新目标版初中英语八年级下册Unit 4 Section B 课堂小检测

新目标版初中英语八年级下册Unit 4 Section B 课堂小检测
1.Jim reached for (伸手去拿) a cup of coffee but didn't drink. _____, he passed it to me.
A.Instead B.Instead of C.Because D.Because of
【解析】【分析】句意: 吉姆伸手去拿一杯咖啡,但没有喝。相反,他把它递给了我。A.相反;B.反而;C.因为;D.因为。根据空格前后句句意可知,此处应该表示转折,而不是因果,所以排除C和D;instead of不能单独使用,后面必须跟名词,代词或者动名词,故排除; instead副词,可以单独使用,用作状语,故选A。
2.— I have nothing to do this weekend.
— Why don't you _____ with us We have a party this Sunday.
A.come B.to come C.coming D.comes
【解析】【分析】句意:—— 这个周末我无事可做。 —— 你为什么不过来我们一起?这个星期天我们有一个聚会。 comel来,动词;why don' t you do sth.为什么不做某事,固定句型,所以此处需要动词原形,故选A。
【点评】考查固定句型和动词原形。注意固定句型why don' t you do sth.。
3.— His plan is good for our work.
— We should agree _____ him.
A.on B.to C.with D.from
【解析】【分析】句意:—— 他的计划对我们的工作有好处。—— 我们应该同意他的看法。 agree with sb.同意某人的看法,固定短语;故选C。
【点评】考查固定短语。注意固定短语agree with sb.。
4.We each have a different _____ on the plan for our trip.
A.promise B.opinion C.decision D.discussion
【解析】【分析】句意: 我们每个人对旅行计划都有不同的意见。A.许诺;B.意见;C.决定;D.讨论。根据have a different和on the plan for our trip 可知,此处指的是意见不同,故选B。
5.This part of the story was not good, so I decided to _____.
A.cut them out B.cut out them C.cut it out D.cut out it
【解析】【分析】句意: 故事的这一部分不太好,所以我决定把它删掉。cut out删掉,固定短语,且是动词+副词短语,跟代词时代词要放在中间,且此处应该用it指代前句中的this part of the story,故选C。
6.Linda _____ with some of the world's best swimmers at the next game.
A.will compete B.won't compete C.competed D.didn't compete
【解析】【分析】句意: 琳达在下一场比赛中将与一些世界上最好的游泳运动员比赛。 compete比赛,动词;根据 at the next game可知,此处描述将来的事情,所以用一般将来时,且根据句意可知,此处用陈述句的肯定句,故选A。
7.Some students are playing basketball on the playground,_______are playing football.
A.other B.others C.the other D.the others
【解析】【分析】句意:一些学生在操场上打篮球,一些在踢足球。other和 the other是形容词,后面跟名词,排除AC,others泛指别人,the others是指某一范围内的其他人,此处句子并没有给出范围,不用the others,故选B.
【点评】考查代词辨析,注意other,others,the others和the other的用法。
8.____ usual, there weren't many people at the meeting.
A.In B.As C.O n D.For
【解析】【分析】句意:像往常一样,来开会的人不多。as usual 照例;照旧,是固定词组,故选B.
9.It's hot this summer. ________, it was ________ hotter last summer.
A.However; very B.Although; very
C.However, even D.Although; even
【解析】【分析】本题考查however的用法。however的含义为“然而”,常与后句用逗号隔开。although的含义为“虽然”,后跟让步状语从句,不用逗号隔开,由此可排除B项和D项,even/much/a lot等词可修饰形容词或副词的比较级,但very不能。因此C项正确。句意:今年夏天太热了,然而,去年夏天更热。
10.The dining hall is ________ to hold 300 people.
A.enough big B.enough small C.small enough D.big enough
【解析】【分析】本题考查enough的用法。enough 修饰形容词,放到形容词的后面,由此可排除A项和B项。句意:这个餐厅足够大能容纳300人,因此应用big,排除small,由此,D项正确。
When my son, Mike, was young, he always listened to me. I hoped he would be a (1) , so I asked him to practice playing the piano every day. He did what I told him to do. But when he grew older, he (2) practiced the piano. He said that he started to be (3) the guitar. I didn't say anything but told him that I still wanted him to be a pianist.
As the years passed, it seemed that Mike started to (4) everything I wanted him to do. I knew that no matter how much you wanted to control your kids, you had to let them go. But I still felt (5) when Mike told me that he would major(主修) in guitar courses. Weren’t my words helpful to him I had (6) that he major in piano courses.
