人教版英语八年级下册第一次月考检测卷 (Units 1-3)(含答案)

人教版英语八年级下册第一次月考检测卷(Units 1-3)
1.Mo Yan’s books have been sold out in many book stores __________ his winning of the Nobel Prize in Literature.
A. because B. since C. as D. because of
2.The problem is __________ difficult. You needn’t spend __________ time on it.
A. too much, much too B. much too, too much
C. too much, too much D. much too, much too
3.Kate is girl. She’s very happy at school.
A. a eighteen-year-old B. an eighteen-year-old
C. an eighteen-years-old D. a eighteen–years-old
4.Liu Huan, a famous male singer, has long hair, because he ______ long hair.
A. used to have B. is used to having
C. is used for having D. is used to have
5.You had ______ bad cold; you’d better see a doctor.
A. the B. an C. 不填D. a
6.—Hi, John. ______
—It's Lucy, my dog. Her leg is hurt.
A. How are you B. What’s the matter C. Who’s that D. What’s Lucy like
7.The old woman was afraid to be left _______ in the _______ house.
A. lonely; alone B. alone; alone C. lonely; lonely D. alone; lonely
8.Mobile phones make it possible for us _______with others wherever we are.
A. communicate B. communicated C. communicating D. to communicate
9.I tried to _______ by telling her the news.
A. cheer up her B. put her up C. put up her D. cheer her up
10.It is _______ an interesting story that I want to read it again.
A. such B. very C. quite D. so
11. —Is the girl really that woman’s daughter She doesn’t _____ her at all.
—But sure he is. She looks like her father.
A. take after B. look after C. run after
12.—Could I use your dictionary
—Yes, you _____.
A. can B. could C. need D. should
13.-I never drink coffee.
A. So do I B. So did I C. Neither did I D. Neither do I
14.—Can you tell me why you learn English so well
—It’s very simple._____ you work,______ grades you will get.
A. The harder; the best B. The bard; the better
C. Harder; better D. The harder; the better
15.—Are your shoes expensive
—No. I only _____ five dollars on them.
A. used B. cost C. spent D. took
Lisa is serious about the chores in her house. She gives her children things that they can do according to their __ 1 She started by asking John, the__ 2 of her two sons, to help with the dishes. It is now an easy chore___3____ the 15-year-old. His 13-year-old brother, Dave, now___4 John too. They take turns (轮流) washing the clothes each week. The boys also clean their study tables, make their beds and____5 food from the market on Sunday mornings. Besides (除了) these, the boys also know how to cook easy meals___ 6_____ their parents are not at home.
The family of ___7 live in a big house ___8 they do all the housework themselves. Lisa says, "When I was young, my father ___9 __us to do things on our own and learn how to take care of ourselves. Now I’m doing it to my kids. “John says, "Doing chores is ____10 __ . You can learn important life skills and responsibility (责任).”
1.A.friends B.ages C.rules D.habits
2. A. elder B. taller C. younger D. shorter
3. A. with B. as C. for D. by
4. A. likes B. finds C. hates D. helps
5. A. borrow B. cook C. buy D. sell
6. A. when B. how C. what D. why
7. A. two B. three C. four D. five
8.A. so B. but C.or D.and
9.A.let B.hoped C.made D.ask
10. A. difficult B. good C. bad D. boring
Sarah Hatwell spent 8 weeks volunteering at the orphanage in Peru teaching English and playing games with the children.
When it came to the time for Sarah, and her friend Helen travel to return home she left behind $200 that she had raised from donations before her trip, and a future $ 100 of her own money.
She did his so that a local band, including young musicians aged 11 and 17 could record a CD. She said that the CD would be something that they could both keep, and sell and make money from, and that she couldn’t wait to get a copy.
So far 3 songs have been recorded, and the young musicians have found recording a lot harder than they thought. She added that many other volunteers want a copy of the CD to keep as a souvenir of their time spent there.
But the band doesn’t have a name, and when asked if she hoped that they might call themselves after Sarah and Helen, she replied that would be nice.
Sarah herself made a lot of friends while she was there, kept in touch with many other volunteers, and found the Peruvian people to be friendly and lovely.
1.Sarah left ________ to the local band in all.
