牛津深圳版八年级下 4.2 Unit 4 Reading(练习)原卷版+解析版

Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips
1. He is a ______ man. All of us want to make friends with him.
A. serious B. boring C. pleasant D. lonely
2. Although she is over 60, she ______ to be quite young.
A. watches B. appears C. accepts D. plays
3. — Why not wear a hat to ______ your clothes
— Good idea.
A. match B. reach C. express D. cross
4. Excuse me, how would you like to pay for the meal, together or _______
A. simply B. separately C. pleasantly D. shyly
5. — Which dress have you ______
— The white one.
A. turned on B. depended on C. come on D. decided on
6. It is a hard job, but I hope he can make it.
A. succeed B. support C. hurry D. celebrate
7. We all want to know your thoughts about the plan and hope it can help us a lot.
A. permissions B. introductions C. tricks D. opinions
8.The little girl needs more clothes. It's too cold outside.
A. to wear B. wear C. wearing D. wears
9 --- Look! There is a here. It says the bridge is dangerous.
--- Sure it is. The bridge about fifty years ago and it is very old now.
A. map; was built B. map; has been built
C. warning sign; has been built D. warning sign; was built
10. She appears _________ enough time to finish the job.
A. to have B. have C. having D. had
1. It is not right to r_________ the film in the cinema.
2. Only some b________ knowledge of computer is required for this job. It’s not difficult at all.
3. Jason is an excellent a_____. He is the main character of this new film.
4. The shoes don’t m______ — one is smaller.
5. Could you tell me how to p_______ this CD, please
6. Lucy and lily didn’t arrive in Beijing together. They got there s__________.
7.The kids are watching a c__________. They like it very much.
8.There is a w__________ on the board. It reminds people not to smoke here.
9. Your smile makes you look p____________.
10. She a____________ nervous when she goes on the stage.
Her eyes _______ ________ when she saw the super star.
Maria is learning _______ _______ _______ ballet.
They _________ ______ their travel plan last night.
The ship ___________ _________ _________.
5. 汤里应该加点盐。
Some salt ________ _________ ________ to the soup.
If you want to__________ __________, you must try your best.
7. 我们把这些部件组合起来做一个机器人吧。
Let ’s _______ these parts ________ to make a robot.
A lion ________ _________ _________a tiger.
She is clever________ _________ __________ beautiful.
10. 我们需要加些色彩到这些图片上。
We _______ ______ _______some colours _____ these pictures.
1. Look at the __________(warn) on the wall. We can’t take photos here.
2. His dream is to be a great __________ (act).
3. David and his parents lived ___________ (separate).
4. The sound effects can be __________(record)later.
5. Confucius is a great Chinese ____________ (think), his_________ (think) make us Chinese educational.
6. He _____________ (actor)as a policeman in the film.
7. She always forgets _____________ (bring)her notebook to school.
8.It is a ____________ (pleasant)to go with you.
9.We should not judge a man by his ____________ (appear).
10.Please give me a ____________ (detail) answer.
1. us, three, plan, has, by, hours, studied, the, for, been (.)
2. has, since, done, you, been, by, job, 2011, this ( )
3. done, be, protecting, should, the Earth, for, something (.)
4. reading, been, finished, book, has, this (.)
5. the, given, yet, not, project, to, been, them, has (.)
warn sb. about, thinks of ,make it,as well as,pop out,laugh at,match with,decide on
1.Classmates think highly of Zhang Yi because she always _________ others.
2.When Mike visited the zoo yesterday, his parents ________their son ________the big animals.
3.They sell books __________ newspapers.
4.When he looked around his friend’s house, his eyes almost ___________.
5.This ribbon does not ________ my hat.
6.They tried their best and____________ at last.
7.Don’t ___________ important matters too quickly.
