2023年九年级下学期英语专题周周练(第一期) 完形填空(江苏苏州)(含解析)

01:【好题精选】完形填空 -2023年九年级下学期英语专题周周练(第一期)(江苏苏州)
Over the Amazon jungle(雨林), there was a thunderstorm.
The rain fell ___1___ and there was a strong wind. And then lightning ___2___ the plane at 3, 000 metres, and it exploded(爆炸). When Julian woke up later, her right arm was cut, and her shoulder hurt badly. She was alone. But she was ___3___ !
Juliane’s father was a biologist and when she was small, he taught her how to ___4___ in the jungle. She found a small river and walked slowly ___5___ it. “If I follow the river,” she thought, “I’ll find people!” The river also gave her clean water to drink. It was very hot, but the river water kept her cool and made her feel ___6___ . There was fruit on some trees but she didn’t eat it—she knew it might be dangerous.
Juliane walked for ten days. At night she stopped to sleep ___7___ it was too dark to walk. Ten days after the ___8___ , she found a small house by the river. There were some woodcutters. They cleaned her cuts carefully and a plane took her safely to hospital.
Juliane was the ___9___ person who lived. The rest 91 people all died. The film director, Werner Herzog, had a ticket to travel on the plane but ____10____ it. He made a documentary film called “Wings of Hope” about Juliane and her amazing story.
1.A.heavily B.slowly C.gently D.closely
2.A.burnt B.met C.hit D.lit
3.A.famous B.alive C.active D.special
4.A.practice B.improve C.prepare D.survive
5.A.along B.across C.opposite D.behind
6.A.lazier B.kinder C.better D.sicker
7.A.when B.though C.whether D.that
8.A.rest B.ride C.visit D.crash
9.A.first B.only C.extra D.other
10.A.caught B.missed C.used D.sent
In one’s life, one spends most time being with oneself. But one has the least understanding of oneself. When you are successful, you may be very proud. When you fail, you may lose heart. If you don’t get a thorough (完全的) understanding of yourself, you may miss many ____11____in life.
To get a thorough understanding of yourself is to know well about yourself. You may ____12____your strong points and weak ones. You may hope for a ____13____ future, but be sure not to expect too much because not all dreams can ____14____. You may be very confident to meet challenges, but first you should know ____15____.
To get a thorough understanding of yourself need self-appreciation (自我赏识). You think you ____16____a tall tree or just small grass. But you can always have your own way of being there. As soon as you get full confidence in yourself, you are sure to face any trouble.
To get a thorough understanding of yourself ____17____means to take care of yourself. When you are angry, find a quiet place so that you won’t be hurt. When you are sad, tell your friends about it to change the mood into a good one. When you are tired, get a good sleep. If you don’t know when and how you should look after yourself, you won’t be able to stay away from ____18____.
No one can ____19____what will happen in the future. Get a thorough understanding of yourself, you will get a full control of yourself and find your life ____20____colors.
If you cannot get a thorough understanding of yourself your friends parents or teachers may help.
11.A.jobs B.hobbies C.chances D.friends
12.A.realize B.see C.find D.make
13.A.comfortable B.wonderful C.funny D.interesting
14.A.come over B.come out C.come up D.come true
15.A.when to do B.where to do C.how to do D.what to do
16.A.ought to do B.should be C.may be D.must be
17.A.either B.also C.too D.neither
18.A.happiness B.health C.illness D.speak
19.A.tell B.say C.think D.speak
20.A.busy with B.happy with C.full of D.thankful to
Where there is a will ,there is a way. In history many people were thought of by others as being ___21___. But they took on challenges and became great people in the end.
“We don’t like their ___22___ or guitar music.” Decca Recording Company rejected(拒绝) the Beatles in1962. They couldn’t imagine the band(乐队)would be ___23___ around the world. Its album(专辑)created new records in sales after it stopped recording or even putting on shoes. Why Because members of the Beatles ___24___that they had the ability to make a name for them and worked with confidence all the time.
“Your son Tommy is too stupid to learn.Get him out of school.”This was the ___25___teacher put in a little boy’s pocket ___26___ he walked home one day. The boys mother decided to teach the little boy herself from then on. At that time the mother didn’t realize that her son would achieve so much. But she kept cheering him up. The little boy is ___27___ today for his great inventions(发明). He is Thomas Edison.
Michael Phelps, the former American ___28___, started swimming as a child after the doctor said he had Attention - Deflict Hyperactivity Discorder (多动症). His hard work saw his break many world records and become one of the most ___29___ athletes in the world.
Those people set a good ___30___ to us. If we have a strong will like them, we can overcome any difficulty, and finally find a way to achieve our dreams.
