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第一部分(听力 共30分)
I. 听选答案(共15小题,计20分)
第一节:听下面10段对话, 每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10分)
1. A. Peter. B. Jack. C. Tom.
2. A. Under her book. B. Behind her schoolbag. C. On her pencil box.
3. A. Worried. B. Surprised. C. Happy.
4. A. Green. B. Black. C. White.
5. A. A dancer. B. A singer. C. An actor.
6. A.60 yuan. B.50 yuan. C.40 yuan.
7. A. She has a headache. B. She has a toothache. C. She has a stomachache.
8. A. Mother and son. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter.
9. A. Draw on the book. B. Draw on the paper. C. Draw on the wall.
10. A. An hour and a half. B. An hour. C. Half an hour.
11. What are the two speakers going to do after school
A. Play tennis. B. Play volleyball. C. Play ping-pong.
12. What does Wang Tao think of the teacher
A. He's friendly. B. He's strict. C. He's humorous.
13. What is Li Ming busy doing these days
A. Practicing for an English speech.
B. Preparing for an English play.
C. Studying for an English exam.
14. How did Li Ming improve his spoken English
A. By repeating after English news.
B. By listening to English songs.
C. By reading English aloud.
15. Why did Li Ming spend so much time on spoken English
A. To travel around the world.
B. To be an English teacher in the future.
C. To tell Chinese stories better in English.
16. Wang Runyu _______ _______ in the city of Ankang.
17. He is talking about his _______.
18. Every week, he practices singing _______ times.
19. He believes singing is _______ _______ people in many ways.
20. Runyu feels really _______ because he can bring others pleasure.
Dear Museum Scientists,
My name is Yang Jingjing. ____1____ live by the sea, near a mangrove swamp (红树林沼泽地).
My mom is ____2____ tour guide. She knows a lot about the mangrove swamp. She loves ____3____ people the beautiful animals that live there. I am writing to you ____4____ I’m worried about what is happening near my home. The mangroves are home to many ____5____ such as birds, butterflies, snakes and so on. Down in the water under the trees are homes of fish and shrimp. The mangroves also protect us ____6____ wind, waves and floods (浪潮与水灾).
However, in the past few years, things ____7____ greatly. These changes bring lots of worries to more and more people. New neighborhoods (社区) ____8____ last year and the year before. It turned the place with mangroves into stores, houses, cinemas, restaurants and car parks. What is even ____9____, all these things are still going on! What will happen to the animals that live in the mangroves I don’t know ____10____. How I wish we can find a way to live together with the mangroves and animals!
Sincerely yours,
Yang Jingjing
1. A. My B. Mine C. I D. Me
2. A. a B. an C. the D. /
3. A. show B. to show C. give D. to give
4. A. although B. before C. because D. unless
5. A. plant B. plants C. animal D. animals
6. A. from B. with C. about D. for
7. A. has changed B. have changed C. is changing D. are changing
8. A. build B. are built C. built D. were built
9. A. bad B. worse C. good D. better
10. A. what we can do B. what can we do C. how we can do D. how can we do
One morning when Liu Tao woke up, he jumped out of his bed happily. He had a ____11____ idea. He would build a tree house! Liu Tao asked his dad, “Is it OK if I build a tree house in the old tree outside the ____12____ ”
“It’s not only OK,” said Dad. “I’ll even ____13____ you build it.”
When they finished breakfast, both of them went out to the ____14____ in their garden and began to measure (测量). Then they got some boards and started to ____15____ them with a saw (锯子). When the pieces were ready, Liu Tao climbed up in the tree and Dad handed him the boards. They fixed the boards to some ____16____ branches.
Some birds were singing around them but they had no time to enjoy the ____17____ of the birds. Building a tree house was much work and lots of things were waiting for Liu Tao and his dad. They worked the whole ____18____. They even put a roof over the tree house so that it could keep ____19____ in the rain. At last, they finished just before dark.
Early that night, Liu Tao asked his brother if he could borrow a sleeping bag.
“Sure,” said the brother. “But _____20_____ I go with you ”
“Of course, you can.” Liu Tao smiled. Then they both ran upstairs to get ready.
