

Do you know how rice first came to China There is an old Chinese story ___1___ is about little girl who went out to fish. There was famine(饥荒)and everybody was very ___2___ /'h gr /.
The little girl felt her net growing heavy and was very happy. However, it was the King of Frogs(青蛙)that she ___3___ /k : t/. The frog told her to hold out her fishing net to the sun’s rays and he would sing ___4___ magic song. The little girl followed his instructions. She was ___5___(great)surprised to see the rays of sunshine falling through the net. And they were changed ___6___ golden grains(谷粒)of rice. The first rice was thought to arrive in this way.
We do not know whether this story is true, but it tells ___7___(we)that rice has the same value as gold to the Chinese. Rice ___8___(be)always the main food for the Chinese. For centuries, much land has been devoted(奉献)to rice-planting and many Chinese people are ___9___(farmer), who work very hard for each grain.
It’s important to ____10____ /se v/ food and say no to waste. After all, waste not, want not.

Yuan Longping, the world-famous Chinese agronomist, known for developing the first hybrid rice strains(杂交水稻), died of illness at 13:07 BJT on Saturday ____11____ the age of 91.
Yuan spent his whole life on the research of hybrid rice ____12____ helped China work a great wonder—feeding nearly one ____13____(five)of the world’s population with less than 9 percent of the world’s total land.
Yuan invented the world’s first high-yielding hybrid rice strain ____14____ (success)in 1973, which could reach a yield(产量)of over 500 kg/mu from the previous 300 kg/mu. For the next forty years, he ____15____(continue)to research and achieved higher and higher yield. In 1996, the Chinese government set up ____16____ super rice program. Four years later, the first goal of the 10.5 tonnes/hectare ____17____(achieve). The record was broken three more ____18____(time)with jumps to 12 tonnes in 2004, 13.5 tonnes in 2011 and 15 tonnes in 2014.
Yuan once said he had two dreams—one is to “enjoy the cool under the rice crops ____19____(tall)than men” and the other one is that “hybrid rice could be grown all over the world _____20_____(help)solve the global food shortage”.

In May 1948, the headquarters(总部)of the CPC(中国共产党)moved to Xibaipo. Chairman Mao Zedong and other leaders gave orders to the army here. They led soldiers to w____21____ many battles(战役), such as Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin.
My father’s grandfather used to be a messenger(通信员)in the Red Army. One time a bomb hurt his eyes, ____22____ he still finished his job. This was not his ____23____ (one) brush with death(与死亡擦肩而过), but it was his closest.
There are many old things from the Red Army in the museum. One of them is a cup lid. It belonged ____24____ Premier(总理)Zhou Enlai. The lid was repaired many times. Party leaders were frugal(节省的). They worked in simple offices. There ____25____ (be) one telephone, two maps and three sets of tables and chairs in one of ____26____(they)offices.
In 1949, Chairman Mao hosted ____27____ important meeting at Xibaipo. During the meeting, the Party ____28____(decide)to move their work focus(工作重心)from the countryside to the ____29____(city). They also made many important decisions(决定)for New China.
My grandparents were born in the early days of New China. They used to take a narrow(狭窄的)path to go outside. Now the path has become a wide(宽的)road. My hometown has become _____30_____(rich)and more beautiful.

Zhong Nanshan is a doctor in Guangdong. He saved many people’s lives in 2003. SARS (非典) broke out (爆发) in Guangdong that year. Later, it spread (传播) across China and other ____31____ (part) of the world. Some people ____32____ [ i:vn] lost their lives.
Many doctors and nurses got SARS when they worked, so everyone was ____33____ of it. But Zhong was brave (勇敢) enough to fight the disease. Zhong spent days and nights trying to find the ____34____ [k z] of the disease and with his work, many patients began to get better.
In early 2020, a disease called COVID-19 hit Wuhan. It spread quickly around and ____35____ (thousand) of Chinese people fell ill. Zhong and his team went to Wuhan to fight the ____36____ (ill). Finally they won.
Zhong likes sports ____37____ he could play basketball when he was 67. Now at the ____38____ of 84, he still works in the hospital and ____39____ (teach) young doctors. We think Zhong is a ____40____ [ hi r u] and a fighter but he says: “I am just a doctor”.