21.A.careful B.famous C.powerful D.useless
22.A.sculpture B.voice C.writing D.standard
23.A.popular B.terrible C.general D.suitable
24.A.practices B.believed C.decided D.agreed
25.A.note B.heat C.money D.ticket
26.A.since B.until C.when D.if
27.A.remind B.considered C.forgotten D.remembered
28.A.traveler B.swimmer C.surgeon D.engineer
29.A.meaningful B.successful C.creative D.careless
30.A.order B.position C.example D.lesson
Have you ever heard of e-waste How do you deal with your Mp4 players, mobile phones and your computers when they’re broken or you want a new one
Most people just throw them away. With the ___31___ of electronic industry, e-waste pollution has become a serious problem. According to the UN, in 2014, people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste and only ___32___ less than 20% of it. The USA was ___33___ waster in the world, producing 7.1 million tons. China came second, ___34___ 6 million tons.
It’s important to pay attention to e-waste. It can be ___35___ valuable or harmful, depending on what we do with it. E-waste is a valuable urban mine (城市矿藏). The value of the metals, like gold and silver is ___36___. And the metals can be reused, but if people throw them away, the toxic (有毒的) chemicals can ___37___ the earth or air, they will affect the environment and people’s health.
Now, Apple recycles people’s used products in China when they’re buying new ____38____. The company will test and repair them and then sell them at lower prices. ____39____ e-waste, we can buy longer lasting electronic products. If you don’t want your electronics, find a new home for them. You can also take them to see _____40_____ companies can offer recycling programs.
31.A.developing B.developed C.development D.develop
32.A.recycled B.rebuilt C.researched D.refused
33.A.big B.bigger C.the biggest D.larger
34.A.during B.with C.between D.in
35.A.both B.either C.neither D.none
36.A.amazing B.disappointing C.boring D.embarrassing
37.A.get up B.get into C.get on D.get off
38.A.them B.those C.ones D.it
39.A.To increase B.To reduce C.To keep D.To prevent
40.A.that B.where C.whether D.what
It’s been nearly 40 years since I became a member of the navy. You may be wondering how I have won so many honors as a commander-in-chief. In fact, it all began from the half a ___41___ basic training, which I will never forget. The training included midnight swims in the cold water, days without food and long painful runs in the soft sand. I always felt cold, wet, sleepy and painful. To me, the basic training was a lifetime of challenges that lasted six months.
Every morning in the training, my instructors(教官) would ___42___ in our rooms. The first thing they did was to ___43___ our beds. The corners would be square if we did it right. The covers would be pulled tight, and the pillow would be centered just under the headboard.
It was a difficult task. But every morning we were required to make our beds ___44___. It seemed a little funny, but the wisdom of this simple act has been proved to me many times over.
If you make your bed every morning, you will have completed the ___45___ task of the day. It will bring you a small sense of success, and it will ___46___ you to do another task, and another and another. And by the end of the day, one task completed will have ___47___ into many tasks completed. Making your bed will prove the fact. If you can't do the little things right, you will ___48___ be able to do the big things right.
___49___ the world can happen anywhere and anyone can do it. I can make sure that it doesn’t matter whether I ever ___50___ a day in uniform. Even now, I still start my day with making the bed to perfection. So if you have an awful day by accident, you will come home to a bed that is made—that you made—and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.
41.A.day’s B.week’s C.month’s D.year’s
42.A.rest B.exercise C.appear D.relax
43.A.check B.clean C.mend D.make
44.A.softly B.messily C.slowly D.perfectly
45.A.first B.only C.same D.last
46.A.need B.warn C.invite D.encourage
47.A.thrown B.put C.turned D.divided
48.A.always B.hardly C.almost D.easily
49.A.Saving B.Changing C.Controlling D.Connecting
50.A.rose B.risked C.served D.celebrated
John suddenly jumped off the swing without even slowing down. He called out nervously “Mom, where’s Charlie ” He had just ____51____ he hadn’t seen his new puppy for over an hour.
John looked around the garden, behind the bushes, and under the picnic table. No dog! His mother heard ____52____ in his voice as he called her a second time. “Mom, I can’t find Charlie!”
She came outside ____53____. “Let’s look around the garden first. Don’t worry. I’m sure he’s close by.”
Both son and mother were ____54____ now, but still no Charlie. Their calls were not completely wasted, though. Joe, the next-door neighbor, and his two daughters Tania and Julie, immediately agreed to help them ____55____ the lost dog.
But even with five people now searching the town’s streets, they had no luck. Charlie was still ____56____.
Tania suggested they make posters with Charlie’s ____57____. She had done this when her own cat was lost a year earlier, she told John, and the cat was found the next day.
