备战2023年中考英语(2轮)·归纳与变式 形容词辨析

备战2023年中考英语(2轮)·归纳与变式 形容词辨析
1.(2022·贵港)—Laura is a ________ girl.
—I think so. She is only 3, but she isn't afraid of singing in public.
A.clever B.serious C.brave D.careful
2.(2022·襄阳)—I saw your hands shaking when you spoke on the 100th birthday of CYL(共青团).
—As a new member, I felt very _________.
A.surprised B.relaxed C.excited D.interested
3.(2022·扬州)It's ________ of the boy to leave the tap running.
A.endless B.homeless C.meaningless D.careless
4.(2022·达州)—Do you like the movie ___________is called The Battle at Lake Changjin
—Sure. I think no movie is ___________than it.
A.that; more touching B.what; less touching
C.that; more touched D.which; less touched
5.(2022·荆州)—I always feel____ when speaking in front of others.
—Take it easy and be brave.
A.glad B.nervous C.proud D.relaxed
6.(2022·常州)—How ________ this question is! I've spent two hours on it.
—Let me help you!
A.practical B.general C.difficult D.natural
7.(2022·镇江)What a _______ day! Luckily, I bring an umbrella to protect myself from the sunlight and heat.
A.windy B.snowy C.sunny D.rainy
8.(2022·武威)— How's the new restaurant
— It's ________. We waited a long time for the food to arrive.
A.wonderful B.exciting C.difficult D.awful
9.(2022·菏泽)—Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school, Clara
—Mr. Lee. He is always______ with me in math class.
A.careful B.patient C.busy
10.(2022·凉山)—How do you like mapo tofu
—Delicious! It's the ________ dish that I've ever eaten.
A.saltiest B.best C.worst
11.(2022九上·芜湖期中) — Look! Li Hui is a bit ____.
— Don't worry. This is his first time to speak English in public.
A.active B.nervous C.quiet D.brave
12.(2022九上·定远月考)My friend Lily is such a(n) ________ girl that everyone in our class likes her very much.
A.proud B.nervous C.absent D.humorous
13.(2022八上·江都月考)—I made so many mistakes in the last exam.
—No one is ____. The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop.
A.careful B.perfect C.active D.famous
14.—What shall we take with us for the trip, Mr Li
—It's _____ to take any food. Taking some money is OK.
A.unnecessary B.uncertain C.incorrect D.impolite
15.It's _____ to kill the birds. We should protect them.
A.important B.unlucky C.incorrect D.interesting
16.The roads in the town are as _____ as the ones in the city. Four cars can cross at the same time.
A.clearly B.widely C.clear D.wide
17.(2022八上·泗县期中)—Zhang Yuxuan wrote her popular song she in less than half an hour.
—Wow! What a girl she is!
A.beautiful B.talented C.lucky D.hard-working
18.(2022八上·永善期中)—My brother and I watched an soccer game last night.
—We were really .
A.exciting; excited B.exciting; exciting
C.excited; exciting D.excited; excited
19.(2022八上·文山月考)Don't forget to bring your umbrella, or you'll get ________.
A.full B.wrong C.wet D.bad
20.(2022九上·合肥月考)The boy used to ask __________ questions and they sounded _________ when talking to the elder.
A.difficult; polite B.impolite; correct
C.correct; impolite D.direct; impolite
21.The ________ news makes him ________.
A.excited; exciting B.exciting; excited
C.excited; excited D.exciting; exciting
22.Mr. Brown always makes his class _______ and keeps his students ______ in his class.
A.alive; interesting B.lively; interesting
C.alive; interested D.lively; interested
23.(2022八上·哈尔滨开学考)—What's your favorite subject
—Music. It's _________and light music is very _________to me.
A.relaxed; interesting B.relaxing; interested C.relaxing; interesting
24.(2022八上·淮北月考)—There is ___________ milk at home. Please buy some on your way home.
—All right.
A.much B.few C.little D.a little
25.(2022九上·宜州期中)Hangzhou is a city. I'd like to work there after graduation (毕业).