One evening, I completely (彻底地) (7) everything. I had some trouble (8) my computer. I didn't know how to (9) it. I asked Mike to help me. He explained to me what to do. I (10) his clear and specific instructions (具体的说明 ). I was proud of my son and his skills. I was deeply satisfied.
(1)A.teacher B.violinist C.pianist D.scientist
(2)A.often B.usually C.never D.sometimes
(3)A.serious about B.interested in C.afraid of D.worried about
(4)A.hate B.receive C.perform D.finish
(5)A.happy B.pleased
C.lucky D.disappointed(失望的)
(6)A.stopped B.supposed C.suggested D.remembered
(7)A.achieved B.understood C.volunteered D.succeeded
(8)A.with B.in C.by D.on
(9)A.put away B.find out C.clean up D.deal with
(10)A.made B.missed C.followed D.realized
(1)根据下文so I asked him to practice playing the piano every day.可知,“我”想让儿子成为一名pianist(钢琴家)。A项teacher“老师”、B项violinist“小提琴家”、D项scientist“科学家”均不合题意。
(2)根据下文 He said that he started to be ________ the guitar.可知,他不练钢琴了,他说他开始对吉他感兴趣了。A项often“经常”、B项usually“通常”、C项never“不再”、D项sometimes“有时”,由句意可知C项正确。
(3)解析同上题。A项be serious about“对…严肃”、B项be interested in“对…感兴趣”、C项be afraid of“对…害怕”、D项be worried about“对…担忧”。
(4)根据下文I knew that no matter how much you wanted to control your kids, you had to let them go.一句中提到无论你多想控制住你的孩子,你都必须放手,由此可知,似乎迈克开始厌烦我让他做的一切了。因此A项hate“讨厌”正确。B项“收到”、C项“表演”和D项“完成”均不合题意。
(7)由下文可知,我完全理解了儿子。因此B项 understood“理解”合题意。而A项achieved“实现”、C项volunteered“自愿”和D项succeeded“成功”均不合文意。
(8)考查固定短语have trouble with sth“某事上有麻烦”。
(9)由上文知,I had some trouble________ my computer.我的电脑出了问题,因此我不知道怎么处理。A项put away“收好”、B项find out“发现”、C项clean up“清扫”、D项deal with“处理”,由句意可知D项合题意。
(10)由上文I asked Mike to help me. He explained to me what to do. 可知,“我”愿意采纳他的清晰和具体的说明。C项follow的含义为“听从、采纳”、D项realized的含义为“实现”。
communicate,wrong,offer, second,instead,opinion,any more,argue
Sally Seaman is an American Writer. She tells young students some smart ways to make friends. In her    , founding(建立) friendship is just like planting a tree. You should plant the seed(种子) and take care of it to make it grow.
Firstly, you should choose a friend. A good friend should be kind and patient(有耐心的). For example, if something bad happens to you, a good friend could listen to you. And he or she should    to help you.
   , you can't be too shy. You should often    with your friend. You should share your lives with your friend.
However, even best friends have fights. What should you do when you    with your friend You won't talk to him or her. That's    . If so, you won't be friends    . You need to keep on talking to him or her    . If he or she doesn't want to talk, you can write a letter. That works.
【解析】【分析】选项词义:communicate沟通,wrong错误的,offer表示愿意, second第二,instead反而,opinion主张,any more再,argue争吵。
(1)In her (opinion), founding friendship is just like planting a tree.据她看来,建立友谊就像种一棵树。in one's opinion属于固定短语,意思是“据某人看来”,故答案为:opinion
(2)And he or she should (offer) to help you.他或她应该主动帮助你。情态动词should后跟动词原形,故答案为:offer
(3)(Secondly),you can't be too shy. 其次,你不能太害羞。 secondly是副词,意思是是“第二、其次”,一般用在句首相当于状语的作用,故答案为:Secondly
(4)You should often( communicate) with your friend.你应该经常和你的朋友沟通。情态动词should后跟动词原形,故答案为:communicate
(5)What should you do when you (argue) with your friend 当你和你的朋友争吵时你应该怎么做?这是个主从复合句,当主句中含有情态动词时,从句用一般现在时。主句中的should是情态动词;从句的主语是非单三形式,谓语动词要用原形。故答案为:argue
(6)That's (wrong.那是错的。wrong在句中做连系动词is的表语。故答案为:wrong
(7)If so,you won't be friends (any more). 如果是这样,你就不会成为朋友了。短语not ... any more的意思是“不再” ,故答案为:any more
(8)You need to keep on talking to him or her(instead).你反而需要继续和他或她谈话。instead意为“反而”,作副词用,通常位于句尾。故答案为:instead
(1)Lisa didn't hang out with her friends yesterday.(改为肯定句)
Lisa     out with her friends yesterday.