John agreed. When they got home, he made a poster with a photo of Charlie, Then John heard ____58____ and opened his bedroom door. It was Charlie. John was greeted with a big wet kiss Charlie had been ____59____ in the bedroom this whole time, sleeping. John had never been so _____60_____ in his life!
51.A.decided B.forgotten C.understood D.realized
52.A.anger B.hope C.fear D.warning
53.A.actively B.quickly C.carelessly D.annoyingly
54.A.shouting B.talking C.fighting D.thinking
55.A.give up B.look for C.run after D.take care of
56.A.missing B.asleep C.take D.quiet
57.A.address B.character C.name D.picture
58.A.mess B.noise C.voice D.song
59.A.shut B.woke C.tied D.saved
60.A.afraid B.silly C.happy D.proud
In 1978, I was 18 and was working as a nurse in a small town about 270 km away from Sydney, Australia. I was looking forward to having five ____61____ off duty. Unfortunately, the only one train a day back to my home in Sydney had already ____62____. So I thought I’d hitch a lift (搭便车).
I waited by the side of the highway for three hours ____63____ no one stopped for me. Finally, a man walked over and introduced ____64____ as Gordon. He said that although he couldn’t give me a lift, I should come back to his house for lunch. He noticed me ____65____ for hours in the November heat and thought I must be ____66____. I was in ____67____ as a young girl but he assured (使放心) me I was safe, and he also ____68____ to help me find a lift home afterwards. When we arrived at his house, he made us sandwiches. ____69____ lunch, he helped me find a lift home.
Twenty-five years later, in 2003, while I was driving to a nearby town one day, I saw a(an) _____70_____ man standing in the glaring heat, trying to hitch a lift. I thought it was another _____71_____ to repay someone for the favour I’d been given decades earlier. I pulled over and _____72_____ him up. I made him comfortable on the back seat and offered him some water.
After a few moments of small talk, the man said to me, “You haven’t changed a bit, even your red hair is still the same.” _____73_____ I realized I had met him before, I just couldn’t remember _____74_____ I’d met him. He then told me he was the man who had given me _____75_____ and helped me find a lift all those years ago. It was Gordon.
61.A.seconds B.minutes C.hours D.days
62.A.left B.begun C.finished D.completed
63.A.and B.but C.or D.so
64.A.me B.him C.myself D.himself
65.A.running B.walking C.standing D.lying
66.A.hungry B.angry C.sleepy D.lazy
67.A.danger B.doubt C.trouble D.surprise
68.A.asked B.encouraged C.offered D.advised
69.A.After B.Before C.Until D.Since
70.A.young B.elderly C.strong D.active
71.A.decision B.order C.choice D.chance
72.A.picked B.woke C.cheered D.gave
73.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Sadly D.Probably
74.A.how B.why C.where D.whether
75.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.supper
根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。
One day, Mr. Arnold was teaching a lesson. He was explaining the ___76___ of humans to his students. He told them that, in the beginning, humans were nomads(游牧部落的人). They ___77___ stayed in the same place for very long. Instead, they would travel around, here and there, looking for food.
He then taught ___78___ about farming and keeping animals. By learning to cultivate(耕作)the land and care for animals, humans could always have food. Then they could ___79___ in one place. All the children were listening quietly. ___80___, Lucy stood up and asked, “If that improved everything so much, why are we nomads again ”
Mr. Arnold didn’t know what to say. He knew that her family were not nomads. So what did she ___81___
“We have become nomads again,” continued Lucy. “When there’s no more forest left in one place, the foresters go to another place. That’s ___82___ the nomads did, isn’t it ”
The teacher ___83___. Really, Lucy was right. The students spent the rest of the class talking about what they should do.
The next day, everyone wore a green T-shirt ___84___ a message that said “I am not a nomad!” to school. From then on, when they needed paper, they would make sure that they got the recycled ____85____. They didn’t want to become nomads again.
76.A.development B.courage C.method D.address
77.A.even B.still C.never D.also
78.A.him B.her C.us D.them
79.A.study B.live C.play D.act
80.A.Suddenly B.Luckily C.Especially D.Usually
81.A.hurt B.have C.mean D.miss
82.A.what B.where C.when D.why
83.A.caused B.nodded C.avoided D.dreamed
84.A.from B.about C.with D.above
85.A.color B.size C.height D.kind
Kevin is a special swimmer. He took risks to ___86___ in very cold places because he wanted people to pay attention to environmental problems.