A.lively B.general C.central
【解析】【分析】句意:——劳拉是个勇敢的女孩。——我想是的。她只有3岁,但她不怕在公共场合唱歌。A、聪明的,B、严肃的,C、勇敢的,D、仔细的。根据She is only 3, but she isn't afraid of singing in public.可知,她只有3岁,不怕在公共场合唱歌,应该是勇敢的,故答案为C。
【解析】【分析】句意:这个男孩离开时忘记关水龙头很粗心大意。endless无止境的,homeless无家可归的,meaningless无意义的,careless粗心大意的,根据空格后to leave the tap running,可知表达男孩走的时候没关水龙头很粗心大意。故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你喜欢《长津湖》这部电影吗?——当然,我认为没有电影能比它更感人。“is called The Battle at Lake Changjin”修饰先行词movie,这是一个定语从句,先行词在从句中做主语,引导词用that或which,touching,令人感动的,主语是物,touched,感到感动的,主语是人;第二空所填词是形容movie的,用touching,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:——当在别人面前说话的时候,我总是感到紧张。——别紧张,勇敢点儿。A.glad,形容词,高兴的;B.nervous,形容词,紧张的;C.proud,形容词,骄傲的;D.relaxed,形容词,放松的;根据“Take it easy and be brave.”可知此句要表达在人前说话紧张,nervous,形容词,紧张的,用在此处符合语境,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:——这个问题真难!我在它上花了两个小时。——让我来帮助你!practical实际的;general一般的;difficult困难的;natural自然的。根据I've spent two hours on it我这个问题上花费了2个小时,可知说明它很难,故选C。
【点评】考查形容词辨析,首先理解形容词词义,然后根据关键词句I've spent two hours on it.确定形容词。
【解析】【分析】句意:多晴朗的一天啊!幸运的是,我带了一把伞来保护自己免受阳光和高温的伤害。windy有风的;snowy下雪的;sunny有阳光的;rainy下雨的;根据Luckily, I bring an umbrella to protect myself from the sunlight and heat.幸运的是,我带了一把伞来保护自己免受阳光和高温的伤害,可知,天气是晴朗的,故选C。
【点评】考查形容词辨析,首先理解选项意思,然后根据关键词句I bring an umbrella to protect myself from the sunlight and heat.确定形容词。
【解析】【分析】句意:——这家新餐馆怎么样?——它是糟糕的。我们等了很长时间才收到食物。A.极好的;B.令人兴奋的;C.困难的;D.糟糕的。根据We waited a long time for the food to arrive.我们等了很长时间才收到食物,可知新餐馆是糟糕的,故选D。
【点评】考查形容词辨析,首先理解形容词词义,然后根据关键词句We waited a long time for the food to arrive.确定答案。
【解析】【分析】句意:——Clara,初中毕业后你最想念哪位老师?——李老师。他在数学课上总是对我有耐心。careful小心的;patient有耐心的,be patient with sb.对......有耐心;busy忙的,be busy with sth.忙于某事。根据Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school,Clara?Clara,初中毕业后你最想念哪位老师?,可知想念李老师的原因是他在数学课上总是对我有耐心,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:——看!李辉有一点...... ——不用担心。这是他第一次当众说英语。A,积极的;B,紧张的;C,安静的;D,勇敢的。根据"a bit"有一点,"first time"第一次,可知第一次当众说英语多少都会有一点紧张,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:我的朋友莉莉是一个如此幽默的女孩,以至于我们班的每个人都很喜欢她。A:自豪的;B:紧张的;C:缺席的;D:幽默的。根据空格后......everyone in our class likes her very much. 每个人都喜欢她,可知,是一个幽默的女孩。故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:——我上次考试犯了很多错误。——人无完人。关键是要从错误中学习,永不停止。careful认真的,细心的;perfect完美的;active积极的;famous著名的;根据 I made so many mistakes in the last exam. 和The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop. 可知这里是表示没有人是完美的,故答案为B。
【解析】【分析】句意:—— 李先生,我们旅行带什么? —— 没必要带任何食物。 带一些钱就可以了。 A.不必要的;B.不确定的;C.不正确的;D.无礼的。根据 Taking some money is OK. 可知,没必要带任何食物。故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意: 杀鸟是不正确的。我们应该保护它们。 A.不重要的;B.不幸的;C.不正确的;D.有趣的。根据 We should protect them. 可知,杀鸟是不正确的。故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意: 镇上的道路和城里的一样宽。四辆车可以同时通过。 A.清晰地,明显地;B.广泛地,副词;C.清楚的,清晰的;D.宽的,形容词。根据 The roads in the town are as _____ as the ones in the city. 可知,此处用形容词原级比较,结合 Four cars can cross at the same time. 可知,此处的意思是“宽的”,用形容词wide。故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:——张雨萱在不到半小时的时间里写出了她的流行歌曲。——哇!她是一个多么有才华的女孩啊!beautiful漂亮的;talented有才华的;lucky幸运的;hard-working工作努力的。根据上文Zhang Yuxuan wrote her popular song she in less than half an hour. 可知,这里表示"她是一个多么有才华的女孩"。故答案为B。