Bing Dwen Dwen is the mascot (吉祥物) for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The design was ___41___ (choose) from 5,816 works from 38 areas. Cao Xue,the man designer of Bing Dwen Dwen, said the idea first came from the ___42___ (tradition) Chinese snack bingtanghulu—the syrup (糖浆) coat later turned ___43___ an ice shell (壳).
___44___, a simple snack couldn’t stand for a country by itself. Cao’s team ___45___ (try) many animals and plants and finally decided on a panda. “We don’t need to explain anything to make it understood across different cultures, because the panda is the ___46___ (/’s mb( )l/) of China,” said Cao. Bing Dwen Dwen waves its left hand to say ___47___ (/h ’l /) to the world. The two red hearts on its hands show ___48___ (kind) and love. The colored lines around its head are known ___49___ the “Ice Ribbon” (冰丝带). They refer to (代表) Beijing’s National Speed Skating Oval (场馆). The colorful lines also refer to fast 5 G signals.
Bing Dwen Dwen wears a full-body “shell” made of ice. It looks like an astronaut in a space suit, which ____50____ (/k ’nekt/) winter sports with modern technology.

Poverty (贫困) is a big problem around the world. But China has done a good job of dealing ___51___ it and it has found its own way to fight poverty. Instead of just giving money to poor people, it has tried to ___52___ (教育) people and give them the tools that they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Common people p___53___ a big role in the fight. Here are two of them.
After graduating from Beijing Normal University in 2016, Huang Wenxiu g___54___ up the chance to work in big cities and returned to her hometown of Baise in Guangxi and served as the village’s Party chief. A ___55___ (总数) of 418 villagers were lifted out of poverty thanks to her efforts. Unluckily, she died in a flash flood at the ___56___ of 30 while driving back to her village in Baise. She was given the title “Role Model of the Times” by the central government.
When Mao Xianglin started to work as the Party secretary of his village, ___57___ was only one pathway out of the village for many years. He led more than 100 villagers to build a road with their hands. It t___58___ them seven years to build an eight-kilometer road. Mao then encouraged the villagers to grow oranges. Last year, their orange yield (产量) was ___59___ (几乎) 40 tons. Young people have returned to ___60___ village to sell oranges online. By the end of 2019, 269 villagers had been lifted out of poverty. The personal income (收入) reached 12,670 yuan, 40 times more than in the 1990s.

Do you know Liu Xiuxiang This name might be strange to you, but you must have heard about the s____61____ of him. He “carried” his s____62____ mom to his university ____63____ studied in Shandong. His mom wasn’t able to look after herself after his dad passed away. He had to support the whole family. Life was difficult, but he went on ____64____ (study) hard. F____65____ he got into the university.
Many years later, Liu was noticed ____66____ public again. He won the ____67____ [ n (r)]—the “May 4th” Medal of Chinese Youth. ____68____ he g____69____ from university in 2012, Liu refused many ____70____ (high) paid jobs and returned to his hometown, Guizhou Province. There he has been working ____71____ a teacher for 9 years. He said, “I hope to do something for more children whose ____72____ (life) are similar to ____73____ (I).”
In fact, he has helped more than 1,700 students and given more than 100 speeches. His story has warmed many people. As the song ____74____ “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” There is no ____75____(疑问) that he will give more hope to more children in the future.

