2022-2023人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks 综合测试卷 (含答案)

( )1.Don't shout at him.He is unable to hear you because he is .
A.blind B.deaf C.hurt D.afraid
( )2.We found necessary to protect animals in danger.
A.it B.this C.that D./
( )3.I hope you next Sunday.
A.see B.to see C.sees D.seeing
( )4.Because of the bad weather,we decided to our trip until next weekend.
A.turn off B.put off C.get off D.cut off
( )5.We will some money for the poor children.Would you like to come?
A.spend B.watch C.raise D.imagine
( )6.Thank you for your ,otherwise I couldn't finish my work.
A.kind B.kindly C.kindness D.kinds
( )7.How nice these pictures are!Please on the wall.
A.put it up B.put up it C.put up them D.put them up
( )8.My clock doesn't work.I'm going to
A.fix it up B.fix up itC.cheer it up D.cheer up it
( )9.“I take after my mother."has the same meaning with“
A.I take care of my mother. B.I'm similar to my mother.
C.My mother looks after me. D.I'm different from my mother.
( )10.-Excuse me,I'm new here.I can't find my hotel.---
A.You could ask the policeman for help B.You shouldn't live in that hotel
C.You must stay with meD.You needn't call your friend
Everyone in our school knows Jerry,the Bike Boy.He is a lovely and warm-hearted guy.He often collects broken bikes that people don't use any more 1 and then gives them to people who need them.
Last week he was down 2 he spent all his money buying old bikes.We really want to cheer up Jerry.3 Monday we told a radio interviewer that Jerry had run out of money to buy old bikes.We also put up signs 4 old bikes and called up all our friends and told them 5 the problem.We even 6 advertisements at a local supermarket.Then we informed(告知)the teachers at school about his problem 7 they set up a call-in center for parents.The strategies was 8.He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and 9 to children who don't have 10.
( )1.A.to call up B.to fix up C.to buy D.to sell
( )2.A.so B.if C.because D.although
( )3.A.on B.In C.Next D.A
( )4.A.asking about B.selling C.buying D.asking for
( )5.A.about B.with C.of D.at
( )6.A.handed out B.handed in C.gives away D.give out
( )7.A.when B.while C.because D.and
( )8.A.help B.helpless C.helpful D.helpfully
( )9.A.give away B.hand out C.give up D.think up
( )10.A.cars B.books C.bikes D.chairs
Take part in the exciting Summer Volunteer Abroad Program 2021.We have a lot of voluntary travel programs during the summer holidays. We have programs in India,Thailand,Nepal,Ghana,Peru and Israel. It will be a great chance to know about the local(当地的)culture,to volunteer to work for the program and to travel across the host country.
In Ghana,volunteers will teach kids English and also go sightseeing(观光)in Northern Ghana on weekends. In Thailand,volunteers will take part in a trip to visit the local families and travel across different parts of the country. In India,Israel,Peru and Nepal,volunteers will help build new schools and hospitals while enjoying the beautiful landscape.
All our programs will start on July 1,and will last for three weeks.Do you want to join us?Search www. for more information.
( )1.Volunteers can take part in the programs in .
A.February B.July C.October D.December
( )2.What can volunteers do in Ghana?
A.Teach kids English. B.Give out food.
C.Visit poor kids. D.Raise money for kids.
( )3. have the same voluntary work.
A.Thailand and India B.Israel and Thailand
C.Peru and Ghana D.Nepal and India
( )4.The underlined word“landscape”means“ ”in Chinese.
A.印象 B.见解 C.风景 D.态度
( )5.What do we know from the passage?
A.They hold the programs every year.
B.Only students can take part in the programs.
C.The programs will be over on July 21.
D.People can make a phone call to get more information.
Volunteering means spending some of your free time helping others.You may volunteer to help other people,such as the families who lost their homes after a natural disaster(灾难).But you can also volunteer to protect animals,the environment,or any other thing that you care about.