【解析】【分析】句意:—— 我哥哥和我昨晚看了一场令人激动的足球赛。——我们真地很激动。exciting令人激动的,形容词,修饰事或物;excited感到激动的,形容词,修饰人,第一空修饰足球赛,用ing形容词,第二空主语是人,需要ed形容词,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:别忘了带伞,否则你会淋湿。A.饱的,B.错误的,C.湿的,D.坏的。根据 Don't forget to bring your umbrell别忘了带伞,可知没带伞淋雨的话应是会变湿。故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:布朗先生总是使他的课生动活泼,使他的学生对他的课很感兴趣。alive是表语形容词,活着的、在世的,可以修饰人,也可以修饰物;做定语时后置。 lively生动的、活泼的、充满生气的,用作表语或定语,可以用来修饰人或物。interested感兴趣的,用来指人;interesting有趣的,用来指物;根据句意可知第一个空为“课生动”,用lively;第二个空为学生感兴趣,用interested,故答案为D。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你最喜欢的课程是什么?——音乐。它令人放松,并且轻音乐令我感兴趣。relaxed,形容词,感到放松的,形容人的感觉;relaxing,形容词,令人放松的,形容物;interested,形容词,感兴趣的,形容人;interesting,形容词,令人感兴趣的,形容物;根据“ It's ……and light music is very……to me.”可知第一空、第二空都是形容物的,因此用relaxing和ingteresting,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:——家里几乎快没牛奶。请在回家的路上买一些。——好的。A much很多的,后接不可数名词;B few几乎没有,后接可数名词复数;C little几乎没有,后接不可数名词;D a little一点,后接不可数名词。根据Please buy some on your way home.可知牛奶快没了,因此排除选项A、D;milk是不可数名词,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:杭州是一个充满活力的城市。毕业后我想在那里工作。A充满活力的,B普通的,C中心的,根据 I'd like to work there,可知想在那里工作是因为是一个充满活力的城市,故选A。
备战2023年中考英语(2轮)·归纳与变式 形容词辨析
1.(2022·贵港)—Laura is a ________ girl.
—I think so. She is only 3, but she isn't afraid of singing in public.
A.clever B.serious C.brave D.careful
【解析】【分析】句意:——劳拉是个勇敢的女孩。——我想是的。她只有3岁,但她不怕在公共场合唱歌。A、聪明的,B、严肃的,C、勇敢的,D、仔细的。根据She is only 3, but she isn't afraid of singing in public.可知,她只有3岁,不怕在公共场合唱歌,应该是勇敢的,故答案为C。
2.(2022·襄阳)—I saw your hands shaking when you spoke on the 100th birthday of CYL(共青团).
—As a new member, I felt very _________.
A.surprised B.relaxed C.excited D.interested
3.(2022·扬州)It's ________ of the boy to leave the tap running.
A.endless B.homeless C.meaningless D.careless
【解析】【分析】句意:这个男孩离开时忘记关水龙头很粗心大意。endless无止境的,homeless无家可归的,meaningless无意义的,careless粗心大意的,根据空格后to leave the tap running,可知表达男孩走的时候没关水龙头很粗心大意。故选D。
4.(2022·达州)—Do you like the movie ___________is called The Battle at Lake Changjin
—Sure. I think no movie is ___________than it.
A.that; more touching B.what; less touching
C.that; more touched D.which; less touched
【解析】【分析】句意:——你喜欢《长津湖》这部电影吗?——当然,我认为没有电影能比它更感人。“is called The Battle at Lake Changjin”修饰先行词movie,这是一个定语从句,先行词在从句中做主语,引导词用that或which,touching,令人感动的,主语是物,touched,感到感动的,主语是人;第二空所填词是形容movie的,用touching,故选A。
5.(2022·荆州)—I always feel____ when speaking in front of others.
—Take it easy and be brave.
A.glad B.nervous C.proud D.relaxed
【解析】【分析】句意:——当在别人面前说话的时候,我总是感到紧张。——别紧张,勇敢点儿。A.glad,形容词,高兴的;B.nervous,形容词,紧张的;C.proud,形容词,骄傲的;D.relaxed,形容词,放松的;根据“Take it easy and be brave.”可知此句要表达在人前说话紧张,nervous,形容词,紧张的,用在此处符合语境,故选B。
6.(2022·常州)—How ________ this question is! I've spent two hours on it.
—Let me help you!
