Unit 13 Section B 练习 2022-2023人教版英语九年级全册(无答案)

Unit 13 Section B 练习
1.Don’t be such a ________ (傻瓜).
2.All of a sudden I couldn’t say a word in front of the class. How ________(窘迫的) I was!
3.The TV play has a perfect ________(结局).
4.Miss Chen ________ (消失)in the distance.
5.Her explanation sounded ________ (可相信的).
throw away, pull, down, put ... to good use, bring back, he made of
1.The waste bottle,can ________; for example, we can use them to build a house.
2.The old man asked us how much food we ________ into the garbage this morning,
3. The old building ________ and they wanted to build a new one here.
4. You know that a button earl ________ bones, wood, glass, or plastic.
5. Mike said the next day tie ________ my book that he borrowed from me last week.
1.—What's the matter, Jack
—I ________ down while I ________ on the ice. I got hurt badly.
A.was falling; skated B.fell; was skating
C.fell; skated D.was falling; skating
2.—I think you should stop________ him in English.
—I see. He can't understand English at all. Let me try in French.
A.talking to B.to talk to C.talk to D.to talking to
3.We can ________ the lights to help save the earth.
A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.cut off
4.We should take our own bags when ________.
A.shop B.shopped C.shopping D.shops
5.It is very easy for us ________ paper.
A.recycle B.to recycle C.recycling D.recycled
6.—________ you ever ________ on April Fool’s Day
—Oh, many times.
A.Were; fooled B.Have; been fooled
C.Did; fool D.Had; been fooled
7.—Lily told me I failed the math exam.
—Oh, don’t believe her; it must be a(n)________. We all know you do well in math.
A.accident B.hoax C.panic D.result
8.The government ________ that the danger was over.
A.spoke B.said C.announced D.told
9.The girl was ________ happy ________ she couldn’t help laughing.
A.too; to B.so; that C.such; that D.enough; to
10.The ________ of a child’s body in the lake shocked the people there.
A.experience B.discovery C.story D.thought
can help ground rather than encourage by plant we off unless
There are many ways to save the environment if you would like. In this passage, you can find some ways.
Plant more trees. Choose a right 1.________ near your house or workplace.2.________ there’s any rule stopping you growing trees in that area, go ahead and grow trees. Plant a tree every month and 3.________ your friends and classmates to join you. Have more and more trees 4.________ and there will come a day when you have green land thanks to your hard work.
Walk more and drive less. Choose to walk 5.________ drive your car. Walk or ride a bicycle to work if it’s not very far. Not only cycling but walking is good exercise. And each time you avoid using your car, you’re doing something 6.________ to cut down air pollution. You are saving fuel, saving money and keeping fit as well.
Save water. Water is very important for living things. It’s 7.________ who use and pollute it. The simplest way to save water is turning 8.________ water taps after use. When you visit a beach, make sure that you don’t throw waste around. Do not pollute rivers 9.________ dropping garbage or other waste. Water is so precious, so we 10.________ waste or pollute it.
A:Hi, Mike! How did you get here
B:By train.
A:Did you 1.e________ your train trip
B:Yes, but one thing annoyed me.
A:What 2.h________
B:On the train, I found a woman 3.e________ bananas. After eating, she 4.t________ the banana skins away.
A:What did you do then
B:I told her what she had done was not right.
A:Yes, you were right. To 5.s________ with, it would pollute the environment. Secondly, the banana skins could make it 6.e________ for people to fall down.
B:I agree with you.
A:What did she do 7.t________
B:She didn’t take my words 8.s________ at all.
A:No wonder you are so 9.a________. Everyone should do something to take 10.c________ of the environment.
I ________ ________ ________ ________ it.
He is ________ ________ ________ us all.
Could you please ________ me some suggestions ________ ________ these problems
All these old houses ________ ________ ________ ________ in three months.
He loves the clothes his mother ________ ________ him. They are ________ ________ cotton.



上一篇:Unit3 提优练习2022-2023牛津译林英语八年级下册(无答案)