A. $ 100 B. $ 200 C. $ 300 D. $ 400
2. Sarah spent about __________ volunteering in Peru.
A. one month B. two months C. three months D. four months
3. From the passage, we know Sarah might be interested in __________.
A. dancing B. singing C. drawing D. running
4. The volunteers want to get a ________ as a souvenir of their time in Peru.
A. CD B. picture C. tape D. book
5. Which of the following is right
A. The band’s name is Sarah B. The band’s name is Helen
C. The band’s name is Volunteer D. The band doesn’t have a name.
Dear editor,
My name is Henry. I am writing to you because I had a very unusual experience yesterday. Here is the story:
It was cloudy. Early in the morning, there were showers(阵雨). But later everything was calm and we could find a little bit of sunshine through the clouds sometimes. My cousin and I were sitting in the living room, watching TV and talking. My father was surfing the Internet in the study and my mother was cooking in the kitchen. At about 12 o’ clock at noon, my cousin and I got up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen to find something to eat. Suddenly, a ball of fire(火), as big as a soccer ball, came through the kitchen window. It was making a very loud noise and it hit one of the kitchen walls. The bricks(砖)of the wall shattered (碎裂)everywhere. After about 2 seconds, the ball of fire disappeared(消失). But there was a big hole in the wall and we smelt something burned(烧焦). We went back to the living room to check if everything was all right. Father was there. He told us that the computer was burned and we also found the TV smoking and burned too. All of us stood there, looking at each other. We had a great loss(损失)and we felt upset. What a bad day!
6.Why did Henry write this e-mail message
A. He wanted to know something about the newspaper.
B. He wanted to tell the newspaper about his experience.
C. He had some suggestions for the newspaper.
D. He had some problems and wanted to get some advice from the newspaper.
7. Which word can’t describe the weather that day
A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Showery. D. Snowy.
8. How many people were there in Henry’s home that day
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
9. What were Henry and his cousin doing when the accident happened
A. They were sitting in the living room, watching TV and talking.
B. They were surfing the Internet in the study.
C. They were walking to the kitchen.
D. They were cooking in the kitchen.
10. What is the correct order of the following happenings
a. The bricks shattered everywhere.
b. A ball of fire came through the window of the kitchen.
c. We went to check and found things burned.
d. There was a big hole left in the wall.
e. Henry and his cousin went to the kitchen.
A. e-b-a-d-c B. e-d-b-a-c C. b-a-d-e-c D. b-d-a-e-c
One day mother horse said to his little horse, " You have grown up and can help Mummy now. Take this half bag of rice to Uncle Pig, will you "
"Yes, Mummy," said little horse. With the bag on his back, he ran to Uncle Pig's house. Soon he came to a river. "Is there a bridge here " Little horse said to himself. He looked around for help. There he saw a cow standing by the river.
Little horse went up to her and asked, "Aunt Cow, I have to go to Uncle Pig's house. Is there a bridge near here "
"No, there is not any. If you want to go to his house, you have to cross the river."
"Is the water very deep "
"No, it isn't deep. I've crossed many times."
When little horse went near the river, Brother Cat ran up to him. He said, "Little horse, you can't cross the river. It's very deep. You will get drowned (淹死).”
"Shall I go on or shall I go back " little horse thought," I had better go home and ask Mummy."
So little horse went home and told his mother the whole thing.
Mother horse said, "My child, both the cow and the cat were right in their own way. It won't do if you only listen to other people's ideas. You should think everything over by yourself."
Little horse ran back to the river. He found that the water wasn't very deep for him. Soon he got to the other side.
1.One day mother horse told little horse to___________.
A. cross the deep river B. ask Aunt Cow for help
C. take some rice to Uncle Pig D. go to Brother Cat's house
2.What did Aunt Cow think of the river
A. It wasn't deep. It was easy for her to cross it.
B. It was too deep. No one could cross it.
C. It was not deep, but she had never crossed it.
D. It was a good place to swim in.
3.What did little horse do at last
A. He ran back home.
B. He crossed the river.
C. He gave the rice to Aunt Cow.
D. He went into the river and got drowned.
4. Who can’t cross the river
A. Mother Horse. B. Little Horse. C. Aunt Cow. D. Brother Cat.
5. What do you learn from this story
A. We must ask for help when we're in trouble.
B. We will get drowned when we try to cross a deep river.
C. Don't do everything as our friends tell us.
D. We shouldn’t only listen to other people’s ideas. We must think everything over ourselves.
Japan: There are more and more old people, but fewer and fewer care workers(看护工人) take care of them in Japan. So some scientists are trying to invent(发明) “ special people” – robots- to take care of them. Now most robots are used in factories, but many scientists have begun inventing robots to be used at home and in the hospital.