A.practical B.general C.difficult D.natural
【解析】【分析】句意:——这个问题真难!我在它上花了两个小时。——让我来帮助你!practical实际的;general一般的;difficult困难的;natural自然的。根据I've spent two hours on it我这个问题上花费了2个小时,可知说明它很难,故选C。
【点评】考查形容词辨析,首先理解形容词词义,然后根据关键词句I've spent two hours on it.确定形容词。
7.(2022·镇江)What a _______ day! Luckily, I bring an umbrella to protect myself from the sunlight and heat.
A.windy B.snowy C.sunny D.rainy
【解析】【分析】句意:多晴朗的一天啊!幸运的是,我带了一把伞来保护自己免受阳光和高温的伤害。windy有风的;snowy下雪的;sunny有阳光的;rainy下雨的;根据Luckily, I bring an umbrella to protect myself from the sunlight and heat.幸运的是,我带了一把伞来保护自己免受阳光和高温的伤害,可知,天气是晴朗的,故选C。
【点评】考查形容词辨析,首先理解选项意思,然后根据关键词句I bring an umbrella to protect myself from the sunlight and heat.确定形容词。
8.(2022·武威)— How's the new restaurant
— It's ________. We waited a long time for the food to arrive.
A.wonderful B.exciting C.difficult D.awful
【解析】【分析】句意:——这家新餐馆怎么样?——它是糟糕的。我们等了很长时间才收到食物。A.极好的;B.令人兴奋的;C.困难的;D.糟糕的。根据We waited a long time for the food to arrive.我们等了很长时间才收到食物,可知新餐馆是糟糕的,故选D。
【点评】考查形容词辨析,首先理解形容词词义,然后根据关键词句We waited a long time for the food to arrive.确定答案。
9.(2022·菏泽)—Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school, Clara
—Mr. Lee. He is always______ with me in math class.
A.careful B.patient C.busy
【解析】【分析】句意:——Clara,初中毕业后你最想念哪位老师?——李老师。他在数学课上总是对我有耐心。careful小心的;patient有耐心的,be patient with sb.对......有耐心;busy忙的,be busy with sth.忙于某事。根据Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school,Clara?Clara,初中毕业后你最想念哪位老师?,可知想念李老师的原因是他在数学课上总是对我有耐心,故选B。
10.(2022·凉山)—How do you like mapo tofu
—Delicious! It's the ________ dish that I've ever eaten.
A.saltiest B.best C.worst
11.(2022九上·芜湖期中) — Look! Li Hui is a bit ____.
— Don't worry. This is his first time to speak English in public.
A.active B.nervous C.quiet D.brave
【解析】【分析】句意:——看!李辉有一点...... ——不用担心。这是他第一次当众说英语。A,积极的;B,紧张的;C,安静的;D,勇敢的。根据"a bit"有一点,"first time"第一次,可知第一次当众说英语多少都会有一点紧张,故选B。
12.(2022九上·定远月考)My friend Lily is such a(n) ________ girl that everyone in our class likes her very much.
A.proud B.nervous C.absent D.humorous
【解析】【分析】句意:我的朋友莉莉是一个如此幽默的女孩,以至于我们班的每个人都很喜欢她。A:自豪的;B:紧张的;C:缺席的;D:幽默的。根据空格后......everyone in our class likes her very much. 每个人都喜欢她,可知,是一个幽默的女孩。故选D。
13.(2022八上·江都月考)—I made so many mistakes in the last exam.
—No one is ____. The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop.
A.careful B.perfect C.active D.famous
【解析】【分析】句意:——我上次考试犯了很多错误。——人无完人。关键是要从错误中学习,永不停止。careful认真的,细心的;perfect完美的;active积极的;famous著名的;根据 I made so many mistakes in the last exam. 和The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop. 可知这里是表示没有人是完美的,故答案为B。
14.—What shall we take with us for the trip, Mr Li
—It's _____ to take any food. Taking some money is OK.
A.unnecessary B.uncertain C.incorrect D.impolite
【解析】【分析】句意:—— 李先生,我们旅行带什么? —— 没必要带任何食物。 带一些钱就可以了。 A.不必要的;B.不确定的;C.不正确的;D.无礼的。根据 Taking some money is OK. 可知,没必要带任何食物。故选A。
15.It's _____ to kill the birds. We should protect them.
A.important B.unlucky C.incorrect D.interesting
【解析】【分析】句意: 杀鸟是不正确的。我们应该保护它们。 A.不重要的;B.不幸的;C.不正确的;D.有趣的。根据 We should protect them. 可知,杀鸟是不正确的。故选C。
16.The roads in the town are as _____ as the ones in the city. Four cars can cross at the same time.
