攀枝花市人教版八上Unit 9 Can you come to my party? 听力检测1(含答案及音频)

A.Sure. Go ahead. B.Why not
C.No, I don't.
A.Yes, it is.
B.I don't think so.
C.Well, I think Maria should get it.
A.They are red flowers. B.Red.
C.They are beautiful flowers.
A.Yes, I can't. B.Sorry, I'd love to.
C.Yes, I'd love to.
A.I prefer some songs with good lyrics.
B.It is raining outside.
C.No, they won't.
What does the boy think of the story, Yu Gong Moves a Mountain
A.It's moving. B.It's boring.
C.It's interesting.
Where is Jimmy
A.At home. B.In the classroom.
C.In Shanghai.
What is it today
A.Friday, 17th. B.Saturday, 17th. C.Saturday, 18th.
When is Mr May free
A.At 9:00 in the morning. B.Before 9:00 in the evening.
C.After 9:00 in the evening.
Who is having a birthday party
A.Alice. B.Ben. C.Simon.
(1) What does the girl want to do on Saturday
A.To play tennis. B.To play football.
C.To play volleyball.
(2) What is Jeff going to do with his sister
A.Make Chinese food. B.Buy a scarf.
C.Have a party.
(1) Where will Mike give the party
A.In the open air. B.In a restaurant.
C.In his new house.
(2) Why is Mike going to give a party
A.Because he's got a new car.
B.Because he's passed an exam.
C.Because he's moved into a new house.
(3) When will Mike give the party
A.This Saturday evening. B.This Sunday evening.
C.Next Saturday evening.
(1) What did Mary invite Lily to do this weekend
A.Go to a party. B.Go to the park.
C.Go to the zoo.
(2) What will Lily do on Saturday afternoon
A.See her grandparents. B.Do her homework.
C.Help her father wash the car.
(3) When will Lily get ready for the math exam
A.On Saturday evening. B.On Sunday morning.
C.On Sunday afternoon.
(4) What will Lily do on Sunday afternoon
A.Help with housework and go shopping with her mother.
B.Help with housework and go for a walk with her mother.
C.Help with cooking and go for a walk with her mother.
(5) Who is Sue
A.Lily's sister. B.Lily's cousin. C.Lily's friend.
1. 【答案】A
【原文】Mr. Brown, can I ask you some questions about your country
2. 【答案】C
【原文】Who do you think should get the job, Maria or Susan
3. 【答案】B
【原文】What color are they
4. 【答案】C
【原文】Simon, would you like to come to my party
5. 【答案】B
【原文】Why not go on a picnic outdoors to relax yourself
6. 【答案】C
【原文】W: Did you hear the story Yu Gong Moves a Mountain
M: Yes. My mother told me the story when I was young. It is very interesting.
7. 【答案】C
【原文】W: Where is Jimmy I called him but he was not at home.
M: He’s playing tennis with the school team. He is in Shanghai till next Tuesday.
8. 【答案】C
【原文】M: What Is it the 17th today
W: It's not Friday. It's Saturday, 18th.
9. 【答案】B
【原文】W: Excuse me, Mr May. I want to talk to you about our project.
M: Come to my house this evening. I'm free till 21:00.
10. 【答案】C
【原文】W: What's that, Ben
M: An invitation to you, Alice. Simon is having a birthday party next Tuesday.
11. 【原文】W: Jeff, can we play volleyball on Saturday
M: I'm sorry, I can't. I'm going to meet my sister.
W: What are you going to do then
M: We're going to buy a scarf for my mom's birthday.
W: And after that
M: Well, I have to make food for the party.
(1) C
(2) B
12. 【原文】W: Hello, Mike! How are you
M: Fine, thanks. And you
W: Oh, not bad.
M: Well, I'm calling to invite you to a party in our new house.
W: Your new house
M: Yes, we just moved in. That's why we're going to give a party. Can you come
W: Of course. When will it be
M: This Saturday evening.
W: What time will the party start
M: Come at any time after eight, all right
W: OK. See you on Saturday evening.
(1) C
(2) C
(3) A
13. 【原文】Dear Mary,
Thank you for inviting me to go to the park this weekend. I hear the new park is very beautiful. But I'm afraid I can't because I will be very busy this weekend.
This Saturday morning, I'll go to see my grandparents with my parents. I have to help my father wash the car in the afternoon. On Sunday morning, I'll get ready for my math exam next week. And in the afternoon, I'll help my mother with housework and go shopping with her. On Sunday evening, I will go to a restaurant for Sue's birthday party. She is my good friend. Maybe another time would be fine.
(1) B
(2) C
(3) B
(4) A
(5) C



