牛津译林版英语八年级下册 Unit 2 Welcome-Grammar 同步讲义(无答案)

Unit 2(1)
1.Can I join you (P20) 我能加入你吗?
join v. 参加,加入
例:Every young man in the village joined the fight.
【拓展】join/join in/ take part in 对比.
join +群体,组织
例:He joined the Party (党)last year.
join in +活动
例:If you cannot attend, you can still join in the conversation.
take part in +活动,比赛
例:We still decided to take part in an important race across the Atlantic.
We’re having a fantastic time here.
have a fantastic time 玩的开心
相似的短语有:have a good time; enjoy oneself; have fun.后面加doing
They come here to relax and have a good time.=They come here to relax and enjoy themselves.
=They come here to relax and have fun.
3.It moved at high speed and was really exciting.
at high speed 以很快的速度=quickly
常用短语:at high/top/ full speed 高/最高/全速
at a/the speed of...以...速度
2)exciting adj. 兴奋的 由excite v转变而来, 类似的词有:
动词加ed/ ing变为形容词:
v surprise excite please tire
Adj.令人... surprising exciting pleasing(pleasant) tiring
Adj. 感到... surprised excited pleased tired
excite--excitement n.兴奋
4:We were screaming and laughing through the ride.
through the ride全程
ride v. 骑马;乘;
n. 骑;乘坐;(乘坐汽车等的)旅行;
She got on her bike and rode quickly to school.
Let’s go for a bus ride.
5:We hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal.
n. 匆忙,急忙
in a hurry 立即,匆忙in no hurry 不着急;不匆忙
v. 仓促(做某事);催促;(朝某方向)迅速移动;迅速处理
hurry up (使)赶快 hurry to do
We must hurry up, or we'll be late.
Students hurried to the playground to enjoy the exciting match.
6:I ran after them and could’t stop taking photos.
1)run v. 行驶;奔跑;运转;经营
n. 奔跑;赛跑;趋向;奔跑的路程
His car runs through the streets at high speed.
Does your watch run well
run away 逃跑 run out 用完;耗尽;跑出; run out of 跑出...用光...
run after 追赶
2)can’t stop doing 停不住
They can't stop talking about their last night out together.
7:I bought a couple of key rings for classmates.
couple n. 对;夫妇;数个
a couple of 三两个…;一对…相当于a few, several, a small number of后面跟可数名词复数
young couple 青年夫妇in couples 成对地
A couple of old women were chatting in the corner.
The old couple will spend the whole winter in the south.
8:At the end of the day, we watched the fireworks in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle.
end v. 结束,终止
end in 以…为结果;以…告终 end with 以...结束
【例句】They ended the discussion at 19:00 in the evening.
n. 结束,末端,终止
in the end 终于,最后 by the end of 到……结束时;到……时为止;在……之前
at the end of 在...结束的时候;在...的尽头from beginning to end 自始至终
Our teacher ran over the main points at the end of each lesson.
Government decided to bring the programme through to the end.
Wall Street is at the southern end of the island.
【拓展】ending n. (故事、电影等的)结尾,结局;终结; 死亡;毁灭
9:Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself there.
这是一个省略主语的省略句,句子的主语是I. I Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself there.
类似的用法有:May you have a very happy life!
1.have/ has been to, have/ has gone to, have/ has been in的区别
① have/ has been to:曾经去过,强调以往的经历。
例:The old man has been to Egypt when he was young.
② have/ has gone to:去了某地,强调还没有回来。
例:---Where is your uncle --- He has gone to the supermarket.
③ have/ has been in:待在某地,住在某地。
例:Mr Brown has been in Shanghai for three days.
① 现在完成时与一段时间连用时应注意句中的谓语动词必须是延续性动词,非延续性动词不能和一段时间连用。如:翻译:这本书我从图书馆已经借了两个多星期了。
误:I have already borrowed the book for over two weeks.
正:I have already kept the book for over two weeks.