11. A. boring B. wrong C. great D. similar
12. A. park B. school C. shop D. house
13. A. make B. hear C. help D. watch
14. A. tree B. chair C. flower D. stone
15. A. wash B. cut C. sell D. paint
16. A. strong B. weak C. dead D. new
17. A. shapes B. dances C. songs D. colors
18. A. morning B. afternoon C. night D. day
19. A. cold B. dry C. hot D. wet
20. A. must B. should C. need D. can
If someone is 2.57 meters tall, we would say this person is super tall. Can this person be the tallest on record
The tallest man in history was Robert Pershing Wadlow. He was 2.72 meters tall! When he was born, he was just like other babies. But as he was growing, he became unusual from other children. Let’s take a look at the timeline of Robert’s early years of life:
1918 Robert Pershing Wadlow was born on February 22. He weighed a normal (正常的) 3.9 kilograms. When he was six months old, he weighed 13.6 kilograms.
1919 When he was 18 months old, he weighed almost 30 kilograms.
1923 Robert went to kindergarten—the place like a school or class for children aged five. He was already 1.7 meters tall. He could wear the clothes of a 17-year-old boy.
1926 When Robert was eight years old, he was over 1.8 meters tall.
1927 Robert could carry his father up the stairs (楼梯) of their home.
21. How tall is the tallest person in history
A. 2.57 meters. B. 2.75 meters. C. 2.27 meters. D. 2.72 meters.
22. In which year did Robert weigh almost 30 kilograms
A. In 1919. B. In 1923. C. In 1926. D. In 1927.
23. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Robert was just like other babies at birth.
B. At the age of six, Robert weighed 13.6 kilograms.
C. Robert was 1.7 meters tall when he was eight years old.
D. In 1926, Robert could carry his father up the stairs.
Childcare Services for Parents on Holiday ONLY FOR GUESTS STAYING AT THE HAPPY HOLIDAYS HOTEL PARENTS who wish to leave their children at the hotel when they go out on their own can use our childcare service Just call the service desk at the hotel or call us at 1600 123 5777 (this call is free). One of our child caretakers will contact you in your room. Here are the activities your children may enjoy doing: ●playing board games ●listening to stories ●reading books ●playing computer games ●singing songs and dancing ●painting pictures ●making craft models Your children will be in safe hands! Our childcare service is for children of all ages. PLEASE CALL THE TOLL FREE NUMBER TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE COST OF HIRING A CHLD CARETAKER.
24. What kind of writing is the text
A. Email. B. Ad. C. Story. D. News.
25. How many activities are listed here for the children to enjoy
A. Nine. B. Eight. C. Seven. D. Six.
26. The underlined word “contact” probably means “________” in the text.
A. write to B. communicate with
C. learn from D. agree with
27. Who is the text written for
A. Children who want to enjoy the hotel activities.
B. Children who pass by the Happy Holidays Hotel.
C. Parents who stay at the Happy Holidays Hotel.
D. Parents who are very busy with their work.
Do you know the word migrate It is a word usually used to talk about certain animals such as birds, fish and so on. When animals migrate, they travel a long way from one part of the world to another according to the season. For example, swallows (燕子) migrate south in winter. Many animals migrate—they do this often at the same time and to the same place each year. They move to places where conditions are better—where the weather is warmer, where there is more food and water, or where their young will be safer.
People also migrate. When people migrate, they go to live in another area or country, especially in order to find work. In English, when people leave their home country in order to live in another country, we use the word emigrate instead of migrate. From migrate and emigrate come the words migration and emigration. However, if people move from their home country to another to live there forever (永久地), the word changes from emigrate to immigrate in the English language. Then the word immigration is born.
Isn’t word-making of the English language interesting And can this process (过程) of finding out the relationships between words and learning them in a group or groups be a way for you to learn the language
Based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 6th edition.
