鲁教版(五四学制)七年级下册Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake?SectionB(3a-SelfCheck)课时练习卷

鲁教版(五四学制)英语七年级下册Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B(3a-Self Check)课时练习卷
1.超过100摄氏度 ___________________________
2.一个接一个 ___________________________
3.一片面包 ___________________________
4.两勺蜂蜜 ___________________________
5.加两个鸡蛋 ___________________________
6.I was hungry, so I went to the store and bought a ________(三明治).
7.He added some ________ (黄油) on the bread.
8.It is ________ (传统的) in China to eat mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Festival.
9.I waited for a long time, but no waiters went to ________ (接待) me.
10.You’d better ________ (遮盖)the corn with the large umbrella.It is going to rain..
11.________ (one) peel some pears. Then cut them up.
12.I eat two ________ (sandwich) for breakfast.
13.________ (final), mix it all up, and the dish will be OK.
14.There are three ________ (cup) of milk on the table.
15.Add some ________ (salt)to the soup. Then it’ll be delicious.
16.Here're two bowls _____noodles for you.
A.for B.of C.at D.on
17.If you ________ blue and yellow, you will get green.
A.put B.mix C.get D.cut
18.—There_______some bread on the plate. You can eat it for breakfast.
—OK, I will.
A.are B.is C.was D.were
19.— butter do we need for a sandwich
—Two teaspoons should be enough.
A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How far
20.—Let’s make tomato and beef noodles.
— .
A.Sounds good B.You’re welcome
C.That’s right D.Don’t worry
21.Please ________ a spoon of sugar ________ the milk.
A.Add; up B.added; to C.adds; up D.add; to
22.Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in November. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ Thanksgiving
23.Ann helps her mother by washing clothes.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ Ann ________ her mother
24.Cook it for a long time. (改为否定句)
________ ________ it for a long time.
25.I drink three cups of water every day. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ water do you drink every day
26.The girl can make dumplings and zongzi.(改为否定句)
The girl ________ ________ dumplings ________ zongzi.
27.You must cut ________ the bananas before you put ________ into the blender.
A.down; it B.up; them C.down; them D.up; it
28.Don't _____milk and coffee. I don't like coffee with milk.
A.add to B.turn an C.mix up D.cut up
29.Don't forget to _____the blender after the shake is ready.
A.turn on B.turn off C.turnup D.turn down
30.Look! There are __________ on the desk.
A.four glasses of milk B.four glasses of milks
C.four glass of milk D.four glass of milks
31.It is an English to have afternoon tea.
A.menu B.drink
C.festival D.tradition
Please ________ the bottle ________ water.
________ , you need to ________ some milk into the blender.
________ everything you need ________ in a bowl.
How do the people there ________ the ________ festival
He put the dumplings into the water ________ ________ ________.
Can you tell me ________ ________ ________ a salad
________ good ________ your health ________ drink milk.
________ , ________ some butter on two ________ ________ bread.
Please ________ the yogurt and the honey ________.
Making Beijing duck needs sauce and ___________.
two pieces of bread, peel the apples, turn on, cut up, add ... to ...
42.Lucy, would you please ________ I want to make some apple milk shakes.
43.— Peter, I want to learn how to make a sandwich. Would you please teach me
— OK. Put two turkey pieces and some butter in ________ .
44.________ these numbers ________ them.
45.If you want to make salad, ________ these fruit first.
46.It’s time for weather report. Please ________ the TV.
On the fourth Thursday of every November, most Americans get together around the dinner table to celebrate Thanksgiving Special traditions in the US have been around for many years.__47__ These are four popular Thanksgiving traditions and how they started.__48__ The first Thanksgiving meal was in the autumn of 1621 when the first travelers from England celebrated their first harvest(收获). But it wasn't made into an official (官方的) holiday until 1863. The first large meal had turkey, fruits and vegetables, which are still common today.