(2)Lin Dan played badminton very well. He won the Thomas Cup again.(合并为一句)
Lin Dan played badminton well       win the Thomas Cup again.
(3)She dressed like a man. She could join the army.(合并为含状语从句的句子)
She dressed like a man        she could join the army.
(4)What do you think of the TV play (改为同义句)
    do you     the TV play
(5)After he cleaned the room, he went shopping.(改为同义句)
He     go shopping     he cleaned the room.
(6)Playing sports is useful. (改为同义句)
    useful        sports.
(2)考查句式…enough to do sth.其意思为“…足够做某事了。”
(3)考查so that 引导的目的状语从句,so that译为“以便于”。
(4)What do you think of… 为常用询问对方意见的句式,意思为“你认为… 怎么样?”,其意义和用法相当于How do you like…? How do you find…?
(6)考查固定句式:It +be+adj+for sb+to do sth,其含义为“对某人来说做某事是怎么样的”,本句中的It is useful for sb to do sth的含义为“对某人来说做某事是有用的。”
【点评】本题重点考查了一般过去时的否定句变肯定句、enough用法、目的状语从句和固定句式It +be+adj+for sb+to do sth。易错点是询问对方意见“你认为… 怎么样?”的正确表达和not…until的使用。做not…until的翻译句子时,可以先翻译until(直到),再翻译前面not。
I thought it was a good idea, but she didn't        me.
We didn’t have enough time and had to        some activities.
Now many students hate          .
    do you       the Voice of China
Doing more after-school activities is        students.
Too much homework     lots of     for students.
Parents always enjoy     their children     other children.
(8)随着社会( society)的发展,农民工的待遇( the salaries of farmers-turned migrant workers)在提高(improve)。
    the     of the society, the salaries of farmers-turned migrant workers are improving.
(1)本题考查动词短语agree with sb,其含义为“同意某人或某人的话”。
(2)本题考查动词短语cut out,其含义为“删去、删除”。
(4)本题考查特殊疑问词what的用法。What do you think of… 为常用询问对方意见的句式,意思为“你认为… 怎么样?”
(8)本题考查介词短语“随着…的发展”,即,with the development of….
新目标版初中英语八年级下册Unit 4 Section B 课堂小检测
1.Jim reached for (伸手去拿) a cup of coffee but didn't drink. _____, he passed it to me.
A.Instead B.Instead of C.Because D.Because of
2.— I have nothing to do this weekend.
— Why don't you _____ with us We have a party this Sunday.
A.come B.to come C.coming D.comes
3.— His plan is good for our work.
— We should agree _____ him.
A.on B.to C.with D.from
4.We each have a different _____ on the plan for our trip.
A.promise B.opinion C.decision D.discussion
5.This part of the story was not good, so I decided to _____.
A.cut them out B.cut out them C.cut it out D.cut out it
6.Linda _____ with some of the world's best swimmers at the next game.
A.will compete B.won't compete C.competed D.didn't compete
7.Some students are playing basketball on the playground,_______are playing football.
A.other B.others C.the other D.the others
8.____ usual, there weren't many people at the meeting.
A.In B.As C.O n D.For
9.It's hot this summer. ________, it was ________ hotter last summer.
A.However; very B.Although; very
C.However, even D.Although; even
10.The dining hall is ________ to hold 300 people.
A.enough big B.enough small C.small enough D.big enough
When my son, Mike, was young, he always listened to me. I hoped he would be a (1) , so I asked him to practice playing the piano every day. He did what I told him to do. But when he grew older, he (2) practiced the piano. He said that he started to be (3) the guitar. I didn't say anything but told him that I still wanted him to be a pianist.
As the years passed, it seemed that Mike started to (4) everything I wanted him to do. I knew that no matter how much you wanted to control your kids, you had to let them go. But I still felt (5) when Mike told me that he would major(主修) in guitar courses. Weren’t my words helpful to him I had (6) that he major in piano courses.
One evening, I completely (彻底地) (7) everything. I had some trouble (8) my computer. I didn't know how to (9) it. I asked Mike to help me. He explained to me what to do. I (10) his clear and specific instructions (具体的说明 ). I was proud of my son and his skills. I was deeply satisfied.