28. Which of the following situations can match the main idea of Paragraph 1
A. Snakes move into holes to sleep in winter.
B. Fish swim to clean waters because of pollution.
C. Birds fly very far away to find food and return to give it to their babies.
D. Monarch butterflies in North America fly south to stay away from the cold.
29. According to the passage, if people ________ , they leave their home country to live in another forever.
A. travel B. migrate
C. emigrate D. immigrate
30. The passage is written to ________.
A. introduce migration of animals B. tell readers a way of learning English
C. show how English words change D. explain why people migrate
Every year in the U. S, there are about 500 tornadoes, a natural disaster (灾害;灾难), from Texas through Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, lowa and into South Dakota. ____31____.
The “tornado season” is usually in spring but the people in Tormado Alley are always ready for them and they always listen to the news. When the warnings come, ____32____. They find somewhere safe to stay. At home, the best place is the basement—a room that is used to store things under the level of the ground. If there is no basement, a room without windows like the bathroom is also a safe place.
“____33____ so that we can get ready and won’t feel afraid when there’s a tornado,” says Tiffany Taylor, a high school student from Texas. “There’s no basement at my school, so we usually go to the hallways on the lowest floors. Of course, we never sit near the windows.”
After the tornado, people first check to see if it is safe to go out and then they check the buildings and the area for damage (破坏). ____34____!
In China, we are not so often troubled by tornadoes, but we do have disasters like earthquakes, or an unexpected fire. It is important to know how to keep us safe when a disaster happens. Remember: in order to stay safe in natural disasters, ____35____. For example, we’d better keep disaster plans in mind and practice often.
A. people follow their disaster plans
B. And usually there is a lot of damage
C. This is because there are a lot of tornadoes
D. At school, we often have practice
E. people run out of their homes with fear
F. we should get well prepared
G. That’s why this area is called “Tornado Alley”
V. 完成句子
36. 如今,学生的作业与以往有所不同。
Today, students’ _________ is different from that in the past.
37. 晚饭后,我经常和妹妹一起洗碗。
____________, I often do the dishes with my sister.
38. 无论何时当你遇到挑战,都不要放弃!
Whenever you face challenges, don’t ____________!
39. 越来越多的外国人对中国的茶文化感兴趣。
More and more foreigners are ___________ China’s tea culture.
40. 不要在网络上泄露你的私人信息。
Don’t let out your __________ online.
he live final lucky people success achieve meet much be
In October 2021, a local newspaper told a story of a common man, Jia Shuangdeng. He ____41____ from Shaanxi Province. He not only works hard but has helped many deaf people ____42____ a better life as well.
At the age of 14, something ____43____ happened to Jia and turned him into a deaf person. Sad and heartbroken, he had to leave school and learned by ____44____ at home for more than two years. Later, with other ____45____ help, he cheered up and made a living by making shoes. He ____46____ many diffculties but he faced them bravely and kept on working hard. ____47____ his shoes became popular and sold well. After a few years, he started his own factory and it was ____48____ However, he didn’t forget those who had helped him. So he decided to help the people in need. These years, he has offered many deaf people chances to work.
What he did has benefited (有益于) lots of deaf people. “The person I want to thank ____49____ in my life is Mr. Jia. Thanks to him, I’ve got a good job and have a happy life now. He always tells us although we are disabled, we can also ______50______ our dreams by working hard,” said Xie Ting, who was helped by Jia.
My name is Xue Mingwen, a middle school student. My brother is two years younger than me. He is now in Grade 6 at a primary school. Both of us like reading famous stories and we often share storybooks. Some stories are famous because people have been telling them for many years. Others, such as fables (寓言), are famous because they have an excellent ending or teach a good lesson—a moral in other words.
The other day, my brother shared a very old story from an English storybook. Both of us were attracted (吸引) by the new, useful language in the fable that everyone can tell. Although the story was simple, it was educational. It is our decision that we should share it here. We hope you can learn more words and a new way or two of expressing your ideas in English after you read this fable.
51. Who is Xue Mingwen
He is most probably a ________ of Grade ________.
52. What was Xue Mingwen’s opinion of the old story according to Paragraph 2
He thought it was ________.
53. How did the two brothers decide to deal with the story after reading it
They decided to ________ with readers.