__49__ Historians say the first travelers invited Native Americans(美洲印第安人)to the meal to thank them for teaching them how to grow food. Today at the large meal, friends and family will also say what they are most thankful for.
__50__ The parade(游行)includes very large balloons that look like cartoon characters and beautiful floats(花车)that carry famous people. There are also many musical performances to watch. This parade started in l924,and today over 44 million people watch it on TV or in New York City.
__51__People started to watch football on Thanksgiving a few years after the day became an official holiday. Today, the National Football League takes advantage of this popularity and hosts three NEL games every Thanksgiving.
A.Giving thanks is what the holiday is all about.
B.American football is something people both watch and play with their family on Turkey Day.
C.However, some people don't always stop to think about where the traditions came from.
D.Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.
E.A large meal is the important event of every Thanksgiving.
F.Every year there is a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City.
1.over 100℃ 2.one by one 3.a piece of bread 4.two spoons of honey 5.add two eggs
【解析】1.over 100℃ 超过100摄氏度 over“在……之上,超过”的意思。 低于100摄氏度要用介词below。
2.one by one一个接一个 by表示连续或反复,意为“一个接一个,一个又一个”。如:little by little一点,一点,year by year年复一年。
3.a piece of bread一片面包 bread“面包”,不可数名词,无复数形式,piece是可数的,两片面包要表达为two pieces of bread 。
4.two spoons of honey两勺蜂蜜 honey为不可数名词,无复数形式。
5.add two eggs加两个鸡蛋 egg为可数名词,两个鸡蛋egg要用复数形式。
【详解】句意:你最好用大伞盖住玉米。天要下雨了。cover“覆盖”,是动词,此处是had better do sth“最好做某事”,是固定短语,此处应用动词原形,故填cover。
【详解】句意:这里有你的两碗面。A. for为了;B. of……的;C. at在;D. on在……上。a bowl of一碗……,two bowls of两碗……,结合句意可知,答案为B。
考查动词辨析。put放;mix混合;get得到;cut切。根据常识可知,混合蓝色和黄色能得到绿色,考查短语mix A and B“混合A和B”。故选B。
【详解】试题分析:句意:---盘子上有一些面包。你可以早饭吃它。---好的,我会的。此题考查there be句型,因为bread是不可数名词,故用is。根据句意,应选B。
考查疑问词组辨析。How many多少,对可数名词的数量提问;How much多少(钱),对不可数名词的量或价格提问;How long多长/多长时间,对物体的长度或时间段提问;How far多远,对距离提问。此题考查对不可数名词butter的量的提问,用How much符合题意。故选B。
【详解】试题分析:句意:---让我们一起做西红柿牛肉面吧。---听起来很好。A. Sounds good听起来不错; B. You’re welcome不用谢; C. That’s right那是对的; D. Don’t worry不要着急。此题考查情景交际,根据句意,故选A。
22. When is
23. How does help
【详解】句意:安帮妈妈洗衣服。根据“by washing clothes”可知,此处是对方式的提问,应用how提问,原句是一般现在时,主语是单数名词,助动词用does,要放在主语前,后接动词原形,故填How;does;help。
24. Don’t cook
25. How much
【详解】句意:我每天喝三杯水。划线部分表示数量,而根据“water”可知,疑问句应用how much提问,句首首字母h需要大写,故填How;much。
26. can’t make or
【详解】句意:那个女孩会包饺子和粽子。本题考查情态动词。根据句意可知,变否定句需要在助动词,情态动词,be动词后面直接加not。本题中情态动词为can,因此变否定句时只需要在can后面直接加上not。又因为can not=can’t,而且改为否定句时,and要改成or。故填can’t;make;or。
考查动词短语和代词辨析。cut down砍倒;cut up切碎。分析第一处“You must cut…the bananas”可知,此处表示“切碎香蕉”,排除AC。it它,指代单数;them它们,指代复数。第二处指“bananas”,是复数含义,所以用them。故选B。