8. Don’t___________ your classmates. It’s not polite.
Making a cartoon is not an easy job. The first stage is to decide on some 1.b________ ideas for a story. Next, think about the character. The third stage is to make a rough sketch of the story. Then, add colour to the pictures. The characters and things should be made to appear to move. Stage 5 is to use a computer 2. p__________ to put the pictures together. And the last stage is to 3.r_________ the voices and sound effects. The actors’ voices must 4.m_________ the pictures and the sound effects should be added 5.s____________. Now play the cartoon and enjoy it.
Annie always compared (比较)herself with her classmates. Here are a few (1)_______(example) . In the P. E. class, Susan ran(2)_______(fast) of all the girls. “How could she run faster than me I take exercise every day. It’s not fair (公平),” She said. In the math test, Ben got (3)_______ A and Annie got a C. “Why is he(4)_______ (smart) than me It’s not fair,” Annie thought.
But Annie(5)_______ (feel) a little better during the bus ride home. She looked at Alice’s shoes. Then she laughed and said, “My shoes are better than(6)_______ (you).” “Stop that!” Alice shouted from the next seat because (7)_______ Annie’s words. Everybody has good things and bad things. Some people are smart, beautiful or rich, (8)_______ other people are not. “It is not right to always compare,” Alice said.
Annie’s face turned red. “You’re right. I’ve decided not (9)_______ (do) that again, I’m so sorry. I should try to learn from (10)_______ (other) and improve myself.”
Just like Mickey Mouse, Hello Kitty is a famous cartoon character. You can see her on many ____1____ of things, like bags, clothes, food and books. People all over the world love the cute Hello Kitty.
46 years ago, a Japanese company Sanrio made Hello Kitty. It first ____2____ on a wallet. To people’s ____3____, in the artist’s design, Hello Kitty is a girl! That’s why people always see her ____4____ with two feet.
Hello Kitty is in the third ____5___ in her school. Her favorite ____6____ is apple pie. She lives with her parents and twin sister near London. It is quiet there. And her grandpa and grandma live far away in a forest. On weekends, her father often drives his ____7___ to take them to visit her ____8_____. It’s interesting that Hello Kitty even has a pet cat like herself.
The artist said many years ago, many Japanese worked and _____9____ in Britain, so she made Hello Kitty a(n) British person. Hello Kitty has a very ____10_____ life now. She’s the symbol of all the good things.
1. A. shapes B. colors C. kinds D. prices
2. A. wrote B. appeared C. brought D. turned
3. A. hope B. dream C. answer D. surprise
4. A. laughing B. talking C. standing D. eating
5. A. place B. day C. name D. grade
6. A. drink B. food C. restaurant D. person
7. A. bike B. bus C. horse D. car
8. A. friends B. teachers C. grandparents D. classmates
9. A. lived B. played C. solved D. invited
10. A. difficult B. meaningless C. unlucky D. happy
The story of Hua Mulan is well-known in China. Mulan, a brave young girl, takes her father’s place in the army and fights for her country. Disney turned this story into a cartoon in 1998. And now, they are planning to make it a real action movie. It was reported that in the online script (剧本), the movie would not be mainly about Mulan saving her family, but about how a white European man saves Mulan and wins her heart. Then, lots of people made an online topic called Make Mulan Right. A user named Krystal Lin said that the story of Mulan wasn’t a love story about a girl who needed to be saved, but a story about her saving her father, about family and honor (荣誉).
Others said that it would whitewash Asian culture. The word “whitewash” means Western culture takes the place of other cultures. They give other examples, like the American actress Scarlett Johansson playing the Japanese character Motoko Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell (《攻壳机动队》).
Facing these words, a man from Disney later told Vanity Fair magazine that the online script was only an initial version (初始版本) and that Mulan would be the main character in the story.
“Although Disney needs to think about American tastes, it has to make sure that the movie isn’t whitewashed”, a critic (评论家) told China Daily.
1. Which piece of news caused online discussion
A. Disney turned the story of Hua Mulan into a cartoon.
B. Disney made the story of Hua Mulan a real action movie.
C. An article online said something bad about the story of Hua Mulan.
D. The movie would be mainly about a romantic love story.
2. How does Krystal Lin understand the story of Hua Mulan
① Mulan needs a man to help her. ② Mulan saves her father.