54. What is the name of the fable here
It is ________.
55. What new word(s), phrase(s) or sentence(s) can you learn from the old story above
I can learn①________, ②_______ and more.
(Two students will go back to school after having classes online for a week. Li Xiaowen’s phone is ringing ...)
A: Hello, Li Xiaowen speaking.
B: Hi, Xiaowen. ________56________
A: I’m preparing all my school things for tomorrow. I’m really excited about going back to school.
B: Me too! Thanks to the government, we can go back to school so soon.
A: ________57________. The government has really done a lot to fight COVID-19.
B: So it has. Now our life can go back to normal. ________58________
A: We will get to school at 7:50.
B: How will you go to school
A: By bike. ________59________
B: I will walk to school. I can’t wait to see our classmates. See you tomorrow.
A: ________60________.
61. 学校是个大家庭,这里充满了欢声笑语、爱与温暖。你们学校即将举办以 “School Is a Big Family”为题的英语演讲比赛。请根据下列要求,从结构图的三个方面写一篇英文演讲稿。
be patient (with), care about, encourage, share, help, understand, love, have fun, ...
Good afternoon, everyone!
I am glad to be here to give a speech. My topic is “School Is a Big Family”.
Thank you for your time!
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. A
show展示,动词原形;to show动词不定式;give给,动词原形;to give动词不定式。love to do sth.“喜欢做某事”,根据“people the beautiful animals”可知是向人们展示。故选B。
although虽然;before在……之前;because因为;unless除非。根据“I am writing to you...I’m worried about what is happening near my home”可知前后是因果关系,前果后因,用because引导。故选C。
plant植物,名词原形;plants植物,名词复数;animal动物,名词单数;animals名词复数。根据“such as birds, butterflies, snakes and so on”可知这些都是动物,many后加名词复数。故选D。
has changed已经改变,现在完成时,主语是第三人称单数;have changed现在完成时,主语是名词复数;is changing现在进行时,主语是第三人称单数;are changing现在进行时,主语是名词复数。根据“in the past few years”可知句子使用现在完成时,主语是复数,助动词用have。故选B。
build建造,动词原形;are built一般现在时的被动;built动词过去式或过去分词;were built一般过去时的被动。主语“New neighborhoods”和谓语之间是被动关系,根据“last year”可知此处用一般过去时的被动语态。故选D。
what we can do我们能做什么,陈述语序;what can we do疑问语序;how we can do我们如何做,陈述语序;how can we do我们如何做,疑问语序。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除BD;do后缺少宾语,用what引导宾语从句。故选A。
【答案】11. C 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. D
boring无聊的;wrong错误;great好的;similar相似的。根据“He had a...idea”以及后文可知,他有一个好主意,去建造树屋。故选C。
park公园;school学校;shop商店;house房子。根据“I build a tree house in the old tree outside the”可知是在他家外面的树上建一个树屋。故选D。
tree树;chair椅子;flower花;stone石头。根据“both of them went out to the”可知他们走到树旁开始建造树屋的工作。故选A。
wash洗;cut切割;sell卖;paint画。根据“Then they got some boards and started to...them with a saw”可知用锯切割木板。故选B。
strong坚固的;weak虚弱的;dead死的;new新的。根据“They fixed the boards to some...branches”可知建造树屋要在坚固的树枝上。故选A。
shapes形状;dances舞蹈;songs歌曲;colors颜色。根据“Some birds were singing around them”可知是没有时间欣赏鸟儿的歌曲。故选C。
morning早上;afternoon下午;night晚上;day天。根据“When they finished breakfast”以及“At last, they finished just before dark”可知他们工作了一整天。故选D。
cold寒冷的;dry干燥的;hot热的;wet弄湿。根据“They even put a roof over the tree house so that it could keep ”可知盖屋顶的目的是保持干燥。故选B。
【答案】21. D 22. A 23. A
【导语】本文主要讲述了历史上最高的人Robert Pershing Wadlow的早年时间线。
