2022-2023仁爱科普版八年级上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports 练习(无答案)

班级 姓名 座号 分数
Unit 1 Topic 1
长大成人__________ 2.为……加油__________3.今后__________
到处_________ 5.对……有益__________6.动身去某地__________
Look at the clouds! It _______________(rain).
Which do you prefer,rowing or ________(cycle)
There is going to be a ________(sport)meet next week.
I hope our team __________(win).
She ________(spend) one hour doing exercise yesterday.
What is your sister going to be when she _______(grow) up
I play basketball _______ (two) a month .
When I heard the _______ news , I felt very ________ (excite) .
1.Please call Mr. Lin at 8888888 if you make up study(补习)______weekends
A.for B. on C.after D.until
2.Yi Jianlian is playing _____ Milwaukee Buck in the NBA.
A.for B.against C.with D.to
3.On weekdays he usually __ home at about 5:30 in the afternoon.
A. arrives in B.arrive at C.gets D.gets to
4.—Ming, how much did you _____ on this bike —Fifty yuan.
A.spend B.cost C.pay D.take
5.There ________ a football match next week.
A.is going to have B.is going to C.is going to be
6.Mrs Brown is too heavy .she should take more exercise to ____.
A.make she health B.make her healthy C.make herself health
7.John swam pretty _____ in the swimming math last Sunday.
班级 姓名 座号 分数
Unit 1 Topic 2
( ) 1. Would you mind _________ the door
A. open B. opens C. opening
( ) 2. Michael felt very __________ this morning.
A. excited B. excite C. exciting
( ) 3. I am very sorry _________ what I said.
with B. at C. For
( ) 4. The interesting book kept her __________ for an hour.
read B. reading C. to read
( ) 5. Would you ___________smoking here
mind not B. not mind C. to mind not
( ) 6. I heard him __________ in the room almost every day.
sing B. singing C. Sings
( ) 7.Could you please ______ the door
opening B.open C.opened
( ) 8.What about ______ fishing A.going B.go C.to go
( ) 9.Sorry, I will put it somewhere ______.
else B.other C.others
( ) 10.Don't be angry _____ Lucy. She _____ her best.
with, do B.with,did C.to, did
1. Would you mind____ _____ ______ (跟……道歉)Michael
2. I ____ ____ _____ (尽最大努力) in the football game yesterday.
3.Yesterday Li Ming _____ ___(生病), so he didn’t come to school.
4.We will _______ ______ ________(参加) his birthday party.
5.I'm sorry _____ ______ _______ ______.(弄丢了你的书)
A.good B.well C.better D.best
8. --- I hope your team will win.---_____________
A. Of course. B. Thank you C. Don't say that
9.They are leaving __________ Japan the day after tomorrow.
A. from B. for C. to
10.It can make us __________.
A. strong B. strongly C. to strong
11.I enjoy __________ English with my friends.
A. practice B. practicing C. to practice
12. We will have a football game ______ Class Three this Sunday.
A. with B. and C. against
1. We are having the school sports meet now .(用next week 替换)
We ___ ______ _____ ______ a school sports meet next week .
2. She is going to join in the high jump and the long jump .(同义句)
She is going to _______ ________ _________ the high jump and the long jump .
3. It takes Ann an hour to play basketball every week .(写出同义句)
Ann _______ an hour _______ basketball every week .
He likes cycling better than rowing(同义句)
He _______ cycling ______ rowing.
My favorite subject is English.(同义) I ______English ______.
They're sure that they will win. (同义句)
They're sure ________ _____ next time.
Her favorite sport is swimming.(对划线部分提问)
________ ________ favorite sport
They are going to stay in the gym for two hours.(对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ _______ they _____ ______ stay in the gym
She will go skating twice a week.(对划线部分提问)
____ ____ will she go skating
Would you mind if he sits here (同义句)
Would you mind ______ _______ here
Could you please help me (同义句)
Could you please ____ _____ ____ ______
You should stay at home. You shouldn't play outside.(同义句)
You should stay at home ______ ______ ______ outside.
Please sit down.(同义句) Please ______ _______ _______.
Please take care of yourself when your mother isn't in.
Please _______ _______ yourself when your mother isn't in.
We enjoyed ourselves at Jane's birthday party. (同义句)
We ________a good ________ at Jane's birthday party
There are over 1,000 students here.(同义句)
There are ______ _____1,000 students here.
我们必须向他道歉。 We have to ______ ______ _____him.
Doing sports _____ ______ ____ our health.
10.跑步能增强我们的体质。Running can ______ _____ _____.
Could you tell __________(we) your address
Don’t stand here. You can go s________ else.
Don’t t______ the food into the cage in the zoo.
I missed a good ________.(机会)
It’s so noisy. I can’t hear you _________.(清楚地)
The modern Olympic Games has a history of over a _____(百年)
Would you mind_______(I) smoking here
You need to change your eating ______(habit)
What do you mean by ______(say) that
We are sure _______(win) next time.