As a boy, Kevin visited national parks and he learned the Earth is in ___87___ condition. He felt worried, and he wanted to ___88___ the Earth. In 2009, he went to swim in water near North Pole(北极)to draw people’s attention to the melting glaciers(融化的冰川). Kevin said that the swim was so painful that it would be his ___89___ time swimming in cold water. In 2016, he heard about a lake in the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉). It was formed by melting glaciers. He ___90___ to swim in cold water again. It was difficult to swim in the lake. The air was so ___91___ that it was hard to breathe. He told people about his experiences on TV. He wanted people to know that glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing ___92___ global(全球的)warming and that there’s less water for people in nearby ___93___ like China, India, and Pakistan.
From Kevin’s story, we learn two ___94___ . We learn that people can do a lot of harm to the Earth without realizing it. Also, we learn that if we ___95___ the way we think, we can do something to protect our environment. With the new way of thinking in our minds, we can enjoy a bright future.
86.A.fly B.swim C.run D.skate
87.A.right B.safe C.poor D.natural
88.A.protect B.leave C.find D.share
89.A.last B.great C.free D.long
90.A.hated B.agreed C.learned D.decided
91.A.fresh B.thin C.clear D.cool
92.A.because of B.opposite to C.according to D.instead of
93.A.cities B.countries C.towns D.villages
94.A.choices B.reports C.reasons D.lessons
95.A.ask B.show C.change D.record
Like most children growing up in the countryside, Mike loved being outdoors and traveled around every inch of the area.
With a deep love of the land, he had a strong wish to __96__ it. When Mike saw rubbish floating in the rivers, he got __97__ . He knew he had to do something. While only in third grade, Mike started a group. Its purpose was to __98__ the countryside and teach other young people about pollution and its dangers.
But Mike faced a challenge. As he was __99__, he found it hard to speak out in public. However, with his mom’s help, Mike __100__ dealt with his fear. He said, “I took responsibility(责任)and did what needed to be done. When your heart is into it, __101__ will stop you.”
Mike worked hard to __102__ his idea to the public. He handed out leaflets and even appeared on radio and TV. His efforts paid off. He won __103__ from several thousand people. And his group collected and recycled more than 22,000 pounds of rubbish.
Now as a college student, Mike’s __104__ remains the same. He often says, “I want to create a ___105___ life for my kids and grandkids. It’s beautiful countryside, where I’m from, and I want my kids to see it like I see it.”
96.A.practise B.protect C.prepare D.provide
97.A.weak B.tired C.relaxed D.angry
98.A.clean up B.break into C.set up D.move into
99.A.shy B.sad C.proud D.polite
100.A.clearly B.carefully C.successfully D.traditionally
101.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything
102.A.accept B.change C.follow D.introduce
103.A.courage B.victory C.support D.reward
104.A.wish B.chance C.luck D.fear
105.A.busier B.harder C.better D.crazier
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.B
