

题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总得分
A. 听句子,根据句子内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。每小题听一遍。
( ) 1. Which do they have?
( ) 2. What does Jane like
( ) 3. Who are they
( ) 4. When is Ms. White’s birthday
( ) 5. Whose color pens are they
( ) 6. Who can talk with his/her English friends
A. Li Mei. B. Li Lei. C. Lin Mei.
( ) 7. How is the birthday cake
A. It’s delicious. B. It’s too sweet. C. It’s too bad.
( ) 8. What is the girl’s last name
A. Smith. B. Alice. C. Brown.
( ) 9. What’s the weather like today
A. It’s warm. B. It’s cool. C. It’s hot.
( )10. When do classes start every day
A. At 7:15. B. At 7:50. C. At 8:00.
( ) 11. What color does the man like
A. Blue. B. Yellow. C. White.
( ) 12. How much is the jacket
A. Sixteen dollars. B. Sixty dollars. C. Sixty-six dollars.
( ) 13. What day is it today
A. It’s Monday. B. It’s Wednesday. C. It’s Friday.
( ) 14. What’s Ben’s favorite subject
Art. B. IT. C. PE.
( ) 15. How many students are there in Ben’s class
A. 36. B. 35. C. 46.
C. 听短文,根据录音里的内容选择正确答案填空。短文听两遍。(每小题1分,共5 分)
( ) 16. John is ___________.
A. Chinese B. English C. American
( ) 17. For breakfast John doesn’t have ___________.
eggs B. milk C. bread
( ) 18. John has lunch ___________.
at school B. at home C. in a restaurant
( ) 19. He has___________ for lunch.
A. rice, meat and vegetables B. noodles, chicken and meat
C. an egg and some bread
( ) 20. He has supper with his parents at ___________
A. 6:00 B. 6:30 C. 7:30
( ) 21. Mike comes to China because___________.
he likes China B. his parents work here C. he likes to learn Chinese
( ) 22. Mike has___________ hair.
black B. red C. brown
( ) 23. Mike likes playing ___________with Peter.
football B. basketball C. volleyball
( ) 24. At the weekend, Mike often does his homework ___________.
A. at his home B. in the reading-room C. at Peter’s home
( ) 25. Mike often helps Peter learn___________.
English B. Chinese C. math
D. 听填信息。请你根据所听到的内容,填写有关信息,完成表格。本题听两遍。
Jack’s School *Very 26._________________and beautiful. *27._______________ building(s). *Favorite building: The sports hall. Play badminton and go 28.__________________ in summer. *The 29._______________: There are lots of books and maps. *The science building: There are many 30.__________________.
We all need friends in our life. Do you have 31 good friends Do you know what subjects they like As for me, I have some good friends. We are in the same school, but we 32 like the same subject.
Jack’s favorite subject is art because he likes drawing very much. He says it is very relaxing for him 33 . Mary likes English because her father is 34 English teacher. They often talk in English at home. She speaks English 35 , and she usually helps her friends 36 English. Mary wants to study abroad(国外的) in the future.
David likes P.E. because he likes doing sports. That is good for his 37 . He is good at basketball and soccer. He often 38 me to play ball games every weekend, so we are both healthy 39 strong. A strong body helps us a lot in our study.
These are my good friends. What about 40 Do they like the same subjects as you
( ) 31. A. some B. any C. much D. a little
( ) 32.A. aren’t B. doesn’t C. don’t D. not
( ) 33.A. draw B. to draw C. drawing D. to drawing
( ) 34.A. the B. / C. a D. an
( ) 35.A. good B. well C. nice D. nicely
( ) 36.A. in B. with C. for D. on
( ) 37.A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. healthier
( ) 38.A. teach B. teaches C. is teaching D. taught
( ) 39.A. and B. but C. or D. so
( ) 40.A. you B. your C. yours D. your’s
Everyone has a family name. In China, the family name is the 41 name. But in English countries, the family name is the last name. Do you know 42 English people get their family names English people usually get their family names in 43 ways.
First, some people get their family names from the place (地点)of their 44 . If a man lives on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill. If a man lives near a lake, then we 45 he may be Mr. Lake. People’s name may be Wood, Bush, 46 they live near the wood or bush.
Second, some people get their family names from their 47 . If he is a cook, his family name may be Cook.
Third, some family names 48 their fathers’ given names. If a man’s name is Jackson, we can tell that he is the 49 of Jack.
How 50 their family names are! That’s very different from ours.
( ) 41. A. last B. first C. given D. middle
( ) 42. A. why B. where C. how D. when
( ) 43. A. two B. three C. four D. five
( ) 44. A. homes B. countries C. schools D. towns
( ) 45. A. talk B. answer C. know D. see
( ) 46. A. so B. and C. but D. because
( ) 47. A. hobby B. habit C. job D. parents
( ) 48. A. look for B. look at C. come to D. come from
( ) 49. A. father B. son C. friend D. child
( ) 50. A. right B. interesting C. funny D. bad
Here are four very great and famous people in China. They work very hard and have influenced(影响)our lives a lot.
Yuan Longping Birth year: 1930 Dead year: 2021 Birth place: Beijing Job: Agricultural scientist Yuan Longping’s words: If I am not at home, I must be on the farmland(农田). If I am not on the farmland, I must be on my way to the farmland. Tu Youyou Birth year: 1930 Birth place: Ningbo Job: Medical scientist Tu Youyou’s words: I feel more rewarded(回报) when I see so many people become healthy again.