班级 姓名 座号 分数
Unit 1 Topic 3
( )1.—Are you going to Japan next month —Yes,it will ____
my first time ___ visit there.
be; to B.is; in C. be; in D.is; to
( )2.If there _____ a three-day holiday next week, what will
you do
be B.will be C.is going to be D.is
( )3.This term ____ over. The summer vacation is coming in
two weeks.
is B.was C.has been D.will be
( )4.Betty will ring me up when she _____ in Beijing.
arrive B.arrives C.arrived D.will arrive
( )5.My sister wants a new dress. She _____ it to the party.
wears B.has worn C.wore D.is going to wear
( )6. Wei Wei is .
five-year-old boy B.a five years boy
C.five years old D.a five-year-old boy
( )7. We be lieve you will do next time!
A.good B.well C.better D.beest
( )8. - I am the winner of the relay race. -
Congratulations B.That’s too bad
C.I am sorry to hear that D.You are right
( )9. Kangkang wants to join in the race.
boy’s 800-meter B.boy’s 800 meter
C.boys' 800-meter D.boy’s 800 meter
( )10.They ______ _______.
will leaving B.will leave C.are going to leaving
班级 姓名 座号 分数
Unit 2 Topic 1
( )1.There is ______ in today’s newspaper.
A.important anything B.anything importantC.nothing important
2.The doctor told me not to jump______.
A.too many B.too nuch C.much too D.a lot of
( )3.—What’s the matter with you
—I caught ______bad cold and had to stay in ______bed.
A.a;不填 B.a;the C.a;a D.the;the
( )4.It seems that it is going to rain.You’d better ______the
windows open when you leave the house.
A.not leave B.leave C.not to leave D.to leave
( )5.—Mike hurt his arm the day before yesterday.Now he’s
in hospital. —______.
A.I’m sorry to hear that B.That’ all right
( )6.—What’ the matter with Sally —She has __ bad bold.
A.a B./ C.the D.an
( )7.—I’ve a sore throat. —______
A.Really B.I’m sorry to hear that. C.You look happy.
( )8.You are too tired.You__have a rest and__stay up tonight.
A.shouldn’t;should B.should;should C.should;shouldn’t
( )9.I’m very glad to hear that ______you______your sister
are going to take part in the school sports meet.
A.both…and B.both…or C.both…/ D.either…or
( )10.We must ask her to eat well and get______fresh air.
A.many B.lot of C.plenty of D.little
( )11.—How are you feeing today —______.
A.Much better. B.Not so well.
C.I’m feeling terrible. D.All of above
( )12.There are_computers but they are_expensive in this shop.
A.too much;much too B.too many;much too
C.too many;too much D.too much
( )13.My father likes drinking tea______salt(盐)
A.and B.or C.but D.with
( )14.Do you feel like_____anything
A.to eat B.eat C.eating D.ate
( )15.—It’s cold outside.You’d better_the window. —Yes,I know.
no open B.not open C.don’t open D.not to open
There is ________(许多,大量) ink in the bottle.
II had a t________ headache.I didn’t sleep well last night.
You look p________.What’s the matter with you
Children like to eat something cool in summer such as ice c___.
Students should’t play games on the I_________ so long.It’s bad for your eyes.
I’ll take you ________(see) a doctor.
Everyone_____(be) here now.
The doctor told him to take the ________(pill)three times a day.
You shouldn’t ____(stay)up late at night..It’s bad for your throat.
—What's wrong with you —I have a s________.
You'd better tell him about it(否定句).
You'd better _____ ______ him about it.
2. I have a headache. (对画线部分提问)____ the matter ____ you
3.I brush my teeth twice a day.(对画线部分提问)
_______ ________ _______ do you brush your teeth
4.Lucy stayed in America for three days. (对画线部分提问)
_____ _____ did Lucy _____ in America
5.You should come here before 8 o'clock. (改为否定句)
You _______ _______ here before 8 o'clock.
How do you feel today (同义句)How _____ you ______ today
He hurt his left arm. (一般疑问句)______ he _____ his left arm
I'm feeling terrible.(对画线部分提问)
_______ are you ________
1. I ___ (buy)a pair of sports shoes yesterday.
2. I want _______(be)in the school sports meet.
3. One of the _______(win)is from Class Six.
4. Our school _______(hold)a wonderful sports meet last week.
5. When _____ we _______(meet)tomorrow?
1. Lin Tao drinks milk every day.
2. half past six.让我们定在六点半吧。
3. Do you know what they ?你知道它们代表什么吗?
4. Taking care of our very important.
5. The teacher Tom to the school meet.
6.We ______ _____ ______ _______.我们今晚要去拜访她。
7.I _______ _______ this book to you.我不会把书借给你。
8._______ _______ ______ ________ the park at 9 o'clock
9.Their class in the boy relay race.
10. They are talking about the school sports meet.(划线部分提问)
talking about?
11. Peter does well in swimming.(改为同义句)
Peter swimming.
12. Sara will wash the clothes this afternoon.(改为否定句)
Sara the clothes this afternoon.
13. They will plant trees together.(改为一般疑问句)
plant trees together?
14.Our school will host a sports meet in April.(就划线部分提问)
_______ _______ your school ______ a sports meet