heavily大量地;slowly慢慢地;gently轻轻地;closely密切地。根据“and there was a strong wind.”可知,雨下得很大,因此选heavily。故选A。
burnt烧;met遇到;hit撞击;lit点亮。根据“and it exploded(爆炸)”可知,闪电击中了飞机,因此选hit。故选C。
famous著名的;alive活着的;active活跃的;special特殊的。根据“her right arm was cut, and her shoulder hurt badly.”可知,她受伤厉害,but表示转折,所以应是她还活着。故选B。
practice练习;improve提高;prepare准备;survive生存。根据“Juliane’s father was a biologist”和“he taught her how to ... in the jungle”可知,应是父亲教她在丛林中生存的技能,因此选survive。故选D。
along沿着;across穿过;opposite在……对面;behind在……后面。根据“If I follow the river”可知,是沿着河走,因此选along符合题意。故选A。
lazier更懒惰的;kinder更友好的;better更好的;sicker生病的。根据“It was very hot, but the river water kept her cool”可知,凉爽的河水让她感觉好一些,因此选better。故选C。
when当……时;though尽管;whether是否;that连接词,无实义。根据“At night she stopped to sleep”可知,是当天太黑不能走路的时候停下来休息,因此选when。故选A。
first第一的;only唯一的;extra额外的;other其他的。根据“The rest 91 people all died.”可知,她是唯一一位幸存者。故选B。
11.C 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.C
jobs工作;hobbies爱好;chances机会;friend朋友。根据“If you don’t get a thorough (完全的) understanding of yourself, you may miss many...in life.”可知,此处表达的是:不了解自己,可能会失去很多机会。故选C。
realize意识到;see理解,明白;find找到,发现;make制作。根据“To get a thorough understanding of yourself is to know well about yourself. You may...your strong points and weak ones.”可知,此处作者是在解释什么才是了解自己,了解自己就是可以意识到自己的优点和缺点。故选A。
comfortable舒服的;wonderful精彩的;funny有趣的;interesting令人感兴趣的。根据后文的“but be sure not to expect too much”可知,前面的部分和but后的部分构成语义上的转折,所以,前文表达的是:你可能希望拥有一个精彩的未来。故选B。
come over过来;come out出来;come up升起;come true实现。根据“but be sure not to expect too much because not all dreams can...”可知,从句和主句之间为因果关系,作者想要表达的是:因为不是所有的梦想都可以实现,所以要确保不要期待太多。故选D。
when to do什么时候做;where to do在哪里做;how to do如何做;what to do做什么。根据“连接词+不定式”相关的语法知识可知,when, where和how都是连接副词,后接动词不定式时,不定式后不能缺少宾语。what为连接代词,后接不定式时,what充当不定式的宾语,所以,不定式后无需另外接宾语。故选D。
ought to do应该做;should be应该是;may be可以是;must be必须是。根据“To get a thorough understanding of yourself need self-appreciation (自我赏识).”可知,有了自我赏识,你便会认为你可以是棵大树或仅仅是小草,强调的是你认为你自己会有这个能力。故选C。
either也,用于否定句句尾;also也,用于句中;too也,用于句尾;neither,也不,用于倒装结构。根据“To get a thorough understanding of yourself...means to take care of yourself.”可知,设空处在句中,排除A和C。又因此处不是倒装结构,也不表否定,所以排除D。故选B。
happiness幸福;health健康;illness疾病;speak说。根据“If you don’t know when and how you should look after yourself, you won’t be able to stay away from...”可知,此处表达的是:如果不知道什么时候照顾自己、如何照顾自己,你将不能远离疾病。故选C。
tell知道,准确地判断;say说;think认为;speak说。根据空后的“what will happen in the future.”可知,此处作者表达的是:没有人能知道将来会发生什么。故选A。
busy with忙于;happy with乐于;full of充满;thankful to感激。根据空前的“find your life”和空后的“colors”可知,此处作者表达的是:发现你的生活充满色彩。故选C。
21.D 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.B 29.B 30.C
careful仔细的;famous著名的;powerful有力;useless无用的。根据“But they took on challenges and became great people in the end.”可知,很多人被认为没有用,故选D。
sculpture雕像;voice声音;writing写;standard标准。根据“or guitar music”可知,不喜欢声音,故选B。
popular流行的;terrible恐怖的;general普遍的;suitable合适的。根据“around the world”可知,全世界受欢迎,故选A。
practices练习;believed相信;decided决定;agreed同意。根据“worked with confidence all the time”可知,成员相信自己有能力,故选B。
note纸条;heat热量;money钱;ticket票。根据“put in a little boy’s pocket”可知,把纸条放在口袋里,故选A。
since自从;until直到;when当……时;if如果。根据“he walked home one day.”可知,在男孩回家时,故选C。
remind提醒;considered考虑;forgotten忘记;remembered记住。根据“for his great inventions”可知,因为发明被人们记住,故选D。