Help Yourself by Helping Others Volunteering helps others,but it can also help you.If you're upset about something that's happened,doing something about it can be a great way to deal with your feelings.6. Volunteer experiences often put you in a different environment that you wouldn't have met in your life.
Getting Started
7. Ask a teacher for ideas.Some places want volunteers who are 12 or even older,depending on the job.Often kids start volunteering by working alongside their parents.
Things to Do with Parents or Family Members
8. Talk to your parents,brothers,or sisters and see what they might be interested in doing.Find something you all agree on.
Create Your Own Opportunity(机会)Kids can also come up with their own ways to raise money or provide needed services.
Here are some ideas:Make and sell products(产品)and give the money to charity.
Start your own charity group.
Some schools now need kids to help others.Why?Because grown-ups hope kids will become caring people who see the value(价值)in giving of their time,talents,and things(like money,toys,or clothes).Volunteering gives kids a taste of responsibility(责任)because people are depending on them for something important.
Volunteering can also help kids learn important things about themselves-like what kinds of things they're best at and enjoy the most.10. So what are you waiting for?Make a plan to start volunteering today!
A.Collect or earn money for charity. B.Volunteering is a great way to have fun with your family. C.Collect or make money for your family. D.A volunteer job can even help some kids decide what they want to do when they grow up. E.School is a good place to start if you're looking for volunteer ideas. F.A volunteer job can even help children to get on well with their friends. G.Lots of people find that they really enjoy volunteering.
When we talk about"good people",who first comes to your mind?Many Chinese might think of Lei Feng.In China,Lei Feng is a symbol of the giving spirit.People who act selflessly are sometimes called“living Lei Feng”.
Born in Hunan in 1940,Lei grew up in a rural family.He became a soldier in 1960.But just two years later,the young man died.
During his short life,he did not fight in any wars,nor did he achieve any world-changing achievements.But he has been remembered as a national hero.
Lei devoted(奉献)all his life to helping others.He carried luggage(行李)for the elderly and gave food to children.He once gave all the money he had to the sick parents of a friend.He often helped his fellow soldiers and taught them how to read.
Lei is not a superman,but a role model for every person.Being kind to others is something that everyone should try to do.
According to Chairman Mao Zedong,Lei served the people wholeheartedly throughout his life.On March 5,1963,Chairman Mao wrote in an article that people should“Learn from Comrade Lei Feng".
Later,March 5 became“Lei Feng Memorial Day”.
1.What do we often call a person who helps others?
2.How old was Lei Feng when he died?
3.Did Lei Feng achieve world-changing achievements?
4.What did Chairman Mao ask people to do?
5.When is“Lei Feng Memorial Day”?
Some of the ideas he were so funny.
We have lots of books to
They road blocks around the city.
The rain didn't to the game.
All these made him to be a doctor.
happy for return an several child help joy feel volunteer
Mike went to Nepal this summer.He didn't go there 1. a trip.He volunteered in a children's home there with 2. other volunteers for four weeks.He lived in the home with the3. .His duty was to play with children,take them to school and 4. them with their English.The children were full of 5.
when some volunteers were around.They were always 6. and active to lean new things.Mike7. proud to bring new skills,education and ideas to them."It was really 8. amazing experience.The kids were so lovely.Whenever I9.
home I could always get a warm welcome."Mike said.
If you are interested in 10. at this children's home,feel free to talk with Mike.He will answer all your questions.
提示词:be ready to do,have a chance,would like to Volunteering is becoming more and more popular in China.We are making ourselves happy while we are helping others.
Ⅲ.阅读理解。(共10小题,计20分)A)BADCC B)FEBAD
Ⅳ.任务型阅读。(共5小题,计15分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成下列各题。1 living Lei Feng 2 22 3No,he didn`t 4 Learn from Comrade Lei Feng 5 March 5
V.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(共5小题,计10分)1he came up with 2give away 3set up 4 have much effect 5 it possible for
Ⅵ.短文填空。(共10小题,计20分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。1for 2 several 3children 4 help 5joy 6happy 7felt 8exercise 9retruned 10volunteering



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