② 非延续性动词与一段时间状语连用时可采用将非延续性动词转化为延续性动词的方式。如:come—be here;go—be there; die--be dead; borrow--keep; buy--have; join--be in(be a member);leave--be away等。
非延续性动词 延续性动词 现在完成时形式
borrow keep She has kept this book for three weeks.
leave be away They have been away from home for two days.
arrive/reach/get/move be in/at Kitty has been in Hong Kong for a month.
come/go be in/at My mum has been in Beijing for two months.
begin/start be on The film has been on for an hour.
stop/finish/end be over The meeting has been over for two hours.
die be dead The lamb has been dead for some time.
join be in/be a member of Simon has been a member of the Football Club since last year.
become be How long has your sister been a teacher
open be open The shop has been open for ten hours.
close be closed The market has been closed since 2010.
buy have He has had this motorcycle for two years.
fall asleep be asleep The dog has been asleep for several hours.
catch a cold have a cold How long have you had a cold
fall ill be ill Mike has been ill for ten years.
get married be married They have been married for fifteen years.
get up be up They have been up for two hours.
come back be back The lost cat has been back since last night.
go out be out The old man has been out since last Friday.
1. Guangzhou lies in the (南方的) part of China. I often go there for a holiday.
2. We’re very happy to see the beautiful_________ (景色)of Beijing.
3. ____________(旅行) is good for us to learn more knowledge about the world.
4. My brother likes watching _____________. (卡通片)
5. The car is running at the ___________of 120 kilometers an hour. (速度)
6. They all had a ____________(极好的) time in Kunming last week.
7. Tom and Linda have been____________ (marry) for ten years, but they’ve never quarreled.
8. Harry Potter is famous for his _______________ (魔法).
9. How many main_______________(人物) are there in this novel
10. Do you smell chlorine when you swim in an ______________ (室内的) pool
11. Hello Kitty is one of the most popular_______ (卡通) characters among children.
12. Every child wishes to have_______ (魔法)to do something beyond their ability.
13. Now more and more people like spending their holidays in the_______ (农村).
1.—________anybosy________(call)the police —Not yet.
2.Lucy is so angry.What____________(happen)to her
3.Su Ning__________(join)the Helping Hands in 2015.
4.We__________(not finish)our homework yet.Will you wait a minute
5.Mr. Green often goes to America.In fact,he__________(be)there five times.
6.My father___________(go)to Shanghai.He________(be)back next week.
7.If you_________(not be)careful enough,you may hurt yourself.
8.Tom still can't be used to_______(eat)Sichuan food because it's too hot.
9.About two years____________(pass)since we entered the high school.
10.The official says that the traffic problem________(become)worse in a few days.
1. What great fun they had _______________ (visit) Hong Kong Ocean Park last week!
2. It _______________ (rain) heavily outside when we heard a loud knock at the door.
3. --- Where are Suzy and Sandy
--- They________________ (go) to the park to fly kites.
4. Paul won't go to see the film this evening, because he _______________ (see) it.
5. One of my friends________________ (be) to the Great Wall twice.
6. It's the best time ________________ (go) skiing at this time of year.
7. How long do you plan_ (stay) in Hangzhou
8. The foreigner has been used to _______________ (eat) with chopsticks.
9. I can speak some French now, for I________________ (teach) Chinese in France for 2 years.
10. --- Is there any mistake in your homework, Jim
--- I'm not sure. I_________________ (not check) it.
1. 顺便问一下,你去过扬州几次了?
________, how many times ______________ Yangzhou
2. 到目前为止你看了多少部英文电影了?
______________________________________ so far
3. 张老师在这所学校工作已经三年了。
Mr Zhang __________ in this school __________ already.
4. 还是孩子时她就对表演产生过了兴趣。
She _____________acting ____________ she was a child.
5. 在过去的十年里,中国发生了巨大的变化。
Great changes ______________ in China ________________.
1. This factory opened twenty years ago. (改为同义句)
This factory ________ ________ ________ for twenty years.
2. Miss Gao left an hour ago. (改为同义句)
Miss Gao ________ ________ ________ ________ an hour ago.
