Unit 5 Topic 1 You look excited Section A 课堂练习题 2022-2023仁爱版英语八年级下册(含答案)

八下(仁爱版)Unit 5 Topic 1 Section A 课堂练习题
Class_________Name_________ Number________
1. Many people go to watch a f______ on July 7th.
2. My mother p______ breakfast for me every morning.
3. Yesterday he i______ his classmates to come to his home for dinner.
4. The medicine t______ bad but works well.
5. These flowers look beautiful and s______ nice.
sound, taste, smell, feel, be
1. The chicken ______ delicious. I like it very much.
2. He ______ very unhappy after he heard the bad news.
3. Song Zuying’s voice is very sweet and her songs ______ very beautiful.
4. They ______ not able to go for a picnic yesterday.
5. Mom is cooking fish in the kitchen. It ______ nice.
( )1. —Yesterday I bought two tickets ____ the movie Avatar on my way ____ home. It’ll be on tomorrow. Will you go with me
A. to; to B. /; to C. /; / D. to;/
( )2. —May I ____ you to my birthday party
—Sure, I’d love to come.
A. invite B. help C. take D. bring
( )3. —Your father helps me a lot. Please ____ your father.
—I will.
A. say hello to B. say thanks to C. say sorry to D. say goodbye to
( )4. —Help yourself to some oranges. They ____ sweet.
A. look B. sound C. feel D. taste
( )5. —I want to see the movie, but I have no tickets.
A. Of course. B. What a pity! C. Enjoy yourself. D. It’s great fun.
( )6. —Long time no see, Joyce. ____
—Everything is OK. Thanks.
A. How are you doing B. How do you do
C. What are you doing D. What do you do
( )7. Tim looks very happy because he can get a ticket ____ the concert.
A. to B. for C. of D. A or B
( )8. —My Chinese is very poor, but Lily always helps me.
—You should ____ her.
A. be popular with B. say thanks to C. be angry with D. listen to
( )9. The news ____ interesting. Please tell me more.
A. feels B. listens C. hears D. sounds
( )10. —Would you like to invite Mr. Wang ____ sports with you
—Yes, I’d love to.
A. to play B. to look C. playing D. looking
1. I want to ______ ______ ______ ______ (去看电影), but I have no ticket.
2. We will ______ ______ ______ (过周末)at Jim’s house this Saturday.
3. ______ ______ (你猜怎么着)! I met Jim at Tom’s just now.
4. ______ ______ ______ ______ (在回家的路上), I found a pet dog.
5. We are working hard to ______ ______ (为……做准备)the English exam.
6. ——你最近好吗? ——我很好。
—______ are you ______ these days —Very well.
7. 这周我们打算去看电影。
We are ______ ______ the ______ this week.
8. 妈妈正在为我们准备可口的饭菜。
My mom is ______ delicious food ______ us now.
9. 真遗憾!没有剩余的座位了。
______ ______ ______! There are no seats left.
10. 他帮了你那么多,你应该向他道谢。
He helped you so much. You should ______ ______ ______ him.
A: Hello, Judy! You look so happy. 1
B: Linda and I are planning to go to the movie theater.
A: Really 2
B: Aftershock.
A: It is very moving (感人的). 3
B: Tomorrow evening. Would you like to go with us
A: 4 Can you get a ticket for me
B: Of course. I have three tickets here. 5
A: Thank you very much.
A. Why B. Yes, I’d like to. C. You can have one. D. When are you going E. What movie are you going to see
1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. __________
Susan was a lively girl. She worked as a 1 . She was once the most beautiful girl in her hospital. Many young 2 liked her and wanted to marry (娶)her. People could 3 see her sweet smiles.
But one day everything changed. She 4 a car accident and her was disfigured (毁容). She felt quite 5 and stayed at home all day. She didn’t want to 6 anyone.
Her parents were afraid she would go 7 . So one day they took her to “Blind (盲的) Children’s Home”. She played with the blind children that afternoon and for the first time after the accident her parents 8 her happy look. Just as they were leaving, a blind girl put her 9 round Susan’s neck and said, “Your voice 10 sweet and I know you must have a beautiful face.”
Susan cried all the way home in the car, but it was with happiness. Susan changed in the end. Smiles came back to her face again.
( )1. A. teacher B. farmer C. nurse D. policewoman
( )2. A. doctors B. people C. workers D. men
( )3. A. seldom B. never C. always D. once
( )4. A. had B. saw C. found D. heard
( )5. A. excited B. sad C. bored D. disappointed
( )6. A. like B. meet C. advise D. rare
( )7. A. hungry B. lazy C. stupid D. mad
( )8. A. saw B. believed C. knew D. won
( )9. A. head B. face C. arms D. legs
( )10. A. hears B. sounds C. listens D. listens to
1. film 2. prepares 3. invited 4. tastes 5. smell
1. tastes 2. felt 3. sound 4. were 5. smells
1. go to the movies 2. spend the weekend 3. Guess what
4. On my way home 5. prepare for 6. How;doing 7. going to;movies
8. preparing;for 9. What a pity 10. say thanks to