Millions of people under lockdown in China now share a common routine: A fitness session with their new star _____76_____ / p rs n( )l/ trainer Liu Genghong. The recently little-known Taiwan-born singer, _____77_____ (act) and trainer has turned into a viral sensation (爆红) over the past weeks, as his fitness livestreams (直播) _____78_____ / 'tr kt/ audiences from across the country. Many of them have been locked indoors for weeks as part of the government response to stamp out increasing COVID-19 cases.
_____79_____ of his most-watched fitness routines is set to Herbalist Manual (《本草纲目》) from Jay Chou’s Still Fantasy album. In his livestreams, Liu and his wife appear happy, energetic, _____80_____ (friend), and super fit. They _____81_____ /eks saīz/ and dance to up-beat songs while _____82_____ (explain) their moves. Though Liu’s dance moves look simple, they are often _____83_____ intense (剧烈的) for his audience to follow.
Liu’s livestreams have been so popular during the lockdown that they have _____84_____ (break) Douyin’s livestreaming record for 2022 so far. Liu’s followers have also increased ______85______ 5 million to 33 million in just 10 weeks.

One Monday evening, 90-year-old Zhang Minghe opened ____86____ English book and started a group discussion through WeChat.
Zhang is the teacher for the ____87____ / n la n/ study group. He started the group in January, 2019. He gives three ____88____ (class) a week and has spent more than 100 hours teaching. Student Liu Ze, 72, said, “Zhang tries to help us learn English well. He is our role model(榜样).
Zhang worked as a teacher ____89____ he retired(退休). But he didn’t teach English. Zhang ____90____ /faund/ more and more people spoke English around the world. Then he taught himself English. He worked hard and got ____91____ (real) good at it. After he retired, he worked as a technical translator(技术翻译). At the age of 75, he stopped the work as a translator. ____92____ /ha ev (r)/, he didn’t stop learning. He goes on leaning English at Taiyuan Seniors’ College(老年大学).
Zhang ____93____ (live) far from the college. And he has difficulty walking because ____94____ leg problems. But he’s never late for class. He’s happy with his life. He thinks it’s important for old people to make use of ____95____ (they) time to do something.
“Learning is a very important thing and we must keep learning all our life,” said Zhang.

1.which##that 2.hungry 3.caught 4.a 5.greatly 6.into##to 7.us 8.is 9.farmers 10.save
2.句意:当时有饥荒,每个人都很饿。“was”是系动词,后接形容词作表语。根据“There was famine”及所给音标可知,“hungry”表示“饥饿的”,所以空格处填hungry。故填hungry。
3.句意:然而,她抓到的是一只青蛙国王。根据句子结构,此句是“It was……that”的强调句。根据“The little girl felt her net growing heavy”及所给音标可知,网很沉,她抓到是一只青蛙国王,句中“was”是一般过去时,所以此处也用一般过去时,故空格处填caught。故填caught。
6.句意:他们变成了金色的米粒。句中“they”指代前文的“the rays of sunshine”,这些阳光变成了金色的米粒,固定搭配:change into/in表示“变成”,所以空格处填into/to。故填into/to。
10.句意:节约粮食和拒绝浪费是很重要的。固定句式:It’s+形容词+to do sth 做某事是……,根据“no waste”及提示音标,此空填动词save表示“节省”,所以空格处填save。故填save。

11.at 12.that 13.fifth 14.successfully 15.continued 16.a 17.was achieved 18.times 19.taller 20.to help
11.句意:袁隆平,世界著名的中国农学家,以培育第一批杂交水稻品种而闻名,于周六北京时间13:07因病去世,享年91岁。at the age of, 在……岁时,固定短语。故填at。
12.句意:袁先生毕生致力于杂交水稻的研究,帮助中国创造了一个巨大的奇迹,用不到世界总面积9%的土地养活了近五分之一的世界人口。根据句子结构可知,空处是定语从句的引导词;先行词“the research of hybrid rice”是物,故引导词应用that。故填that。
15.句意:在接下来的四十年里,他继续研究,取得了越来越高的产量。根据时间状语“For the next forty years,”可知,句子是一般过去时,动词应用过去式continued。故填continued。
17.句意:四年后,实现了10.5吨/公顷的第一个目标。根据句意可知,动词和主语是动宾关系,故应用被动语态;结合时间状语可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态,构成形式为:was/were done;主语“the first goal of the 10.5 tonnes/hectare”是第三人称单数形式,故助动词应用was;achieve的过去分词是achieved。故填was achieved。
20.句意:袁曾说他有两个梦想,一个是“在比人高的稻谷下乘凉”,另一个是“杂交水稻可以在全世界种植,以帮助解决全球的粮食短缺”。根据句意可知,空处是作目的状语,故应用动词不定式,构成形式为:to do。故填to help。