3. The bus has arrived here. It arrived ten minutes ago. (把两个句子合并成—句)
4. My father has been a Party member since he was 20. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ ________ has your father been a Party member
5. My uncle has already returned from Xuzhou. (改为—般疑问句)
________ your uncle ________ from Xuzhou ________
6. Her mother has been a Party member for three years. (改为同义句)
Her mother ________ the Party three years ________ .
( )1. —Mum, I want to watch the news about our school. Change the channel, please! —What a pity! It is eight o’clock now. It ______ for a while.
A. has been over B. was over C. has finished D. finished
( )2. Mr Jiang ______ the company to develop the 5G network for years. Now he works as the chief engineer in it.
A. joined B. was a member of C. has joined D. has been a member of
( )3. She has had a new dictionary ______ . What about you
A. two weeks ago B. since two weeks C. for two weeks D. in two weeks
( )4. —Honey, what TV program are you watching —I’m watching a documentary. It began at 6:00 p. m. and ______ on for one more hour.
A. has been B. has lasted C. was D. will be
( )5. —I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long. —Never mind. I ______ here for only a few minutes.
A. have come B. have been C. have arrived D. waited
( )6. Her uncle ______ to the factory. He will be back ______ an hour.
A. has gone; after B. has been; in C. has gone; in D. has been; after
( )7. I ______ here only half an hour ago.
A. have arrived B. have arrived at C. arrived D. arrived at
( )8. —I have finished my homework.
—When ______ you ______ it
A. do; finish B. will; finish C. have; finished D. did; finish
( )9. --- Is everyone here, Jonathan
--- No, sir. Millie isn't here. She ________________ for two days.
A. has fallen ill B. has been ill C. fell ill D. was ill
( )10. The shopping mall _______________ for two years, but I _______________there only once.
A. has opened; have gone B. has opened; have been
C. has been open; have gone D. has been open; have been
Many people like to travel on holidays. They don't like to stay at home. They want to go to different places to see something different or e___66___ During the holidays, trains, buses and planes are all very b___67___ So it's not easy to buy train or air t___68___Many people take their cars or buses for t___69___
Last winter holiday, my family went to the country by car for holiday. There was too much t___70___on the road, so we had to move very s___71___. It took us about an hour to get there. A___72___ we got there, we came to a park. It was beautiful. We thought it was a good place for a picnic. We p___73___food, fruits and drinks for the picnic and began to eat. S___74___ a strong wind blew(吹) and soon it started to rain, We had to run back to our car and have our picnic in the car. Then we d____75____back home. What a sad trip!
七、信息还原(七选五) 选项中有两项为多余选项。
German scientists think that your brain keeps working while you’re asleep. To show that they were right, they gave two groups of students a problem to work out. Group One went to sleep, and Group Two stayed awake.___1____
At the same time, from a recent study many children have missed out on 4.500 hours of sleep by the time they are seven years old. According to the Ministry of Education, primary school students should get at least 10 hours of sleep a night. ____2__ The answer is nine. If they don’t get enough sleep at night, they will face more challenging situations in schoolwork.
Schools are taking action to make sure the students can get enough sleep. ____3____ Three reasons are mentioned for the problem. Firstly, they spend hours in scrolling(滚动), such as
Douyin and Wechat. Hours of watching the mobile phones can be harmful to their eyes and cause students to sleep less. ____4____They may work overtime to get the job finished and they can’t watch over the kids. Lastly, drinks like tea or coffee can also keep them excited and awake.
____5____ For example, they should avoid using mobile phones too much, and drink something like milk before going to bed.
Only if schools, families and students join hands together, can students get enough sleep and be at their best in schoolwork.
A. But researchers(研究者) say many students still sleep less. B. In fact, students themselves should also take sleep seriously. C. Secondly, busy parents may not remind(提醒)them to go to bed at the proper time. D. Then how many hours of sleep should junior high school students get a night E. Because of too much homework, most students have more pressure (压力) and hardly have enough sleep. F. The result showed the students who slept worked out the answer more quickly. G. Without a good sleep, students have problems of study at school.



上一篇:人教版七年级下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 同步练习(无答案)