Su Bintian Birth year: 1989 Birth place: Zhongshan Job: Runner, teacher Su Bintian’s words: We fight for our country, that’s the dream of the country and ourselves. Zhong Nanshan Birth year: 1936 Birth place: Nanjing Job: Doctor, academician of the CAE(中国工程院院士) Zhong Nanshan’s words: I’m just a doctor.
( ) 51. Su Bintian is from .
A. Nanjing B. Beijing C. Zhongshan D. Ningbo
( ) 52. Who is a doctor
A. Yuan Longping. B. Tu Yoyou. C. Su Bintian. D. Zhong Nanshan
( ) 53. How old is Tu Youyou now
A. 93. B. 87. C. 78. D. 83.
( ) 54. What is the meaning(意思) of Yuan Longping’s words?
A. He lives near the farmland. B. He’s always busy on the farmland.
C. He always has a walk on the farmland. D. He loves China and the people.
( ) 55. Where can we read this passage?
A. In a sports book. B. In a story book.
C. In a magazine. D. In the school notice(通知).
When you go shopping, you can see many shop windows along the streets. The clothes in the windows are very beautiful. Some people like to stand in front of them watching but not buying them. This way of shopping is called window-shopping. It is a new and popular way of shopping.
As a student, I don’t have much money for clothes of some famous brands(品牌). But when I do window-shopping, I can find out what is in fashion(流行时尚), and I don’t need to pay(付)any money.
We always think that the things we can’t get — are always the best. When you see a nice dress, you like it very much and buy it at once. But some days later, you will find other dresses more beautiful and lovely. Then you don’t cherish it so much as before. You will forget the dress and not wear it very often. But if you just enjoy it in the shop window, you will always think it is beautiful.
( ) 56. Window-shopping is a (/an)_______ way of shopping.
A. old B. boring C. popular D. cheap
( ) 57. When you go window-shopping, you _______.
A. must buy something B. don’t need to buy anything
C. should have much money D. can’t find out things in fashion
( ) 58. In Paragraph 3, the word “cherish” means(意思是)_______.
A. love B. buy C. wash D. see
( ) 59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. People should pay money to find out the fashion.
B. The writer always buys clothes of famous brands.
C. People often like new clothes better.
D. The clothes in the shop window are more beautiful than ours.
( ) 60. What is the best title (题目) for the passage
A. How to know more about fashion B. What is window-shopping
C. The good of window-shopping D. The bad of window-shopping
61. Math is very (困难的), can you help me
62. There are twelve months in a year. The (九)is September.
63. Tom must (完成)homework before watching TV.
64. Spring (节日)is usually in January or February.
65. Look at Linda’s desk, it’s very (井井有条).
66. The song (听起来)great. Let’s learn to sing.
67. If you have (问题), please come to me at Room 601.
68. That is a school with a (历史)of 88 years.
69. They [‘ nli] do sports on weekends.
70. Mrs. Green has three [‘d :t z]. They are very lovely.
六、完成句子。词数不限。(71- 76每小题2分,77小题3分,共15分)
71. 谢谢来参加我的生日派对。
coming to my birthday party.
72. 志愿者们很辛苦,他们从早上工作到晚上。
Volunteers work very hard. They work night.
73. 你的朋友今天上学迟到了吗
your friends school today
74. 我们正考虑做水果沙拉。
We are making fruit salad.
75. 我们的学校旅行是什么时候?
When do we
76. Eric每天总是问我作业。
Eric always homework every day.
77. 买一条裤子怎么样

There is a little pig living with his mother in a small country. One day, the little pig 78 a pumpkin(南瓜)under a tree. He wants to take 79 home. But the little pig is too small. He can’t carry(搬)the pumpkin.
There are two monkeys 80 football. The little pig watches the monkey’s football. “I know! I get it!” He says “I can roll(滚动)the pumpkin. It’s like a 81 ”.
So he rolls the pumpkin easily. It’s just like an interesting game. He rolls it to his home quickly. His mother is very surprised to see that. She says “What a 82 boy! You understand the importance(重要性)of thinking.”
78. ___________ 79. _____________ 80. ___________ 81. ____________ 82. _____________
The COVID-19 pandemic(新冠疫情)makes our life different. Everyone wants to be healthy. Here are some tips.
●Eat well and sleep well
We need a strong body to keep healthy. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Don’t eat much junk food. Drink more water. Go to bed before 10:00 pm to get enough(足够)sleep.
●Do some sports every day
It’s important to do some sports every day, such as running and jumping. It can help us feel relaxed and keep healthy. After doing sports, people can sleep well at night.
●Keep learning and thinking
Sometimes we may hear some wrong(错误的)news about the COVID-19 pandemic and it makes us feel worried. Keep learning and thinking, so we can tell what’s right and what’s wrong.
83. What makes our life different
84. When should we go to bed
85. Is doing sports good for sleeping
86. Why can we tell the right and the wrong
87. How many tips are there in the passage
新冠疫情让我们更加懂得健康的重要性。作为学校的健康大使,你受邀向同学介绍健康的生活习惯,请写一篇题为“My healthy living habits”的发言稿。
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,书写规范,适当拓展,词数60个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。
My Healthy Living Habits
Hello, everyone. I would like to tell you my living habits. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