【详解】句意:不要把牛奶和咖啡混合。我不喜欢喝加入牛奶的咖啡。A. add to增加,增添;B. turn on打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等);C. mix up混合;D. cut up切碎。 coffee with milk加入牛奶的咖啡,故动词词组为“混合”之意,答案为C。
【详解】句意:别忘了在奶昔准备好后把搅拌机关掉。A. turn on打开;B. turn off关闭;C. turn up开大;D. turn down关小。结合句意可知,答案为B。
考查名词辨析。menu菜单; drink饮料; festival节日; tradition传统。根据常识知,“喝下午茶”是英国的传统。故选D。
32. fill with
33. Next pour
34. Put together
35. celebrate traditional
36. one by one
【详解】根据中文意思可知本题考查短语one by one“一个一个地”,副词短语作状语,故填one;by;one。
37. how to make
38. It’s for to
【详解】根据固定搭配“It’s adj. for sb to do sth.”可知,第一空it’s符合句意,位于句首,首字母大写,第二空用for,第三空填to,故填It’s;for;to。
39. First put pieces of
【详解】根据中文意思可知本题考查单词first“首先”,put“放”和短语a piece of“一片”。first位于句首首字母需要大写,句子为祈使句,所以第二空应填动词原形,piece“片”为可数名词,由“two”可知,第三空应填其复数,故填First;put;pieces;of。
40. mix together
42.peel the apples 43.two pieces of bread 44. Add to 45.cut up 46.turn on
【解析】42.句意:露西,请你给苹果削皮好吗?我想做一些苹果奶昔。根据“I want to make some apple milk shakes.”结合备选词汇可知,此处是指削苹果,peel the apples表示“削苹果”,would you please do sth“请你做某事好吗”,是固定句型,此处动词用原形,故填peel the apples。
43.句意:——彼得,我想学习如何做三明治。你能教我吗?——好的。在两片面包中放入两片火鸡片和一些黄油。根据“I want to learn how to make a sandwich.”结合备选词汇可知,是指两片面包,two pieces of bread表示“两片面包”,故填two pieces of bread。
44.句意:给它们加上这些数字。根据“these numbers...them.”结合备选词汇可知,add...to...“把……添加到……”符合,且句子是祈使句,动词用原形,故填Add;to。
45.句意:如果你想做沙拉,先把这些水果切碎。根据“If you want to make salad...these fruit first.”结合备选词汇可知,是指切碎水果,cut up“切碎”,是动词短语,此处动词用原形,故填cut up。
46.句意:现在是天气预报的时间。请打开电视机。根据“It’s time for weather report.”结合备选词汇可知,此处是指打开电视机,turn on“打开”,是动词短语,这是一个祈使句,动词用原形,故填turn on。
47.C 48.E 49.A 50.F 51.B
47.结合前后文关键词是traditions传统,故However,some people don't always stop to think about where the traditions came from.一些人总是思考这些传统来自哪里,下文具体的说说四个传统,故选C。
48.根据下文The first Thanksgiving meal was in the autumn of 1621 when the first travelers from England celebrated their first harvest 说的是第一个感人节大餐,故A large meal is the important event every Thanksgiving一个大餐是重要事件,故选E。
49.根据下文Historians say the first travelers invited Native Americans (美洲印第安人)to the meal to thank them for teaching them how to grow food.Today at the large meal,friends and family will also say what they are most thankful for.是说过去的人和现在的人对不同的事情表示感恩,故可知这里是说感恩是主题,故Giving thanks is what the holiday is all about.故选A。
50.根据下文The parade (游行)includes very large balloons that look like cartoon characters and beautiful floats (花车)that carry famous people是介绍游行,故Every year,there is a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. 每年纽约都有感恩节游行,故选F。
51.根据下文People started to watch football on Thanksgiving人们开始看足球,故上文American football is something people both watch and play with their family on Turkey Day.人们观看和踢足球,故选B。



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