21.(w)in 22.but 23.first 24.to 25.was 26.their 27.an 28.decided 29.city 30.richer
21.句意:他们带领士兵赢得了许多战役的胜利,如辽沈、淮海和平津。根据“such as Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin.”可知,应该是赢得了这些战役的胜利,win意为“获胜、赢得”,to后跟动词原形。故填(w)in。
23.句意:这不是他第一次与死亡擦肩而过,但这是他最近的一次。根据“This was not his…(one) brush with death(与死亡擦肩而过),”可知,此处需用序数词。故填first。
24.句意:它属于周恩来总理。此处是belong to意为“属于”,固定短语。故填to。
25.句意:他们的一间办公室里有一部电话、两张地图和三套桌椅。由one telephone可知,此处用单数is,而时态又是一般过去时。故填was。
27.句意:1949年,毛主席在西柏坡主持了一次重要会议。由important meeting可知,此处泛指一次会议,因此用不定冠词;而important又是以元音音素/ /开头的单词,因此用不定冠词an。故填an。
28.句意:会议期间,党决定将工作重点从农村转移到城市。由In 1949, 可知,此处需用过去式。故填decided。
29.句意:会议期间,党决定将工作重点从农村转移到城市。由“from the countryside to the…”可知,the countryside是单数,因此city也用单数形式。故填city。
30.句意:我的家乡变得更加富有和美丽。空后的more beautiful是比较级,此处需用比较级与之并列。故填richer。

31.parts 32.even 33.afraid 34.cause 35.thousands 36.illness 37.and 38.age 39.teaches 40.hero
33.句意:许多医生和护士在工作时感染了非典,所以每个人都害怕它。根据“Many doctors and nurses got SARS when they worked”可知,很多人都感染了非典,所以都害怕它,be afraid of“害怕”,故填afraid。
35.句意:疫情迅速蔓延,成千上万的中国人感染。表示概数用数词的复数形式+of,thousands of表示“数以千计的”,故填thousands。
36.句意:钟南山和他的团队前往武汉抗击疫情。根据“fight the ”可知,此空应填名词作宾语,illness“疾病”,故填illness。
37.句意:钟南山喜欢运动,67岁时还会打篮球。“Zhong likes sports”与“he could play basketball when he was 67”是并列关系,用and连接,故填and。
38.句意:现在他84岁了,仍然在医院工作,教年轻的医生。at the age of“在……岁时”,故填age。

41.chosen 42.traditional 43.into 44.However 45.tried 46.symbol 47.hello 48.kindness 49.as 50.connect
41.句意:这个设计是从38个地区的5816件作品中挑选出来的。根据句意和所给词汇可知,主语the design与谓语动词choose之间构成被动关系,应用被动语态,动词要用过去分词形式。故填chosen。
43.句意:冰墩墩的设计者曹雪说这个想法来自中国传统的小吃冰糖葫芦——糖浆外衣转化成冰外壳。根据句意可知,此处指糖浆外衣转化成冰外壳,考查短语“turn into”“变成”。故填into。
49.句意:它头上的彩色的绳子被称为“冰丝带” 。根据句意可知,此处考查“be known as”“被称为”。故填as。