③ It’s a story about family and honor. ④ The story needs Hollywood romance
A. ①② B. ②③ C. ③④ D. ①④
3. The writer mentions (提及) the movie Ghost in the Shell to ________.
A. let more people know the movie
B. say something bad about US movies
C. give an example of a “whitewashed” thing
D. let people know the actress Scarlett Johansson
4. What did the man from Disney tell Vanity Fair magazine
A. Their new movie would use the online script at last.
B. Mulan would be the main character in the story.
C. There would be no European actors in the movie.
D. Disney must think about different tastes.
5. From the passage, we can know that ________.
A. Disney turned the story of Hua Mulan into a real action movie in 1998
B. the critic doesn’t think Disney needs to think about American tastes
C. Make Mulan Right showed many people’s love for this online script
D. The user named Krystal doesn’t want the movie to turn into a love story
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips
1. He is a ______ man. All of us want to make friends with him.
A. serious B. boring C. pleasant D. lonely
【解析】A. serious 严肃的 B. boring 烦人的 C. pleasant友好的,愉快的 D. lonely孤独的
2. Although she is over 60, she ______ to be quite young.
A. watches B. appears C. accepts D. plays
【解析】句意:尽管她已经60多岁了,但她似乎还很年轻。Appear 似乎。好像。符合题意。
3. — Why not wear a hat to ______ your clothes
— Good idea.
A. match B. reach C. express D. cross
【解析】A. match 名词:比赛。动词:与。。。相配 B. reach 达到 C. express表述,表达 D. cross横过,穿过。句意:为什么不戴一顶帽子来搭配你的衣服呢?
4. Excuse me, how would you like to pay for the meal, together or _______
A. simply B. separately C. pleasantly D. shyly
【解析】A. simply 简单地 B. separately单独地 ,分开地 C. pleasantly友好地。愉快地 D. shyly害羞地。句意:打扰一下,您想一起还是分开付餐费
5. — Which dress have you ______
— The white one.
A. turned on B. depended on C. come on D. decided on
【解析】A. turned on将(电器)打开 B. depended on依赖,依靠 C. come on 过来,加油 D. decided on选定,决定。根据句意:选D
6. It is a hard job, but I hope he can make it.
A. succeed B. support C. hurry D. celebrate
【解析】make it 取得成功。故答案选A
7. We all want to know your thoughts about the plan and hope it can help us a lot.
A. permissions B. introductions C. tricks D. opinions
【解析】A. permissions允许 B. introductions 介绍 C. tricks阴谋,把戏 D. opinions观点,建议。thought 想法,思想。故与D意思相同。
8.The little girl needs more clothes. It's too cold outside.
A. to wear B. wear C. wearing D. wears
9 --- Look! There is a here. It says the bridge is dangerous.
--- Sure it is. The bridge about fifty years ago and it is very old now.
A. map; was built B. map; has been built
C. warning sign; has been built D. warning sign; was built
10. She appears _________ enough time to finish the job.
A. to have B. have C. having D. had
【解析】appear 似乎,好像。后面一般接不定式。也可以接形容词构成系表结构。
1. It is not right to r_________ the film in the cinema.
【解析】句意: 在电影院录制这部电影是不对的。
2. Only some b________ knowledge of computer is required for this job. It’s not difficult at all.
【解析】句意: 这项工作只需要一些计算机的基本知识。一点也不难。
3. Jason is an excellent a_____. He is the main character of this new film.
【解析】句意: 杰森是一个优秀的演员,他是这部新电影的主角。
4. The shoes don’t m______ — one is smaller.
【解析】句意: 这双鞋不相配。一只更小
5. Could you tell me how to p_______ this CD, please
【解析】句意: 你能告诉我怎么放这张CD吗?
6. Lucy and lily didn’t arrive in Beijing together. They got there s__________.
【解析】句意: 露西和莉莉没有一起到北京。他们分开去的.