China: China’s first robot to be used at home will be finished by the end of the year. It can speak, do the cleaning and guard(守卫) the house. It can clean a big room within 20 minutes. It is very careful and it doesn’t touch the things or people in the room. The robot can also distinguish people by their voices(声音). If it knows you, it will be friendly to you. However, when it meets a stranger(陌生人), it will sound an alarm.
16. From the news, we can know that Japanese scientist are inventing a robot to _______ .
A. play with kids B. dance with a partner
C. work in factories D. take care of old people
17. Where are most of the robots used now
A. In hospital. B. In factories. C. At homeD. At schools.
18. Which is NOT mentioned(提及)in the second news
A. The robot can sweep the floor. B. The robot can guard the house.
C. The robot can hit the stranger. D. The robot can sound an alarm.
19. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “distinguish”
A. 问候 B. 辨别 C. 想起D.帮助
20. These news may come from a magazine of ________.
A. health B. house C. pollution D. science
1.The little boy has a fever. (就画线部分提问)
_______ ________ _______ with the little boy
2.She should get up early in the morning.(就画线部分提问)
_______ ________
3.He had a cold last night. (改成一般疑问句)
______ he _______ a cold last night
4.Could you please look after my litter brother
Could you please _______ _______ _______ my cat .
13.Why don’t you ask for your teacher
______ ______ ask for your teacher
across, take, because,problem, try, old, quick, how, problem, tire,
Xiao Qiang,a l 2-year-old Chinese boy,has too many activities.His father____1____ him away from school four afternoons a week and drives him ____2____ town to practice.“I do most of my homework in the car when we are driving to practice,and I have to do the rest when I get home.I am too ____3____, I just want to sleep.” He said.
“More and more kids become unhappy ____4____ they have too many activities to do.” said Mr. Wang,an expert(专家)of child development.“4l%of the children aged 9-13 said they ____5____ worried most of the time,and more than 75%0f them said that they wished they had more free time to play.”
“Over-scheduling (过量的课程安排) is a growing ___6_____for Chinese families.” said Mr. Wang.It is not____7____for both kids and their parents. More families eat dinner ____8____ or often eat fast food on their way to football practice or music lessons. We all know it is important for kids to learn____9____ how to relax. If they don’t learn that now, it will be more difficult to learn when they get____10____ . Kids need time to relax. Parents should think about what is right for kids.
六、补全对话 (5小题,每小题1分,5分)
A: Hello, Bil ( http: / / )l! Today is Saturday. Would you like to go to the zoo with me
B: Hello, Sam! I’m afraid I can’t.
A: ________1________
B: I can’t walk today. I have to lie in bed and rest.
A: ________2________
B: I cut my foot when I helped do the housework yesterday.
A: ________3________. Did you go to see the doctor
B: Yes. My father took me to the hospital.
A: ________4________
B: The doctor said it ( http: / / ) was nothing serious. He put a bandage on my foot.
A: Oh, _______5_________
B: Much better.
健康的生活习惯对于成长中的我们是非常重要的。请以How to Keep Healthy为题谈谈你的看法。 提示:1.饮食健康 2.锻炼身体 3.良好的生活习惯
1.词数80---100词 (标题已给出,不计入总词数)。
一、1-5 DBBBD 6-10 BDDDA 11-15AADDC
二、1-5BACDB 6-10 ACBDB
2.What should she do
3.Did, have
4.take care of
5.Why not
五、1.takes 2.across 3.tired 4.because 5.felt 6.problem 7.good 8.quickly 9.how10.older
2.What’s wrong with you
3.I’m sorry to hear that.
4.What did the doctor say
5.how do you feel now
Firstly, we should keep a good mood. Keeping a good mood can make us healthy and wealthy. Secondly, we should have enough sleep every day. Don't stay up late at night and get up early in the morning. Thirdly, we should develop a good eating habit, namely eating more fresh fruits and green vegetables, less meat and no junk food. Besides, make sure that eat at regular intervals. In addition, we should change our clothes as the season goes. What’s more, when we are at home, we should open the windows to keep the air clean. Last but not least, do the exercise every day to strengthen our health.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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