(1)A.teacher B.violinist C.pianist D.scientist
(2)A.often B.usually C.never D.sometimes
(3)A.serious about B.interested in C.afraid of D.worried about
(4)A.hate B.receive C.perform D.finish
(5)A.happy B.pleased
C.lucky D.disappointed(失望的)
(6)A.stopped B.supposed C.suggested D.remembered
(7)A.achieved B.understood C.volunteered D.succeeded
(8)A.with B.in C.by D.on
(9)A.put away B.find out C.clean up D.deal with
(10)A.made B.missed C.followed D.realized
communicate,wrong,offer, second,instead,opinion,any more,argue
Sally Seaman is an American Writer. She tells young students some smart ways to make friends. In her    , founding(建立) friendship is just like planting a tree. You should plant the seed(种子) and take care of it to make it grow.
Firstly, you should choose a friend. A good friend should be kind and patient(有耐心的). For example, if something bad happens to you, a good friend could listen to you. And he or she should    to help you.
   , you can't be too shy. You should often    with your friend. You should share your lives with your friend.
However, even best friends have fights. What should you do when you    with your friend You won't talk to him or her. That's    . If so, you won't be friends    . You need to keep on talking to him or her    . If he or she doesn't want to talk, you can write a letter. That works.
(1)Lisa didn't hang out with her friends yesterday.(改为肯定句)
Lisa     out with her friends yesterday.
(2)Lin Dan played badminton very well. He won the Thomas Cup again.(合并为一句)
Lin Dan played badminton well       win the Thomas Cup again.
(3)She dressed like a man. She could join the army.(合并为含状语从句的句子)
She dressed like a man        she could join the army.
(4)What do you think of the TV play (改为同义句)
    do you     the TV play
(5)After he cleaned the room, he went shopping.(改为同义句)
He     go shopping     he cleaned the room.
(6)Playing sports is useful. (改为同义句)
    useful        sports.
I thought it was a good idea, but she didn't        me.
We didn’t have enough time and had to        some activities.
Now many students hate          .
    do you       the Voice of China
Doing more after-school activities is        students.
Too much homework     lots of     for students.
Parents always enjoy     their children     other children.
(8)随着社会( society)的发展,农民工的待遇( the salaries of farmers-turned migrant workers)在提高(improve)。
    the     of the society, the salaries of farmers-turned migrant workers are improving.
【解析】【分析】句意: 吉姆伸手去拿一杯咖啡,但没有喝。相反,他把它递给了我。A.相反;B.反而;C.因为;D.因为。根据空格前后句句意可知,此处应该表示转折,而不是因果,所以排除C和D;instead of不能单独使用,后面必须跟名词,代词或者动名词,故排除; instead副词,可以单独使用,用作状语,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:—— 这个周末我无事可做。 —— 你为什么不过来我们一起?这个星期天我们有一个聚会。 comel来,动词;why don' t you do sth.为什么不做某事,固定句型,所以此处需要动词原形,故选A。
【点评】考查固定句型和动词原形。注意固定句型why don' t you do sth.。
【解析】【分析】句意:—— 他的计划对我们的工作有好处。—— 我们应该同意他的看法。 agree with sb.同意某人的看法,固定短语;故选C。
【点评】考查固定短语。注意固定短语agree with sb.。
【解析】【分析】句意: 我们每个人对旅行计划都有不同的意见。A.许诺;B.意见;C.决定;D.讨论。根据have a different和on the plan for our trip 可知,此处指的是意见不同,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意: 故事的这一部分不太好,所以我决定把它删掉。cut out删掉,固定短语,且是动词+副词短语,跟代词时代词要放在中间,且此处应该用it指代前句中的this part of the story,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意: 琳达在下一场比赛中将与一些世界上最好的游泳运动员比赛。 compete比赛,动词;根据 at the next game可知,此处描述将来的事情,所以用一般将来时,且根据句意可知,此处用陈述句的肯定句,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:一些学生在操场上打篮球,一些在踢足球。other和 the other是形容词,后面跟名词,排除AC,others泛指别人,the others是指某一范围内的其他人,此处句子并没有给出范围,不用the others,故选B.
【点评】考查代词辨析,注意other,others,the others和the other的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:像往常一样,来开会的人不多。as usual 照例;照旧,是固定词组,故选B.