51.with 52.educate 53.(p)lay 54.(g)ave 55.total 56.age 57.there 58.(t)ook 59.nearly 60.the##their
51.句意:但中国在应对贫困方面做得很好,它找到了自己的方式来消除贫困。根据“China has done a good job of dealing...it”可知,此处是短语deal with“处理,解决”,故填with。
52.句意:它不只是给穷人钱,而是努力教育人们,给他们所需的工具,让他们摆脱贫困。educate“教育”,是动词,此处是try to do sth的结构,故填educate。
53.句意:老百姓在这场斗争中起着很大的作用。根据“a big role in the fight”及首字母提示可知,此处是短语play a big role in...“在……方面发挥了巨大作用”,主语是复数名词,动词用原形,故填(p)lay。
54.句意:2016年从北京师范大学毕业后,黄文秀放弃了在大城市工作的机会,回到了广西百色老家,担任村党委书记。根据“...up the chance to work in big cities and returned to her hometown of Baise in Guangxi”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是give up“放弃”,陈述过去的事情,动词用过去式,故填(g)ave。
55.句意:在她的努力下,共有418名村民摆脱了贫困。total“总数”,此处是a total of“总计”,故填total。
56.句意:不幸的是,她在开车回百色村时死于山洪,年仅30岁。根据“she died in a flash flood at the...of 30”可知,此处指的是at the age of“在……岁时”,固定短语,故填age。
57.句意:毛相林刚开始当村支书时,多年来只有一条出村的路。根据“...was only one pathway out of the village for many years”可知,此处是there be句型,故填there。
58.句意:他们花了七年的时间修建了一条八公里长的公路。根据“It...them seven years to build an eight-kilometer road”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“花费多长时间做某事”,结构是“It takes/took sb some time to do sth”,描述过去的事情,动词用过去式,故填(t)ook。
60.句意:年轻人回到村里在网上卖橙子。根据“Young people have returned to...village”可知,此处指的是“他们的村庄”,应用their修饰其后的名词;结合“When Mao Xianglin started to work as the Party secretary of his village”可知,此处也可以用定冠词the表示上文中出现的名词此处再次出现,故填the/their。

61.(s)tory 62.(s)ick 63.when##while 64.studying 65.(F)inally 66.by 67.honor 68.After 69.(g)raduated 70.highly 71.as 72.lives 73.mine 74.sings 75.doubt
61.句意:你知道刘秀祥吗?这个名字可能对你来说很陌生,但你一定听说过他的故事。根据“but you must have heard about the s...of him”可知,听说过刘秀祥的故事,the story of...“……的故事”,故填(s)tory。
62.句意:他“背着”生病的妈妈去山东上大学。根据“He ‘carried’ his s...mom to his university”可知,刘秀祥的妈妈生病了,用sick作定语修饰mom,故填(s)ick。
63.句意:他在山东读书时,把生病的妈妈“背”到了大学。根据“He ‘carried’ his s...mom to his university...studied in Shandong.”可知,当他上学时“背”着妈妈,用when/while引导时间状语从句,故填when/while。
64.句意:生活是困难的,但他继续努力学习。go on doing sth“继续做某事”,故填studying。
65.句意:最后他考上了大学。根据“F...he got into the university.”可知,最后他考上了大学。finally“最终,最后”符合语境,句首需大写首字母,故填(F)inally。
66.句意:许多年后,刘秀祥再次受到公众的关注。根据“Liu was noticed...public again”可知,他被公众注意到,by“被”符合语境,故填by。
67.句意:他荣获中国青年“五四”奖章。根据音标“[ n (r)]”可知,此处是honor,意为“荣誉”,故填honor。
68.句意:2012年大学毕业后,刘拒绝了很多高薪工作,回到了贵州老家。根据“...he g...from university in 2012”可知,毕业后拒绝了很多工作,after“在……后”符合语境,句首需大写首字母,故填After。
69.句意:2012年大学毕业后,刘拒绝了很多高薪工作,回到了贵州老家。根据“...he g...from university in 2012”可知,是毕业后的事情,graduate“毕业”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(g)raduated。
71.句意:他在那里当了9年的老师。根据“There he has been working...a teacher for 9 years.”可知,作为一名老师,as“作为”符合语境,故填as。
73.句意:他说:“我希望为更多和我生活相似的孩子做点什么。”此处表示“我的生活”,用mine代替my life,故填mine。
74.句意:正如这首歌所唱的那样,“杀不死你的,只会让你更强大。”本句时态是一般现在时,主语是“the song”,动词用三单,故填sings。
75.句意:毫无疑问,未来他会给更多的孩子更多的希望。doubt“疑问”,“There is no doubt that...”是固定句型,表示“毫无疑问”,故填doubt。