细节理解题。根据“The tallest man in history was Robert Pershing Wadlow. He was 2.72 meters tall”可知世界上最高的人是2.72米。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“1919 When he was 18 months old, he weighed almost 30 kilograms”可知在1919年,当他18个月大的时候,他的体重将近30公斤。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“When he was born, he was just like other babies”可知他出生的时候和其他的宝宝一样。故选A。
【答案】24. B 25. C 26. B 27. C
细节理解题。根据“Here are the activities your children may enjoy doing: ●playing board games; ●listening to stories; ●reading books; ● playing computer games; ●singing songs and dancing; ●painting pictures; ●making craft models”可知一共有7种活动。故选C。
词义猜测题。根据“One of our child caretakers will contact you in your room”可知一位儿童看护人将在你的房间与你联系,故此处划线部分意为“联系,交流”。故选B。
【答案】28. D 29. D 30. B
推理判断题。根据“When animals migrate, they travel a long way from one part of the world to another according to the season”可知当动物迁徙时,它们会根据季节从世界的一个地方长途跋涉到另一个地方,故选项D“北美帝王蝶南飞避寒”符合第一段的主旨。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“if people move from their home country to another to live there forever (永久地), the word changes from emigrate to immigrate in the English language”可知如果人们从他们的祖国搬到另一个国家永远住在那里,这个词在英语中从emigrate变为immigrate。故选D。
【答案】31. G 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. F
根据“there are about 500 tornadoes, a natural disaster (灾害;灾难), from Texas through Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, lowa and into South Dakota”可知这些地方每年大约有500次龙卷风,后句对这个现象进行评价,选项G“这就是为什么这个地区被称为“龙卷风巷””符合语境。故选G。
根据“When the warnings come”以及“They find somewhere safe to stay”可知有警报时,人们会遵循自己的计划,选项A“人们遵循他们的灾难计划”符合语境。故选A。
根据“so that we can get ready and won’t feel afraid when there’s a tornado,” says Tiffany Taylor, a high school student from Texas”可知此处说明的是在学校的情况,选项D“在学校,我们经常有演习”符合语境。故选D。
根据“people first check to see if it is safe to go out and then they check the buildings and the area for damage”可知此处说明龙卷风造成的破坏,选项B“实际上有很多的破坏”符合语境。故选B。
根据“in order to stay safe in natural disasters”可知为了在自然灾害中保证安全,应该做好准备,选项F“我们应该做好准备”符合语境。故选F。
37. 【答案】After dinner/After supper
【详解】晚饭后:after dinner/supper,介词短语作状语,放句首首字母大写。故填After dinner/supper。
38.【答案】give up
【详解】放弃:give up,句子是祈使句的否定形式:don’t+动词原形。故填give up。
39.【答案】 interested in/getting interested in/becoming interested in
【详解】对……感兴趣:be interested in,形容词短语,或者get/become interested in,此处动词用现在分词形式和前面的be动词构成现在进行时。故填interested in/getting interested in/becoming interested in。
40.【答案】private information/personal information
【详解】私人的:private/personal,形容词,修饰不可数名词information“信息”。故填private/personal information。
【答案】41. is 42. live 43. unlucky 44. himself 45. people’s 46. met 47. Finally 48. successful 49. most 50. achieve
句意:他来自陕西省。根据“from Shaanxi”以及所给词可知是短语“be from来自”,描述客观情况,用一般现在时,主语是he,be动词用is。故填is。
句意:他不仅努力工作,还帮助许多聋人过上了更好的生活。根据“ but has helped many deaf people…a better life as well”以及所给词可知是帮助其他聋人过更好的生活,live“生活”,help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”。故填live。
句意:14岁时,不幸的事发生在他身上,他变成了聋人。根据“turned him into a deaf person”以及所给词可知不幸的事发生在他身上,修饰不定代词something用形容词unlucky“不幸的”作后置定语。故填unlucky。
句意:悲痛欲绝,他不得不辍学在家中自学了两年多。根据“leave school and learned by”以及所给词可知是在家自学,by oneself“独自”,此处用反身代词himself“他自己”。故填himself。
句意:他经历了许多困难,但他勇敢地面对它们并继续努力工作。根据“ many diffculties but he faced them bravely”以及所给词可知遇到了很多困难,meet“遇见”,描述过去的动作,用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填met。
