ignore the other,it can cause problems.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
“New Recruits Wanted.” This 21 caught my eye and revived (重新唤起) the dream I had since my childhood. But, just as 22 , I reminded myself that I was getting close to sixty. Hesitating for a while, I finally entered the hall and filled out a(n) 23 .
My dream of becoming a firefighter began when I watched the television show Rescue 8, 24 with the cooperation of the Los Angeles Fire Department. Unfortunately, a career in construction and a family to 25 got in the way of working for the local fire department. Now, 26 retirement, my wife and I had just relocated to a beautiful village near Seattle. I had time to give.
To my delight, I was accepted for 27 . Yes, I was the oldest recruit, and it was so 28 that I was ready to drop out one day. When I got home from practice that day, a friend came over. I was about to say I could 29 do it anymore when he passed me a beautifully-illustrated book of firefighters in 30 , with a personalized message of inspiration, encouraging me to follow my dream. As I looked through the 31 , I felt amazed at the courage and devotion of these brave 32 . It gave me the strength I needed to carry on.
Over the next few weeks, the training continued to be tough, but I never lost 33 again. I lost twenty pounds, but eventually I was certificated as a firefighter. And now I can drive the big red trucks and 34 my community. When most of my friends are retiring, I’m 35 a new career I love. And I know that you’re never too old to take on new challenges; never too old to follow your dreams.
21. A.promise B.sign C.guideline D.exposure
22. A.quickly B.accurately C.fundamentally D.originally
23. A.diagram B.memory C.appointment D.application
24. A.written B.promoted C.described D.filmed
25. A.rescue B.treasure C.raise D.build
26. A.in case of B.in favor of C.in anticipation of D.in search of
27. A.training B.performing C.working D.advertising
28. A.crucial B.intense C.simple D.helpful
29. A.gradually B.regularly C.barely D.particularly
30. A.surprise B.action C.debt D.return
31. A.pages B.tips C.speeches D.indications
32. A.judges B.colleagues C.individuals D.assistants
33. A.time B.sense C.fantacy D.focus
34. A.control B.organize C.represent D.serve
35. A.pursuing B.shifting C.creating D.recalling
The FIFA World Cup 2022 kicks off on Sunday (November 20th local time) with a ceremony. Even 36 a home team to cheer for, Chinese fans and enterprises remain 37 (enthusiasm) about the Qatar World Cup. Chinese elements 38 (spot) everywhere at Qatar World Cup 2022.
Support from China has come in a more concrete way, with most of the tournament’s stadiums, its official transportation system and its accommodation facilities 39 (feature) contributions from Chinese builders and 40 (provide) .
The 80,000-seat Lusail Stadium, 41 is scheduled to host the eye-catching final game, was designed and built by China Railway International Group.
Doha’s first ever Panda House officially opened to the public on Thursday.
Chinese referee (裁判) Ma Ning and two assistant referees, Cao Yi and Shi Xiang, have 42 (appoint) to judge at the 2022 FIFA World Cup, according to a list 43 (release) by FIFA.
Products made in Yiwu, ranging from whistles to themed mugs and pillows have enjoyed nearly 70 percent of the market share of World Cup merchandise.
More than 1,500 buses from China’s leading bus maker Yutong are running on the streets of Qatar. To promote their brands overseas 44 (quick) , Chinese enterprises have provided more sponsorship revenue 45 the host than companies from any other nation.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 网络时代,热词潮涌。传统事物在创造性转化、创新性发展的同时,也值得我们仔细审视。譬如,近期人们习惯地把“Thank you”说成“栓q”,这一现象在Tik Tok平台上产生了诸多质疑。作为复兴中学高三的学生,你有怎样的思考与理解?请你发送一条帖子,畅谈你的认知与看法。(要求:字数不少于80词)
A post on my perception
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
My husband Fred and I moved to a new place. We bought a small house in a reasonably good neighborhood close to Fred’s office. It was a one-and-a-half-floor brick house built for soldiers returning from World War II. That house impressed nobody except me. We had to decorate it first because it was so old. Fred and I started to paint the walls and the doors. I also worked outside the house, helping Fred break the ugly fence between us and the neighbors and grow some flowers.
After I finished painting walls in the bedroom upstairs, I brought up some water and old towels to wash the window. I washed the inside, then opened the window and stepped out on the kitchen roof to wash the outside. The window was the kind that you couldn’t open from the outside.
I was so devoted to my housework that I didn’t realize the window gradually closed. After finishing cleaning, I stood back to admire the clean glass. And then, I tried to open the window, but I failed. Standing on my kitchen roof, I looked around the neighborhood. That was a lovely afternoon. Where were the neighbor kids riding their bikes They often rode back from the park. No young voices shouted to one another. The neighbor on the left was at work. Carroll and Julie, an elderly couple, lived in the house at the corner and were our nextdoor neighbors. They were likely to be at home, but our kitchen was on the wrong side of our house for me to call them.
I sat down and thought about my situation. Even if someone came along, he couldn’t walk in the house and open the window. The doors were locked. That was my husband’s doing. “When you’re working on an indoor project, anyone could just open the door and come in. So, just keep the doors closed,” he would say. I just needed a rope to get down. I sat there, thinking how stupid I was and wishing a rope would magically appear.
Suddenly, I heard a little boy laughing.
The boy looked at me for a while and left to ask for help.
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小作文 (形式创新,考查学生的英语综合素养,写作应提现认识问题的思辨性)
Suddenly, I heard a little boy laughing. I stood up and looked down the street. Sure enough, there was a little boy. He was riding his bike. I told him that was washing the window and it shut. He looked up, saw me, and laughed. After all, it’s not an everyday case that you see an old lady on a roof. I told him to ask my next-door neighbors to come and help me. “Of course,” he simply answered.
The boy looked at me for while and left to ask for help. Soon Carroll and Julie came, bringing a long rope with them. And then I climbed down. I sincerely thanked them for their kind help. The doors were locked and the keys were in the house, so my lovely neighbors invited me to their house to celebrate my rescue with coffee, cookies, and laughter. A few hours later, my husband came back. I said thanks to them again and went home. From then on, I definitely believe that a far-off relative is not as helpful as a near neighbor.
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