28.句意:前美国游泳运动员迈克尔·菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)从小就开始游泳,当时医生说他患有注意力缺陷多动障碍。
traveler游客;swimmer游泳者;surgeon外科医生;engineer工程师。根据“started swimming as a child”可知,是游泳者,故选B。
meaningful有意义的;successful成功的;creative有创造力的;careless粗心。根据“athletes in the world”可知,是最成功的运动员,故选B。
order命令;position职位;example榜样;lesson课。根据“Those people set a good”可知,这些人树立了好榜样,故选C。
31.C 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.B 36.A 37.B 38.C 39.B 40.C
recycled回收;rebuilt重建;researched研究;refused拒绝。根据“people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste and only … less than 20%”,可知应该是4180万吨电子垃圾中只有不到20%被回收。故选A。
big大的;bigger更大的;the biggest最大的;larger更大规模的。根据“China came second”中国紧接第二,可知美国是世界上最大的,故选C。
during在……期间;with带有;between之间;in在……里。根据“China came second, … 6 million tons.”可知这里应该用with表示伴随,故选B。
amazing令人惊愕的;disappointing令人失望的;boring令人无聊的;embarrassing令人尴尬的。根据“like gold and silver”像黄金和白银,可知价值是惊人的,故选A。
get up起床;get into进入;get on上车;get off下车。根据“the toxic chemicals can … the earth or air”可推知应该是有毒的化学物质就会进入土壤或空气中,故选B。
increase增加;reduce减少;keep保持;prevent防止。根据“we can buy longer lasting electronic products. ”,购买更耐用的电子产品,可知是为了减少电子垃圾,故选B。
that那;where哪里;whether是否;what什么。根据“If you don’t want your electronics, find a new home for them.”,可知这里是看看公司是否可以提供回收项目,故选C。
41.D 42.C 43.A 44.D 45.A 46.D 47.C 48.B 49.B 50.C
day’s天的;week’s周的;month’s月的;year’s年的。根据“lasted six months”可知,是半年,故选D。
rest休息; exercise锻炼;appear出现;relax放松。根据“Every morning in the training, my instructors(教官) would...in our rooms.”可知,教练每早出现在我们面前,故选C。
check检查;clean打扫;mend修补;make制作。根据“The first thing they did was to...our beds.”可知,是检查床铺,故选A。
softly柔软地;messily混乱地;slowly缓慢地;perfectly完美地。根据“But every morning we were required to make our beds...”可知,要求把床铺得整整齐齐,故选D。
first第一;only只;same相同的;last最后的。根据“If you make your bed every morning, you will have completed the...task of the day.”可知,整理床铺是每天的第一项任务,故选A。
need需要;warn警告;invite邀请;encourage鼓励。根据“It will bring you a small sense of success, and it will...you to do another task, and another and another.”可知,成就感会鼓励你完成其他任务,故选D。
thrown扔;put放;turned转动;divided划分。根据“one task completed will have...into many tasks completed”可知,完成的一项任务会变成完成的很多任务,turn into“变成”,故选C。
always总是;hardly几乎不;almost几乎;easily容易地。根据“If you can’t do the little things right, you will...be able to do the big things right.”可知,小事做不好,大事也很难做好,故选B。
Saving节约;Changing改变;Controlling控制;Connecting连接。根据“... the world can happen anywhere and anyone can do it.”可知,改变世界可以发生在任何地方,故选B。
rose上升;risked冒险;served服役;celebrated庆祝。根据“I can make sure that it doesn’t matter whether I ever...a day in uniform.”可知,是在军中服役,故选C。
51.D 52.C 53.B 54.A 55.B 56.A 57.D 58.B 59.A 60.C
51.句意:他刚刚意识到他有一个多小时没有见到他刚养的小狗了。decided决定;forgotten忘记;understood理解;realized意识到。根据“John suddenly jumped off the swing without even slowing down.”可知,约翰突然从秋千上跳了下来,因为他突然意识到没有看见小狗。故选D。
52.句意:当他再次叫妈妈的时候,妈妈从他的声音里听出了担忧。anger生气;hope希望;fear害怕,担忧;warning警告。根据“Mom, I can’t find Charlie!”可知,约翰找不到他的小狗,因此他心里应该感到担忧。故选C。
53.句意:她马上出来了。actively积极地;quickly快速地;carelessly粗心地;annoyingly令人恼火地,烦人地。根据“No dog! His mother heard…in his voice as he called her a second time.”可知,妈妈听到了约翰的声音里带着担忧,他害怕小狗找不到了,于是就赶紧出来。故选B。
