Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A 课堂练习题 2022-2023仁爱版英语八年级下册(含答案)

八下(仁爱版)Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A 课堂练习题
Class_________Name_________ Number________
1. I ______ ______ (相信) our class will win the game.
2. You must ______ ______ (听)your teacher carefully in class.
3. Don’t be ______ (紧张的). It’s an easy question.
4. I’m very happy because I got an “A” in the English ______(测验).
5. At the meeting, Mr. Wang made a long ______ (演讲) yesterday afternoon.
( )1. —Let’s think ____ some suggestions ____ helping the farmer.
—Good idea!
A. about;to B. over;to C. of;for D. of;from
( )2. The little girl catches up with other students in her study ____ her teacher’s help.
A. because of B. because C. under D. thanks
( )3.—Dad, I’m worried about the relay race.
—Don’t worry. Do your best and you will do it ____.
A. good B. well C. much D. many
( )4. —Hello. ____ Jane speaking
A. You are B. That is C. Is that D. Are you
( )5. —Mom’s busy doing some cleaning now.
—Well, let’s help her ____ housework.
A. with B. for C. of D. to
( )6.—If you eat ____ rich food and do ____ sports, you can keep fit.
—OK, thank you.
A. little;many B. less;more C. fewer;more D. few;many
( )7.—Jane, I can’t find my key. Did you see it
—Isn’t it in your bag I saw you ____ it in your bag.
—Oh, here it is. Thank you.
A. putted B. to put C. putting D. put
( )8. —I always get ____ before a test.
—Don’t be worried. Take it easy.
A. nervous B. help C. excited D. relaxed
( )9. —What do you think of the music
—It was light and soft. It made me ____.
A. relaxed B. sleepy C. to relax D. asleep
1. 放轻松些,一切会好起来的。
______ ______ ______. It will be OK.
2. 请安静,我有很重要的事要告诉你们。
Be quiet, please. I have ______ ______ to tell you.
3. 因为一个月的努力,艳芳的数学考试终于及格了。
______ ______ one-month hard work, Yanfang passed the math exam finally.
4. 你一到北京就给妈妈打电话,别让她为你担心。
You must telephone Mom as soon as you get to Beijing. Don’t let her ______ ______ you.
5. 黄先生昨天从马上摔了下来,右腿受伤了。
Mr. Huang ______ ______ the horse yesterday and his right leg was hurt.
A: Hi, Michael! You look worried. Anything wrong
B: It’s Kangkang. 1 I really worried about him.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. He must feel bored and lonely. 2
B: We can bring him some exciting CDs and DVDs. And we can come over to see him. (At Kangkang’s home)
C: I am very happy that you come to see me. You know I missed lots of lessons and I am really worried about that.
B: 3
C: 4 How about the football match
A: Don’t worry. 5 That’s very nice of you.
A. Take it easy. We can help you with your lessons. B. I will ask Jim to play instead. C. What can we do for him D. Thank you. E. When shall we do it F. Jack is playing football. G. He is ill at home.
Emily Dickinson was a very famous American poet. She was __1__ in 1830, in a rich and well-known family in Amherst, Massachusetts. She had a brother and a ___2__.
Emily was shy and __3__, but she had many friends. She went to parties like other young girls of her ___4__. Later, Emily suddenly ___5___ went out to see her friends one day. She just ___6__ at home, reading and writing poems. She put all her heart __7___ writing. When someone came to ___8__ her, she ran upstairs and didn’t meet him or her. __9___ her lifetime, she wrote about 2,000 poems.
One day Emily got ill and died at the age of 55. Her sister found her ___10__, and published the works finally.
( )1. A. stayed B. born C. lived D. came
( )2. A. brother B. sister C. father D. mother
( )3. A. noisy B. happy C. quiet D. excited
( )4. A. years B. year C. ages D. age
( )5. A. no longer B. any longer C. not longer D. any more
( )6. A. stay B. stays C. stayed D. to stay
( )7. A. on B. in C. into D. at
( )8. A. find B. visit C. ask D. look
( )9. A. At B. On C. During D. By
( )10. A. poems B. stories C. novels D. passages
1. am sure 2. listen to 3. nervous 4. test 5. speech
1. Take it easy 2. something important 3. Because of
4. worry about 5. fell off
1. G 2.C 3. A 4. D 5. B



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