A.clearly B.widely C.clear D.wide
【解析】【分析】句意: 镇上的道路和城里的一样宽。四辆车可以同时通过。 A.清晰地,明显地;B.广泛地,副词;C.清楚的,清晰的;D.宽的,形容词。根据 The roads in the town are as _____ as the ones in the city. 可知,此处用形容词原级比较,结合 Four cars can cross at the same time. 可知,此处的意思是“宽的”,用形容词wide。故选D。
17.(2022八上·泗县期中)—Zhang Yuxuan wrote her popular song she in less than half an hour.
—Wow! What a girl she is!
A.beautiful B.talented C.lucky D.hard-working
【解析】【分析】句意:——张雨萱在不到半小时的时间里写出了她的流行歌曲。——哇!她是一个多么有才华的女孩啊!beautiful漂亮的;talented有才华的;lucky幸运的;hard-working工作努力的。根据上文Zhang Yuxuan wrote her popular song she in less than half an hour. 可知,这里表示"她是一个多么有才华的女孩"。故答案为B。
18.(2022八上·永善期中)—My brother and I watched an soccer game last night.
—We were really .
A.exciting; excited B.exciting; exciting
C.excited; exciting D.excited; excited
【解析】【分析】句意:—— 我哥哥和我昨晚看了一场令人激动的足球赛。——我们真地很激动。exciting令人激动的,形容词,修饰事或物;excited感到激动的,形容词,修饰人,第一空修饰足球赛,用ing形容词,第二空主语是人,需要ed形容词,故选A。
19.(2022八上·文山月考)Don't forget to bring your umbrella, or you'll get ________.
A.full B.wrong C.wet D.bad
【解析】【分析】句意:别忘了带伞,否则你会淋湿。A.饱的,B.错误的,C.湿的,D.坏的。根据 Don't forget to bring your umbrell别忘了带伞,可知没带伞淋雨的话应是会变湿。故选C。
20.(2022九上·合肥月考)The boy used to ask __________ questions and they sounded _________ when talking to the elder.
A.difficult; polite B.impolite; correct
C.correct; impolite D.direct; impolite
21.The ________ news makes him ________.
A.excited; exciting B.exciting; excited
C.excited; excited D.exciting; exciting
22.Mr. Brown always makes his class _______ and keeps his students ______ in his class.
A.alive; interesting B.lively; interesting
C.alive; interested D.lively; interested
【解析】【分析】句意:布朗先生总是使他的课生动活泼,使他的学生对他的课很感兴趣。alive是表语形容词,活着的、在世的,可以修饰人,也可以修饰物;做定语时后置。 lively生动的、活泼的、充满生气的,用作表语或定语,可以用来修饰人或物。interested感兴趣的,用来指人;interesting有趣的,用来指物;根据句意可知第一个空为“课生动”,用lively;第二个空为学生感兴趣,用interested,故答案为D。
23.(2022八上·哈尔滨开学考)—What's your favorite subject
—Music. It's _________and light music is very _________to me.
A.relaxed; interesting B.relaxing; interested C.relaxing; interesting
【解析】【分析】句意:——你最喜欢的课程是什么?——音乐。它令人放松,并且轻音乐令我感兴趣。relaxed,形容词,感到放松的,形容人的感觉;relaxing,形容词,令人放松的,形容物;interested,形容词,感兴趣的,形容人;interesting,形容词,令人感兴趣的,形容物;根据“ It's ……and light music is very……to me.”可知第一空、第二空都是形容物的,因此用relaxing和ingteresting,故选C。
24.(2022八上·淮北月考)—There is ___________ milk at home. Please buy some on your way home.
—All right.
A.much B.few C.little D.a little
【解析】【分析】句意:——家里几乎快没牛奶。请在回家的路上买一些。——好的。A much很多的,后接不可数名词;B few几乎没有,后接可数名词复数;C little几乎没有,后接不可数名词;D a little一点,后接不可数名词。根据Please buy some on your way home.可知牛奶快没了,因此排除选项A、D;milk是不可数名词,故选C。
25.(2022九上·宜州期中)Hangzhou is a city. I'd like to work there after graduation (毕业).
A.lively B.general C.central
【解析】【分析】句意:杭州是一个充满活力的城市。毕业后我想在那里工作。A充满活力的,B普通的,C中心的,根据 I'd like to work there,可知想在那里工作是因为是一个充满活力的城市,故选A。