句意:最终,他的鞋变得很受欢迎而且卖的很好。根据“his shoes became popular and sold well”以及所给词可知经过努力工作之后,他的鞋终于变得受欢迎,修饰整个句子用副词finally“最终”,放句首首字母大写。故填Finally。
句意:几年后,他开了自己的工厂并且很成功。根据“he started his own factory and it was”以及所给词可知他的工厂很成功,作表语用形容词successful“成功的”。故填successful。
句意:我人生中最想感谢的人就是贾先生。根据“The person I want to thank”以及所给词可知是最想感谢的人,用副词的最高级most“最”。故填most。
句意:他总是告诉我们虽然我们是残疾人,但我们也可以通过努力实现我们梦想。根据“our dreams by working hard”以及所给词可知是实现自己的梦想,achieve“实现”,情态动词后加动词原形。故填achieve。
【答案】51. ①. boy/student ②. 8/Eight
52. simple (and/but) educational
53. share (it / the story) (here)
54. The Hare and the Tortoise
55. ①. new words: hare/ tortoise/ snooze/ plod/ hop/ cabbage (s)
(new) phrases: give him a head start / fall asleep among the cabbages / have time to
snooze / (couldn’t) catch up / hop fast / slowly plod past... ②. (new) sentences: I’m so much bigger and better than you. / Bigger doesn’t always mean better. /...
根据“My name is Xue Mingwen, a middle school student. My brother is two years younger than me. He is now in Grade 6 at a primary school”可知他弟弟在读6年级,作者比弟弟大两岁,所以作者可能是八年级的一个男孩或学生。故填boy/student;8/Eight。
根据“lthough the story was simple, it was educational”可知作者认为虽然故事很简单,但很有教育意义。故填simple but educational。
根据“It is our decision that we should share it here”可知他们决定和读者分享这个故事,share“分享”,decide to do sth.“决定做某事”。故填share。
根据引用的寓言故事可知,故事的名字是“The Hare and the Tortoise”。故填The Hare and the Tortoise。
开放性题目,只要是文章中出现的新单词或新句子即可。故答案为new words: hare/tortoise/snooze/plod/hop/cabbage;new phrases: give him a head start/fall asleep among the cabbages/have time to snooze/(couldn’t) catch up/hop fast/slowly plod past...;new sentences: I’m so much bigger and better than you./Bigger doesn’t always mean better./...
【答案】56. What are you doing now
57. Yes/Yeah/I agree/You’re right/That’s right/I think so...
58. What time/When will/shall we get/go to school tomorrow
59. What/How about you/How will you go to school tomorrow
60. See you (tomorrow/then)/Goodbye...
根据“I’m preparing all my school things for tomorrow”可知上文询问对方现在正在做什么。故填What are you doing now。
根据“Thanks to the government, we can go back to school so soon.”以及“The government has really done a lot to fight COVID-19.”可知此处是同意对方的看法。故填Yes/Yeah/I agree/You’re right/That’s right/I think so...
根据“We will get to school at 7:50”可知上文询问明天什么时候到学校。故填What time/When will/shall we get/go to school tomorrow。
根据“I will walk to school”可知此处询问对方如何去上学。故填What/How about you/How will you go to school tomorrow。
根据“See you tomorrow.”可知此处表达再见。故填See you (tomorrow/then)/Goodbye...
Good afternoon, everyone!
I am glad to be here to give a speech. My topic is “School Is a Big Family”.
First, my math teacher is patient with me. She helps me to study math better. Second, my classmates help me a lot. I’m not good at sports. My friend Li Yun helped me with running and I ran faster. Also, I care about my teachers and classmates. One day my English teacher had a cold and I told her to drink more hot water. She felt warm and thanked me.
I believe if we understand and help each other, our school will be a better place.
Thank you for your time!
【详解】1.题干解读:本文以“School Is a Big Family”为题,并结合提示内容写一篇演讲稿,可适当增加细节。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