76.personal 77.actor 78.attract 79.One 80.friendly 81.exercise 82.explaining 83.too 84.broken 85.from
76.句意:中国数百万被封控的人现在有一个共同的习惯:与他们的新的明星私人教练刘畊宏进行健身训练。根据音标“/ p rs n( )l/”可知,应填personal“私人的”,形容词作定语;故填personal。
78.句意:因为他的健身直播吸引了来自全国各地的观众。根据音标“/ 'tr kt/”可知,应填attract“吸引”;主语“his fitness livestreams”表示复数,此处用动词原形。故填attract。
79.句意:以《本草纲目》为背景音乐的健身操是最受关注的,这首歌源自周杰伦《依然范特西》专辑。根据“of his most-watched fitness routines”可知,此处结构为one of+最高级+名词复数“最……之一”,句首单词首字母要大写。故填One。
80.句意:在他的直播中,刘和他的妻子显得快乐,精力充沛,友好,非常健康。根据“appear happy, energetic”可知,此处要用形容词作表语;friend的形容词为friendly,表示“友好的”。故填friendly。
81.句意:他们一边解释自己的动作,一边锻炼身体,伴着欢快的歌曲跳舞。根据音标“/eks saīz/”可知,应填exercise“锻炼”;由“and dance”可知,此处应用动词原形。故填exercise。
82.句意:他们一边解释自己的动作,一边锻炼身体,伴着欢快的歌曲跳舞。根据“They ... and dance to up-beat songs while ... their moves.”可知,他们边跳边解释动作;主从句主语是一致的,且explain“解释”这个动作也是由“They”发出的,故此处要用现在分词explaining。故填explaining。
83.句意:尽管刘的舞蹈动作看起来很简单,但它们往往过于激烈,观众无法跟上。根据“they are often ... intense (剧烈的) for his audience to follow.”可知,此处表示动作太激烈而跟不上;too...to“太……而不能……”,故填too。
84.句意:刘的直播在封控期间非常受欢迎,打破了抖音2022年迄今为止的直播记录。根据“so far”可知,时态为现在完成时have done;由空前的“have”可知,此处要填入过去分词,break的过去分词为broken。故填broken。
85.句意:刘的粉丝也在短短10周内从500万增加到3300万。根据“5 million to 33 million”可知,从500万增长到3300万,from...to“从……到……”,固定表达。故填from。

86.an 87.online 88.classes 89.before 90.found 91.really 92.However 93.live 94.of 95.their
86.句意:一个星期一的晚上,90岁的张明和打开一本英语书,通过微信开始了一场小组讨论。根据“English book”可知,需要一个不定冠词表示泛指,English是以元音音素开头的,an符号句意。故填an。
89.句意:张老师退休前是一名教师。根据“he retired”可知,在退休前是一个老师,before“在……之前”符合句意。故填before。
91.句意:他很努力,很擅长这个。根据“good at”可知,副词修饰形容词,really“真地”符合句意。故填really。
93.句意:张住得离学校很远。根据“And he has difficulty walking”可知,是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,lives符合句意。故填lives。
94.句意:由于腿部问题,他走路有困难。根据“leg problems”可知,because of“由于”符合句意。故填of。



