
五年级 英语试卷
(满分 100 分,其中听力 40 分,笔试 60分。时间:60 分钟)
Listening Part 听力部分
Part1.听录音,给下面的图片排序。 (5分)
( ) ( ) ( ) (
Part2.听句子,选择正确的图片。 (5分)
( ) 1. A. B.
( ) 2. A. ( ) 3. A. ( ) 4. A. ( ) 5. A. month (
) (
) (
) (
) . . . . year
( )
Part3.听句子,根据所听的内容回答问题。 (10分)
( ) 1. A.She’s going to get a haircut. B.He’s going to play games.
. C.She’s going to have a party.
) 2. A.By bus.
) 3. A.Her mother.
) 4. A.Once a w
) (
)C.By bike.
C.Her friend.
C.Three times a week.
( ) 5. A.They’re going to sing a song. B.They’re going to make a cake.
C.They’re going to draw a picture.
Part4.听短文,判断对错。相符的打“ √ ”,不相符的打“ × ”。 (10分)
)( ) 1.I often get up at 7:00 a.m.. 座位号
( ) 2.I brush my teeth three times a day.
( ) 3.I always go to school by bus.
( ) 4.On Saturday and Sunday, I always play basketball with my friends.
( ) 5.I play the piano four times a week.
Part5.听录音,填空。 (10分)
1. -How often do you go ________ -________ a week.
2. -What is Tony going to do -He’s going to ________ ________.
3. -Are you going to Shanghai by ________ -No, we’re going by ________.
4. -Does she take out the ________ once a day -Yes, she ________.
5. -What are you going to do ________ the vacation -I’m going to make ________.
Writing Part 笔试部分
Part6.根据图片写出单词完成句子,首字母已给出。 (8分)
1. -What color is that t________ -It’s green.
2. -How does your mother go to work
) (
)-She a takes a bus to work.
3. -What is he doing -He is c_______ his hair.
4. -What does she usually do in the evening
-She usually h________ up the clothes in the evening. (4)
Part7.选择填空,选择最合适的选项并填在括号里。 (10分)
1.( ) Gogo never ______ his face.
A.wash B.washing C.washes
2.( ) Lily is going to ______ this Saturday. She likes ______ very much.
A.go hiking; go hiking B.go hiking; going hiking
C.going hiking; go hiking
3.( ) -Are they ______ at home now -Yes, they are.
A.going to cook dinner B.cook dinner dinner
4.( ) We should keep good habits. We should ______.
A.never wash our faces B.pack our bags once a year
C.clean up our bedrooms twice a week
5.( ) We should eat lots of ______. They are good for our teeth.
A.meat and tofu B.candies and chocolate C.vegetables and fruits
6.( ) I’m going to see ______ Great Wall of China this summer.
A.a B. / C.the
7.( ) When we wait for a bus, we should ______.
A.wait in line B.push to the front
8.( ) -_______________ -He washes the car once a week.
A.Is your father going to wash the car
B.How often does your father wash the car
C.How does your father wash the car
9.( ) My mother doesn’t feel well. She is going to ______.
A.take a sleep B.see a doctor with friends
10.( ) People in Canada have a ______ Christmas holiday.
A. one week B.two-week
Part8. (一) 从括号里选择一个合适的单词或词组填空,完成句子。 (8分)
1. America is far from China. We should go there ________ (on foot/ by plane).
2. It’s too cold. We are going to ________(go camping/stay at home) tonight.
3. Next week is a vacation. We are going to ________(ride a bike/by bike) in the park.
4. Gogo eats about six ______(and/ or) seven times a day.
(二) 根据句义,从方框内选择最合适的词汇填空,只填序号。 (5分)
C. How of
E. a
1. I ________ go to the park once a week.
2. ________ do you go swimming
3. Does Jenny go shopping ________ twice a month
4. My hobbies are ________ and reading books.
5. Lisa usually goes to school _______ bus.
Part9.按实际情况回答问题,请用完整的句子回答。 (8分)
1. How do Tony and Gogo go to the shopping mall
2. How often do you wash your socks
3. What is your grandfather’s favorite activity
4. What are you going to do tomorrow
Part10.阅读理解。 (15分)
What do you usually do on weekends I often go to the park and play football. Sometimes I go to the movie theater to see a movie with my friends. The park is not far. I go there on foot. I play football about twice a week. But the movie theater is far. I usually go there by bus. I see a movie about twice a month. What about you Where do you usually go on your weekends
(一) 阅读判断,对的写“T” ,错的写“F” 。 (10分)
( ) 1.I usually play games in the park on weekends.
( ) 2.I always see a movie with my friends on weekends.
( ) 3.I go to the park on foot.
( ) 4.I usually take a bus to the movie theater.
( ) 5.I play football about twice a month.
Swimming is a good sport. It’s very popular in summer. Now many people enjoy swimming. People like swimming because the water makes them feel cool.
Children, summer holiday is coming soon. Here is some advice for you. Don’t get into the water ifyou are alone(独自的).
Don’t get into the water ifyou see the “No Swimming” sign.
Don’t eat too much before you go swimming.
Do some warm-up exercises(热身运动) before you swim.
Ask for help ifyou don’t feel well in the water.
(二) 根据短文内容填空,每空一词。 (5分)
( 1). Swimming is very ________ in summer.
(2). If you are alone, ________ get into the water.
(3). Ask for ________ ifyou feel sick in the water.
(4). Before swimming, you should do some warm-up ________.
(5). If you eat too much ,you can’t ________.
Part11.根据上下文,选择正确的单词填空,将文章补充完整。 (6分)
It is important to have ________ habits. We should go to bed early and get up early. We should take care of our ________. We have to ________ our teeth in the morning, after a ________ and in the evening. Don’t eat too much candies or chocolate. It’s ________ for our teeth. We should clean up our bedrooms
)or three times a week.
五年级 英语试卷
Listening Part 听力部分
We’re going there by plane.
She should brush her teeth twice a day.
Are you going to surf the Internet during the vacation
I’m going to go sightseeing by bus tomorrow.
We often have picnics on weekends.
Tony washes his face twice a day.
I go shopping three times a month.
His favorite activity is fishing.
She is going to read a book tonight.
Yesterday I talked with my friend on Wechat.
What are you going to do during the vacation
I’m going to get a haircut. What about you, Lily
I’m going to have a party.
Q: What is Lily going to do
I like animals. I usually go to the zoo.
How do you go there, Tony
I always go by car. Sometimes I go by bus.
Q: How does Tony always go to the zoo
Jenny, are you going to Xinhui with your father this weekend
No, he’s going to Taishan. I’m going to Xinhui with my mother.
Q: Who is Jenny going to Xinhui with
Mr.Huang and Miss Liu’s office is very clean and tidy.
Yes, they clean it twice a week.
Q: How often do they clean up the office
Tomorrow is my grandfather’s birthday.
What are you going to do for your grandfather
We are going to draw a picture for him.
Q: What are they going to do for their grandfather
This is my life. I often get up at 7:00. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I brush my teeth twice a day. I wash my face three times a day. I go to school on foot. I pack my schoolbag every day. Sometimes I clean my classroom after school. I like playing basketball. I always play basketball with my friends on weekends. Then I go home at 6:30 p.m. I like playing the piano. I play the piano five times a week.
-How often do you go hiking -Once a week.
What is Tony going to do -He’s going to go camping.
Are you going to Shanghai by ship -No, we’re going by plane.
-Does she take out the trash once a day -Yes, she does.
-What are you going to do during the vacation
-I’m going to make models.



上一篇:2022—2023物理人教版八年级下册第九章 压强 培优练习(答案)