7.The kids are watching a c__________. They like it very much.
【解析】句意: 孩子们正在看动画片,他们非常喜欢.
8.There is a w__________ on the board. It reminds people not to smoke here.
【解析】句意: 黑板上有个警告。它提醒人们不要在这里吸烟。
9. Your smile makes you look p____________.
10. She a____________ nervous when she goes on the stage.
Her eyes _______ ________ when she saw the super star.
【答案】popped out
Maria is learning _______ _______ _______ ballet.
【答案】how to dance
They _________ ______ their travel plan last night.
【答案】decided on
The ship ___________ _________ _________.
【答案】appeared/appears to move
5. 汤里应该加点盐。
Some salt ________ _________ ________ to the soup.
【答案】should be added
If you want to__________ __________, you must try your best.
【答案】make it
7. 我们把这些部件组合起来做一个机器人吧。
Let ’s _______ these parts ________ to make a robot.
【答案】put together
A lion ________ _________ _________a tiger.
【答案】is different from
She is clever________ _________ __________ beautiful.
【答案】as well as
10. 我们需要加些色彩到这些图片上。
We _______ ______ _______some colours _____ these pictures.
【答案】need to add to
1. Look at the __________(warn) on the wall. We can’t take photos here.
2. His dream is to be a great __________ (act).
3. David and his parents lived ___________ (separate).
4. The sound effects can be __________(record)later.
5. Confucius is a great Chinese ____________ (think), his_________ (think) make us Chinese educational.
6. He _____________ (actor)as a policeman in the film.
7. She always forgets _____________ (bring)her notebook to school.
8.It is a ____________ (pleasant)to go with you.
9.We should not judge a man by his ____________ (appear).
10.Please give me a ____________ (detail) answer.
【答案】1.warning 2.actor 3.separately 4.recorded 5.thinker thoughts 6.acted 7.to bring 8.pleasure
9.appearance 10.detailed
1. us, three, plan, has, by, hours, studied, the, for, been (.)
2. has, since, done, you, been, by, job, 2011, this ( )
3. done, be, protecting, should, the Earth, for, something (.)
4. reading, been, finished, book, has, this (.)
5. the, given, yet, not, project, to, been, them, has (.)
【答案】1. The plan has been studied by us for three hours.
2. Has this job been done by you since 2011
3. Something should be done for protecting the Earth.
4. This book has been finished reading.
5. The project has not been given to them yet.
warn sb. about, thinks of ,make it,as well as,pop out,laugh at,match with,decide on
1.Classmates think highly of Zhang Yi because she always _________ others.
2.When Mike visited the zoo yesterday, his parents ________their son ________the big animals.
3.They sell books __________ newspapers.
4.When he looked around his friend’s house, his eyes almost ___________.
5.This ribbon does not ________ my hat.
6.They tried their best and____________ at last.
7.Don’t ___________ important matters too quickly.
8. Don’t___________ your classmates. It’s not polite.
【答案】1.thinks of 2.warned about 3.as well as 4.popped out 5.match with 6.made it 7. decide on 8.laugh at
Making a cartoon is not an easy job. The first stage is to decide on some 1.b________ ideas for a story. Next, think about the character. The third stage is to make a rough sketch of the story. Then, add colour to the pictures. The characters and things should be made to appear to move. Stage 5 is to use a computer 2. p__________ to put the pictures together. And the last stage is to 3.r_________ the voices and sound effects. The actors’ voices must 4.m_________ the pictures and the sound effects should be added 5.s____________. Now play the cartoon and enjoy it.
【答案】 1.basic 2. program 3.record 4.match 5.separately
Annie always compared (比较)herself with her classmates. Here are a few (1)_______(example) . In the P. E. class, Susan ran(2)_______(fast) of all the girls. “How could she run faster than me I take exercise every day. It’s not fair (公平),” She said. In the math test, Ben got (3)_______ A and Annie got a C. “Why is he(4)_______ (smart) than me It’s not fair,” Annie thought.