【解析】【分析】本题考查however的用法。however的含义为“然而”,常与后句用逗号隔开。although的含义为“虽然”,后跟让步状语从句,不用逗号隔开,由此可排除B项和D项,even/much/a lot等词可修饰形容词或副词的比较级,但very不能。因此C项正确。句意:今年夏天太热了,然而,去年夏天更热。
【解析】【分析】本题考查enough的用法。enough 修饰形容词,放到形容词的后面,由此可排除A项和B项。句意:这个餐厅足够大能容纳300人,因此应用big,排除small,由此,D项正确。
(1)根据下文so I asked him to practice playing the piano every day.可知,“我”想让儿子成为一名pianist(钢琴家)。A项teacher“老师”、B项violinist“小提琴家”、D项scientist“科学家”均不合题意。
(2)根据下文 He said that he started to be ________ the guitar.可知,他不练钢琴了,他说他开始对吉他感兴趣了。A项often“经常”、B项usually“通常”、C项never“不再”、D项sometimes“有时”,由句意可知C项正确。
(3)解析同上题。A项be serious about“对…严肃”、B项be interested in“对…感兴趣”、C项be afraid of“对…害怕”、D项be worried about“对…担忧”。
(4)根据下文I knew that no matter how much you wanted to control your kids, you had to let them go.一句中提到无论你多想控制住你的孩子,你都必须放手,由此可知,似乎迈克开始厌烦我让他做的一切了。因此A项hate“讨厌”正确。B项“收到”、C项“表演”和D项“完成”均不合题意。
(7)由下文可知,我完全理解了儿子。因此B项 understood“理解”合题意。而A项achieved“实现”、C项volunteered“自愿”和D项succeeded“成功”均不合文意。
(8)考查固定短语have trouble with sth“某事上有麻烦”。
(9)由上文知,I had some trouble________ my computer.我的电脑出了问题,因此我不知道怎么处理。A项put away“收好”、B项find out“发现”、C项clean up“清扫”、D项deal with“处理”,由句意可知D项合题意。
(10)由上文I asked Mike to help me. He explained to me what to do. 可知,“我”愿意采纳他的清晰和具体的说明。C项follow的含义为“听从、采纳”、D项realized的含义为“实现”。
【解析】【分析】选项词义:communicate沟通,wrong错误的,offer表示愿意, second第二,instead反而,opinion主张,any more再,argue争吵。
(1)In her (opinion), founding friendship is just like planting a tree.据她看来,建立友谊就像种一棵树。in one's opinion属于固定短语,意思是“据某人看来”,故答案为:opinion
(2)And he or she should (offer) to help you.他或她应该主动帮助你。情态动词should后跟动词原形,故答案为:offer
(3)(Secondly),you can't be too shy. 其次,你不能太害羞。 secondly是副词,意思是是“第二、其次”,一般用在句首相当于状语的作用,故答案为:Secondly
(4)You should often( communicate) with your friend.你应该经常和你的朋友沟通。情态动词should后跟动词原形,故答案为:communicate
(5)What should you do when you (argue) with your friend 当你和你的朋友争吵时你应该怎么做?这是个主从复合句,当主句中含有情态动词时,从句用一般现在时。主句中的should是情态动词;从句的主语是非单三形式,谓语动词要用原形。故答案为:argue
(6)That's (wrong.那是错的。wrong在句中做连系动词is的表语。故答案为:wrong
(7)If so,you won't be friends (any more). 如果是这样,你就不会成为朋友了。短语not ... any more的意思是“不再” ,故答案为:any more
(8)You need to keep on talking to him or her(instead).你反而需要继续和他或她谈话。instead意为“反而”,作副词用,通常位于句尾。故答案为:instead
(2)考查句式…enough to do sth.其意思为“…足够做某事了。”
(3)考查so that 引导的目的状语从句,so that译为“以便于”。
(4)What do you think of… 为常用询问对方意见的句式,意思为“你认为… 怎么样?”,其意义和用法相当于How do you like…? How do you find…?
(6)考查固定句式:It +be+adj+for sb+to do sth,其含义为“对某人来说做某事是怎么样的”,本句中的It is useful for sb to do sth的含义为“对某人来说做某事是有用的。”
【点评】本题重点考查了一般过去时的否定句变肯定句、enough用法、目的状语从句和固定句式It +be+adj+for sb+to do sth。易错点是询问对方意见“你认为… 怎么样?”的正确表达和not…until的使用。做not…until的翻译句子时,可以先翻译until(直到),再翻译前面not。
(1)本题考查动词短语agree with sb,其含义为“同意某人或某人的话”。
(2)本题考查动词短语cut out,其含义为“删去、删除”。
(4)本题考查特殊疑问词what的用法。What do you think of… 为常用询问对方意见的句式,意思为“你认为… 怎么样?”
(8)本题考查介词短语“随着…的发展”,即,with the development of….




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