54.句意:母子二人在大声呼喊,但是还是找不到查理。shouting大喊;talking谈话;fighting打架;thinking思考,认为。根据“Their calls were not completely wasted, though.”可知,母子二人大声呼喊寻找小狗,他们的喊叫声引起了邻居的注意。故选A。
55.句意:隔壁邻居乔及他的两个女儿塔尼亚和朱莉立刻同意帮助他们寻找丢失的小狗。give up放弃;look for寻找;run after追逐;take care of照顾。根据“But even with five people searching the town’s streets...”可知,邻居乔和他的两个女儿都来帮助约翰找小狗。故选B。
56.句意:查理仍然不知所踪。missing失踪的,不见的;asleep睡着的;take带走;quiet安静的。根据“But even with five people searching the town’s streets, they had no luck.”可知,五个人在大街上找小狗,但是他们仍然没有如愿,即:他们没有找到小狗,小狗仍然是不见的。故选A。
57.句意:塔尼亚建议用查理的照片制作海报。address地址;character性格,特点;name名字;picture照片,图片。根据“John agreed. When they got home, he made a poster with a photo of Charlie.”可知,约翰同意塔尼亚的建议:用Charlie的照片制作海报。故选D。
58.句意:约翰听到了一阵响声,于是他打开了他的卧室门。mess杂乱;noise噪音,响声;voice声音,指人的声音;song歌曲。根据“It was Charlie.”可知,约翰听到了查理发出的响声。故选B。
59.句意:查理在这个时间里一直被关在卧室里睡觉。shut关闭;woke醒;tied系,捆,扎;saved拯救。根据“in the bedroom”和“sleeping”可知,查理被关在了卧室里面。故选A。
60.句意:约翰在生活中从来没有这么开心过。afraid害怕的;silly傻的,愚蠢的;happy开心的;proud骄傲的。根据“John was greeted with a big wet kiss.”可知,约翰最后找到了小狗,因此他应该是感到很开心的。故选C。
61.D 62.A 63.B 64.D 65.C 66.A 67.B 68.C 69.A 70.B 71.D 72.A 73.B 74.C 75.B
61.句意:我期待着有五天的假期。seconds秒;minutes分钟;hours小时;days天。根据“Unfortunately, the only one train a day back to my home in Sydney had already”可知要回悉尼的家,可见要请假五天。可知故选D。
62.句意:不幸的是,每天唯一一趟返回我在悉尼家中的火车已经开走了。left离开;begun开始;finished结束;completed完成。根据“So I thought I’d hitch a lift”可知要搭便车回家,因为回家的火车已经离开了。故选A。
63.句意:我在高速公路边等了三个小时,但没有人停下来。and和;but但是;or或者;so所以。根据“I waited by the side of the highway for three hours...no one stopped for me”可知前后两句是转折关系,用but连接。故选B。
64.句意:终于,一个男人走了过来,自我介绍为Gordon。me我;him他;myself我自己;himself他自己。根据“a man walked over and introduced”可知是这个人介绍他自己,用反身代词himself。故选D。
65.句意:他注意到我在 11 月的酷暑中站了好几个小时,并认为我一定很饥饿。running跑步;walking走路;standing站;lying躺。根据“I waited by the side of the highway”可知作者站在路边等车。故选C。
66.句意:他注意到我在 11 月的酷暑中站了好几个小时,并认为我一定很饥饿。hungry饿的;angry生气的;sleepy困的;lazy懒惰的。根据“he made us sandwiches.”可知他觉得作者站了很长时间,一定很饿,所以回家给作者做了午饭。故选A。
67.句意:当我还是个小女孩的时候,我很怀疑,但他向我保证我很安全,之后他还提出帮我找个便车回家。danger危险;doubt疑惑;trouble麻烦;surprise惊讶。根据“as a young girl but he assured (使放心) me I was safe”可知作者很怀疑他,但是他向我保证我是安全的。故选B。
68.句意:当我还是个小女孩的时候,我很怀疑,但他向我保证我很安全,之后他还提出帮我找个便车回家。asked问;encouraged鼓励;offered提供;advised建议。根据“to help me find a lift home”可知是主动提出帮助我找便车。故选C。
70.句意:有一天,我开车去附近的一个小镇时,看到一位老人站在酷热中。young年轻的;elderly年老的;strong强壮的;active积极的。根据“Twenty-five years later”可知25年之后,当年那个人成为了一名老人。故选B。
71.句意:我认为这是另一个机会来回报我几十年前得到的恩惠。decision决定;order命令;choice选择;chance机会。根据“to repay someone for the favour I’d been given decades earlier”可知作者觉得这个是机会能让他回报自己得到的恩惠。故选D。
72.句意:我停下来,让他上车。picked挑选;woke醒来;cheered欢呼;gave给。根据“I pulled over”可知是停车让他上车,pick up“接载”。故选A。
73.句意:突然我意识到我以前见过他,我只是不记得我在哪里见过他。luckily幸运地;suddenly突然;sadly悲伤地;probably可能。根据“I realized I had met him before”可知我突然意识到之前见过他。故选B。
74.句意:突然我意识到我以前见过他,我只是不记得我在哪里见过他。how如何;why为什么;where哪里;whether是否。根据“I realized I had met him before, I just couldn’t remember...I’d met him”可知我意识到之前见过他,但是不记得在哪里见过他。故选C。
76.A 77.C 78.D 79.B 80.A 81.C 82.A 83.B 84.C 85.D
76.句意:他正在给学生们解释人类的发展。development发展;courage勇气;method方法;address地址。根据后一句“He told them that, in the beginning, humans were nomads(游牧部落的人).”可知,老师在讲人类的发展。故选A。
77.句意:他们从来不会待在相同的地方很长时间。even甚至;still仍然;never从不;also也。根据后一句“Instead, they would travel around, here and there, looking for food. ”可知不会长期待在一个地方。故选C。