But Annie(5)_______ (feel) a little better during the bus ride home. She looked at Alice’s shoes. Then she laughed and said, “My shoes are better than(6)_______ (you).” “Stop that!” Alice shouted from the next seat because (7)_______ Annie’s words. Everybody has good things and bad things. Some people are smart, beautiful or rich, (8)_______ other people are not. “It is not right to always compare,” Alice said.
Annie’s face turned red. “You’re right. I’ve decided not (9)_______ (do) that again, I’m so sorry. I should try to learn from (10)_______ (other) and improve myself.”
【答案】1. examples 2. the fastest 3. an 4. smarter 5. felt 6. yours 7. of 8. but 9. to do 10. others
Just like Mickey Mouse, Hello Kitty is a famous cartoon character. You can see her on many ____1____ of things, like bags, clothes, food and books. People all over the world love the cute Hello Kitty.
46 years ago, a Japanese company Sanrio made Hello Kitty. It first ____2____ on a wallet. To people’s ____3____, in the artist’s design, Hello Kitty is a girl! That’s why people always see her ____4____ with two feet.
Hello Kitty is in the third ____5___ in her school. Her favorite ____6____ is apple pie. She lives with her parents and twin sister near London. It is quiet there. And her grandpa and grandma live far away in a forest. On weekends, her father often drives his ____7___ to take them to visit her ____8_____. It’s interesting that Hello Kitty even has a pet cat like herself.
The artist said many years ago, many Japanese worked and _____9____ in Britain, so she made Hello Kitty a(n) British person. Hello Kitty has a very ____10_____ life now. She’s the symbol of all the good things.
1. A. shapes B. colors C. kinds D. prices
2. A. wrote B. appeared C. brought D. turned
3. A. hope B. dream C. answer D. surprise
4. A. laughing B. talking C. standing D. eating
5. A. place B. day C. name D. grade
6. A. drink B. food C. restaurant D. person
7. A. bike B. bus C. horse D. car
8. A. friends B. teachers C. grandparents D. classmates
9. A. lived B. played C. solved D. invited
10. A. difficult B. meaningless C. unlucky D. happy
【解析】这篇短文主要讲述了Hello Kitty是一个著名的卡通人物。文中介绍了人们为什么喜欢她的原因。
1. 句意:你可以在很多地方上看到她,比如包、衣服、食物和书。
shapes形状;colors颜色;kinds种类;prices价格。根据“like bags, clothes, food and books.”可知,此处是以在很多地方上看到她,故选C。
2. 句意:它最初出现在一个钱包上。
wrote写;appeared出现;brought带来;turned变成。根据“46 years ago, a Japanese company Sanrio made Hello Kitty.”及“on a wallet”,可知此处是它最初出现在一个钱包上。故选B。
3. 句意:让人惊讶的是,在艺术家的设计中,Hello Kitty是一个女孩!
hope希望;dream梦想;answer回答;surprise吃惊。根据“in the artist’s design, Hello Kitty is a girl!”可知,此处是让人们感到吃惊,故选D。
4. 句意:这就是为什么人们总是看到她双脚站立。
laughing笑;talking交谈;standing站;eating吃。根据“with two feet.”可知,此处是用双脚站着,故选C。
5. 句意:Hello Kitty在学校三年级。
place地方;day白天;name名字;grade年级。根据“in her school”可知,此处是在学校三年级,故选D。
6. 句意:她最喜欢的食物是苹果派。
drink饮料;food食物;restaurant饭店;person人。根据“apple pie”可知,此处是她最喜欢的食物,故选B。
7. 句意:在周末,她的父亲经常开车带他们去看望她的祖父母。
8. 句意:在周末,她的父亲经常开车带他们去看望她的祖父母。
friends朋友;teachers老师;grandparents父母;classmates同学们。根据“On weekends, her father often drives his…to take them to visit her”可知,父亲经常开车带他们去看望她的祖父母,故选C。
9. 句意:这位艺术家说,许多年前,许多日本人在英国工作和生活。
lived居住;played玩;solved解决;invited邀请。根据“many Japanese worked”可知此处是许多日本人在英国工作和生活,故选A。
10. 句意:Hello Kitty现在过着非常幸福的生活。她是一切美好事物的象征。
difficult困难的;meaningless无意义的;unlucky不幸的;happy高兴的。根据“She’s the symbol of all the good things.”可知,此处是Hello Kitty现在过着非常幸福的生活,故选D。
The story of Hua Mulan is well-known in China. Mulan, a brave young girl, takes her father’s place in the army and fights for her country. Disney turned this story into a cartoon in 1998. And now, they are planning to make it a real action movie. It was reported that in the online script (剧本), the movie would not be mainly about Mulan saving her family, but about how a white European man saves Mulan and wins her heart. Then, lots of people made an online topic called Make Mulan Right. A user named Krystal Lin said that the story of Mulan wasn’t a love story about a girl who needed to be saved, but a story about her saving her father, about family and honor (荣誉).
Others said that it would whitewash Asian culture. The word “whitewash” means Western culture takes the place of other cultures. They give other examples, like the American actress Scarlett Johansson playing the Japanese character Motoko Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell (《攻壳机动队》).
Facing these words, a man from Disney later told Vanity Fair magazine that the online script was only an initial version (初始版本) and that Mulan would be the main character in the story.
“Although Disney needs to think about American tastes, it has to make sure that the movie isn’t whitewashed”, a critic (评论家) told China Daily.
1. Which piece of news caused online discussion
A. Disney turned the story of Hua Mulan into a cartoon.
B. Disney made the story of Hua Mulan a real action movie.
C. An article online said something bad about the story of Hua Mulan.
D. The movie would be mainly about a romantic love story.
2. How does Krystal Lin understand the story of Hua Mulan
① Mulan needs a man to help her. ② Mulan saves her father.
③ It’s a story about family and honor. ④ The story needs Hollywood romance
A. ①② B. ②③ C. ③④ D. ①④
3. The writer mentions (提及) the movie Ghost in the Shell to ________.
A. let more people know the movie
B. say something bad about US movies
C. give an example of a “whitewashed” thing
D. let people know the actress Scarlett Johansson
4. What did the man from Disney tell Vanity Fair magazine
A. Their new movie would use the online script at last.
B. Mulan would be the main character in the story.
C. There would be no European actors in the movie.
D. Disney must think about different tastes.
5. From the passage, we can know that ________.
A. Disney turned the story of Hua Mulan into a real action movie in 1998
B. the critic doesn’t think Disney needs to think about American tastes
C. Make Mulan Right showed many people’s love for this online script
D. The user named Krystal doesn’t want the movie to turn into a love story
1. 细节理解题。根据“ It was reported that in the online script (剧本), the movie would not be mainly about Mulan saving her family, but about how a white European man saves Mulan and wins her heart”可知,将这部电影改编成一个讲述浪漫爱情的题材,这个改变引起了热议,故选D。
2. 细节理解题。根据“Krystal Lin said that the story of Mulan wasn’t a love story about a girl who needed to be saved, but a story about her saving her father, about family and honor”可知,木兰的故事不是关于一个需要被拯救的女孩的爱情故事,而是关于她拯救自己父亲的故事,关于家庭和荣誉的故事,故选B。
3. 细节理解题。根据“The word “whitewash” means Western culture takes the place of other cultures. They give other examples”可知,给出这个例子是为了解释“whitewash”这个词的意思,故选C。
4. 细节理解题。根据“a man from Disney later told Vanity Fair magazine that the online script was only an initial version (初始版本) and that Mulan would be the main character in the story”可知,木兰还是这个故事的主要角色,故选B。
5. 推理判断题。根据“Krystal Lin said that the story of Mulan wasn’t a love story about a girl who needed to be saved, but a story about her saving her father, about family and honor”可知,Krystal认为这个不应该是一部爱情剧,故选D。
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