79.句意:然后他们可以居住在一个地方。study学习;live生活;play玩耍;act表演。根据上一句“humans could always have food.”人们有足够的食物了。可知不需要四处游牧寻找食物,因此可以在一个地方生活居住。故选B。
80.句意:突然,露西站起来发问。suddenly突然地;luckily幸运地;especially尤其;usually通常地。根据上一句“All the children were listening quietly.”,此时所有的孩子都在认真倾听,可知这个时候露西站起来发问是比较突然的。故选A。
81.句意:她是什么意思呢?hurt伤害;have有;mean意思是;miss错过,想念。前文露西起来说我们又变成游牧民族了,阿诺德老师的反应是“He knew that her family were not nomads.”可知,他知道露西家不是游牧民族,因此阿诺德不明白露西这么说的意思。故选C。
82.句意:这正是游牧民族的人做的事,不是吗?what什么;where哪里;when什么时候;why为什么。空格所在的句子是表语从句,空格作“the nomads did”的宾语,在名词性从句中对主宾进行提问,用what。故选A。
83.句意:老师点点头。caused导致;nodded点头;avoided避免;dreamed梦想。根据后一句“Really, Lucy was right.”可知,阿诺德老师赞同露西的说法,因此点头赞同。故选B。
84.句意:第二天,所有人都穿上了一件绿T恤,上面写着“我不是游牧人”。from从……;about关于;with有,带着;above在……上面。根据空格后的“a message”,可知绿T恤上面有一个信息,with表示伴随。故选C。
86.B 87.C 88.A 89.A 90.D 91.B 92.A 93.B 94.D 95.C
fly飞;swim游泳;run跑步;skate滑冰。根据“Kevin is a special swimmer.”可知,是游泳,故选B。
right正确的;safe安全的;poor贫穷的,差的;natural自然的。根据“He felt worried”可知,地球状况不好,故选C。
protect保护;leave离开;find发现;share分享。根据“He felt worried, and he wanted to...the Earth.”可知,他为地球担心,所以想保护地球,故选A。
last最后的;great很棒的;free自由的,免费的;long长的。根据“Kevin said that the swim was so painful”可知,很痛苦,不想再继续了,所以是最后一次,故选A。
hated讨厌;agreed同意;learned学习;decided决定。根据“In 2016, he heard about a lake in the Himalayas. It was formed by melting glaciers. He...to swim in cold water again.”可知,由于喜马拉雅山脉的情况,他决定再次游泳,故选D。
fresh新鲜的;thin稀薄的;clear清晰的;cool酷的。根据“it was hard to breathe”可知,空气很稀薄,故选B。
because of因为;opposite to相反;according to根据;instead of而不是。“global warming”是“glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing”的原因,故选A。
cities城市;countries国家;towns小镇;villages乡村。根据“like China, India, and Pakistan”可知,是几个国家,故选B。
choices选择;reports报告;reasons原因;lessons课。根据“From Kevin’s story, we learn two...”和后文内容可知,学到了两个教训,故选D。
ask请求;show展示;change改变;record记录。根据“Also, we learn that if we...the way we think, we can do something to protect our environment.”可知,改变自己的思维来保护环境,故选C。
96.B 97.D 98.A 99.A 100.C 101.B 102.D 103.C 104.A 105.C
practise练习;protect保护;prepare准备;provide提供。根据“Its purpose was to…the countryside and teach other young people about pollution and its dangers”可知,产生了保护这片土地的愿望,故选B。
weak虚弱的;tired疲惫的;relaxed放松的;angry生气的。根据“When Mike saw rubbish floating in the rivers”及“He knew he had to do something”可知,看到河里飘着垃圾感到很生气,所以决定要做些什么事情,故选D。
clean up清理;break into闯入;set up设立;move into搬进。根据下文“And his group collected and recycled more than 22,000 pounds of rubbish”可知,目的是清理农村,让它变得干净,故选A。
shy害羞的;sad难过的;proud骄傲的;polite礼貌的。根据“he found it hard to speak out in public”可知,很害羞,不敢在公众面前发言,故选A。
clearly清楚地;carefully仔细地;successfully成功地;traditionally传统地。根据“with his mom’s help, Mike … dealt with his fear”可知,在妈妈的帮助下,他成功地克服了恐惧,故选C。
anything任何事;nothing没什么;something某事;everything一切。根据“When your heart is into it, … will stop you”可知,这是一句激励的话语,全身心投入时,没什么能阻挡你,故选B。
accept接受;change改变;follow跟随;introduce介绍。根据“his idea to the public”可知,把他保护环境的想法传播给大众,故选D。
courage勇气;victory胜利;support支持;reward奖励。根据“He won… from several thousand people”可知,赢得了人们的支持,故选C。
wish愿望;chance机会;luck幸运;fear害怕。根据前文“With a deep love of the land, he had a strong wish to… it”可知,保护环境的愿望从来没有改变,故选A。
busier更忙的;harder更难的;better更好的;crazier更疯狂的。根据“I want to create a… life for my kids and grandkids”可知,为子孙后代创造更好的生活,故选C。



